Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1197 I like batting mandarin ducks best

"Wang Yongzheng?"

Zhu Suosuo was stunned, he didn't expect him to come to the wedding scene.

When drawing up the guest list before, Jiang Nansun was also present, and made it clear that he would keep it a secret from Wang Yongzheng. Even if Daisy had quarreled with Jiang's mother several times about marrying Zhang Anren, she would not betray Jiang Nansun, let alone Fan Jingang. Talk too much, who revealed her marriage to Xie Hongzu?

"Let go, let hurt me."

Wang Yongzheng ignored Jiang Nansun's struggle and scolding of her obvious lack of confidence, and firmly grabbed her hand: "Unless you tell me why."

"No reason." Jiang Nansun looked at him indifferently: "I don't like you anymore."

Wang Yongzheng said: "I don't believe it."

"Wang Yongzheng." Zhu Suosuo walked up to him holding the wedding dress: "Let go of Nansun first, let go."

"I won't let you go." Wang Yongzheng said loudly, "Did your father force you? Tell me, right?"

Jiang Nansun lowered his head and dared not look at him: "No."

The more she was like this, the more Wang Yongzheng refused to give up. He turned a blind eye to Zhu Suosuo's desperate winks and the best man Xiaohe who walked in from the side door. The real reason for the breakup, on the one hand, he couldn't swallow the breath, and on the other hand, he felt that as long as the two were happy, there would be no insurmountable difficulties.

"Jiang Nansun! If you don't tell me the truth today, I won't leave here."

As soon as the words fell, a strong hand grabbed Wang Yongzheng's wrist and pulled it out. He turned his head and saw that it was not Xiaohe. Xiaohe went to help Zhu Suosuo. Because the hem of the wedding dress was too long, the bride accidentally stepped on it. One foot, almost tripped.

It was a man, wearing a white casual suit, with a clean shaven beard and well-groomed hair.

"Let go, if you don't let go, I will call the police."

The moment he saw him, Wang Yongzheng understood, and slowly let go of Jiang Nansun's wrist.

Li Yifan took the opportunity to move the person behind him, between the two of them: "Mr. Wang, I know you. My name is Li Yifan. I am Jiang Nansun's boyfriend now. I hope you will stop pestering her in the future."

Wang Yongzheng took a closer look and recognized that the man in front of him was the blind date that Jiang's father took Jiang Nansun out for dinner before he jumped off the building. He was the one who saved the scene at the critical moment. A boy with a lot of disdain in his words.

That's right, the blind date is someone who can be her uncle, and once married, she will become a stepmother. This is an insult to the goddess of literature and art who was spoiled since she was a child.

"It's you?" Wang Yong looked at Jiang Nansun with disappointment, "Why?" He felt sad for her, and he felt that Li Yifan was not good enough for her.

"Do you want to know why?"

It wasn't Jiang Nansun speaking, nor Zhu Suosuo and Li Yifan, the voice came from outside the door.

Xiaohe's expression changed drastically after seeing it, and he said that something was wrong, he was really afraid of something.

Zhu Suosuo was even more furious, and subconsciously touched his face that was almost scarred: "Why are you here? You are not welcome at my wedding."

"I'm Mr. Xie here to give gifts, don't worry, I don't plan to attend your wedding, but I heard a little noise in the back, come and watch the excitement." Lin Yue said with a smile: "Wang Yongzheng, are you curious why she Choose a strange uncle who is divorced and has children, and don’t want you, a promising young man, as a little uncle, I will show kindness and tell you the truth, because, Jiang Nansun was sentenced to one year in prison by the court for blackmailing his boss.”

Xie Jiayin doesn't like Zhu Suosuo. Many people know this, but the mother and son broke up completely, and the conflict escalated to the point of severing the relationship without knowing it. For some reason, Xie Hongzu didn't tell Zhu Suosuo that the two got married. The relatives and friends have notified it again, so we must not leave our mother behind.

From Xie Hongzu's standpoint, there is absolutely no need to dissuade him, because even if he is notified, Xie Jiayin is unlikely to come, so he ignores this matter. Zhu Suosuo also thinks that Xie Jiayin is unlikely to come, but he didn't expect that the mother-in-law would not come Attending a wedding, and sending an unwelcome guy to the scene, talking about giving gifts.

Is this her gift?

"Zhang Anren!" In front of so many guests, he exposed Jiang Nansun's scars. Regardless of whether the person was angry or not, the bride couldn't accept it anyway. He picked up the hair dryer on his right hand and was about to hit him.

"Since you are an adult, you have to be responsible for your own actions, right? Don't commit crimes if you are afraid of bad reputation." Lin Yue said while running to the hall with Zhu Suosuo, and Xiaohe chased after him, afraid that Zhu Suosuo would step on him The hem of the wedding dress threw itself off.

