Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1181: You Are the One Who Slaps (2 in 1)

Three days later, Ben Thanh.

The opening of Dongli’s project was setbacks. Han Jinsheng, Li Dajian and others made troubles in the board of directors. For Ye Jinyan, he urgently needs to win the Bincheng land and push this long-planned big project to the start stage. It is a bargaining chip at the board level with Han Jinsheng, Li Dajian and others.

Originally, we negotiated the price with Party B, but who knew that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, no matter how much he said, he would add 2% to the figure, which made them very passive. In order to solve this problem, Ye Jin Yan sent Fan Jingang and Zhu Suosuo to Bincheng to try to contact this guy who has been competing with them, to see if the problem can be resolved through negotiation.

If you want to ask why they are allowed to go, for one thing, the president does not arrive, and the secretary to the president arrives. With Jingyan's scale, it is enough to show sincerity for a local real estate company. Second, Zhu Suosuo has a poor reputation within the group, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of the board of directors. Ye Jinyan wants to take this opportunity to let her make some achievements, so as to block the mouths of the group employees.

After the two came here, they saw the person in charge of the rival company. Fan Jingang was dumbfounded, and Zhu Suosuo was also dumbfounded.

Fan Jingang was confused because he did not expect that the person who competed with the Jingyan Group for the land in Bincheng was Wang Feiyu, who had an old acquaintance with him and Ye Jinyan... Well, the enemy can also be called an old acquaintance.

Back then, Jingyan Group hadn’t become a leading real estate company like it is today. The Wang Feiyu brothers had their eyes on a piece of land, but there was a problem with the property rights. The two of them made a special trip to Singapore to solve the property rights problem. When the company's financial situation was in trouble, the Wang Feiyu brothers asked their friends to borrow money. Not only did Ye Jinyan not lend them, but after learning about the financial situation of the two companies, he leaked the news to Party B, and when he was done, he took the land behind the two brothers' backs. I bought it.

The brothers Wang Feiyu went to Malaysia to raise money. They had just negotiated a cooperation. On the way back to the hotel, they heard what happened in China. The elder brother became anxious and lost control of his emotions and had a car accident. In the end, Wang Feiyu survived, but his leg was disabled. Wang Feiyu’s elder brother was on the spot died.

Ye Jin said that he neglected righteousness when he saw profit, betrayed his friends for money, and caused the death and disability of the two brothers. From Wang Feiyu's standpoint, can he let it go? Of course not. Now that Jingyan Group has taken a fancy to the central land of Bincheng, and wants to build a comprehensive project integrating residential + commercial real estate + cultural and entertainment facilities here, Wang Feiyu, who is a local snake, knows, can he let it go?

Of course not, so there is the predicament of Jingyan.

Fan Jingang knew the grievances between Wang Feiyu and Ye Jinyan, and thought the whole thing was essentially a revenge.

Zhu Suosuo didn't know the grievances between the two, but she had seen this Wang Feiyu before. A few days ago, Xie Hongzu asked a group of people to block Zhang Anren at the entrance of Xinghui International. Unexpectedly, Xie Jiayin was also there. At that time, there was a person in a wheelchair next to her. This guy.

If he was the one who tripped Jing Yan, is there any shadow of Mrs. Xie behind it, or did Xie Jiayin instruct him to do so?

"Old Ye is really too, why don't you tell him not to come, why? Are you afraid that I will eat him? I haven't seen him for many years, and I really miss him. You guys say, take advantage of this opportunity, let's drink and eat together How nice it is to talk about the past."

Wang Feiyu raised his wine glass, signaled to Fan Jingang, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Feiyu, Boss Ye is very busy. This don't need to ask him to come here. Tell me if you have anything to ask."

"You? Can you be the master of eloquence?"

"Yes, otherwise, why did Mr. Ye send me over?"

Wang Feiyu looked at him and smiled: "No, you can't, come, drink, drink. I've done everything here, and your third part hasn't gone down yet? Why? Do you think my wine is not good?"

Zhu Suosuo looked at the red ribbon in the white porcelain bottle on the table, and smiled a little embarrassedly. Isn't a bottle of 1,000 yuan a good wine?

"No." Fan Jingang said: "Feiyu, you see we started drinking at 1:00 p.m., it's already night now, if I continue to drink, I'm going to get drunk."

"Where is this?" Wang Feiyu said: "You don't have to drink, I will drink with Lao Ye's little girlfriend."

