Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1178 Beg me to go back and say it with my mouth

at the same time.

In the light food restaurant of Mocha Station opposite Jingyan Group Building.

Lin Yue held a copy of "Chinese National Geography" in his left hand and a coffee cup with golden patterns in his right hand. The long line of customers waiting to buy coffee and sweets is in stark contrast.

Lilian looked at the man across from her, and was stunned for a moment.

Counting his most charming sides, in Lilian's view, there are steady hands when steering the steering wheel, concentration when reading, warmth when playing, intimacy when cooking, wisdom when looking into the night, and tolerance when giving orders to her. Doubt, the confidence to talk with those entrepreneurs...

In short, the longer she was with her, the more fascinated he became. Today, when I think about Wang Yongzheng's "ambitious statement" that he would not marry, I feel very childish and stupid.

Mmm~cough cough~


Someone is coughing in the back.

Lilian looked back, and there were two people standing behind him, a man and a woman.

She didn't know the man. He had a Chinese character face, thin lips, and when he smiled, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes opened into two wild chrysanthemums. Thinking about it carefully, he seemed to be the man he had glimpsed when he came out of Jingyan Hall.

As for the woman, she was not an acquaintance, but she was not unfamiliar either. She had met Zhu Suosuo before she followed Zhang Anren.

When she looked over, the man was smiling all over his face, Zhu Suosuo shrank back, his face was tense and flat, like a wall, but the humiliating eyes betrayed her heart.

"Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang..."

Fan Jingang stepped forward in small steps, bowed his head sideways, and greeted him very politely, or rather flatteringly.

Lin Yue didn't move, his eyes were still fixed on the magazine, he just raised his arm and waved his fingers lightly, meaning that I'm busy now, what's the matter, I'll talk about it after I finish reading the magazine.

Fan Jingang touched a soft nail, met Lilian's gaze with an embarrassed smile, straightened up and stood on the spot.

let's go, can't. Wait, shame on you.

He could only vent his anger on Zhu Suosuo, glared at her fiercely, bit his lip and pointed hard, and whispered, "I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

Zhu Suosuo was extremely aggrieved. He obviously asked the security system to do this. Although he had an excuse to avenge public affairs, but fundamentally speaking, he was responding to the call of the group and following the rules. She just didn't expect Zhang Anren to be so insidious.

At that time, he could clearly reveal his identity. If she knew that he was Han Jinsheng's agent, no matter how annoying she was, she would not dare to call the shots and drive him out. But this guy turned around and left without saying a word. She was very happy to see this scene, and felt that she had won again, just like the last time I drove tigers and wolves outside Xinghui International. However, it turned out that this was not the case. This guy did it on purpose Yes, because he knows that the board of directors cannot go on without him. If Ye Jinyan does not invite him back, Han Jinsheng has a reason to propose to the board of directors to remove the chairman. To make things happen, you can only find a way to invite people back.

How can I please?

Whoever drives away will invite them.

She didn't dare to come by herself, so she brought Fan Jingang along. After all, he was the one who gave the order, so it was a difficult situation.

From the perspective of Fan Jingang and Zhu Suosuo, Zhang Anren looked like he was indifferent to them, no doubt it was retaliation, but in Lilian's eyes, it was not. He has two reading modes, whirlwind and chewing slowly , the former is basically used for sweeping, the latter is for supplies, just like now, don't talk about them in this situation, even if she stands aside and talks, unless it is something that needs to be dealt with immediately, otherwise she will stick to it until she reads it. Only then did the volume respond positively.

"Mr. Zhang, Suo Suo did something wrong in the morning. She shouldn't have stopped you from going up. As for me, I brought her here to apologize to you. I hope you will not remember the villain's mistakes and don't talk to her." General knowledge."

Fan Jingang looked at his watch three times in a row, seeing that Zhang Anren had no intention of stopping at all, so he could only approach him patiently, and said something nice in a low voice.

"Look...Mr. Ye, Chairman Li and the rest of the board of directors are waiting for you to go to the meeting. If you drag it on, it will be time to get off work."

Lin Yue didn't move his eyes, his expression didn't change, he just raised his hand, pinched the footer of the magazine and flipped it lightly, and said unhurriedly: "Then let them wait a little longer, I've been waiting in the coffee shop for a long time It’s been more than an hour, and they’ve only been there.”

When Fan Jingang heard this, his face became sunken like a pickle, and he was humiliated. Is this guy still angry?

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Thousands of mistakes are Zhu Suosuo's fault. After I go back, I will definitely punish her, fine her money, punish her for admitting her mistakes in public, punish... fine her for cleaning the toilet..."

