Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1177 Hey, kill me with one blow for a thousand years

This sentence amused Lilian.

"Miss Zhu, it's up to you when Jingyan Group will change?"

Wang Yongzheng frowned, but he still couldn't accept the fact that Lilian was partial to Zhang Anren. He obviously had a girlfriend, but he didn't know Xie Jiayin clearly. Why couldn't she see Zhang Anren's scumbag?


"Wang Yongzheng, don't talk." Zhu Suosuo's quick words have already made Daisy a little at a loss. If Wang Yongzheng is also involved in this confrontation, he will inevitably provoke criticism from Jingyan Group employees. is no good.

Regarding Zhu Suosuo, her attitude is a bit complicated, mainly because of what Zhang Anren said that day - if he wants to give Ye Jinyan a cuckold, he will give priority to Zhu Suosuo, and Jiang Nansun and Wang Yongzheng will only think that he is an individual after hearing about it. Scum, Daisy is different, she thinks more deeply, or subconsciously rejects it.

Although Zhu Suosuo is Jiang Nansun's best friend, compared with Wang Yongzheng, he regards the latter as one of his own.

Zhu Suosuo focused all his energy on Lin Yue and Lilian, and did not notice the slight change in Daisy's attitude.

"After what happened on the opening day of Dongli, Secretary Fan issued an order to the security personnel of the real estate in all districts. Mr. Zhang is not welcome to come to Jingyan's project for guidance. If there are special circumstances, it needs to be reported to the president's office. Only after approval can it be released."

I don't know whether it was to prove Zhu Suosuo's words, or someone told the security guard about the confrontation here. Two people who were about 1.8 meters tall and wearing gray uniforms walked over and looked at Lin Yue coldly.

"Hey, what a big battle." Lin Yue smiled at her: "You are not welcome, right? Well, let's go."

After speaking, he winked at Lilian, turned around and walked towards the door.

A smug smile appeared on Zhu Suosuo's face, seeing Zhang Anren deflated was definitely something to be happy about.

Wang Yongzheng was also very happy, but Daisy couldn't figure it out a bit: "You said... why is he here now?"

Zhu Suosuo said: "A few days ago, Xie Jiayin encountered a hard nail with Mr. Ye. He must have come to find a place."

At that time, Daisy hadn't returned to China yet, so she didn't know what kind of rivalry Zhang Anren, Xie Hongzu, Zhu Suosuo, Xie Jiayin, and Ye Jinyan had. An Ren left without thinking too much, and continued walking with the arrogant Zhu Suosuo.

When Lin Yue walked to the door, Fan Jingang was walking in from the outside. Seeing his face, he froze for a moment. When his eyes moved with Lin Yue, he didn't pay attention to the front. The little sister suddenly turned her head, and was about to yell insults, but recognized that it was the secretary of the president, and quickly swallowed the words that rushed to her throat.

"What is he doing here?" Fan Jingang GAY said angrily.

The sudden phone call interrupted his contemplation. It was from Ye Jinyan, asking him to help bring a cup of coffee, so he suppressed his doubts and stopped thinking about Zhang Anren.


An hour later, Jingyan Group's second meeting room.

Ye Jinyan sat at the top, glanced at the directors on both sides, looked at the second vacant seat on the left and said, "Han Jinsheng is late."

The next one was a middle-aged man with half-white hair, with his arms folded around his chest, he said in a low voice, "No, Han Jinsheng is not late."

Ye Jinyan hissed lightly, frowned and said, "Li Dajian, what do you mean by that?"

Several directors at the back of the seat followed his gaze and looked over. They also couldn't understand Li Dajian's words. Han Jinsheng's seat was obviously empty. If he wasn't late, could he be wearing an invisibility cloak?

"Director Han is currently abroad and cannot participate in this board meeting, but he sent an agent over, but the agent was kicked out of the lobby by your people. Director Han said when he called me just now, wait When he comes back, he will ask the board of directors for your cronyism and indulgence of subordinates, and if he refuses to take responsibility, he will apply to the board of directors to remove you from the chairmanship."

One word set off a thousand layers of waves.

The few directors seated at the back were in an uproar, and the middle directors were silent, as if they had long been prepared for Li Dajian's shocking speech.

