Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1170 You are the ones who should get out

This is her home.

Standing opposite was someone she hated.

Whether it was for Daisy, for her mother, for Dong Wenbin, for Wang Yongzheng, or for herself, she had reasons to drive Zhang Anren out.

However, this push didn't go as expected. Lin Yue flicked her backhand, shaking her, almost falling to the ground, but fortunately she was held back by her mother.

"Zhang Anren, are you going to come here to piss?" Jiang's mother straightened her daughter and said angrily, "I used to think you were a quality person, but I didn't expect you to be a hooligan."

Lin Yue sneered at her yelling: "Letting your granddaughter be a quality, not being used to her is a hooligan, why are you so big... and you don't deserve to use the word 'door-to-door', you should get out of this house It's your Jiang family."

One sentence stunned the three generations in the room, Zhang Anren asked them to get out of this house?

"Jia Ming, give them the things."

Luo Jiaming nodded, unzipped the briefcase, took out a document and put it on the coffee table.

Mrs. Jiang picked it up and looked at it twice, her tone of voice suddenly collapsed, and she said with a dull face, " could it be? How could he?"

"Grandma, what's the matter?"

Jiang Nansun walked over with doubts on his face, and the old lady Jiang took the document and glanced at it, her face also changed, more than 30 million, how could he have so much money! Could it be that Xie Jiayin wasn't just playing with him?

"What is written on it? You are talking!" Jiang's mother was anxious, and kept winking at her daughter.

"Dad... Dad borrowed the money from him, and the mortgage is the house. The two parties agreed that if the money is not paid, the house will belong to Zhang Anren."

Jiang's mother understood this time, and understood why Zhang Anren said that he came to work. When she heard that her husband was not there, she talked to the old lady. This is to collect the house.

Lin Yue looked at the three women opposite him coldly: "The agreed repayment date was three days ago, and I waited for him for three days, and neither saw him come to me to pay back the money, nor did he call to explain the situation, so according to the agreement , I can only come to collect the house. Now, Jiang Nansun, tell me, who should get out of this house? "

The purpose of Zhang Anren's coming here is clarified. The only man in the Jiang family left three days ago and has not returned yet.

Yes, this guy ran away, leaving his mother, wife and daughter at home, and he ran out to hide from debts.

It's a shame, the key is still in front of Zhang Anren.

"You say my father owes you money, so he owes you money? I don't accept this. "

While her daughter was talking, Jiang's mother snatched the agreement and tore it in two: "He never told me about the loan, this agreement can't be counted."

Lin Yue wasn't in a hurry, let alone angry, he turned to look at Luo Jiaming and said, "Did you take the picture?"

Luo Jiaming shook the phone camera: "It's taken."

"Okay." Lin Yue said: "As for the agreement, I still have a copy, and the notary office also keeps a copy, so you just tear it up, it will only aggravate your fault in the lawsuit. In addition, it is terrible not to know the law. The nature of your husband's borrowing money to speculate in stocks is to improve your lives, and it is a family debt, not a personal debt. Whether you know it or not, you must bear half of the responsibility."

As soon as the words fell, before the Jiang family could react, Lin Yue's cell phone rang in his trouser pocket.

He took it out and pressed the connect button: "Found it? Well, okay, please come back, Mr. Jiang, it's better to settle the bill face to face."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Jiang's mother and said, "Your husband has been found. On the way back now, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask him when he comes back."

After finishing the work, he ignored them and went straight to the kitchen, taking pictures with his mobile phone, then the living room, and then he went upstairs.

"Zhang Anren, what are you doing?" Jiang Nansun felt offended because it was her boudoir above.

Lin Yue said seriously: "Take pictures, in case you damage my things when you move out, with these photos, I can ask you to pay compensation according to the price."

"You! You are despicable, you are shameless, I have never seen a person as disgusting as you, what kind of man are you!"

Jiang Nansun was very mad. After so long, she still couldn't accept Zhang Anren's changes.

Lin Yue spread his hands to Luo Jiaming: "You've seen it all, I didn't use violence, didn't I, I didn't curse anyone, I just advocated my own rights and safeguarded my own interests based on the principle of equality between men and women, so I was scolded as a dog Bloody head, who is disgusting and who is shameless?"

"My mother said it's best not to reason with women, because nine times out of ten it doesn't make sense."

"Your mother was right, so what should we do?"

"Don't talk about reason, just talk about the law."

"well said."

Jiang Nansun and Jiang's mother were gnashing their teeth angrily at their conversation.

boom boom boom~

At this moment, there was a dull knock on the door.

"It's pretty quick." Lin Yue signaled Luo Jiaming to open the door.

Soon, people from outside filed in. Jiang's father walked in the front. It could be seen that the quality of sleep had been poor for the past few days. His eyes were dark, his face was covered with oil, and a plastic film was pasted on his face when the sun was shining.

