Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1207 End of Volume - Jiang Nansun Chapter (Part 2) (2 in 1)

Mother Jiang woke up from her drowsiness when she heard her voice, and after confirming that it was her daughter, she sighed faintly.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Nansun pointed to the things on the ground and said, "What's going on? Are those people making trouble?"

The debt collectors did the same thing last year, but it wasn't as excessive as today, and since Daisy borrowed more than two million yuan from Ye Jinyan to help repay the money, the group of small loan companies didn't embarrass them anymore. The existing foreign debts are all borrowed by Jiang's father from friends. In view of this relationship, those people are too embarrassed to do too much, but today...

Jiang's mother nodded, grabbed her hand and said: "He Xiaoli's husband was in a car accident and was hospitalized. He urgently needed money for help. She came to look for it in the afternoon and asked if I could return the money to her first. I said I didn't, and she was in a hurry. , rummaging around, I was afraid that she would break the lock, and I wanted to stop her, and in the end... it ended like this."

Jiang's mother was panting while talking, as if she hadn't recovered from the quarrel in the afternoon.

"Nan Sun, why don't we move out, it will cause trouble."

"Mom, mom..." Jiang Nansun patted her hand and said, "Mom, don't be sad, I will return He Xiaoli's money as soon as possible."

"You don't have the money to pay her back!" Jiang's mother said while wiping her tears, sighing and looking older than last year by more than ten years.

"Mom, don't worry about this, let's eat first." Jiang Nansun walked to the door, picked up the plastic bag on the shoe cabinet, carried the packed meals to the tea table, served Jiang's mother for dinner, and cleaned up the floor by himself s things.

Put the useful ones back to their original places, and cleaned the floor again. After eating, Jiang Nansun helped Jiang's mother back to the bedroom to rest. Number, picked up the phone and called.

"Hello, Mr. Weng? I'm Jiang Nansun from Sifang. I received you at the sales office this afternoon."

"Oh, it's you."


After a short conversation, Jiang Nansun hung up the phone with an expression on her face like the historical photos that kept flashing in the documentary, which slowly froze after several changes. Then she picked up the mobile phone and dialed Mr. Weng's number again. After the connection was connected, she only said A "good" word.


Second week, Friday.

Today is the day when Zhu Suosuo was released from detention. The people who came to pick her up include Xiaohe, Fan Jingang, and Jiang's mother, but Jiang Nansun was not there.

She asked why, and Jiang's mother replied that Jiang Nansun was sent by the company on a business trip.

Zhu Suosuo was puzzled. The chances of business trips for residential sales staff were very limited. How could it be the turn of a novice like Jiang Nansun?

Jiang Nansun was indeed on a business trip, but the person who issued the task was not the sales manager, but a man surnamed Weng.

Of course, if she knew that she was there for an order of over 100 million yuan, the sales manager would be happy to grant a few days off.

At night, the fisherman's wharf is brightly lit, accompanied by the strong sea breeze and rushing waves, women in red and green and well-dressed men get off the ocean cruise ship, talking and laughing all the way to the direction of the palace entertainment city.

Compared with HK, MO is more worthy of the name of the Golden Grotto. The source of the former’s fame is the financial industry. Regal Sauna, No. 1 Sauna, Eighteen Sauna, etc. are places that men like.

Jiang Nansun left the hotel where he was staying and went straight to a small cruise ship docked at Fisherman's Wharf.

As the sea breeze was getting stronger and blowing the newly purchased pink dress, she took out a golden mask that could cover the upper half of her face from her bag and put it on.

There was a cordon in front of the boarding board, and two crew members were chatting at the entrance. Behind them stood four strong men wearing sunglasses and black suits. They looked very oppressive, and they might be the people in charge of security.

She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

The high heels clicked, and the sea breeze brushed her long hair.

A crew member stopped her: "Private territory, miss stay."

Jiang Nansun lifted the bag in front of him, and said in a voice with almost no emotional ups and downs: "If a proud person can see his own face clearly, he can only use other people's pride as a mirror for him; if you bow your knees to him, it will only increase your length If you overwhelm his arrogance, you will take your own humiliation in vain."

The crew in front suddenly became more polite and said with a smile: "Welcome to the Field of Truth. The cruise ship will set sail in five minutes. Please board the ship as soon as possible."

After the words, he bowed his body and gave way to the boat.

Jiang Nan nodded to him, walked through the separation zone, and boarded the cruise ship on the springboard.

A female sailor in a blue uniform bowed to her, and led her towards the corridor ahead: "Hi, please follow me."

