Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1171 Talking about feelings hurts money, just be direct, just talk about money

Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, Jiang Nansun and Jiang old lady looked at Lin Yue.

Jiang Nansun was furious, picked up the glass of water on the table and was about to splash it on his face, but just like the time in the tennis court, he stopped at the critical moment. Her aunt's old way.

"Zhang Anren, how can you be so nasty! are a beast."

She knew that the angrier she was, the more proud the man opposite was, but at this moment she couldn't suppress the fire in her heart.

Lin Yue looked at the few people who were glaring at him, and shrugged helplessly: "When children from poor families talk about feelings and likes with you, you always talk about responsibility, supporting the family, giving, houses, cars, gifts... If you don’t buy it, you are playing hooligans. If you can’t afford it, you are a dick. Luthor is not worthy of life. You are the ones who use money to measure feelings. Now I don’t talk about feelings, because it hurts money. I talk to you directly about money, and I feel insulted. Is such a double standard good? It’s really ugly to pretend and stand. Miss Jiang, you have to understand that your father owes me 35 million, and the agreed interest rate is 1.5 cents. This price is very conscientious, so the monthly interest is 525,000 yuan. Now that the agreed repayment date has passed, according to the bank’s penalty interest formula, interest is not counted, and if only the principal is considered, your family needs a day. The amount paid to me is 22,500 yuan, nearly 700,000 yuan a month, and more than 8 million yuan a year. I will let you stay with me for 4 days a month, which is equivalent to 170,000 yuan a day. This is the price for a second-tier actress to shoot an episode of a TV series. , do you think it is normal, do you deserve the money?"

What he said left the Jiang family speechless.

In this way, only jobs with an annual salary of 8 million can afford the loan interest. Is there anyone in the Jiang family who can get an annual salary of 8 million? Well, there is everything in the dream.

"Of course, you can also choose to ask others for help. I think Daisy is hopeless. By the way, you can call Wang Yongzheng. I asked a friend to check the situation of their house. If his parents sell the extra house , cars, stocks, etc., can almost fill this hole."

Jiang's father came to his senses immediately, and grabbed Jiang Nansun's hand: "Daughter, quickly call Wang Yongzheng, isn't he your boyfriend? You ask him to help us, otherwise, we will really be homeless."

"Dad..." Jiang Nansun broke away from Jiang's father's hand: "What do you want me to say about this kind of thing? We are not married, so he has no obligation to help this kind of help, not to mention how could his parents sell houses and cars to help you pay off your gambling debts ?”

"Nan Sun, Nan Sun, you are a dead horse as a living horse doctor, can you try it? Help Dad."


Jiang Nansun neither acted nor responded.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Jiang Nansun, if we hadn't broken up, would you have called me if something like this happened?"

This question stunned her, and after a while, she turned from embarrassment into anger: "I have already broken up with you."

It can be seen that she has figured out why he asked such a question. For the person she likes, she is afraid of showing an ugly, dilapidated, and embarrassing side, but she desperately asks for and takes advantage of the person she likes.

"So, that's why I would rather choose a small town girl than dump you, because you are an out-and-out whore, goddess of literature and art? Haha, women who are bombarded on the pilgrimage to Tibet like to call themselves literature and art youth."

Lin Yue said: "As for this matter, if you don't say it, it doesn't mean that Wang Yongzheng doesn't know."

Jiang Nansun's expression changed: "What did you do?"

Lin Yue said, "Test him for you."

He hadn't finished talking here when Jiang Nansun's phone rang, picked it up and found that it was Wang Yongzheng calling, she suddenly lost the mood to deal with family affairs, and while answering the phone, opened the door and ran out.

Lin Yue poured himself a glass of water, drank a couple of sips, looked at Jiang's mother and Mrs. Jiang with hostile faces, and said, "The day after tomorrow at the latest, and I'll take over the house."

After saying this, he greeted Luo Jiaming, got up and left.

"It's a crime, it's a crime..." Mrs. Jiang said, patting the armrest of the sofa.

"Mom, don't be like this, just hit me... just hit me to vent your anger." Jiang's father walked over and knelt down beside the sofa: "Why don't you persuade Nansun to agree to Zhang Anren's promise?" Require?"


Mrs. Jiang slapped him: "I can't afford to lose that man."

Lin Yue returned to the car, looked at the calm profile in the rearview mirror and said, "Do you think it's a little unreasonable for me to do this?"

