Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1196 A Dad You Will Never Get

If the existence of Yuan Yuan doesn't explain anything, then the existence of the marriage certificate is enough to show that Zhang Anren is a scumbag with a few feet on his feet. He thought that showing Xie Jiayin to see him would allow her to recognize the true face of this person. What happened? She didn't respond at all, as if she didn't care at all that he married Jiang Nansun's aunt. He couldn't restrain his emotions and said something radical, but he was told to get out, and said that he didn't have a son like him.

What made him even more unacceptable was that that scumbag, Zhang Anren, was actually at home, and he and her mother were in harmony with each other, as close as glue.

Xie Hongzu's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he roared angrily: "What are you doing in my house, who told you to come here, get out, get out!"

"What are you doing here? I was with your mother at the time. What you can't give her, I can." Lin Yue ignored the ferocity on his face, walked to the coffee table, poured some water from the cold kettle into the cup, and held it. He got up and took a sip, looked at the marriage certificate on the table and said, "You should be thankful that Daisy is my recipient of the certificate. If it were your mother, you would have to call me Dad when we meet in the future."

"Get out! Get out of me..."

Before Xie Hongzu finished speaking, he was doused by the water spilled from the cup.

Lin Yue looked at him with a half-smile: "Are you deaf? Xie Jiayin said that there will be no son like you from now on, so you are the one who should get out of the room."

Xie Hongzu wiped his face, looked at the woman sitting on the sofa, and found that she turned her head and acquiesced to Zhang Anren's remarks.

For a little boy, for a guy who eats soft food, she actually doesn't want to have her own son?

Xie Hongzu pointed to Lin Yue and said, "Do you want him or me?"

Xie Jiayin didn't look back, and faced the dark night outside the glass window: "If you break up with Zhu Suosuo, I will consider taking back what I just said."

"Okay, okay, you can do it." Xie Hongzu glared: "Xie Jiayin, don't regret it."

Lin Yue sighed in his heart, some people are very cowardly in society, but when they go home and get angry with their parents, they are arrogant.

Seeing that the two of them ignored him, the second generation ancestor clenched his fists and walked towards the door.

Lin Yue picked up the marriage certificate on the coffee table, and said very politely: "Thank you for sending me the marriage certificate."

Xie Hongzu stopped in front of the door, then slammed the door and left.

It's okay, this guy has finally regained his brain, and he didn't come to beg for a fight with his blood like the previous few times.

"What's wrong? It's sad, isn't it?"

Lin Yue sat next to Xie Jiayin and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be sad, the time is coming..."


After Jiang Nansun was released from prison, he did not go to see Wang Yongzheng, nor did he go to Jingyan to work.

Because of her criminal record, she can no longer continue her studies. When it comes to finding a job, even a big company or a good company will not want her. Even the classmates who introduced her to work in the past made all kinds of excuses to evade her. After all, who He also didn't want to recruit someone who had extorted his boss before. During this period, Li Yifan treated her well, and whenever he was free, he invited her out for dinner and said something to enlighten her.

Jiang's mother is very satisfied with this. In her words, given Nansun's current situation, it is really rare for Li Yifan to be able to keep guarding him.

On the first day, I felt nothing, and on the second day, I didn’t think too much about it. On the third day, I might be noncommittal. On the fourth day, I just smiled more. On the fifth day, sixth day, seventh day... As time goes by, Jiang Nansun will inevitably I was shaken, and felt that Li Yifan was good in other aspects except for the cost-effectiveness of everything.

On the other hand, Yang Ke, who won the bid for Plot No. 81 in Qingpu, decided to pursue the victory and set his sights on a piece of riverside land in Taopu, which is also a piece of land that Jingyan is determined to win. According to Ye Jinyan's thinking, it is to build around Shanghai and surrounding areas. The real estate network with a radiant layout will increase the brand premium of Jingyan and further gain the recognition of the general public. Although quality is the basis of word-of-mouth, if the publicity cannot keep up, it will be a situation where the smell of wine is afraid of deep alleys. This kind of marketing strategy can only obtain temporary traffic. From the perspective of long-term effect, it is better to deploy in various districts and deepen public recognition while ensuring quality.

What's interesting is that apart from Yang Ke and Ye Jinyan, there is a gossip that after a year of preparation, the Xie Group's real estate plan has finally taken corresponding action, and Xie Jiayin's goal is also the Taopu land.

