A minute later, Lin Yue hung up the phone.

Seeing that his expression was not good, Su Han asked concerned: "Who called, what's the matter?"

Lin Yue said: "Yuan Shanshan called to say that her grandma passed away."

"Yuan Shanshan?"

Su Han thought for a while, and remembered the girl Lin Yue brought when the pet shop opened. It is said that her father ran away with a big debt, leaving the girl and grandma to depend on each other. Her school had pulled up a banner, and that day he saw her being entangled by a group of gangsters, so he stepped forward to rescue her and took them to the store for shelter.

"Now what?"

Lin Yue glanced at the saleswoman, who didn't know why, and smiled politely at him.

"I'll go to the hospital to see, you go back to the store first."

Su Han said, "Okay."

After speaking, the two of them walked outside. The saleswoman didn't ask any more questions and sent them to the parking lot. Lin Yue asked her for a business card and then drove away.

Send Su Han back to the store first, and then arrive at Changde Hospital not far from the community where he lives in 30 minutes.

Arrive at the floor of the emergency department via the elevator, and turn into the corridor. From a distance, you can see a girl in school uniform sitting on a chair in the rest area, burying her face in her arms, her body trembling slightly.

Not far from her stood two elderly people who looked familiar and should be residents of the community.

He went straight to Yuan Shanshan, touched her shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Yuan Shanshan, Yuan Shanshan..."

The girl on the opposite side raised her head slowly, the hair on her temples drooped down, covering the tear stains at the corners of her eyes, and her red eyes could not be covered.

"Brother Lin..."

She stood up very suddenly, hugged his waist all of a sudden, and burst into tears: "Grandma... grandma... she doesn't want me anymore."

Lin Yue raised his hand, looked at the old man in the community standing next to him, slowly fell down with hesitation, and patted the girl on the shoulder.

Saying anything at this time is superfluous, all he can do in his capacity is to accompany and help with the funeral.

The old man in the black jacket over there persuaded her a few words, and when her mood stabilized, he looked at Lin Yue and said, "Your name is Lin Yue, right?"

"That's right, it's me."

He was not surprised that the old man could call him by his name. Old communities are generally not big, unlike those newly built community-type real estates, where dozens of buildings are crowded together, and the relationship between residents is very indifferent. Those old men and women gather together every day to play mahjong, sing Peking opera, dance in the square, and chat. As the owner of a celebrity pet in the community, it is difficult not to attract attention.

"It's like this..." The old man paused and told what happened to Yuan Shanshan's grandmother.

It turned out that those debt collectors went to Yuan's house to make trouble again this morning, and the result was the same as before. The old lady is getting old, so even if she doesn't sell the house to pay off the debt, those people have nothing to do. After they left, Grandma Liu heard that Yuan Shanshan's grandma The debt collector who passed downstairs on the balcony yelled at him, so he knocked on the door of Yuan's house with the idea of ​​kindness and consolation.

A resident of a unit building and neighbors for many years, the two old people have a good relationship. Grandma Liu was let into the house, and after sitting down, Yuan Shanshan's grandma shouted that she was dizzy and her heart hurt. Grandma Liu Seeing that something was wrong, I hurriedly called 120 to call an ambulance. Unfortunately, it was still a step too late. The patient disappeared as soon as he arrived at the hospital. According to the doctor, the old man had a heart attack because of his emotional excitement. In the end, the best rescue window was missed, and people just disappeared.

After listening to the old man's narration, Lin Yue sighed heavily, looked at the girl who was still sobbing, and helped her to sit on a chair by the wall.

This situation is no worse than those patients who have been in bed for a long time. The grandmother who depended on her suddenly passed away. Of course, she, a little girl in the third year of high school, cannot accept it, and she doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Who are you?"

Just then, a voice came from behind.

Lin Yue looked back, and saw a man in his forties with a middle score came over with a death notice.

The old man noticed Lin Yue's expression and hurriedly introduced: "This is Yuan Shanshan's class teacher, Teacher Li."

"Hello." Lin Yue nodded, feeling a little fond of Teacher Li.

"He is a resident of our community, and he usually takes good care of Shanshan and her grandma." The old man helped introduce Lin Yue again.

Hearing that he and Yuan Shanshan were friends, the homeroom teacher surnamed Li remembered what he saw when he came here just now. Although he was puzzled, he knew that now was not the time to explore the relationship between the two. In order not to irritate his students, he approached Lin Yue and the two The old man said in a low voice: "The nurse has moved the person to the back, next..."

The old man who spoke just now said, "Grandma Liu has gone to buy funeral supplies."

The class teacher surnamed Li said: "I have asked the nurse to help contact the vehicle. After you help the old man change his clothes, he can be taken away."

Lin Yue glanced at his watch: "Mr. Li still has classes, right? If you have classes, you can go back. My time is relatively free, so I can handle things here."

The homeroom teacher surnamed Li glanced at Yuan Shanshan, and seeing that she had no objection, she nodded and handed over the death notice in her hand: "Call me if you need anything, she knows my number."

"Okay, I will."

Lin Yue sent the man to the elevator room, and returned to the corridor to ask the two old people about local customs.

With the help of him and his neighbors, the old man returned home.

After talking with Grandma Liu, Lin Yue realized that Yuan Shanshan's family had no relatives. The old man died more than ten years ago. When she was in the second grade of elementary school, she eloped with a small boss who came from MO.

The room was deserted, and she was the only one guarding the portrait of the old lady. The people who came were all neighbors from the same apartment building. They came and stood for a while, greeted her a few words, and then left.

It was already evening when Tan Xiaoguang got the news. Yuan Shanshan's eyes were red, and she knelt on the cushion by the window, with black gauze wrapped around her left arm, and kowtowed to him.

"What's going on?"

Tan Xiaoguang said a few words of comfort to the girl, and walked to Lin Yue, who was asking the neighbors about storing the ashes.

He repeated what the old man on the first floor said, and Tan Xiaoguang sighed after hearing it: "The old lady passed away suddenly, and she was left alone. What will happen in the days to come?"

Indeed, this is a big problem.

The old lady has a pension. Although the amount is not much, it is enough to maintain the life of the old and the young. I usually go around to pick up cans, mineral water bottles, etc., and I can live on. Now that there are no people, only Yuan Shanshan is left as a little girl who is still studying, so one can imagine what difficulties she will face in the future.

Lin Yue turned to look at her, and found that she went to the balcony to answer the phone.

"I'll talk about the future. The most important thing now is to take care of the old lady's funeral."

Tan Xiaoguang nodded when he heard the words: "Well, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will ask the leader for leave and come to help you."

"Okay." Lin Yue didn't reject his offer.

Yes, the old lady has no relatives, and she doesn't usually like to contact people, so the residents in the unit building have some friendship with her, but for this kind of thing, the procedures should be followed, and everything can't be left to the first floor Let the old man and Grandma Liu do it. Since this kind of thing has happened, the title "Brother Lin" can't be called for nothing.

"The old lady is now at the funeral home. I discussed with Grandma Liu and the others just now, and I plan to hold a brief memorial service for the old lady. My car is not enough. I will drive Wang Heng's Audi car over later, tomorrow you Responsible for picking up and dropping off the elderly in the community, no problem?"

Tan Xiaoguang nodded and said, "No problem."

Lin Yue remembered what the old man on the first floor said just now, and was about to give some more advice when the phone rang. He took out his phone and found that it was an unfamiliar number, so he frowned.

Who is calling him at this time...

He complained in his heart, but pressed the connect button and put it to his ear.

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