The guests who watched the excitement also rushed out, and Wang Yongzheng stared blankly at Jiang Nansun: "Nan Sun..."

Jiang Nansun said expressionlessly: "You go, I don't want to see you again."

Li Yifan stared at him with warning eyes: "Mr. Wang, don't you think you have caused enough trouble?"

Not many people know that Jiang Nansun was sentenced for extortion. Wang Yongzheng and Zhang Anren "singed together" at the wedding scene, and her reputation was ruined in Zhu Suosuo's circle of friends.


"Is that Zhu Suosuo?"


"what's the situation?"


There was a discussion in the hall ahead.

Seeing Zhu Suosuo chasing Zhang Anren out, Jiang Nansun thought she had an accident, and was unwilling to continue entanglement with Wang Yongzheng, so he turned and ran to the hall.

There was a circle of people in front of the catwalk, all staring at the large central screen without blinking.

The heroine in the picture is wearing a cool vest, her face is as red as a ball of fire, and there are a row of wine glasses in front of her, some are full, some are empty, and some are tilted to the side, dripping wine and getting wet tablecloth.

"Let me tell you, I used to practice boxing when I was working in a bar. Most people are no match for me at all. You... can't!"

"I can't? How can I drink you like this?"

"Do I let you know? I let you!"

"Hey, you're so bold, do you drink with others like this when you work in a bar?"

"Ah, what's the matter? Can't you?"

"Aren't you afraid that others will get you drunk and use your hands and feet?"

"He has to be able to get me drunk first. Come on, don't just talk, come... fifteen...haha, lose, drink."

"Just drink it."

The glass filled with wine was picked up by one hand, and then put down with a squeak.

Zhu Suosuo shook his long hair, looked at the camera with blurred eyes: "I told you that you can't do it."

"I heard that Xie Hongzu is chasing you?"

"Yes, but I don't like him."

"Then who do you like?"

"Ye Jinyan."

"Ye Jinyan? He can be your father now."

"Then what's the matter? Look, he's rich, has status, status, is down-to-earth and calm, and has extraordinary don't know, he's also very interesting. When watching short videos, he looks like a child. I really want to Take care of him, put his head in your arms and tell him I've loved him for a long time."

"You also thought the same way when you dated Master Ma, didn't you?"

"Don't mention that liar in front of me!"

"Okay, don't mention Master Ma, let's talk about Xie Hongzu, Xie Jiayin asked me to advise you not to pester her son anymore."

"That old her son pestering me, okay?"

"Then you can definitely reject him."

"Why should I reject him, why should I reject him?"

"Don't you have someone you like? Ye Jinyan."

"What if Ye Jinyan doesn't like me?"

"So Xie Hongzu is your backup?"

"That's what he wanted too."

"Then tell me, what should you do to refuse Xie Hongzu? Money? House? Car? As long as you say a condition, you can talk about it."

"It's actually very simple, you asked Ye Jinyan to marry me... Hahaha, how about it, Zhang Anren, you are out of luck, aren't you a cow? Can you do this?"

"Maybe I can really make Ye Jinyan marry you."

"Bah, I don't believe it."


What was shown on the big screen was a video of Zhu Suosuo punching and drinking with someone. Judging from the conversation, the person sitting opposite her and not showing his face was Zhang Anren, the vice president of the Xie Group.

Of course, this is not the crux of the problem. The crux of the problem lies in what Zhu Suosuo said when he was almost drunk.

The person she likes is Ye Jinyan, and a rich second generation like Xie Hongzu is just her backup, so what is today's wedding? Spare tire turned right?

If you think about it, there is a mother-in-law who doesn't like her in the rich second generation, and Ye Jinyan has no children, no daughters, and both parents are dead. of it?

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely embarrassing. The eyes of the guests were focused on Zhu Suosuo, who was being supported by Xiaohe. She was obviously also stunned by the scene on the big screen. She never thought that Xie Jiayin would give such a surprise gift.

Of course, some people also went to watch the man who is not the protagonist of the video, but is not inferior to the male protagonist Zhang Anren in importance, or even better - Xie Hongzu.

He was flirting with a woman, and someone recognized her. Zhao Malin, the right fiancee that Xie Jiayin had found for her son, it's no wonder why he didn't show up when there was trouble just now, it turned out that he was caught by her.

So, is it pitiful for Zhao Malin, who was robbed of her love, or Xie Hongzu, who has always been used as a backup?

Just when Jiang Nansun didn't know what to do, Lin Yue walked under the big screen, looked at the people who came to the wedding and said: "This is the first gift Mr. Xie gave to Xie Hongzu, yes, there is a second... ..."

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