Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1180 Unexpectedly, I will break you up first

Father Jiang turned his head and saw a person standing at the entrance of the corridor, the person the Jiang family least wanted to see——Zhang Anren.

He didn't know why this annoying guy appeared at a critical point at a critical moment, but the above question made him stop.

Lin Yue took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. After lighting it, he took a puff against the weak wind and continued, "Aren't you a dutiful son? Could it be plan to leave all the debts to the old lady alone? This is your filial piety? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to persuade you not to dance. Anyway, you paid me the house on Fuxing Road. I don’t have any interest in whether you dance or not. I just think that if you die, the Jiang family The situation will be very interesting.”

Hearing what he said, Father Jiang's curiosity was aroused: "What do you want to say?"

Now he is not even afraid of death, so naturally he doesn't care about Zhang Anren's humiliation.

Lin Yue said: "Do you think that if you die, the debt collectors won't ask the Jiang family for money? As your wife, Dai Yin is also obligated to repay the loan. They will not only harass her, but also Jiang Nansun, Because you were forced to jump off a building, your mother must be afraid that her daughter-in-law and daughter will follow your old path. What can she do? The biggest possibility is to take out the coffin book and fill in the holes for you. Mrs. Jiang has never owed Dai Yin material things And Jiang Nansun, but never soft-spoken, Dai Yin thinks that the old lady has a poisonous mouth and thinks you are useless, Jiang Nansun said that grandma is patriarchal, and Daisy, who is not pleasing to Jiang old lady, is fanning the flames, you think you are dead Finally, will your mother die well?"

Father Jiang said, "Isn't this exactly what you want to see?"

"No, you made a mistake." Lin Yue said, "What I want is for you to compromise with the society like Hu Piao, who endured so much hardship and endured humiliation. Make Daisy and Dai Yin, two women who have no sense of family responsibility, live happily and happily."

Jiang's father is a gambler, and the result of jumping off the building is his own fault, but it is undeniable that he traded stocks to earn money to support his family, while Jiang's mother has been playing mahjong and dancing for so many years, neither working nor caring for her family, spending money from her husband's family Qian also said that the old lady was sorry for her. Within two days after Jiang's father died, Jiang Nansun left the old lady to go to Italy to relax, and even got together with the gardener professor of Daisy's family. They hit it off immediately, and the death of Jiang's father fulfilled the two of them.

The family was gone, the son was gone, and the coffin was also folded in. When Mrs. Jiang needed company and comfort, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter left, leaving an outsider to take care of her.

What a fucking ungrateful bastard to do such a thing.

Seeing Jiang's father looking at him questioningly, Lin Yue said: "Don't believe me? How about this, since you are not afraid of death, then I will give you a choice, either jump off the building and leave your mother alone, or I will find you a Jump where you broke your leg at most, and then you can pretend to be paralyzed and see how your wife and sister-in-law will treat you and your mother. If you choose the former, you can pretend that I didn’t say anything. If you choose the latter, you I will help you settle your debts."

Jiang's father couldn't understand why he did such a thing: "What do you want from me?"

Lin Yue chuckled: "It's very simple, I want to turn you into the second Feng Jiang, remember what I said to Daisy? For those women who regard marriage as a child's play and have no sense of family responsibility and social responsibility, in time I don't mind giving them a BADEND as long as my energy and energy allow."

Father Jiang opened his mouth, and swallowed the words down his throat.

Lin Yue glanced at his watch: "You have five minutes to do this multiple-choice question."

After saying this, he went to smoke in a cooler place.

five minutes later.

"It's time, tell me your answer."

Father Jiang closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "I'll listen to you."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "You are better than Xie Hongzu in doing multiple-choice questions."

Speaking of "Golden Years", the biggest feature is that the two heroines have double standards, and this show can also turn the audience into double standards. Some people scold Zhang Anren as the Phoenix man, saying that marriage should pay attention to being well-matched, otherwise there will be differences in values If she is too big, she will definitely not be happy, while scolding Xie Jiayin for being a perverted old witch who beats mandarin ducks, and what she did to Zhu Suosuo was too much.

Xie Jiayin is obviously a loyal defender of the law of the right family, okay, from her standpoint, did she do anything wrong?

