
"Hello, this is Mr. Lin Yuelin, right? I'm Li Jinming, Yuan Shanshan's class teacher."

Lin Yue thought of the warm-hearted homeroom teacher who helped Yuan Shanshan take care of the old man's funeral in the hospital.

"I remember."

"It's like this. I'm in a hurry tomorrow. I may not be able to go there. I called Yuan Shanshan just now, and I know that you and the neighbors in the community are at her house. You will help with the elderly's funeral. It's really hard for you."

"What can I say, this is what we should do, and I would like to thank you for your previous help."

"She is my student, and I care about her life. It is my duty as the class teacher to help out when she is in trouble." Li Jinming paused for a while: "Actually, I made this call mainly to talk to you about her studies. Maybe it's a bit presumptuous, but I can see that she respects you and trusts you very much. I visited Yuan Shanshan's house before and knew about her family's situation. Now that something like this has happened, after thinking about it, the only person who can discuss it is you I hope this doesn't bother you."

"No, not at all, just tell me if there is any problem."

"Yuan Shanshan's grades are among the best in the school, you know that?"


He really didn't know about this, he only knew that she was very hardworking, she got up very early every day, and went to school on that 60% new bicycle before dawn. He mentioned the girl and said that she had good grades, but he didn't take it to heart as soon as he heard it. Who would have thought that the "good" here corresponds to the top ranking in the whole school.

"A little over a month ago, I noticed that Yuan Shanshan's monthly test scores had declined, so I called her to the office to ask about the situation, but she didn't say anything. Later, I went to her home to ask the old lady, and I found out that For a period of time, someone came to her house to collect debts, which had a great impact on her life and study. Now that the old lady died of a heart attack, it must be another serious blow to her. She will take the college entrance examination in June next year. I am worried that because of Things at home have been in a slump, and the future has been missed."

Lin Yuexin said that this teacher Li is indeed not bad. Given the current social environment, it is really rare to be able to do this to students.

"Don't worry, I will have a good talk with her after the funeral. If I find any problems that are difficult to solve, I will call you."

"That's the best. You can take more care of this matter."

"You are being polite."

After the two of them said something politely, Lin Yue hung up the phone.

Tan Xiaoguang stood beside him, and he could make a rough guess without hearing everything. He glanced at the girl kneeling on the ground who seemed to isolate herself from the world, and sighed: "It's so pitiful to encounter such a thing in the third year of high school."

Lin Yue glanced out the window, the evening light spilled into the living room, illuminating the smiling old man's face on the portrait.

"Grandma Liu will stay here tonight to accompany her. Come over early tomorrow, and ask the uncle on the first floor if you don't understand anything."

After saying this, he turned and walked out.

Tan Xiaoguang took two steps forward: "What about you?"

Lin Yue said, "Leave me alone, I have more important things to do."

More important things? What else is more important than Mrs. Zhang Luo's funeral now?

Tan Xiaoguang didn't have a chance to ask, Lin Yue had already walked downstairs quickly and drove away from the community.

Finding the nearest telecommunications room, the Cadillac XT5 stopped by the side of the road. He took out the all-seeing eye in the form of sunglasses from his portable space and put it on. He opened the door and went out. man-machine.

As the dormant computer in the bedroom was automatically turned on, windows constructed of binary character matrices popped up one after another, and 1s and 0s kept scrolling and jumping on the screen. At the same time, the signal from the Type III Blackfly UAV was connected to the data processing system of the All-Seeing Eye, and the decrypted coordinate data lit up one after another on the map of Jianghai City, and then went out, and slowly expanded to East China .

The sun sets and night falls.

When a middle-aged woman riding a small blue bicycle with a bundle of celery in the basket nearly hit a Cadillac XT5 on the side of the road because of dodging a passing motorcycle behind her, a strong hand grabbed her body .

"Be careful."

"Thank you, young man."

Lin Yue smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome."

After speaking, he opened the door of the driver's cab and sat in, and dialed the phone number that was screened out just now.

Speaking of Yuan Shanshan's relatives, besides her late grandmother, she also has a father who ran away. Unfortunately, even her own daughter does not have his contact information, so there is no way to report the funeral. If it can be handled well, no one expects that unfilial son to come back.

After talking with Li Jinming, Lin Yue pondered over and over again, thinking that no matter how reliable she was, she was still an outsider. In Yuan Shanshan's current state, it would be best to bring her father back. This was to see the old man for the last time, and to arrange Yuan Shanshan's future. life, give her a reassurance.

He always felt that no matter how useless the parents were, they couldn't just sit and watch their children's future being ruined. People were different, but... Anyway, let's try.

Ordinary people are either helpless when encountering such a situation, or call the police and wait for a letter. With [Hacker LV3], Type III Blackfly Drone, and [All-seeing Eye], he wants to check a person's phone number, as long as that person uses a smart phone. If you have a computer, have connected to the Internet or made a phone call recently, then it is not a problem.



After the phone rang a few times, the connection was connected, and a lazy voice came from the speaker.

"Which one?"

Lin Yue didn't greet him politely. When he told the news of Yuan Shanshan's grandma's death, who knew that the person on the other side cursed "crazy" and hung up the phone. He simply refused to answer the call again.

Did you take him for a liar? Or is this person so deranged that he doesn't even recognize his own mother?

Sitting in the driver's cab, Lin Yue thought and thought, and suddenly realized that he was too involved in the Yuan family's affairs, but thinking about the helpless and lonely look of the little girl kneeling in the gradually narrowing sunlight, he really wanted to let go No matter, I always feel unbearable.

He sighed heavily, dialed Su Han's number and said a few words, hung up the phone, started the car engine, kicked the accelerator and went straight to the airport.

At a quarter past eight, he boarded a flight to the north.

There is only one purpose in going to the imperial capital. If Yuan Wei doesn't answer the phone, he will arrest him.

At ten o'clock that night, with the piercing sound of air jets, the plane slowly landed on the runway.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Yue walked out of the terminal building, checked his direction, and while walking towards the taxi pick-up point, he released the Type III Blackfly drone, and cooperated with the all-seeing eye to connect to the nearby wireless communication network to track Yuan. Wei mobile phone location information.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to him.

"Isn't it? Is that okay?"

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