Jiang Nansun kept silent, followed Haicheng to the third floor of the cruise ship, and walked into the brightly lit lobby.

The luxurious chandelier hangs low. On the stage is a well-dressed jazz band. The saxophone player’s expression is very joyful. There are many people standing on the dance floor below. Couples of men and women sway gently with the music. With different masks, it is basically impossible to confirm the identity through facial details.

At about the same time, the whistle of the cruise ship sounded, and a slight shaking was transmitted from the floor. She adjusted a little and walked towards the long table with pastries.

A waiter without a mask came over with a drink. Jiang Nansun took a glass casually and put it in his mouth to drink a little. She noticed a couple of men and women leaving the dance floor and entering the side corridor holding hands.

Looking at the staff in the rest area and the table where the meals are placed, the number of women is far greater than that of men, with a surplus of 2:1.

"Hello miss, can I ask you to dance?"

The voice behind her ear drew her attention back, and she turned her head to see a man wearing a Batman mask and a suit standing in front of her.

The voice is very magnetic, the figure is very stylish, and the skin has a healthy but delicate whiteness, anyway, it looks very friendly.


Jiang Nansun put down the cup and let the man take her hand and walked to the dance floor.

The band changed the track, and the white female singer with bright lipstick held the microphone and sang "Misty" affectionately.

Jiang Nansun changed his pace with the movements of "Batman". The occasional scratches on his body and the strange fragrance floating into his nostrils not only soothed his inner tension, but also aroused a kind of emotion called distraction, although he couldn't see what was behind the mask. The face of a man, but in Zhu Suosuo's words, this is called an affair, a proper affair.

The two of them got closer and closer, their bodies almost touching each other, "Batman" breathed steadily and powerfully, and the heat transmitted from the hand around her waist became more and more intense.

"Let's go."

At the end of the song, a soft voice pierced into the ears.

Jiang Nansun woke up from the confusion, but she did not refuse, but nodded slightly, letting "Batman" lead her hand and walk to the side corridor.

She has no choice in this matter. Since she promised Mr. Weng to come here to participate in the masquerade ball, it can be said that things have developed to this point. Haofu's high-end club, and another name for masquerade ball is concubine selection ball. As one of the registered members of the cruise ship, Mr. Weng recommends three to five healthy and high-quality beauties to board the ship every year.

As for what to do on the ship, it's very simple, to please men, within a week of boarding, as long as the male members can score more than 90 points, it will be considered as a successful completion of the task, and the list of 44 suites will belong to her.

In the past, her reaction must have been to ignore it, or to let Mr. Weng go, but after knowing the hardships of earning money, experiencing the troubles of being overwhelmed by debts, and the helplessness of the family, she compromised and surrendered. What's more, she was attending a masquerade ball, and she didn't know anyone, and now she didn't have a boyfriend, so she didn't have to worry about moral pressure.

What's more... the man who pulled her into the room and pushed her directly onto the bed behaved decently and spoke well. It can be said that he was polite when he should be polite, and wild when he should be wild. The old thing stuck in the arms of the female partner, the fat hands are moving up and down dishonestly, and the old stuff is better than I don't know how many times.

To be honest, she felt very lucky to meet such a man. In a certain sense, this was an affair.

Or... maybe it will become an unforgettable beauty in life.

His voice is very pleasant, the perfume he uses is so pleasant, and his palms are warm and strong.


An hour later, Jiang Nansun collapsed on the bed, feeling that all the strength in his body had been emptied, let alone sitting up, it was difficult to move his little finger.

So in addition to the nice voice, nice perfume, and great figure, "Batman" has another advantage that she will never forget.

At this moment, the man made a movement that surprised her, he raised his hand and patted her.

slap~ slap~ slap~


The door leading to the second room opened, and a woman with a graceful figure and a golden mask like Jiang Nansun came out of it.

She was startled, and reluctantly pulled the long skirt thrown aside to wrap it around her body, and then looked at the only man in the room with suspicious eyes.

After a few breaths, she understood.

The physical strength of this Batman... is simply abnormal...

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Nansun felt that his physical condition had improved, so he quickly got up and ran outside, because he always felt very embarrassed, and there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity with the woman with the golden mask.

She only took half a step here, and a hand reached out from behind, grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.


Jiang Nansun let out an exclamation, and the whole person was pulled back. With a warm breath rushing towards her face, a voice that made her terrified rang out in her ears.

"Jiang Nansun, don't think about it. In the end, you still accepted my contract. Well, it was agreed before... 170,000 a day."

this voice.