After speaking, he turned his head, looked at Zhu Suosuo and said, "Miss Zhu, he's dying, how about a drink?"

"President Wang..."

Just as she was about to say something, the phone ringing interrupted the conversation between the two of them. Wang Feiyu saw that his phone was ringing, said sorry to the two of them, and put it to his ear: "Hey, Mr. Zhang... What? You came to Bincheng on the way... Oh, good, good... Hey, it's a coincidence that Lao Ye also sent someone here... Gangzi, it's Fan Jingang, the secretary of the president, my old friend... Don't you Do you know? I can’t say a word or two about this matter, how about we meet and talk...Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

Fan Jingang frowned, listening to Wang Feiyu's in-and-out meaning, that Mr. Zhang...

"Zhang Anren, the vice president of the Xie family."

Seeing Fan Jingang's suspicious expression, Zhu Suosuo leaned his head over and whispered.

It's him again, why is there him everywhere, Fan Jingang was so angry, he thought that it would be no good to have this kind of stuff mixed in.

No, there is still a good thing, at least Wang Feiyu stopped giving them alcohol.

Yes, Moutai is very expensive, and liquid gold is fine. Just the cup in front of you, if you drink it dry, it is equivalent to swallowing 200 yuan.

Fan Jingang flirted with Zhu Suosuo, she understood it, she used the excuse of going to the bathroom, but actually went to make a phone call, and told Ye Jinyan about Zhang Anren's coming to Bincheng.

Here he chattered a few words that were not nutritious, and then Yu answered the phone and turned around to leave the house, and brought a person in after a while.

"Boss Wang is safe and sound."

"Mr. Zhang's demeanor is still the same."

"Will it hurt me?"

"how come."

The two greeted warmly as soon as they met, Fan Jingang was confused, and Zhu Suosuo knew that the two chatted about what happened at the gate of Xinghui International last time. After finishing the work, he went in and stayed there for a week. Wang Feiyu knew about it, and it was normal for him to tease each other.

"Isn't this Secretary Fan? Today is such a coincidence that you can meet friends every time you come to other places."

Fan Jingang smiled bluntly and said: "Yeah, I didn't expect to meet Mr. Zhang here."

friend? Whoever is your friend is almost the same as your enemy.

Of course, it's okay to think about this kind of truth, let's depends on the time and the occasion.

Lin Yue's gaze swept across Zhu Suosuo's face, and she didn't even show any interest after staying for half a second, which made her very upset. Do you really think that being the vice president of Xie's Group means you are someone? Isn't he a little boy who relies on women for soft meals? Although I don't know how he pleases Xie Jiayin and makes the rich woman love him without a bottom line, but what is certain is that once Xie Jiayin gets tired of it, this guy will definitely not end well.

Hehe, a shameless little boy, who gave him the courage to look down on her who is the assistant to the president by her own ability?

It wasn't that she was flattering herself, it was what Yang Ke said, and Fan Jingang also praised her as a talented person.

Lin Yue was not a roundworm in her stomach. He didn't know what she was thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care. He thanked Yu who helped him move the chair, and sat down between Wang Feiyu and Fan Jingang.

"Oh, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. For the land under my feet, Mr. Zhang came to ask for it even if Gangzi came here. You said... I will give it to Mr. Zhang, will Lao Ye accept it? Not happy? I want to give it to Lao Ye, Mr. Xie knows, what should I do if I don’t give me a discount for selling appliances in the future?” Speaking of this matter, Wang Feiyu looked embarrassed.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "It's all for the smooth progress of Jingyan's project in Bincheng, and it's the same for everyone."

it's the same? no the same!

Fan Jingang really didn't expect Zhang Anren to play this trick. Yes, they all represent the Jingyan Group, but within the unit, who wins the land is a very important issue. If he and Zhu Suosuo got Wang Feiyu out of the way, Ye Jinyan could stand tall and speak at the board meeting, but if it was Zhang Anren who got Wang Feiyu out of the way, outsiders would say that Ye Jinyan is really a nepotism guy, Zhu Suosuo last time Driving away the director's agent in the lobby has proved that she is a woman who can't do things with brains. She went to Bincheng and hindered the group. Thanks to the director's agent who was driven away by her, Wang Feiyu was able to settle. A piece of land that is very important to Jingyan's Bincheng strategy, one can imagine what kind of accusations Ye Jinyan will face next time the board of directors.

"It's even more difficult for me when you say that." Wang Feiyu pondered for a moment: "Hey, I thought of a fair way."