"You...where did you go?" Mrs. Jiang was furious, but seeing her son like this, her heartache was real.

"Mom... I... I was wrong." Father Jiang took a look at Lin Yue, walked up to the old lady, and helped her sit down.

Jiang Nansun said: "Dad, that person said that you borrowed him more than 30 million yuan and mortgaged the house. Is it true?"

Father Jiang lowered his head and said, "That's right."

Although he was mentally prepared, Jiang Nansun still had a hard time accepting this answer: "Dad, how could you do such a thing, not to mention borrowing money from that scumbag."

Father Jiang: "..."

He looked at Jiang's mother who had a cold face and said nothing, and hesitated for a while before saying: "I don't want to cover up more positions, so that I can make more money when the market rises? Who knows that it fell headlong and did not move."

bang bang~

Lin Yue clapped his hands and interrupted the Jiang family's conversation.

"Jiang Nansun, I have tolerated you for a long time. I originally wanted to give you three days to move out, but now I have changed my mind. I will vacate the house before noon tomorrow, otherwise I will ask the moving company to do it for me."

"Zhang Anren! You are a scum who takes advantage of others."

"You are sick, your father begged me to lend him money, and the interest I asked for is already quite humane... Oh, yes, I almost forgot Xiao Luo's advice, I can't reason with people like you, I can only Talk about the law. If there is anything unacceptable, you can go to a lawyer and sue me, and now, move quickly."

"Xiao Zhang, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry." Jiang's father stood up and walked to Lin Yue's side: "Come, come here, let me say a few words to you."

He walked to the corner of the living room with his arms around Lin Yue's shoulders, and said in a low voice, "It was uncle who was wrong in the past. He always wanted to separate you and Nansun. Now look at are so rich all of a sudden, even uncle has to look up to you." I'm looking at you. I know, you still have feelings for Nansun, do you think this is okay? I will do the work on Nansun's side, you just need to give me a little time, and you will get married immediately after it is over. As for Wang Yongzheng, let Wherever he is cool, he can stay there."

Lin Yue was overjoyed after hearing what he said. Father Jiang was waiting for him here. Is this the good idea he came up with after running for three days? Use your daughter as a weight?

"You also know that there is a rich woman standing behind me."

"What's the matter, isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?"

This can also be said, convinced, Lin Yue is really convinced, but think about it, Jiang's father forced Jiang Nansun to learn the violin in the TV series, isn't it just to let her marry those elites, and later on she knew that she was talking with Zhang Anren Falling in love, and tricking her daughter to go on a blind date with Li Yifan, who is divorced and has a child, he wants her to live a life of a master, but I am afraid it is more for himself.

Is Zhang Anren a Phoenix man? Is this old guy as good as Zhang Anren?

"Mr. Jiang, you are so interesting. You urged me to get back together with your daughter, and even volunteered to be a matchmaker. If the two of us really make it, you don't have to pay back the money, right? Even if it doesn't work, it's good to delay it for a while , What if the big market suddenly takes off? Who do you think I am? Who do you think your daughter is? A bitch? If she is a bitch, what is your family? Pimp? Or sell your daughter of?"

He didn't suppress the volume, on the contrary he spoke very loudly.

Including the old lady Jiang, Jiang's mother, and Jiang Nansun himself, they all heard clearly and looked at Jiang's father with disbelief.

"Dad, how could you do this!"

Last time he tricked her into going on a blind date with Li Yifan, which already made her very angry. If it weren't for Wang Yongzheng and Zhu Suosuo's persuasion, she would have moved out, but now it's a good thing, and she is actually asked to get back together with that scum, " Angry" is no longer enough to describe the boiling emotion in her heart.

"How can you do this? Don't be so loud, okay? It's hard for me to do this." Jiang's father was in a hurry, but Zhang Anren suddenly exploded. If the other party didn't have unrequited love for Jiang Nansun, why would he help him repay the loan? ? Just looking at the Jiang family's real estate? It's possible, but not likely.

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't respond, he turned his head and said to Jiang Nansun, "I'm doing this for the sake of our family's life. If I really want to move out of here, where will your grandma, me, and your mother live? What do you live on?"

"Okay." Lin Yue interrupted the quarrel between the father and daughter, walked to the single sofa opposite Mrs. Jiang and sat down: "I hate others to plot against me, but since you have said so, I want you to let me go." There is also a way of life."

Thanks to DAS_VIZARD for the reward of 10,000 starting coins, Garfield Faner for the reward of 1500 starting coins, Mr. Tata for the reward of 700 starting coins, Xiao Maruko DE Hanawa for the reward of 500 starting coins, there is an uncle, the tail number is 8702 100 starting coins from book friends.

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