A voice she will never forget.

Zhang Anren?

How could Batman be him? It was obvious that she had a completely different voice from his just now.

But besides him, who can tell her identity straight away, and only Zhang Anren mentioned the escort agreement of 170,000 a day. Looking back at the agreement with Mr. Weng, boarding a boat to please male members can get 1 million + RMB a week, which is almost a day 170,000 standard.

"Surprised, isn't it? Actually... there are even more unexpected things waiting for you."

While speaking, Batman held the mask she and the other woman wore with his hand and lifted it up.

As a woman's face diagonally opposite came into his eyes, Jiang Nansun shuddered, his body almost stiffened into a log, and his face turned red into a monkey's butt in an instant.


Yes, that woman is her aunt Daisy, no wonder there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity just now, she and her actually... actually...

"Zhang Anren, you bastard!"

She struggled to break free, and flung her hand upwards, but Lin Yue grabbed it again without thinking. Along with the sound of thumping footsteps, Jiang Nansun stepped back a few steps, her bare feet stepping on Daisy's clothes superior.

Knowing that she was not Zhang Anren's opponent, she picked up her shoes and walked out.

"Jiang Nansun, you don't plan to take the one million, do you?"

Hearing this sentence, she stopped in her tracks. Zhang Anren was right. According to the agreement with Mr. Weng, if she couldn't satisfy a male member, she wouldn't make a big order of 200 million yuan.

She is waiting for the money to pay off her debts. With her mother's state of mind, she can no longer withstand the bombardment of debt collectors, and if she really wants to leave like this, there is only one word to describe the result, that is, "people and wealth are two things together." lose".

Lin Yue put his arms around Daisy and said, "Besides, I'm your little uncle. You borrowed money from our family with your mother. When do you plan to pay it back?"

Jiang Nansun turned around and didn't look at Lin Yue. She was looking at Daisy, but the final result made her fall into an ice cave. Daisy didn't say anything, but turned her head away from her.

What's the meaning?

It's very simple, what Zhang Anren means is what she means.

"Auntie, why are you with this bastard? Why?" Jiang Nansun shouted hysterically.

Daisy remained silent, and Lin Yue smiled: "Did Mr. Weng force you? No. You voluntarily boarded the boat in order to earn a lot of money, and now you acted like you were wronged and forced. I know there was a The kind of person who can try his best to please a male client for a thousand yuan, but when he gets married, he compares himself to a rich lady, and asks the person who marries her to have a car and a house and save millions."

Jiang Nansun knew what he meant by saying this, and now she is really not much different from that kind of woman.

"How did you recognize me?"

In any case, she couldn't figure out how Zhang Anren caught her at the masquerade ball.

Lin Yue said, "Oh, besides doing that kind of thing very well, I also have a good nose."

Jiang Nansun said: "You designed to harm me!"

"That's also the wisher's bait. If you don't need money, will you be fooled by me?"

"You know that I am forced to do nothing, and I need the money to pay off the debt."

"Now that you are forced to a corner by life, you know that you are helpless. How many of those Shanghai drifters who came from the inland provinces and rented in basements, attics, and garages, sighed at the house prices, and looked at themselves in the mirror, are not forced by life?" Lin Lin Yue sneered and said: "Accompany me for 170,000 yuan a day, how many people want such an opportunity, but when they come to you, they think I am planning to harm you. Well, even if you are right, who in this world has no price? Life Priceless things only exist in an ideal world, how much do you think you are worth? You would sell your body for 1 million, wouldn’t you?”

Jiang Nansun opened his mouth, but didn't know how to refute.

Lin Yue said: "Stay with me for seven days, and the business is yours. If you choose to leave here, I can only wish you good luck. Among the people outside, you can find a woman who is willing to give you this kind of woman lying on the bed like a dead fish." High-scoring members."

Jiang Nansun was silent for a moment, his eyes slowly moved to his face: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Is it necessary for me to lie to you? And I have another task to give you. As long as you can complete it successfully, the money you and your mother owe to our family will be written off from now on." While speaking, he broke Daisy leaned her shoulders forward and kissed her on the cheek.

"Also, remember to call me Uncle when we meet in the beautiful niece."

Thanks to Lei Ying Blade, Motun Goshawk for the reward of 5000 starting coins, Samsara Tianhun for the reward of 1500 starting coins, Mr. Tata for the reward of 300 starting coins, Meng E Emperor, the book friend with the tail number 6674 for the reward 100 starting coins.

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