Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1192 Don't pretend to be aggressive, you will be easily struck by lightning

Lin Yue pouted: "Do you think it is necessary for me to tell you the answer?"

After saying this, he went to a seat where he could watch the police put the two into the police car, and snapped his fingers at the waiter: "Waiter, order."

It is not easy for Daluo to jump over the wall in a hurry. He sent the recording of molesting Jiang Nansun to his wife and work unit. The wife here is divorced, and the boss resigns under pressure. What will he think? I must think that Jiang Nansun is retaliation for his behavior of going to the boss to complain.

Now that the family is in crisis, the work is over, and the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, why don't we make things worse?

It's true that once the incident got to the police station, Da Luo would have no fruit to eat, but he can hold his breath. What can the audio files recorded by Jiang Nansun prove? sexual harassment? obscene? Anyway, it can't be rape. The detention for these two crimes is at most 15 days. What about Jiang Nansun? Extorted 70,000 yuan, and you must know that the extortion amount is as high as 30,000 yuan, which is the start of a three-year prison sentence. Which one is worse?

A woman who sexually harassed her deserved a lesson, and a woman who was extorted and extorted went to jail. Well, Lin Yue believed that he had undoubtedly upheld the dignity of the law.

The two sat down, Tang Xin hesitated for a while: "I have no objection to you taking revenge on Dai Qian and Jiang Nansun. Regarding Li Yifan, can you be lenient?"

Lin Yue picked up the towel on the table and wiped his hands: "Don't worry, he will be troublesome at most about this case, and he won't be regarded as an accomplice, but you should know that I am the most honest person, so tell me The water splashed out by my words, since he ignores my words, he can only take care of himself when there is a problem."

"Oh." Tang Xin sighed heavily.


Jiang Nansun was criminally detained.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, disrupting Jiang's mother's peaceful life for a few days. She and Zhu Suosuo were so anxious that they couldn't eat, and wandered around like headless flies.

Call Yang Ke, but Yang Ke doesn't answer.

Ask Ye Jinyan for help, but I can't hold back my face.

After Daisy found out about the incident, she asked a friend to inquire about the news, but there was no reply there. Li Yifan came to the door first, and only then did they figure out what happened.

Extortion is a public prosecution case, which basically cannot be revoked, but the punishment can be mitigated by returning the stolen money and seeking the victim's understanding. Daisy dare not tell Wang Yongzheng about this, and when Da Luo's detention period expires, she will go over to negotiate terms with Li Yifan, but No matter how hard they talk, even the promise of two million spiritual compensation can't make Da Luo let go, and they are determined to make Jiang Nansun pay a painful price.

After Zhu Suosuo was fired by Ye Jinyan, she has been at home all the time. She is sure that Yang Ke knows the news of her resignation from Jingyan, but the other party neither contacts her nor answers her calls. People who know the police station or the procuratorate will see if they can find a way to get Jiang Nansun out.

This kind of thing is of course very difficult, and Fan Jingang has no good idea, but after listening to her narration, he suggested that the Jiang family go to Zhang Anren, because there is an old saying that one must tie the bell to untie it, even a fool can see this. There is his shadow behind the incident.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhu Suosuo to go to Zhang Anren, she was afraid that she couldn't help tearing that guy up on the spot.

A group of people discussed and discussed, and finally Daisy stood up and took over this important task.


In the afternoon, the breath of autumn swept across the long street, and the yellow leaves fell gently, and were picked up by a fast passing BMW car, spinning away.

Lin Yue sat in the tin room at the entrance of the alley, watching the bean curd, seaweed, cabbage, and fish balls gently shaking with the bubbling bubbles in the steaming pot. The proprietress in an apron sat in a cramped corner In the middle of the day, while wearing sausages and quail eggs with bamboo sticks, while watching Zhejiang Satellite TV's "Run, Brother", occasionally let out a burst of unpleasant laughter.

On the left is oden, and on the right is the frying pan for skewers. The boss, who is nearly fifty years old, takes a rag over and over again, and carefully wipes the seasoning powder and oil scattered around.

Although it's not the busy time yet, the unique pyrotechnic atmosphere of the market can still be felt.

