Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1185 I'm here to ask for a debt

It's an interesting situation.

Pursuing an A-share listing is a major decision for the company. According to Ye Jinyan's controllable equity, if a general meeting of shareholders is held for deliberation, it is no problem to veto it with one vote. But the appointment of Daisy as vice president requires the approval of more than half of the board of directors. Is it possible under the current situation?

You must know that Li Dajian and Han Jinsheng are not the only ones who support Jingyan Group's A-share listing. Most of the directors also have this intention. If he disagrees with the listing plan, once the voting starts, Daisy will never become the vice president.

The next few directors looked at Ye Jinyan without blinking, waiting for his answer.

Speaking of which, this matter is quite interesting, as if Li Dajian and his group have calculated all the developments correctly, and are waiting to pose a problem to Ye Jinyan.

To support or not to support?

Ye Jinyan was silent in thought with a bitter face. For about three or four minutes, he slowly glanced at the directors present: "This matter... I agree."

This sentence seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After he finished speaking, he leaned back, looked up at the small chandelier in the meeting room, and remained silent.

Li Dajian said: "Okay, I have no objection to Daisy's proposal to be the vice president of the group."

He said he had no objection, so Zhang Anren, Xiang Cheng and others naturally had no objection either.

Well, a textbook compromise of interests.

Ye Jinyan waved his hand: "If you have nothing else to do, you can go, I want to be alone."

The directors below looked at each other and stood up one after another.

Lin Yue also left behind Li Dajian and the others.

After they left, Ye Jinyan straightened up, the dead gray on his face disappeared, and the spirit in his eyes returned.


Compromise what?

Do those people like Li Dajian think that finding a strong woman with experience in listing in the Mainland can promote Jingyan Group's A-share IPO? Innocent.

He has already obtained reliable information, because the regulators are worried that the overheating housing market will collapse as quickly as Japan, and they will continue to increase scrutiny. In the next few years, the difficulty for real estate companies to enter the A-share market to raise funds will only increase and will not weaken.

Not to mention making some small moves in the dark, even if he does nothing, it is impossible for Jingyan to succeed in its IPO.

In short, the discomfort just now was all pretended for those people to see. If it is a business game, he has eaten more salt than Ruan Fanzhang has traveled. It is wishful thinking to wrestle with him.

In Ye Jinyan's perception, Zhang Anren is a student of the School of Architecture. He is good at drawing design drawings, and he knows what business management is. Most of the things he does are planned and led by Xie Jiayin and her team behind the scenes, just like On the Wang Feiyu surrender incident, on the way back from Bincheng, Zhu Suosuo said that when Xie Hongzu was looking for someone to beat Zhang Anren at the gate of Xinghui International, he saw Wang Feiyu and Xie Jiayin standing together, which shows that they have been in contact for a long time. From Wang Feiyu's stumbling block to Jingyan's development plan in Bincheng, to Zhang Anren's single-handed attendance at the meeting, winning the Bincheng land was basically a performance for the board of directors—look, Ye Jinyan can't handle it Zhang Anren did the things I did.

So in the end Zhang Anren is Xie Jiayin's marionette.

This kind of thinking is okay and logical, but it is based on common sense. Unfortunately, what happened to Zhang Anren cannot be explained by common sense. There is no such thing as helping a company with an IPO, Xie Jiayin This is what Director Lin did in "Ode to Joy", and the tightening of the policy is not expressly prohibited.


Ye Jinyan sat in the conference room for a while, and felt that it was time for the directors to go to the lobby, so he got up and left, and walked to the office area.

He had only completed one-third of the distance when he vaguely heard voices arguing from the front left. At this moment, a figure flashed around the corner, and Fan Jingang walked over with an anxious expression on his face: "Mr. Ye, can you figure it out?" gone."

"What's going on in front?"

"You... go and have a look and you'll know." Fan Jingang acted like I have a lot of ideas to say, but I'm afraid that if I talk too much, you'll think I'm a gossip.

Ye Jinyan glared at him, didn't ask any further questions, and walked over following the voice.

Originally, there were many employees on the outside watching the excitement, and no one knew who whispered "Mr. Ye is here", and the people behind returned to their jobs one after another, not daring to whisper, only dared to secretly glance at the place where the incident happened.

Ye Jinyan thought Lin Yue and the others had left, but they didn't. He, Li Dajian, and Xiang Chengcheng were present, looking like they were watching the excitement from the sidelines.

With a glance in the middle, the first thing that catches the eye is Daisy, next to Daisy is Jiang Nansun, and then there is a middle-aged woman, who should be Jiang Nansun's mother.

Ye Jinyan couldn't figure it out. Today, the board of directors was only held to study Daisy's appointment as the vice president of the group, and she was not allowed to come over.

He took two steps forward and saw Wang Yongzheng standing on Daisy's left, and opposite Wang Yongzheng was a man in a wheelchair.

