Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1193 Have you ever played role-playing?

Daisy was on the verge of going berserk.

The iron house itself is out of tune with her. Malatang and oden are not in line with her definition of food. This bland beer is like horse urine. It is far from the various craft beers she drank in Europe, but Well, these things she didn't like were nothing compared to the documents in her hand.

If what she experienced just now is called humiliation, then the request in the document is insult.

"Zhang Anren, Nansun leaving you is the most correct choice she has ever made in her life."

"Yes, yes, you are all right, as long as people and things that do not conform to your interests are wrong."

Lin Yue stood up and pointed to Daisy: "She pays for the meal." After finishing the matter, he nodded to the boss, left the iron house, and walked to the parking lot not far away.

Daisy pondered for a moment, as if she had made some important decision, she gritted her teeth, picked up the Hermes bag on the table, and hurriedly checked out. Her white calf slipped, and she didn't have time to open the parasol, and she trotted away from the alley.

Lin Yue returned to the car, started the engine, was about to refuel and leave, when he heard a bang on the left side, looked sideways, and found that Jiang Nansun's aunt was banging on the window hard.

He frowned, dropped the car window, and looked out expressionlessly: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Since it's a deal, I think it should have room for bargaining."

"Sorry, no." Lin Yue shook his head: "What I gave you are multiple-choice questions, not second-grade rounding arithmetic questions."

Daisy didn't speak, turned to the side of the car, opened the passenger's door and sat in: "Why do you have to do this to Nansun?"

Lin Yuexin said that you should blame the system for the tasks given by the system, not to mention that this is much more benevolent than being a villain in "Love in a Courtyard". Of course, Daisy wouldn't understand this matter, and he wouldn't say: "It's her own choice to blackmail Da Luo, and I didn't let her do it, and it was Da Luo who went to the police, not me. The two people who violated the law should be punished. Do you think there is a problem with this? When Zhu Suosuo reported me for messing with men and women, corrupting the school atmosphere, and canceling my place to stay in school, no one said that she did too much ? You know I'm not even a moral question."

Daisy was so speechless by his question that she couldn't speak a word.

"But this..." She raised the document in her hand: "Don't you think this is also illegal?"

Lin Yue said: "The buddies in the Facebook group are all talents, and the role-playing tasks they release are not all thrilling and exciting. You can do some serious things to accumulate points. Why do you have to watch it? What about the red-faced content, bah~ dirty thinking, bad style."

"Zhang Anren, you know that I don't have the right to choose!"

Yes, there are slightly normal tasks, such as going to the Empire State Building to dance a horse, such as singing "Descendants of the Dragon" at the gate of the Louvre, but they are all tasks with relatively low reward points. , Jiang Nansun was sentenced early. And those tasks with high reward points are hard to talk about just thinking about it.

"Don't you think that's mean?"

"I smoke, drink, have sex and have tattoos, but I'm a good girl. You have to pamper me and let me protect and take care of me, better than your own mother. Isn't that despicable?" Lin Yue said: "I I said earlier that I want Jiang Nansun to experience the feeling of ordinary people betraying their dignity and sacrificing themselves in order to survive, and now that she has entered, I am quite disappointed."


Wang Yongzheng has been unable to contact Jiang Nansun for several days, so he called to turn off the phone, went to Zhu Suosuo's house to escape, and asked Daisy, and the answer was that Jiang Nansun took Jiang's mother out to avoid debts, but Wang Yongzheng couldn't figure it out, he should inform himself when he went to avoid debts, right? What's the matter if you walk away without making a sound?

However, Jiang Nansun's behavior can also be understood to a certain extent. After Jiang's father went to Jingyan to ask for debts, he knows how hateful those debt collectors are.

But within a few days, something even more bizarre happened. Daisy, the vice president who had only been in office for a few days, asked Ye Jinyan for a month's leave. According to her, she was going back to Italy to deal with the aftermath. Situation, if necessary, do a little help or something, but in the end, no one was found, and the Chinese living there said they didn't see her.

A few days later, when Wang Yongzheng was interacting with foreign friends on the Internet, someone sent him an interesting video, which showed an Asian woman wearing a mask wearing a swimsuit holding a sign in a New York subway station. English says "I'm a bitch."

This is already the most subtle clip. In the next period of time, the videos of the masked sister continued to appear on Facebook, TT, Youtube and other foreign media. Her filming footprints spread all over the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and even worked in the Vatican. A thing that may be banned for life.

Sister Mask has become an Internet celebrity without any accident. Many netizens are curious about who she is, what her name is, and whether she has a pretty face. Unfortunately, this person quickly disappeared and disappeared, which made foreign netizens lose a lot of fun. .

Wang Yongzheng didn't take it seriously at first. For a person like him, is it difficult to date a woman? The mask lady didn't appeal to him at all, but as time went by, the more he watched, the more he felt that the heroine in the short video looked familiar, as if... But he couldn't be sure, after all, it was covered by a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

Soon, a month passed, and Daisy came back. Although the person is still the same person, the image is still the same image, but there is always an indescribable taste in Gu Pan's feeling.

Wang Yongzheng didn't know where Daisy went and what she did this month, and he also didn't know about Jiang Nansun's situation.

Lin Yue is a person of integrity. Daisy went all out for her niece, challenged her bottom line, and signed a time-limited contract. Da Luo also let go and wrote a letter of understanding to the judge, hoping that the court would A light sentence can be given when Jiang Nansun's extortion case is tried.

If he performed well during his sentence, he would be released in about ten months. For such a sentence, Jiang Nansun did not file an appeal and chose to plead guilty and accept it.

Jiang's mother breathed a sigh of relief, and went to the temple to buy three sticks of incense, thanking Mantian gods and Buddhas for their protection.

So far, the matter of Jiang Nansun has come to an end.

Two months later, Wang Yongzheng received a personal letter from Jiang Nansun, to the effect that he felt that the two were not suitable and wanted to break up.

Have a mobile phone and want to write a letter? The point is that people don't know where they went. When they asked Daisy about the situation, they were persuaded to take a step back. Like a person.

During this period, Jingyan’s IPO progress was unprecedentedly smooth. Ye Jinyan was a little skeptical when he watched the entrusting agency break through one difficulty after another. If all real estate companies went public as easily as Jingyan, wouldn’t the housing prices skyrocket?

He couldn't figure out why, he always felt that there was a hand secretly manipulating, he had doubted Xie Jiayin, but it was obvious that the woman didn't have such energy.


Li Yifan's life has been difficult recently, not only because of his involvement in Jiang Nansun's extortion case, which caused a lot of trouble in the company and circle of friends, and even affected the company's operations, but also because someone reported that his fund was suspected of illegal fundraising, The regulatory authorities have launched a surprise investigation on his company. Companies like theirs that help customers manage money and invest will inevitably touch the gray area of ​​financial supervision. Even if there is no evidence of illegal fund-raising, it is definitely not a big deal to catch some illegal operations. Difficult.

For this consequence, he could only think of one person——Zhang Anren.

Just today, when he was struggling to redeem a large amount of money for a client, the secretary brought the man over.

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