Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1195 Call Me Little Uncle

"What are you doing here? Get lost!"

If Xie Hongzu and Xiaohe hadn't pulled him desperately, Zhu Suosuo would have rushed over to beat him.

Lin Yue held a one-eyed black cat in his arms, and walked past the three of them without even looking at her.

In front was Jiang's mother. She said the same thing, and kept moving a string of beads with her fingers. It seemed that only in this way could she suppress the overflowing emotions in her heart.

"Take each side of the road facing the sky. This is not your home. Can I come and see the scenery?"

To see the scenery outside the prison gate? No one believed this. Jiang's mother was so angry that she kept reciting the Diamond Sutra. This was the result of the days when Jiang Nansun entered. As a woman who knows nothing, has nothing, and lacks her own opinions, all she can do is go to the temple every day Prayed to gods and worshiped Buddha, and prayed for her daughter's good fortune. Later, Jiang Nansun was sentenced to one year's imprisonment instead of the expected five-year sentence. She felt that her piety moved the gods and Buddhas in the sky and made things turn around. After that, she began to believe in Buddhism and invited several Bodhisattvas Like making offerings at home, burning incense and prostrating every day, reciting the Diamond Sutra and the Lotus Sutra when you have free time.

At first Daisy didn't let her believe this, but she couldn't tell her sister the truth because it was really hard to tell, so she just let her go, after all, she wouldn't think wildly when she had something to do, let alone do stupid things too much.

"Auntie..." Zhu Suosuo was puzzled. Daisy should hate Zhang Anren the most, but why...why...

Without waiting for a response, there was a rattling sound, the small door at the corner of the gate opened, and a woman with short hair came out from inside, followed by the policemen who disappeared in a flash, and the door slowly closed.

Zhu Suosuo hurried over, took Jiang Nansun's hand and hugged him: "Nansun, you finally came out..."

She had visited the prison with Jiang's mother before, but facing the guards through the bars, that environment would definitely not be comfortable.

Xie Hongzu and Xiaohe held a brazier, and the other took clean water from the temple to help Jiang Nansun get rid of bad luck, because the actual detention time was not long, and there were not many scenes of crying in TV dramas. Jiang Nansun crossed the brazier and looked up. Daisy, who was wearing a long dress, choked up and called "Auntie". Both Jiang's mother and Zhu Suosuo explained when they came to visit the prison. She was sentenced to only one year because of Daisy's constant communication with Da Luo. .

Just at this moment, the figure behind Daisy made a mistake, and a man's face that she hated so much came into view.

"It's you? Zhang Anren!"

"No, you shouldn't call me that." Lin Yue made a move that stunned everyone present. He hugged Daisy's body in his arms: "You should call me little uncle."




At a loss.





Complex emotions flashed across different faces.

Jiang Nansun's little uncle?

When did Zhang Anren become Jiang Nansun's little uncle? What the hell does this happen?

Lin Yue ignored everyone's expressions on the other side: "Surprised, aren't you? My dear niece is released from prison. As an elder, of course I have to come to praise her personally, right?"

"Auntie?" It took her a long time to realize, seeing Daisy put on a resentful woman.

"What he not wrong."

Accompanied by an answer that sounded a little insincere, Lin Yue threw the big red book into Jiang Nansun's arms: "I just got it this morning, and it's still warm. It's your gift from prison. Are you happy? Are you surprised?"

The three gold-plated characters on the red book are more dazzling than the sunshine in early summer.

Jiang Nansun was stunned by this unexpected scene. She could disbelieve what Zhang Anren said, but she couldn't ignore Daisy's answer and the marriage certificate in her arms.

Daisy really married Zhang Anren...

Jiang Nansun and Jiang's mother were at a loss, and Zhu Suosuo soon came to his senses. As in the previous reaction, she was dazzled by anger and stepped forward quickly, raising her arms to slap Lin Yue's face.

"Zhang Anren, you bastard!"


Zhu Suosuo's hand was grasped by Lin Yue. At this moment, the black cat in his arms rushed out with a meow, and its sharp claws scraped the woman's face mercilessly.

Hearing a grunt, followed by a hoarse cry of pain, Zhu Suosuo covered his face and took a big step back. Xie Hongzu hurried over to help him. Xiahou landed on the ground and turned half a circle. The grass was gone.

Seeing Zhu Suosuo's face bleeding, Xie Hongzu became angry, got up and rushed towards Lin Yue, but was kicked by him, and rolled on the ground clutching his stomach.


