Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1210 End of Book - Others (Part 1)

Jiang Nansun said nothing with a sullen face, her flickering eyes proved that her heart was not peaceful.

Lin Yue looked at Zhu Suosuo and said, "I am her little uncle, she is my niece, relatives are relatives, outsiders are outsiders."

Zhu Suosuo shook his head, stared at Jiang Nansun and said, "Nansun, tell me, what happened to you, this bastard? Did he force you to do all this?"

As she spoke, she stepped forward with anger, grabbed her best friend's hand and pulled it back. Who would have thought that Jiang Nansun would shake her violently and break free from her shackles: "No one forced me, everything I did was voluntary. "

"You're lying!" Zhu Suosuo pointed at Lin Yue and said, "A month ago you told me that the person you hate the most in your life is Zhang Anren, but now you actually betrayed me for him, and you said you were willing, you have the guts to look at me Eyes say it again."

Jiang Nansun just lowered his head and didn't repeat what he just said.

Lin Yue said, "Zhu Suosuo, if you had to choose between your father and Jiang Nansun, who would you choose?"

Zhu Suosuo was dumbfounded by his question, and didn't understand what this matter had to do with her father.

Lin Yue said: "I think you should choose Jiang Nansun, because in this world, the Jiang family is your relatives, and uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and fathers don't count. But if this question is left to Jiang Nansun to make a choice... I I think you know the answer now."

She understood it all at once.

"Zhang Anren, you bastard, you actually used your aunt to threaten Nansun."

Lin Yue was too lazy to be familiar with this kind of woman who said "the whole world wants her to love her, and if she doesn't let her love her, she is disgusting and a bastard". She looked back at the bedroom and said, "Luo Jiaming, are you alright?"

"Okay, okay." Following the crisp answer, Luo Jiaming walked out with a red box in his arms, without looking at Zhu Suosuo standing in front of Lin Yue, and went directly downstairs.

Roll around~

Accompanied by the muffled sound of pulleys, Daisy also packed her sister's clothes and walked out with the suitcase.

Lin Yue took out 20,000 yuan from his bag and threw it on the sofa: "This is the rent of my niece and her mother." After speaking, he took Jiang Nansun's hand and walked forward.

"Wait." Zhu Suosuo suddenly stopped him.

Lin Yue stopped in his tracks, turned his head and said playfully, "What? Got it figured out?"

Zhu Suosuo was stunned for a moment before realizing that the "figured out" here should refer to the transaction of exchanging her body for Ye Jinyan's light sentence. What is the purpose of such excessive things?"

"In the past, you also said a lot of excessive things to me, such as daring to treat Jiang Nansun badly, so I can't bear to walk around; the money should be managed by her, the house should be named after her, and you should treat her well for the rest of your life. ..."

Zhu Suosuo said: "You call this too much? You are still not a man."

Lin Yue said: "You can ask Jiang Nansun if I am a man, or experience it yourself. It is useless to vent your emotions."


"What about me? I said a long time ago that people like you should have a taste of the country people who sell their dignity servilely in order to live. Now it seems that it should be done." He looked at Zhu Suosuo with a playful look: "Still How does it feel to be abandoned by your master with you, who was born as a maid but is willing to be Princess Jiang's lackey, and who usually looks down on foreigners the most?

"Zhang Anren!" Zhu Suosuo rushed into the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife: "I will definitely kill you today."

Lin Yue squinted his eyes and asked Jiang Nansun: "If she slashed at me with a knife, and I slashed her face with my backhand, do you think this is self-defense?"

The person in his arms begged.

Over there, Zhu Suosuo's heart skipped a beat, remembering the scene where Zhang Anren beat Xie Hongzu and his buddies all by themselves in front of Xinghui International Gate. He said that he slashed her face with his backhand, and his life was over.

She faltered, and the kitchen knife in her hand slowly returned to the cutting board.

Lin Yue sneered: "You can use your beauty as your capital. One uses beauty tricks to seduce Da Luo and then blackmails him, and the other knows that Yang Kefeng has a bad review and asks for favors. When you are done, you will look at the mountains. Xie Hongzu went to flirt with Ye Jinyan again, focusing on marrying into a rich family. I regard your bodies as things that can be measured by value, thinking that I have not been respected and insulted, and call me like a beast, a bastard, and a scum. Objectify yourself, don’t respect yourself, but ask others to respect you, heh, who is the scum? Oh, yes, the question I asked Jiang Nansun to ask you... It’s just for fun, I never thought Rao Ye Jinyan too lightly, and even if you agree, I will not fuck you, because I am afraid that Ye Jinyan is sick."

After speaking, he pulled Jiang Nansun out.

It wasn't until the door automatically closed with a click that Zhu Suosuo let go of the hand holding the knife, walked back to the slightly empty living room, and slowly sat down on the sofa.

Now Jiang Nansun, like Daisy, has become a kitten in Zhang Anren's arms.

Only she is "wild and unruly", but at the cost of becoming a gold digger despised by everyone. Xie Jiayin is the queen of air conditioners, and Ye Jinyan is a real estate tycoon. Although the post is posted on the local forum, it will soon become a gossip that is known to everyone in the country. Let alone find a good job, marry a good man, and live a normal and stable life All will be luxuries.

Zhu Suosuo picked up his phone and opened Weibo, and there was only a post about Chicken Soup for the Soul, all of which were full of slander and abuse, some called her a bitch, some called her a mistress, some said she was a broken shoe, and some cursed her for early death and early death .


three months later.

Suburbs of Rome, Italy.

A small passenger car stopped in front of the single-family villa full of flowers and plants, the door opened, Wang Yongzheng came out of the cab, and looked up at the opposite house.

He is very familiar with this place, because he often came here as a guest in the past. He helped Daisy draw pictures, and Daisy told him about his niece Jiang Nansun while making tea. He listened a lot and gradually became interested.

It's a pity that when he returned to Shanghai, a series of uncontrollable accidents happened because of his IQ and ability. After breaking up with Jiang Nansun, he returned to Italy alone and worked as a designer in a studio.

This morning a colleague told him that he met Daisy here, she moved back, and not alone, there was a young girl in her twenties.

Daisy's property was forced to be auctioned because of financial problems before, and now it's back in her hands?

Of course, this troubling question is not important to him, what is important is the young girl who is twenty-six or seventeen years old, if he guessed correctly, it should be Jiang Nansun.

Presumably there is a problem between her and Li Yifan, otherwise it would be impossible to follow Daisy to live in Italy.

Wang Yongzheng felt that his chance had come, and now was the time to repair the relationship and get back together.

If it is said that he was a little more curious about Jiang Nansun at the beginning, then... especially after being broken up by her, he found that he had fallen in love with her deeply. Speaking of growing up so big, Jiang Nansun is the only woman who can turn his prodigal son back, and Haiwang is devoted.

"Daisy, Daisy."

Wang Yongzheng yelled twice in front of the door, but it was very quiet inside, no one responded, he lowered his head and looked carefully, only to find that the courtyard door was locked.

Uh, what a coincidence that he came, Daisy and Jiang Nansun were not at home.

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