"As for Lao Ye, it is indeed a bit rash in this matter. After all, Yang Ke, as the vice president of the group, has made a lot of contributions over the years. Now that he is leaving like this, there will inevitably be a situation where people's hearts are fluctuating, but... "Xiang Cheng, the second largest shareholder of the group, changed the subject: "In the long run, it is really not a good choice to keep Yang Ke. I still know a little about this person. He is very ambitious, and if someone in his position is born Thinking, it is easy to look at the height of the mountain, always comparing, always calculating, and tend to protect personal interests at work instead of group interests as the primary consideration."

In this kind of speech, the content in the front is not important, but the content in the back is hardcore.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xiang Cheng is cooling down the confrontation between Li Dajian and Ye Jinyan, lest the two really fight each other on the board of directors. In fact, this is not the first time he has done this. Usually, Li Dajian and Han Jinsheng have disagreements with Ye Jinyan, and they have a lot of quarrels on some issues. At critical moments, Xiang Cheng will come out and say one or two good words to find a way for both parties to turn around and step down. room.

"But Lao Ye, the vice president of the group is such an important position, who will take over his job after Yang Ke leaves, do you have any recommendation? If not, I can recommend someone."

The few directors at the bottom of the ranking looked at it and thought that it would not be possible. Xiang Cheng also had to intervene at this juncture, and had to create a three-legged situation?

Ye Jinyan's eyes were slightly condensed, but his face did not change significantly: "Who?"

Xiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the young man sitting opposite him: "Zhang Anren, Zhang Dong."

The next few directors all looked at Lin Yue, thinking what a good guy, and thought that Xiang Cheng was playing the role of peacemaker to help both parties calm down, but they didn't expect that they were retreating to advance. In other words, Xiang Cheng was soft-hearted, and helped excuse Yang Ke's resignation, and nominated Zhang Anren to take over Yang Ke's class. Ye Jinyan just accepted his favor, are you embarrassed to refuse?

Even if he refuses, he can't be too tough.

Li Dajian and Xiang Cheng retreated and advanced, one sang bad faces and the other sang bad faces. The protagonist of the topic remained silent and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

What did Zhang Anren and Xie Jiayin do? He actually got Xiang Cheng done.

"Mr. Zhang became Xie's vice president at a young age, and he proposed a business strategy that has been well received and received rave reviews in the industry. It is conceivable what kind of changes and far-reaching impact it will bring to the home appliance industry. Two days ago, he Going to Bincheng in person and convincing our competitors to give up the target land is enough to prove his ability, and he has a Ph.D. from the School of Architecture, so he can be regarded as a professional counterpart in real estate, and his experience can be used together.”

There is nothing wrong with this statement. Regardless of whether Zhang Anren has Xie Jiayin's support or not, judging from the results of the incident, his ability to work is beyond doubt. Ye Jinyan can't find reason for saying this.

Yes, Ye Jinyan was caught off guard, but that doesn't mean he just accepted it.

"Old Xiang, you are right. Mr. Zhang is young and promising, and his ability is outstanding, but there is a big difference between real estate and home appliances. Innovation in the technology and digital industry is the first driving force. Innovation and drive in the real estate industry alone are Not enough, let me tell the truth, Mr. Zhang is too young, and he needs a little more precipitation to take on important responsibilities in a real estate company, but what is certain is that, given him three to five years, he will definitely become an outstanding talent in his own right."

The words are suppressed before and then raised, but the effect is completely different from Xiang Cheng's expression.

At this moment Lin Yue smiled.

"Look at Mr. Ye's meaning... You should have already made a decision on the candidate for the vice president? You might as well speak up and listen, and everyone will help the staff."

Ye Jinyan straightened up, lingered on his face for a while, then looked at other people, and mentioned a name.



Lu Xifeng said, "Just that... Daisy from before?"

All the elders in the group knew that Fan Jingang, Tang Xin, and Daisy used to be called Ye Jinyan's right-hand man. Later, Tang Xin and Daisy had a conflict of ideas, and the latter handed in his resignation letter and went abroad to start a business.

Ye Jinyan nodded: "That's right, it's her. Although Daisy has been living and working abroad for the past few years, she has been paying attention to the mainland economy and Jingyan, and is also very familiar with the group's operations and management. I think it is very appropriate for her to be the vice president of the group."

The next few directors whispered to each other, asking about her situation.