"You must see blood on the day you get out of prison." Lin Yue turned his face to look at Jiang Nansun: "Based on what you stupid best friend did, I really regret that I didn't make trouble last year, so I asked the judge to deal with it more severely and sentence you ten times." Eight years."

After finishing speaking, he took out 200 yuan from his pocket and threw it on the ground: "Zhu Suosuo, this is a stray cat you adopted on the way when you beat me to frighten you. If you suffer a counterattack, if it disfigures you, it has nothing to do with me. For the sake of our acquaintance, take the two hundred yuan to see a doctor."

After speaking, he turned and left, with a slight movement of his arms, the wind blowing towards his face brought a wisp of smoke.

"People who fail to learn after suffering many times, I really don't know whether to say they are stubborn or stupid."

"Xiaohe, come on, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and take Suosuo to the hospital." Xie Hongzu's face was covered with cold sweat, his hands and feet twitched in pain, and he still didn't forget to show courtesy to Zhu Suosuo.

Jiang's mother walked up to her younger sister: "Is it to save Nansun?"

Daisy looked up at the barbed wire on the prison wall, said nothing, but sighed heavily.

Jiang Nansun heard that he glanced at his aunt and wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say. Now she finally knew how much Daisy had paid for her to be given a light sentence.

"Jiang Nansun!"

A call came from afar, she followed the sound, and was taken aback.

Li Yifan got off from the Mercedes-Benz, glanced at Xiaohe who was walking away quickly while supporting Zhu Suosuo, and looked at him in a daze: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Nansun shook his head and did not answer directly.

Li Yifan saw that she didn't want to say it, and he didn't force it: "Let's go, let's talk after leaving here."

"thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Jiang's mother, Jiang Nansun and Daisy got into Li Yifan's car, followed Xie Hongzu and left.


a week later.

Xie Hongzu found his mother, Xie Jiayin, with anger.


The sound of the red book falling on the table.

Xie Jiayin stared at her son: "What's your attitude?"

"What's my attitude? What attitude do you ask me?" Xie Hongzu gritted his teeth and said, "You will know when you open it."

Xie Jiayin glanced at the marriage certificate on the table, took it in her hand and gently opened it, put it down again after a few seconds, and said slowly: "I've seen it, so what do you want to express?"

"What do you mean by asking me? What do you mean by asking me?" Xie Hongzu pointed at the table and said, "Isn't he your boyfriend? Isn't he your sweetheart? You don't feel sad or angry when you marry someone else ?"

Xie Jiayin smiled coldly: "Why should I be sad, why should I be angry? Thousands of people apply for marriage certificates at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau every day, and thousands of people apply for divorce certificates. What's the fuss?"

"I...I..." Xie Hongzu was startled and annoyed, pointed at Xie Jiayin and said, "Can you bear this? I'm really ashamed of you!"

"Presumptuous!" This time it was Xie Jiayin's turn to get angry: "What right do you have to point fingers at me?"

"What right do I have to meddle in your affairs? What right do I have to meddle in your affairs?" Xie Hongzu repeated the question twice, and said loudly: "Because I am your son, because you are so fascinated by that little boy that you can't even think of a normal person." It's all gone."

Xie Jiayin was already angry, and when she heard this, she exploded: "I don't have a son like you who turns against his mother for a woman, get out, get out of here."

"Is it necessary to be angry for this kind of person?"

A male voice came from the stairs, and with the sound of kicking footsteps, Lin Yue, who was wearing a purple nightgown, came down from above.

Leaving aside the relationship between him and Xie Jiayin, taking a step back, he is just a softie, a silly boy like Xie Hongzu who can sever ties with his mother for a woman, what right does he have to come here and make trouble?

Earn money for you to eat, drink for you, read for you, and the life of more than 99.9% of young people in China. Because of a gold digger and self-righteous love, he betrayed his mother and the kindness of nurturing for more than 20 years. This kind of rubbish, the director and The screenwriter also kept whitewashing and beautifying her, it's just... Sure enough, in front of money, Sanguan doesn't even count as a fart.

"It's you?" Xie Hongzu looked at the nightgown Lin Yue was wearing, and then at the nightgown Xie Jiayin was wearing. It was obviously a couple's style. He glanced at the marriage certificate on the table again, feeling like his head would explode .

How could this bastard be so brazen!

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