Fan Jingang said: "What way?"

Wang Feiyu winked at Yuyu: "Go, take the gift I prepared for Mr. Ye."

Yu Yu nodded and took a person out, and within half a minute, the two of them came in with two trays, inside which were several rows of wine glasses filled with high-grade liquor.

On the other side, Wang Feiyu leaned on the armrest of the wheelchair and said with regret on his face: "Originally this was prepared for Mr. Ye, but now Mr. Ye will most likely not come, so I will give it to you, Gangzi." I have already drank some, and I can see that Miss Zhu is a person who can drink, and it is fair for Mr. Zhang to drink with you all alone. I don’t care about Jingyan’s internal situation. I will see who can stand after you drink. Then, I will give him the land under my feet, what do you think... how about this method?"

Lin Yue pondered: "Is this too child's play?"

"How can this be called child's play?" Wang Feiyu said: "Don't Mr. Zhang know that more than 80% of the domestic business is negotiated at the wine table? Drinking is a compulsory course for businessmen."

"Okay, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman today."

Wang Feiyu turned his head, looked at the two people opposite him and said, "Gangzi, are you okay? You have been with Lao Ye for so long, don't tell me you are afraid."

This made Fan Jingang frown. From this afternoon until now, he has been blocking wine for Zhu Suosuo, just to prevent Wang Feiyu from getting her drunk. Fortunately, Zhang Anren stepped in to make things more complicated. In the game, he is embarrassed even if he agrees, and it is also embarrassing if he does not agree.

"Fan Fan, promise him."

Fan Jingang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhu Suosuo with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't I tell you? Zhang Anren is Jiang Nansun's ex-boyfriend. I know him. He is not a drinker. He blushes after listening to RIO. He usually gets six or seven points drunk after drinking a can of beer. It’s okay for me to drink two of him, and Jiang Nansun can compete with him.”



Fan Jingang knew that Zhu Suosuo would not lie about this kind of thing. Although after several days of investigation, he felt that Zhang Anren had a lot of eccentricities, but drinking capacity cannot be developed overnight.

"Come on, Mr. Zhang, let's have a drink."

He patted the tray, took out a glass of wine from it, and put it to his mouth while speaking.

"Wait." Lin Yue suddenly stopped his actions: "Secretary Fan, I heard that you have a niece who just graduated from senior year this year."

Fan Jingang was suddenly annoyed: "What do you mean by that?"

"You can ask someone to check my details, even asking who my girlfriend's brother is in a relationship with, can't I ask someone to check your details?" Lin Yue sneered: "Xie's is about to set up a smart module In the research and development team, I want Luo Jiaming to be the team leader in the past and lead the development of artificial intelligence programs. After he left, the secretary's seat became vacant. It happened that someone told me that your niece is worrying about finding a job. I think you I should recommend Xie Group to her, based on our friendship, I will definitely take good care of her."

Fan Jingang was left speechless by what he said. Ye Jinyan ordered this matter to be done. The more detailed the better, Zhang Anren's family background, work and study experience, social circle, etc. are naturally within the scope of the investigation. Inside, but God knows how this matter was seen through by the Lord, and now there is a move to return the carbine.

Embarrassing, really embarrassing.

Zhu Suosuo saw Fan Jingang was deflated, and interjected beside him, "Zhang Anren, why don't people like you die."

Lin Yue didn't even look at her, and just slapped her.


Zhu Suosuo rolled over with the chair on the ground, and a palm print appeared on the right side of his face.

"I'm talking to Secretary Fan, what are you? Do you have a chance to intervene?"

"Zhang Anren!"

Fan Jingang hurried over to help Zhu Suosuo up, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, he slapped the table, staring at him as if his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Lin Yue said, "Didn't Ye Jinyan teach her to be polite when talking to group leaders?"

Fan Jingang was speechless again, because this was indeed a problem. Zhang Anren was now a member of the board of directors. It stands to reason that even he would call Zhang Dong when he saw him. An assistant like Zhu Suosuo, who swears at people on topics that have nothing to do with her, stands up. From the perspective of a bystander, she should think her mouth is cheap, but it's not right for Zhang Anren to beat someone.

"Do you dare to hit me?"

She was the one who bullied Zhang Anren in the past, but this submissive guy actually hit her on his own initiative? In Zhu Suosuo's perception, no matter what the reason is, any man who dares to beat a woman is a beast, beast, scum, trash, and bastard.

She picked up her phone and was about to call the police.