Lin Yue likes this feeling very much. He always feels that it is more suitable for thinking about problems than a lazy coffee shop. When he meets girls in the film and television world, he will take them to similar places to have a good meal after work. I still remember "Sewing Machine Band" After Li Ding Jianguo blocked him, his supper was a bowl of fiery Kungfu cooking. She asked him, do you want to exchange my body with a bowl of eight yuan Malatang? You stingy bastard!

Daisy doesn't like this kind of feeling very much. For her, going to a restaurant is a spotless white tablecloth, roses in a glass, soft candles, bright red wine, and well-dressed waiters No matter how bad it is, there must be exquisite steamed buns, crystal clear wontons, crystal puddings, fluffy waffles and tiramisu, not like this shabby iron house, which is full of oily fumes. Sitting on a plastic bench that has been used for almost a year, the refrigerator for vegetables and meat has expired, and the tabletop has peeled off skin and paint, it is disgusting to look at.

"Boss, give this lady two strings of tenderloin, a string of eggplants, a string of cabbage, plus fried golden cicadas, and a bottle of snow beer."

Lin Yue didn't even look at her, and just yelled at the boss to do something.


Following the loud answer, a half-circle of blue flames burst out from the stove, and the boss removed the cover of the fryer, waiting for the oil temperature to rise.

Daisy said with a cold face: "Do you know how long it took me to find this place?"

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me." Lin Yueniao ignored her, picked up a piece of kelp and put it in his mouth.

"You did it on purpose."

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

"Woo..." Daisy kept reminding herself to be calm, this time she came here to ask for something, even if she was ignored, ridiculed, or even scolded, she had to hold back.

Based on the amount of money Jiang Nansun extorted, the lawyer gave a reference sentence of 5 years in prison. Her niece is 26 this year, and she really wants to spend 5 years in prison.

This is something Jiang's mother can't accept, and it's also something she can't accept-she has no children, and has always regarded Jiang Nansun as her own.

"You should know the purpose of my coming here."

Lin Yue didn't speak, because the boss came over with a stainless steel plate, which contained the fried skewers he ordered just now, and the oily flowers were still sizzling between the tenderloin and the folds of vegetable leaves.

"Boss, I don't want this cake."

"For you." The middle-aged man squeezed out a smile on his weather-beaten face, took the beer bottle handed by the proprietress, opened it with a screwdriver tied to his belt, put it in front of Daisy who looked disgusted, and said, "Slow down." Use", turn around and do the hygiene that was not done just now.

"Please, Lady Daisy."

Lin Yue beckoned to the food on the dinner plate. As for Jiang Nansun's matter, he had no interest in talking about it at all.

She also saw that Zhang Anren wouldn't pick up the conversation until he got rid of the junk food and a bottle of beer.

Enduring the intense discomfort, Daisy picked up a string of tenderloin and took a bite, poured half a glass of beer into the glass with the other hand, raised her head and poured it all into her mouth, and swallowed it with the unchewed meat belly.

"That's right." Lin Yue lit a cigarette while speaking, took a puff in his mouth and blew it on her face.

The billowing smoke rushed towards the face, and Daisy sucked it in suddenly, coughing until she was choked.

He did it on purpose, he did it on purpose!


"What about me? I'm different from the man around you, right?"


"Continue to eat." Lin Yue ignored her and said in an orderly tone.

Daisy had no choice but to endure the pungent smell of smoke and the discomfort in her heart to eat those harmful foods into her stomach, and then downed the beer as pure water, so as to suppress the churning in her stomach.

As soon as she looked up, a flash of light exploded on the opposite side, and there was a light click, and the camera captured a face that was a little bit embarrassed, a little dazed, and even a little bit panicked.

"What are you doing?"

"Take a memorable photo for you."

At the same time as the conversation, a notification popped up on Daisy's mobile phone, showing that someone had sent her a photo, but she never remembered adding this ID.

"Send it to your Facebook and Moments."

"Zhang Anren, don't bully others too much."


Daisy wanted to refuse such an out-of-style thing, but she had no choice but to follow his wishes and send the picture to Moments.

Lin Yue casually gave her a like, ignoring the face on the other side who almost lost his face because of the comments in the circle of friends, took out a document and handed it over: "I am a serious person, I like to do business with others, and I pursue equality and voluntariness. It’s no problem if you want to help Jiang Nansun reduce his sentence, but the key is what price you can pay, and whether the price is attractive enough.”

Thank you Cup Quilt 666 for the 5,000 starting coins, and book friends with the tail number 8155 for the 100 starting coins.

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