A director with two age spots on the right cheek said: "If it's her, I can definitely consider it."

The other two directors nodded slightly.

After all, he is an old employee who has worked with Ye Jinyan before, and he has a good relationship with Ye Jinyan, so he doesn't have too many worries about using it. As for Zhang Anren, distrust ranks first in the hearts of the lower-ranking directors, and then It is the fear of him quietly handling Xiang Cheng, Li Dajian, Han Jinsheng and others.

"Hehe, as far as I know..."

Li Dajian was about to talk about Daisy's personal debts and the fact that he was fined and confiscated in Italy for tax evasion, but Lin Yue patted his wrist, meaning don't mention it.

Although he didn't know the reason, he suppressed the urge to speak and stopped in the middle.

Lin Yue said: "Daisy...if she is the vice president of the group..."

He looked at the people around him: "Li Dong, what do you think?"

He was not surprised that Ye Jinyan would do this. After all, Daisy replaced Ye Jinyan as the president of Jingyan Group and competed with Yang Ke's company. He owed Ye Jinyan a large sum of money, and introducing Wang Yongzheng was certainly not enough to repay the debt. Now that Yang Ke was forced to leave, Tang Xin was dissatisfied with the strategic shift of the group, and the board of directors had him intervening again. In order to counteract these unstable factors, he stood From Ye Jinyan's point of view, one is to strengthen the line of defense, and not lose any more ground, and the other is to add "one of my own", with Daisy, an old friend and a woman who has some affection for him, can he let it go?

In the series, Ye Jinyan said that he didn’t ask Daisy for help because he couldn’t save his face. He wanted to maintain his character setting that he would never change his face. Here, on the surface, because of his help, Daisy can She settled the Italian matter quickly and safely and returned to China, and Ye Jinyan also hired her personal lawyer to help her with the lawsuit in China, and now she asked Ye Jinyan to borrow money to help Dai Yin repay the joint debt of the husband and wife. One million, under such circumstances, if Ye Jinyan told her about the current difficulties, could she just sit back and ignore them?

As for the reason why Lin Yue didn't object, it's very simple, the more acquaintances he has in Jingyan Group, the more he can catch him all in one go.

"Okay, Daisy can be the vice president of the group, but before that, I have a proposal here." Li Dajian unzipped his briefcase at Lin Yue's signal, took out a folder from it, and held it in front of Ye Jinyan. push.


Ye Jinyan frowned, took the folder in his hand and opened it, and saw the title of the first document, his face suddenly changed.

He finally knew how Zhang Anren managed Li Dajian, Han Jinsheng and others.

The document in front of me is Jingyan Group's mainland listing plan.

Yes, Jingyan Group is a listed company, but instead of A-shares, it is H-shares. The main reason is that there is a large funding gap for early development. H-shares are easy to land, and the IPO process is very fast. The mainland is different and time-consuming. In addition, it is much more difficult for real estate companies to go public than ordinary companies.

After the successful H-share listing, after several years of fermentation, Ye Jinyan's shares have been diluted to just over 30%. In addition to the shares held by shareholders who have a good relationship with him, they barely maintain a level of 35%. One-vote veto right, if you return to the A-share listing, the shares will continue to be diluted, there is really a special situation, if it is not handled well, there is a risk of being kicked out.

So ever since they found out that the mainland regulatory authorities are going to continue to raise the threshold for real estate companies to go public, Han Jinsheng, Li Dajian and others have always wanted to beat the time difference and do an IPO in the mainland as soon as possible.

The price-earnings ratio of A-shares is much higher than that of H-shares. Once Jingyan Group is listed on A-shares, the value of shareholders will inevitably skyrocket. When the shares are sold, they will be able to make a lot of money.

Shareholders are thinking about how to get a vote, and Ye Jinyan is thinking about how to keep his control over Jingyan. There is an irreconcilable conflict between the two on this point. There was a dispute before the board of directors, but the final result He was the one who won, because it was one thing to think about it, and another thing to actually do it. He could always find refutation arguments based on the company's situation, which made those people have to give up.

Unexpectedly, now Zhang Anren, no, it should be said that Xie Jiayin sent Zhang Anren to the board of directors in order to avenge him, and brought up the old matter again.

Li Dajian looked at him closely: "If you agree to this plan, we will agree to Daisy as the vice president of the group."

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