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Do you know what the biggest difference between Ye Jinyan and Wang Feiyu is? Ye Jinyan is a man who eats people's blood, a steamed bun, and a businessman who starts to talk about feelings and charity after he gets rich, while Wang Feiyu is a businessman with a quack spirit. People in the Jianghu, what Jianghu people value most is not the interests, but the rules. This is his territory, you are not big or small, if you dare to call the police, it means breaking the rules. Want to get this land? Go ahead and dream It’s fine for me to go in and stay for two days, at worst, I’ll talk about life and ideals with the buddies inside, but you should know better than me what is waiting for Ye Jinyan at the next board meeting.”

Wang Feiyu asked them to compare their drinking capacity, and whoever wins will give the land to him. Whether it is Ye Jinyan or Zhang Anren, no matter how fierce the fight is, it is for the benefit of all shareholders of Jingyan.

The last time Zhu Suosuo drove away the director’s agent, it was a battle of spirits. It was a bad company rule and did not involve the actual interests of shareholders other than Han Jinsheng. But this time it is different. The Bincheng project is really going bad. Can Ye Jinyan not be held accountable?

"Suosuo, don't be impulsive." Fan Jingang pressed Zhu Suosuo's hand.

"But...Fan Fan...I..."

She is not Jiang Nansun's kind of person, she is the kind of master who is bound to return a slap by others. Now that she has suffered such a big loss, it is Zhang Anren, the soft-hearted coward she has always looked down upon, and the humiliation in her heart It was as muddy as the Yellow River.

"Don't add trouble to Boss Ye anymore." Fan Jingang shook his head at her.

"Mr. Zhang is really a character." Wang Feiyu interrupted the confrontation between the three people: "This vision and insight, Wang admires."

Lin Yue said: "Talk about people when you see people, and talk about ghosts when you see ghosts. This is a compulsory course for country people to live in big cities."

"Okay, how about the farce ending here?" Wang Feiyu waved to the wine glass on the table: "Please, both of you."

Lin Yue picked up the wine glass and looked at Fan Jingang playfully: "Ask your niece to come over and be my secretary, and I won't argue. How about giving this land to you?"


Fan Jingang spat out half of the wine he drank into his mouth.

"I don't want to, forget it." Lin Yue pointed to the drink on the ground and looked at Wang Feiyu and said, "It doesn't count, you have to start all over again."

Fan Jingang felt that even if he couldn't drink to death today, he would be mad at him.

At the same time, at the Jingyan Group President's Office, Ye Jinyan looked at the starry sky outside the window and thought for a moment, picked up the microphone of the landline on the desk, dialed the number in the work area, and asked the employees who were still working overtime who drove Here, he wants to borrow a car.

Three hours later.

Ye Jinyan came all the way to Bincheng, and Wang Feiyu's people led him down to the private room to have a look. Fan Jingang was lying on the table, drinking unconsciously, and next to him was Zhu Suosuo, who was lying on the back of the chair, with the same blushing face and thick neck. , as drunk as mud, blowing like roaring.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect you to drink so well at such a young age. Let's have a good discussion in the future when we have time." After Wang Feiyu said this sentence slowly, he turned to look at the person standing at the door: "Old Ye , You see, you didn’t make a call before you came, just now, Gangzi told me that you have something to do and you can’t come, so I let Mr. Zhang and the others drink the wine I prepared for you.”

Ye Jinyan didn't respond to his question, but glanced at Zhu Suosuo and Fan Jingang, and then looked at Lin Yue: "What did you do to them?"

Lin Yue felt that the way he raised his face was somewhat similar to Jiang Nansun's complaining wife: "What did I do to them? Are you blind?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was Wang Zha.

Wang Feiyu applauded beside him: "Mr. Zhang, you are not giving Ye Ye any face. He drove for so long to come here. At least you have to toast him with a glass of wine, don't you?"

"Him? Toast and don't eat the old thing of fine wine."

"Young man, no one told you to be polite and understand the rules when you speak?"

"I used to be polite and civilized, but a young man you think highly of says it's fake and hypocritical, so I'll change it." Lin Yue curled his lips: "And...for you Ye Jinyan, I'm also doing this in the same way. One's way also governs one's body."

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 6380 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, the book friends with the tail number 4171 for the reward of 700 starting coins, Song Wenci for the reward of 500 starting coins, the book friends with the tail number 4570, and the book friends with the tail number 0171 for the reward 200 starting coins, Xiaoyong, 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends with tail number 3263.

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