Luo Jiaming shook his head: "Don't talk about feelings, just talk about the law, brother Zhang, you said that."

"That's right, given the current social environment, talking about the law is the greatest equality between men and women." Lin Yue smiled: "Let's drive."

The main task is to let Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo taste the real cruelty, so where is it?

Luo Jiaming glanced at him, drove Xie Jiayin's Porsche Panamera and left the small courtyard, followed in the footsteps of Brother Zhang and entered the Xie Group. Only then did he discover that a woman is a creature, and it is impossible to hope to be good to her to reap love Yes, because anyone can be nice to her, but not everyone can give what she wants.


The next night.

The building stands in the east, the neon light takes away the darkness of the night, and the coastline in the distance is like a dormant beast, looking at the most affluent and prosperous city in the eastern continent.

In front of Xinghui International, a BMW pulled over and the lights went out quickly, but the engine was not turned off. At the beginning, the music of English folk songs could be faintly heard, but it disappeared after five minutes.

The waiter at the door just glanced at it and didn't care. The BMW 840IM is a good car, but it can't be called "luxury" among Starlight International's customer base.

"Walk slowly, sir, and welcome again."

With Qingtian's farewell words, the door opened, and two men came out from inside.

While speaking, the door of the BMW 840IM opened, and a man and a woman got off from the driver and co-driver respectively, and walked quickly to the door.


As soon as Luo Jiaming's voice fell, he was slapped in the face.


The sound is very crisp.

Aroused by the stinging pain on his face, Luo Jiaming was annoyed. You must know that he is now the secretary of the vice president of the Xie Group, not to mention senior executives. Luo Mi, someone slapped me at the gate of Xinghui International, can this be tolerated? cousin? Neither can my cousin.

Without saying a word, he swung his arms and drew back.


A voice even louder than before echoed in the night sky.

Zhu Suosuo was dumbfounded, yes, she never thought that Luo Jiaming would slap her in the face in this life.

When Xie Hongzu saw Zhu Suosuo being beaten, he became angry and rushed forward to fight Luo Jiaming.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yue seemed to want to persuade a fight, but for some reason, Luo Jiaming was led by him and retreated to the side. Xie Hongzu fell to the ground with a puff, and fell to the ground.

"Zhang Anren, let's see what you have made Luo Jiaming into?"

Zhu Suosuo pointed at the signboard of Xinghui International behind him with a disgusted expression on his face. People who come to this kind of place to play are either the rich second generation or local tyrants. It costs a few thousand to open a bottle of wine, and a few thousand to order a princess. How can ordinary people afford it? .


Lin Yue was very speechless. He didn't want to talk to this kind of rubbish at all. She didn't even look at Luo Jiaming who was a small employee, married a girl from other places, and lived a peaceful life. Now Luo Jiaming's whole person has changed. But he said that the former Luo Jiaming was in the best condition.

Is your sister schizophrenic?

"Isn't it better to come and go as soon as you are called?" Lin Yue looked at her coldly: "Zhu Suosuo, if I told you that the person next to you is a senior member here, what would you do? "

Zhu Suosuo argued strongly: "Luo Jiaming is different from Xie Hongzu."

"They both have one nose and two eyes, and there are birds under the long hair on the top of the head. What do you think is different?" Lin Yue made no secret of his contempt for her: "For the rich second generation to be tolerant, and to be harsh on the poor, you and yours The good sister Jiang Nansun is really a good one."

Zhu Suosuo took a deep breath and didn't delve into Luo Jiaming's question of "going to degeneration": "Zhang Anren, let me ask you, why do you treat Nan Sun like this? A big man, after breaking up, he cares about everything and makes things difficult for his ex-girlfriend. Don't you think it's too much? , is it embarrassing?"

"It turns out that you came here to defend Jiang Nansun." Lin Yue said: "Then why don't you treat her too much and don't lose face? With a wave of your big hand, you can forgive tens of millions of debts? Then tell her affectionately, love someone As long as she can live well, I will be happy, and then I will be moved? Or guard her side in obscurity, praying that she and Wang Yongzheng can grow old together? Have you drunk too much poisonous chicken soup? In my eyes, A woman like you can no longer be called a human being, but a piece of rubbish. There is a saying on the Internet, "I feel relieved when I see you are not doing well." Why do I have to live like an ex-girlfriend Satisfied? Does that do me any good?"

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