Before he finished speaking, a hand stretched out and grabbed the flesh of his lower back and twisted it. The flesh on Fan Jingang's face trembled and he snorted.

Lin Yue was still the same as before, and turned another page of the book: "You have been talking all the time, didn't the one behind him bring his mouth?"

"Zhang Anren! Don't go too far."

Originally, she was very unhappy when she was asked to come over to apologize, but now hearing him speak so badly, Zhu Suosuo was annoyed.

She still couldn't get rid of the impression that Zhang Anren was a "good man who was bullied", like grabbing his collar to warn him that if he dared to treat Jiang Nansun badly, she would slap him to death. For such a weak guy, it's quite interesting for her to do this.

Lin Yue closed the magazine, got up and went to the counter to return it to the waiter, said "thank you" very politely, greeted Lilian when he was done, and walked towards the door.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fan Jingang hurried forward to stop him.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang... don't go."


Lin Yue was not even interested in looking at him. He walked to the front parking lot, opened the door of the BMW Z4 and got in. After Lilian got into the car, he started the engine and drove away with a kick of the gas pedal, leaving behind a perplexed Fan Jingang.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

"Let him go. For a person like him, it's no wonder that Jingyan can do good things if he attends the board of directors. Don't forget that he belongs to Xie Jiayin, and the Xie Group also wants to get a share of the real estate market."

"Zhu Suosuo!" Fan Jingang turned his head and tried to make himself more imposing: "What do you know? The struggle in the board of directors is more complicated than you imagined. Now that Zhang Anren is angry with you, people like Han Jinsheng and Li Dajian have This is a reason to embarrass Mr. Ye."

"Is that so?" Zhu Suosuo looked innocent: "I'm sorry, Fan Fan, I didn't know this was the case."

Fan Jingang didn't bother to talk to her, took out his phone, dialed Ye Jinyan's number, and told Zhang Anren about driving away.

On the BMW Z4, Lilian said: "I really don't understand, Zhu Suosuo is so reckless, Ye Jinyan dares to use such a person as an assistant?"

Lin Yue glanced at her, just smiled, and didn't express his opinion, because there was no need for it.

Even Lilian saw Zhu Suosuo's problem. In the TV series, in order to sell the house to earn money, Zhu Suosuo actually called Ye Jinyan's friend, the same Mr. Chen who bought 12C, and asked him to give up the house.

A person who can be called a brother and brother with President Jingyan, will be persuaded by a salesman to change houses with Xie Hongzu? Things are really going to happen, where will the face of that Mr. Chen be put? I'm afraid it will become a joke in the rich circle.

High-class people... all want face.

The president of a leading real estate company puts this kind of bluffing and carefree person as an assistant by his side? What do you think, because TV dramas dare to shoot like this in order to set up the characters and highlight the character of the characters.

But Fan Jingang's niece is a good material for a secretary, um, in various senses...

Lilian saw that the car kept speeding up, getting farther and farther away from Jingyan Group's office building, and found that she couldn't figure out what kind of operation this was?

"You waited for them in the coffee shop for more than half an hour, and now you drive away. Isn't the waiting before it meaningless?"

Lin Yue said: "Don't you know that there is a saying that retreat is advance?"

The second conference room of Jingyan Group.

Ye Jinyan put down the phone, looked down and didn't say a word.

Half a minute later, Li Dajian also hung up the phone and returned to his seat.

"Old Ye, are you embarrassed to say yes? Let me tell." Li Dajian glanced at the directors present: "Mr. Ye's secretary, Fan Jingang, took the troubled female assistant Zhu Suosuo to invite someone, but Zhu Suosuo played with his petty temper and turned him away. Get pissed off."

The audience was in an uproar.

Everyone couldn't figure out who gave her the courage to play big in front of the agent of the group's third largest shareholder, a young assistant who had only joined the company for a few days.

"Lao Ye, don't you want to explain this matter?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can hear that there is something in Li Dajian's words.

As a member of the board of directors of the group, who doesn't have a few confidantes serving in important departments? Zhu Suosuo turned from a novice salesman to an assistant in the president's office. Can a normal person not think about this kind of operation? What's more, this woman's reputation in the company is not good.

Ye Jinyan said: "The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting, I have nothing to explain."

"Okay, whoever you choose as an assistant is your right and your freedom, and our board of directors can't control it." Li Dajian said: "Now, I will convey to you a decision he just made on behalf of Director Han."

Thanks to Tang and Song Dihao for the 5000 starting coins rewarded by Fu News, History Spectator No. 1, Misty Thorn 1, Tianshu August alone for the 500 starting coins, Lao Maoge 6 for the 152 starting coins, tail number 9091 100 starting coins from book friends.

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