Ye Jinyan is the largest shareholder of Jingyan and the president of the group, while Han Jinsheng is the director with the third largest shareholding ratio on the board of directors. It is very difficult to ask for the removal of Ye Jinyan, but this is not the point. The point is that his doing so means that In the future, I will go to the opposite side with Ye Jinyan, and then I will hold a board meeting... it will be a lot of fun.

If Li Dajian hadn't lied, Ye Jinyan's people would have kicked out Han Jinsheng's agent from the lobby.

"My people?" Ye Jinyan looked puzzled.

Li Dajian said, "Is Zhu Suosuo your assistant?"

Ye Jinyan nodded: "That's right."

"Then there's no problem." Li Dajian said: "Lao Ye, is your assistant a bit more lenient, even Dong Han's agent dares to go out, will we also taste this kind of treatment in the future? ?”

"Wait, I need to confirm this matter." Ye Jinyan's expression is really ugly. If Li Dajian's words are true, there is no doubt that Zhu Suosuo's behavior has caused him a lot of trouble. He is the largest shareholder of the group. , but the combination of the following major shareholders is enough to drive him out of the chairman's seat.

Ten minutes later, Ye Jinyan left and returned, his expression was very serious, unlike the calm face when the board meeting was held, or like a black bear that wanted to eat people.

"Do you know who Han Jinsheng's agent is?"

The people in the back don't know, and the people in the middle don't speak.

"Zhang Anren!"

Ye Jinyan said: "That's right, that's the vice president of the Xie Group, the one who caused Dongli to face rectification at the opening of the market. I don't know why Han Jinsheng asked him to be an agent to attend the board of directors, although it is Han Jinsheng as the group leader. The power and freedom of shareholders, but is it too much to let a guy who has brought economic losses to Jingyan's business activities participate in the group's decision-making? What does Han Jinsheng want to do? Doesn't he know that doing so will harm the interests of the group?"

When he learned from Zhu Suosuo that the person who was kicked out of the lobby was Zhang Anren, apart from being shocked and puzzled, he also felt indignant that someone had stabbed him in the back. He did not believe that Han Jinsheng, as the third largest shareholder of the group, would not know who Zhang Anren was and what he had done. Under such circumstances, let him act as an agent to attend the board of directors, what does Han Jinsheng mean? Did you take him seriously? Do you have the interests of the group in mind?

There was a whisper at the end of the conference table. The few directors who held few shares in the group felt that Ye Jinyan was right. It was too much for Han Jinsheng to ask Zhang Anren to attend the Jingyan board of directors instead of him, and it might harm the interests of many shareholders. .

In stark contrast was the middle of the conference table. Several middle-level shareholders were silent, which made Ye Jinyan a little more dignified than upset. He could tell that these people not only knew what Zhu Suosuo had done, but also who Han Jinsheng had chosen as his agent.

Knowing that the person who will be present on the board of directors is Zhang Anren who harmed Jingyan's interests, but they don't say anything, they don't do anything, what do they want to do? Rebel?

"Lao Ye, what you said is wrong." Li Dajian said: "The fire protection problem of Dongli's project is not good enough, Mr. Xie's Mr. Zhang will help you point out the mistakes. To a certain extent, this is a good thing. Accept criticism and make rectification. It is the obligation and responsibility of our construction party to eliminate potential safety hazards. If we turn a blind eye to the defects, a fire will break out in the future, and ambulances will be hindered, causing irreversible consequences. Who will bear the responsibility? Human life It's bigger than the sky, this crime can't be offset by you, Ye Jinyan, going in."

These words are quite harsh, the key is that Ye Jinyan can only stare, but can't say anything. You must know that Ye Jinyan said these high-sounding words in the past, just like when he proposed to build a library and a music hall in the community, what did he say? The material level of our country has made considerable progress, but there is still a big gap in the construction of spiritual civilization compared with foreign countries. Jingyan, as a first-class real estate company in the industry, should shoulder this social responsibility.

Good guy, the board of directors are speechless, and the directors who support Tang Xin's interests are all speechless. What now? The feng shui took turns, and Ye Jinyan's throat was sealed with a sword.

Who taught him? Who gave him the courage to face up to Ye Jinyan?

Who taught him to say that? Who gave you the courage?

Lin Yue chant.

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