Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1208 End of Book - Zhu Suosuo (Part 1)

After Zhu Suosuo was released from detention, Fan Jingang heard the news that after the Jingyan Group fell into the hands of Zhang Anren, he first carried out a major cleansing at the senior management level, and the staff who were close to Ye Jinyan were self-aware Those who are not convinced can either send a set of handcuffs or come and light a fire in the backyard. In short, within a short period of time, Jingyan Group has been subdued from top to bottom, and no one dares to Disobedience to the new chairman.

Zhang Anren became the acting chairman and then the president of the group. The first thing he did after that was to buy the company of Yang Ke, who was on the verge of bankruptcy. At an unbelievably low price, Dadi Hengxin took Qingpu No. 81 Property rights to the land.

It wasn't until then that people suddenly realized that this Zhang Anren was even more terrifying than imagined. His target was not only Ye Jinyan's Jingyan Group, but even Yang Ke's company was in his calculations. After returning to Jingyan, Tang Xin was directly promoted to vice president, and the scene of interacting with Zhang Anren without shy away from others shows that she is simply a commercial spy who sneaked into Yang Ke's company.

"Fan Fan, is there no other way?"

Zhu Suosuo's hand holding the spoon trembled slightly, and he looked very excited.

Fan Jingang shook his head, "No."

What the two of them were talking about was none other than Ye Jinyan.

"Then can we ask the judge to give a lighter sentence?"

Fan Jingang shook his head again: "This incident involves the HK police. I heard that the international community has also paid attention to it. It is very difficult to give a lenient punishment."

Zhu Suosuo suddenly became wilted. She thought that she would be given a lighter punishment by going to the back door to clear up the relationship, and it would be best to help Ye Jinyan escape from imprisonment, but it turned out that she was thinking too much.

"What about Yang Ke? How about Yang Ke?"

"If Li Yifan and the fund manager who fled with the money can be caught, the situation of Yang Ke and Pan Lingling will be much better, but the current situation is that these two people have run away. The earth is so big, and it is difficult to find them. In a nutshell, even if you can get their location information, what can you do? Have you kidnapped them back to your country?"

"Are you trying to say that Yang Ke can't be saved?"

Fan Jingang said, "At least three years."

"Damn Zhang Anren, I must kill him!" Mentioning that guy, Zhu Suosuo gritted his teeth with hatred.

Fan Jingang pressed her hand: "Suosuo, you must not be impulsive."

Zhu Suosuo's eyes changed several times, and he was about to say something when the cell phone on the coffee table rang, and when he picked it up, it was Jiang Nansun calling.

Not only did my good best friend not pick her up from prison, she was away for more than a week, and she didn't have a serious chat with her during this period, and at most she reported her safety or something. She always felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong.

Zhu Suosuo pointed to the mobile phone, made a silent movement, picked it up and pressed the connect button to his ear.

"Hello, Nansun."


After about a minute, she hung up the phone and went to get the handbag next to her buttocks: "Nan Sun is back, I'll go first."

Fan Jingang didn't say much, got up and went outside the cafe, first helped her to stop a taxi, then helped him to stop one, got in and reported the address of his new home.

His luxury car is gone, and the flat is gone. After paying the fine, the remaining money is only enough to buy a small three-bedroom apartment in the suburbs. This is the result of his sister going to Nanfang to intercede with Zhang Anren. Sue him for bankruptcy as an accessory to the insider trading incident.


That night, Jiang Nansun treated Zhu Suosuo to a big meal on the grounds that he had negotiated a big deal on a business trip. After returning home, he washed up and went to bed.

"Suosuo, Zhang Anren has gone to Sifang today."

"Zhang Anren? What is he doing there?" Zhu Suosuo frowned when he heard the word "Zhang Anren".

"No idea, but he found me and gave me a document before he left."

"what document?"

Jiang Nansun unzipped the handbag, took out a document and handed it over.

Zhu Suosuo turned it over in his hand, and his already ugly face was covered with another layer of frost. The content of the document was related to Ye Jinyan. It listed Ye Jinyan's assets at home and abroad, including real estate, deposits, valuables Securities, and other valuable things, and then compare the amount involved in the crime of insider trading. According to the domestic penalty standard of 5 times this and the debt owed to the bank, it is enough to make Ye Jinyan go bankrupt, let alone face the financial crisis. Claims by large and small shareholders of Yanyan Group.

"What does he mean by giving you this document?"

Jiang Nansun sighed and said: "He knows that you and Fan Jingang want to rescue Mr. Ye, so let me tell you that it is okay to reduce or exempt Mr. Ye from prison, as long as you promise him one condition, either the compensation + fine and Make up the price difference of Mr. Ye's assets, stay with him for a month."

Make up the difference?

That's a value in billions, and even if she sold Zhu Suosuo, it wouldn't be enough. As for the second request...

With a snort, she tore the document in half: "This bastard! I said earlier that he is not a human being, he is a hooligan, a beast, and trash. There is no more shameless bastard in this world than him."

How can I accompany him for a month? Play mahjong with him? Sing with him? What does the word "accompany" mean, is she, Zhu Suosuo, not sure?

"Xie Jiayin, Lilian, Nanfang, Tang Xin, and your aunt Daisy and that rural girl Yuan Yuan, are they all blind?"

Zhu Suosuo didn't notice the flashing complexities in Jiang Nansun's eyes, and he was immersed in his dislike, contempt and disgust for Zhang Anren. On her head, it was just a daydream, it was a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

"Nan Sun, you should be glad you broke up with him."

Jiang Nansun retracted her hand on Zhu Suosuo's knee. She remembered what he said when she separated from Zhang Anren. , In the end, he could only be beaten to death.

Thinking about the experience of these ten days, the red line of value she had drawn for herself was broken again and again, and she no longer had the capital of pride and nobility.

"If you don't do anything, with the amount of money involved by Mr. Ye, you really need to be sentenced heavily, and it may take ten years to come out."

Zhu Suosuo: "..."

Jiang Nansun said: "Suosuo, in fact, I don't want you to make a deal with Zhang Anren in order to save Ye Jinyan. Even if Ye Jinyan is sentenced lightly, he will face unbearable debt pressure after he comes out. With the current situation, who wants to To help him is to fight against Jingyan and Xie, no one will show favor at this juncture, at that time he will not only be unable to give you a good life, but will also become your drag."

Zhu Suosuo: "..."

"Suosuo, don't do this, I'm worried about you. Do you still remember what you said when you found out the true face of Master Ma? You said that you hope your boyfriend is a rich and talented person. Executives must be better than drivers. If You know that Master Ma is one of Ye Jinyan's drivers, you would never fall in love with that kind of person, this is a very normal thing, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, you were so free and easy at that time, and you were so selfish."

Zhu Suosuo sighed: "Nan Sun, actually... I'm just a little unwilling. I spent so much time and energy on Ye Jinyan to make him fall in love with me slowly. Why does that damn Zhang Anren, he ...He acted as if he was against me on purpose, he just ruined my wedding with Xie Hongzu, and now he has taken away Jingyan Group and sent Ye Jinyan to prison, what does he want to do? Yes, I, Zhu Suosuo, worship money , but what does it matter to him? How many girls in this world do not worship money? Is it wrong to love money? Is it wrong to pursue a happy life?"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, getting angry at night is not good for the skin." Jiang Nansun smiled against his will, and patted her hand to show comfort.

Zhu Suosuo didn't see through the unnaturalness in her eyes, and glanced at the timetable on the bedside table: "You have to get up early tomorrow, go to sleep."

Jiang Nansun nodded lightly, reached for the bedside table, and turned off the lamp.

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