It wasn't Wang Feiyu, he knew this person - Jiang Nansun's father, Jiang Pengfei, had met once before under Zhu Suosuo's recommendation.

"Why did he come to the company?"

Fan Jingang leaned over and whispered, "The security guard said that Jiang Pengfei was here to find Wang Yongzheng. He called the design department to confirm, and then let him come up. He was friendly at first, but after Daisy and Jiang Nansun arrived, the situation got out of control."

While listening to the secretary explain the incident, the quarrel in the inner circle continued.

Jiang Nansun said, "Dad, what are you doing?"

In front of so many people, the family was torn apart, she wished she could tear the ceiling open and fly into the universe, never to return to this sunny land.

Father Jiang said, "What am I doing? Of course I want money."

He pointed to the two young men pushing the wheelchair behind him: "They went to the hospital to ask me to collect debts, what can I do, of course I have to ask the richest son-in-law for help."

Daisy said with a cold face: "You have to figure it out, Nansun and Wang Yongzheng are not married yet."

Jiang's father said: "So what if you are not married. He said, 'I will be good to Nansun all my life'. Anyway, I will be his father-in-law sooner or later. If you help me pay back the money now, you can get a little less. Otherwise, wait for him and Nansun to get married. After marriage, the interest will be several million."

Don't even say it, it's obviously nonsense, but it sounds very real.

Wang Yongzheng was wronged and angry at the same time. He never thought that Jiang's father would come to work and ask him to pay back the money. He owes more than two million yuan. Let alone he can't pay it now, even if he can, God knows There are still a few million dollars waiting for him.

Decline politely, and be accused of not loving Jiang Nansun enough, being irresistible enough, not being indifferent to you and me enough.

As for why Jiang's father concluded that he could come up with a big sum, because he is a foreigner, can the people that Daisy, a financially free master, associate with be poor? cant. Moreover, Zhang Anren said that with his parents' family background, it would be no problem to sell assets to raise tens of millions.

Explain it, it doesn't make sense, or Jiang's father is super rogue, and he threatened to make trouble in the company without paying money today, so that his colleagues will know that he is a person who talks like fart. In desperation, he had no choice but to call Jiang Nansun and ask her to come and persuade Jiang's father.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive, and Dai Yin said something unkind, Jiang's father became angry, and ran directly to the work area, cursing in front of many employees, which made him and the three women extremely embarrassed.

Jiang's mother said: "The doctor said that you are very lucky. You are not paralyzed after you injured your spine. After a period of recuperation, you can walk around on the ground. God will help you continue your life. It is not for you to continue to do evil. You should not be embarrassed about this matter." Wang Yongzheng."

Jiang's father said: "I don't believe in God, I only know that during the few days when I was paralyzed, what you wanted was to go to Italy, 'Sister lived for your Jiang family, and I have been depressed for more than 20 years. The next day should be for yourself. And live', these are your sister's original words, and they are also your thoughts? Unfortunately, you are very unlucky. The creditor sued the court. As a wife, you have the obligation to repay the money and you are prohibited from leaving the country. What did you do? Ask for a divorce and cut the debt so that you can use the money your sister borrowed from Ye Jinyan to help you out. As for me? Have you considered me? Live for our Jiang family? The Jiang family gave birth to a girl, did they live a day for the Jiang family? A bitch like you, what right do you have to preach to me. "

The audience was in an uproar.

Those employees who secretly looked at this side all looked excited, and went straight to the good guy.

This is an ongoing version of "It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married". The key is that the man is not dead yet, and the woman is trying to divide the debt to reduce losses. What's more interesting is that this matter is also related to Ye Jinyan. Now that the meeting of the board of directors is over, the news that Daisy will succeed Yang Ke who has resigned as the vice president of the group has spread. If what Jiang's father said is true, then this woman's character... really... How should I put it, In her shoes, she may not have done wrong. Yes, it's not illegal, but immoral.

Jiang's mother was robbed by Jiang's father, and her face with the words "menopause" turned pale. She never imagined that he would pour out all the affairs of Jiang's family. What is this called? This is called family ugliness, and when she was living in the big house on Fuxing Road, if Mrs. Jiang knew that her son was so unmannered, unstructured, and unrestrained, she might be mad at him to death.

Ye Jinyan saw that the situation was not good, and if the Jiang family continued to make trouble, the vice president would have to bear the adjective "mean and immoral" before taking office.

He winked at Fan Jingang, the president's secretary understood, turned around and walked back, but Lin Yue stopped him with a stride: "Secretary Fan, where are you going? It would be a pity not to watch such a wonderful family ethics drama."

Thank you for the 150 starting coins that I am so afraid of, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the red dust, devil core, no darkness, concept 2014, BEITANG, and tail number 5541.

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