Oh, a phoenix man who finds a rich father-in-law is cunning, selfish and greedy, and a phoenix man who finds a rich mother-in-law is true love, brave and selfless.



Jiang's father jumped from the window above the corridor door. He didn't die, but his leg was broken, and the debt collectors who forced him to jump scattered away.

Some well-meaning people sent him to a nearby hospital. When Jiang’s family got the news and came, the attending doctor told them that the patient not only broke his leg, but also injured his spine. The chance of paralysis is relatively high. I hope they can be mentally prepared. .

After learning about this situation, Mrs. Jiang was very sad and passed out directly. The doctor helped to wake him up, and asked Jiang Nansun to send him home after observing for a while.

The old lady went back to her room and fell asleep. She woke up not long after, and heard a vague conversation coming from the living room.

"Those debt collectors can force Nansun's father to jump off the building today, and they can force you to jump into the river tomorrow. Sister, you go with Nansun. I will take you to Italy, although the house over there was confiscated by the court." , but there are still a few reliable Chinese friends. Wang Yongzheng’s parents are also there. After going there, Nan Sun can continue to study. As for you, I will let my friends over there introduce you to a more relaxed job. , even if you don’t have much money, it’s no problem to support two people.”

"I left with Nansun, who will take care of her grandma and father?"

"I will find someone to help Nansun's father and ask a nurse to take care of her. For her grandma, she can be sent to the nursing home."

It was Dai Yin and Daisy who were discussing the aftermath. When Mrs. Jiang heard this, she became angry, opened the door and went out: "I disagree with what you said."

Dai Yin glanced at her and turned her head away.

Daisy said: "The current problem cannot be solved if you don't agree. Nansun can continue to study there, and Wang Yongzheng will give her the best care. If my sister stays with her in Shanghai, I don't know. What else will happen?"

Mrs. Jiang said: "You don't have to worry about this, I will help my son pay back the money."

Daisy smiled: "I have one thing to say, you have not treated my sister well in the past twenty years, and you have unabashedly disliked Nansun as not a boy, you can't expect a girl who has been abused by you for more than twenty years years, and use the remaining twenty years to work for your Jiang family."

Mrs. Jiang said: "Did I abuse her? Yes, I do have a bad attitude sometimes, but over the years, I have never deducted the two of them in daily expenses. When your sister was young, she loved to dress up, all kinds of pearls and diamonds. Jewelry, if you see what you like, buy it. Did I say something? Now that the Jiang family is in ruins, my son is lying in the hospital and can’t move, so you just treat us as a burden? If you want to go, you can go, Nansun is me Jiang The blood of the family, she can't go."

Daisy sat there with her head up, looking at her blankly: "It's useless for you to talk about it."


At the same time, Jiang's father was admitted to the hospital.

The same scene was unfolding on the screen of the mobile phone placed on the bedside table.

"Are you surprised? If you listen to my words, you shouldn't be surprised." The sun shines through the screen window, shining on a serious face with a little majesty.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster is imminent. Jiang Pengfei, your marriage has really failed enough, you know where Jiang Nansun was when your mother was talking to those two people? She was standing outside the door."

According to the plot in the TV series, when she was asked to take care of Mrs. Jiang, she hesitated for a long time before deciding not to live in Italy. Regarding Zhang Anren's decision to sell the house to fill his father's gambling debt hole, that's really true. Even the slightest hesitation and embarrassment from her boyfriend can't accept it. This Holy Mother... is not actually a Holy Mother, she just asks others to treat her as a Holy Mother.

Jiang's father leaned on the bed, looking at the two women on the screen, with unspeakable anger on his face. When he had a family and a job, he was drunk, playing mahjong, dancing and shopping for clothes, jewelry and bags. Now the home is gone, and her husband is disabled. So, I just wanted to escape to a foreign country and continue to enjoy myself, so as not to be entangled by the two burdens.

Lin Yue said: "I have said long ago that these two bitches are the same kind. Now you can understand why Feng Jiang wanted to be cruel to Daisy."

Jiang's father raised his head, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then slowly opened them: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Yue turned around and smiled at him.

Thank you Mario for why it is so short (you guys are really good! I can’t see it, I can’t see anything) for the reward of 1500 starting coins, but you should hurry up and change it, native five or six, I’m so scared. The reward is 100 starting coins.

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