The core business of the Xie Group used to be air conditioners, but it also cooperated with lower-level manufacturers to launch some small household appliances, such as electric fans, water heaters, humidifiers, electric pressure cookers, etc., and opened a production line for car freezers in order to develop horizontally. Entering the refrigerator market, the promotion of strategic ideas for intelligent integrated furniture has also achieved good results. Two leading companies, Hisense and Skyworth, have clearly expressed their support and invested in the joint research and development of AI intelligent systems to achieve this, which is enough to improve home life. The big goal of the experience.

People's attention is focused on this matter. Regarding Xie's plan for real estate development, it always feels a bit unprofessional, but soon someone spread the news, saying that Xie's plan is to promote the plan through cooperation. The partner is a well-reputed real estate developer in Bincheng. The boss is a disabled person with nearly ten years of working experience, which can be called rich experience.

People in the industry think that there is a good show to watch. How will these three well-connected companies perform in the competition for the Taopu land?

At the same time, Xie Hongzu was not idle. Whether he was angry with Xie Jiayin or pursued true love first, anyway, Xie Hongzu was going to marry Zhu Suosuo.

Yes, even without his mother's approval and blessing, he insisted on marrying Zhu Suosuo as his wife.

As the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Xie Jiayin suspended Xie Hongzu's credit card, the house bought in his name was not taken back. Xiaohe, a follower with two money, was willing to support him financially.

Not to mention that Zhu Suosuo didn't know about Xie Jiayin and Xie Hongzu's quarrel, even if he knew, he didn't think they wouldn't get back together.

Which woman would give up the blood relationship with the child and stay with a pretty boy. Young couples still have a day of aesthetic fatigue. In another year or two, Xie Jiayin may fall in love with a younger, fitter, and more handsome little girl again. Fresh meat will naturally kick Zhang Anren away.

Taking a step back, once she and Xie Hongzu have a child, can Xie Jiayin resist the urge to hug her grandson? Can't.

So to deal with the rich mother-in-law, all you need to do is grab her sweetheart --- son, and it's only a matter of time before a compromise is made.

The wedding was scheduled for the beginning of July at the Hyatt Hotel on the Bund. Zhu Suosuo invited Fan Jingang, Ye Jinyan, Yang Ke, Aipel and others to attend. Uncle and aunt also sent invitations. Got it, Xiaohe is the best man on Xie Hongzu's side, and there is also a group of rich second-generation buddies who are doing well.

Jiang Nansun couldn't be absent from her best friend's wedding, and Jiang's mother and Daisy also came, but Zhang Anren, a fake little uncle, was naturally unwelcome.

Zhu Suosuo's father didn't come. The reason was the same as that given in the TV series. The signal on the ship was not good and he couldn't receive the phone. No time to go back home? Forcibly add drama to Fan Jingang and Yang Ke, or...Zhu Suosuo didn't contact her father very much at all.

Considering that this person has lived in the house of his uncle and aunt for more than ten or twenty years, he turned to Yang Ke and told Yang Ke that it was the Jiang family who gave her the feeling of being home for so many years. When the wedding was held, his father did not come, but his uncle came, but Fan Jingang Being led into the church by her natal family, it can be seen that this woman has completely forgotten her origin. Those rich and rich are her father and mother, and they are qualified to form her circle of friends. How can a father who is a seaman be worthy? What about an outstanding person like her?

A western-style wedding at a five-star hotel on the Bund, facing a group of dignified guests, a sailor's father and a black stepmother, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her to come.

The difference from the TV series is that none of Zhu Suosuo's uncles, aunts and cousins ​​came, but Wang Yongzheng came, and he was not pulled by Jiang Nansun to solve Zhu Suosuo's worries - Zhao Malin. He came to find Jiang Nansun.

As a high-quality Neptune, he has always dumped women, when will it be women's turn to dump him? What's more, she was a woman he liked very much, so he always wanted to ask her face to face, instead of being broken up for no reason.

Because Zhu Suosuo moved and Daisy refused to reveal the new address, he never had a chance to express his thoughts. Until today, an anonymous email appeared in his mailbox. The content was about Zhu Suosuo’s wedding, including the address, time and participants. , The name of the ex-girlfriend is impressively listed.

As a result, Jiang Nansun was blocked when he was helping Zhu Suo lock his hair.

"Jiang Nansun, tell me, what's going on? Why did you break up with me?" Wang Yongzheng ignored the panic and astonishment on her face, stepped forward quickly, and grabbed her wrist.

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