Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1211 End of Book - Others (Part 2)

According to common sense, you can still call the owner when the courtyard door is locked, but Daisy changed her mobile phone number when she returned to Italy last time. Whether she hides from Ye Jinyan or doesn’t want to be asked about Jiang Nansun or Zhang Anren, in short, Wang Yongzheng can’t contact her at all. fuck her.

As for Jiang Nansun... there is no communication channel.

Wang Yongzheng raised his arm to glance at his watch, then raised his head to look at the sky, thinking that the sun was about to set, and those two people should be back soon.

In the current situation, it is the best choice to sit on the sidelines.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes...

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the setting sun kissed half of the sky lightly, painting the clouds an ambiguous yellow.

Wang Yongzheng glanced at his watch again, feeling a little thirsty, and when he was about to go to the car to get a bottle of mineral water, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a Volkswagen car rising from the eastern horizon.

After stopping to watch for a while, a smile appeared on his face.

Through the windshield, you can see the faces of Daisy and Jiang Nansun, occasionally tilting their heads, saying something, smiling very happily.

This is a good start, Wang Yongzheng thought.

But unfortunately, this expectation was ruthlessly shattered after only half a minute.

The Volkswagen car stopped outside the courtyard, and Jiang Nansun froze when he saw his face, the smile was gone, and he didn't get off the co-pilot immediately.

"Nan Sun, Auntie, is it really you?"

Wang Yongzheng took a step forward and was about to greet them when the door of the rear compartment opened and a foot wearing a men's leather shoe landed on the ground, followed by the man's face he had always hated.

Zhang Anren --- the guy he didn't like very much at the first sight, although this person is beyond imagination, and has become the hot new king of the real estate circle at a speed he can't understand.

"why you?"

Lin Yue didn't answer his question, or he didn't intend to ignore him at all, and knocked on the window glass of the co-pilot.

The face of the woman inside changed slightly, but she still walked down obediently, took his arm, and acted like a little bird. Daisy also got down from the driver's seat, gave Wang Yongzheng a complicated look, took Lin Yue's other arm and walked to the front of the courtyard door, took out the key to unlock the door, and walked inside as if she was a young man working together.

Wang Yongzheng was struck by lightning. Facing the scene in front of him, he couldn't understand and couldn't accept it.

He knew that Daisy married Zhang Anren, but Jiang Nansun...why did she also become that bastard's woman? And it seems that the aunt and nephew get along well and enjoy it.

Why is this happening! how so?

"Jiang Nansun, you..."

He wanted to ask loudly, but in what capacity did he want to ask, even if Jiang Nansun broke up with Zhang Anren now, would he accept her without any grievances?

Yes, he and Jiang Nansun had broken up for more than half a year, but subconsciously he thought they were in love, but when they met again, it was completely different. Jiang Nansun's behavior was not so much as cuckolding him, but it was better than cuckolding him.

He thought that was it, but it wasn't, with the sound of the door opening and closing, another woman got out of the car.

He is also very familiar with this woman --- Lilian.

She took a deep look at him, walked around to the back of the car and opened the trunk, picked up a large plastic bag containing bread, bacon, vegetables, jam and other food, and quickly chased the three of them away.

If Wang Yongzheng's emotion just now was anger, then it is more shock now.

He thought that he already belonged to the kind of outstanding person in the matter of picking up girls, but compared with Zhang Anren, who he looked down on before, he found that he was just a younger brother. Jiang Nansun is a goddess of literature and art recognized by the School of Architecture, and Daisy is a strong woman with outstanding abilities. How can a woman like this share her man? What's more, one of them is an aunt and the other is a niece. This kind of relationship...wouldn't it be embarrassing?

He couldn't understand, really couldn't understand.

He was also devastated.


Winter goes and spring comes, and another three months pass.

Xie Hongzu had a hard time this year. He couldn't understand why Xie Jiayin could be so unfeeling, saying that cutting off the mother-child relationship with him would really cut off the mother-child relationship. He thought that things would be the same as when he was in high school, as long as it didn't suit his wishes , ran to a classmate's house to stay for a few days, and Xie Jiayin would anxiously arrange for people to look for him everywhere, and invite them back home with nice words.

This time it's good, it's been a year, and I don't care about him, as if I completely forgot about him.

A few days ago, he couldn't stand it anymore and called her on his mobile phone. What happened? got blacklisted...

The outside world said that Xie Jiayin chose the former between Zhang Anren and him, not to mention that they also gave birth to a cute little boy. She was very disappointed with Xie Hongzu, a disobedient son who could quarrel with his mother because of a woman, so she simply chose to give up.

After all, he is the president of the Xie Group, not to mention business matters, but he is also calm and rational when it comes to dealing with future generations --- he is so calm and rational that he is almost ruthless.

Xie Hongzu couldn't accept this fact. After helping Xiaohe's family transport the corpse for a few days, he finally couldn't bear the kind of life under the fence.

In fact, Xiaohe treats him well, the key is Xiaohe's parents.

One week, two weeks, one month, two months can still eat and drink for free, and I have been living in someone else's house for half a year. My buddies have no objection, but the other's parents have objection.

Get ready to find a job. I submitted a few resumes in the talent market. After talking with HR, I found out that I belonged to the kind of foreign pheasant who graduated from university. Scammed out of thousands of dollars by a scammer.

What a shame, what a shame.

In order to prevent Xiaohe from being caught in the middle, he decided to drive the hearse, but he was frightened within two days of doing it.

Yes, now he knows how much he weighs.

"Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie hasn't come yet, why don't you go over there first and wait?"

The front desk receptionist has worked in the Xie family for almost three years, so he naturally recognizes Xie Hongzu. Although the mother and son have severed their relationship, as grassroots employees, they dare not be too negligent. Seeing Xie Hongzu sitting down in the rest area, he very politely presented a cup of coffee.

The group's promotional video is being played on the large display screen on the north wall of the lobby. The high-spirited Luo Jiaming is explaining the application prospects of artificial intelligence in the home network to the leaders of the city government. Bao Nan gradually grew into an outstanding talent who can stand on his own.

Xie Hongzu had heard about this person from Zhu Suosuo, and knew that Luo Jiaming was her cousin. In the past, he didn't care about such a small person at all. However, within a year, this small person made him understand a truth, life is with a mother. He is Xie Hongzu, without his mother in his life, he is nothing... not even as good as those migrant workers who move bricks on the construction site, at least they can support a family by selling their physical strength, what about him? I can't even support myself.

"Thank you, Mr. Thank you..."

"Thank you, sir."


At this time, there was a commotion in front of the door. Xie Hongzu looked up and saw Xie Jiayin wearing a serious business attire and walking into the lobby with a white Hermes bag in his hand. When someone greeted her, he nodded slightly in response.

He put down the coffee cup, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and stood up, stepped forward quickly, and called "Mom" to Xie Jiayin's back.

Thank you for the 6,000 starting coins rewarded by Moldy Star, the 5,500 starting coins rewarded for taking a bath in the foot basin, the ten nights of sleepless nights, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by LOVE Feifei, and the 500 starting coins rewarded if the mountain is not high.

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