He is in a hurry to catch people back here, and the system has issued a new task at this juncture.

It is impossible to expect it to be "sight-sighted" and understand the state of the host, but no matter what, he can't let go of what he is doing to do the task, but he still took the time to glance at the name of the target film and television drama——" Chinese Partners".

The movie based on New Oriental? And "To Our Dying Youth", one masculine and one feminine, known as the gentleman's sword combining two swords in domestic literary and artistic films?

Thinking of this, he glanced at the majestic terminal building behind him in a strange way.

"Is it possible..."

You must know that the story of "Chinese Partner" takes place in BJ. Could it be that the system's new tasks at this juncture are triggered by his itinerary?

He didn't waste too much energy on this insignificant issue, and quickly turned his attention back to reality. He suddenly noticed that the surrounding passengers looked at him a little strangely, and followed their gaze, only to realize that he was wearing a windbreaker. .

You must know that the average temperature in Jianghai City is above 6 degrees in January, and when it hardly drops to 0 degrees at night, BJ is different. When the temperature is low in the morning and evening, pour some water on the road and it will freeze in a short time. It is winter here. Beishang didn't add any clothes and acted like a normal person. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the tourists around him treating him as a freak.

It was no longer possible to buy a down jacket to disguise himself at this point, he jumped into the unparked taxi ahead of a man, ignored the driver's surprised expression, and gave an address.

Counting the encounters of "Love in a Courtyard" and "The Year in a Hurry", his life in BJ can be said to have run through from the 1960s to the 30 years of reform and opening up. He is very familiar with the history of the surrounding areas, and the driver was dumbfounded when he talked along the way. Thought he was an old BJ guy.

It was late at night, and there were not many vehicles on the road. It took an hour to arrive during the day, but now it only took a little over half an hour.

After getting out of the car and watching the taxi leave, Lin Yue looked at the locked gate of the auto repair shop on the opposite side to confirm that there was no mistake. Yuan Wei's mobile phone signal was less than fifteen meters away from him. In other words, It's in the auto repair shop across the street.

Observing the terrain a little, he trotted for two steps, his feet bounced twice between the courtyard wall and a big poplar tree next to him, he grabbed the top of the wall more than 2 meters high with his hands and turned inside, and landed firmly on a pile of waste tires nearby. cement floor.

The moment he jumped down, the wolf green in the iron cage near the gate suddenly straightened up and kicked his front legs, but he didn't howl, but tilted his head slightly, staring at him curiously. he.

Lin Yue made a silent gesture to it, and walked towards the lighted room next to the shed.

"West Wind."


"Wait, touch one."

"Lao Yang, is this the second time for you? Do you want me to draw the cards?"

"I have a pair, so I have to touch it."


He leaned closer to the window to see the people inside were playing mahjong. There was a bald middle-aged man, a man with two fingers amputated on his right hand, and a guy with a hooked nose. The inside was completely illuminated by the electric heater. The person who blushed was the target of his trip——Yuan Shanshan's father, Yuan Wei, was a bachelor, and his mother and daughter ignored it, so he turned his face and ran to the largest city in the north to work as a car repairman.

Without anything to say, he walked to the door, turned the handle and pushed it inside, and the door opened with a bang.

When Lin Yue's face appeared in the range of the light, Yuan Wei's hands trembled, and the cigarette between his fingers dropped a lot of ash. The bald middle-aged man held down the money on the table, as if afraid Like robbery, the hooked nose facing the door stood up all of a sudden, and said sternly, "You... who are you?"

It's freezing outside, and the door of the auto repair shop is locked at 9 o'clock, and now a stranger comes in quietly, but the vicious dog in the cage that can only scare children to cry has not moved at all, even if the staff The number is four to one, and it is quite scary to encounter such a thing.

Lin Yue ignored the hooked nose, looked at a man who was vaguely similar to Yuan Shanshan and said, "Stop beating, your mother has passed away, and your daughter can't handle the rest alone."

"What crazy things are you talking about?"

A young man in his twenties ran over silently in the middle of the night and said that the old man at home was gone, and no one would accept it.

"About this matter, someone should have called you before."

Yuan Wei remembered that there was indeed a call from Jianghai City's number in the evening, thinking that the debtor had found out his number and tricked him to go back, hung up the phone and turned off the phone directly. However, I didn't expect that a strange guy came to deliver the letter face to face.

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Lin Yue took out his mobile phone and threw it over: "There is your daughter's phone number on it, if it is true, you call and ask yourself."

Yuan Wei was a little flustered. He held the things in his hands and turned them over and over again, but he didn't dial the number.

When he was young, he threw his mobile phone on the table: "I don't believe it, you must be from the loan company, you all joined forces to trick me back, I tell you, no way, I won't make this call, I won't call. "

Lin Yue frowned, thinking that this guy was doubting the truth of the matter? Or is it that I haven't gone back for so long, and I am ashamed, angry and timid, and can't accept the reality of the old lady's death?

He didn't want to waste energy here, he walked over and grabbed Yuan Wei's arm: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, anyway, you must go back with me today."

This tough statement annoyed the guy who amputated two fingers, and his interest in playing mahjong was upset, and now he is doing this to his buddies, how can he bear it? Not much to say, stood up and punched Lin Yue.

He thinks that there are four people on his side, and there is a young man on the opposite side, and he looks fair. He looks like the kind of pampered person.

His method was simple and rude, and Lin Yue's counterattack was also simple and rude. He directly fought with his hands, twisted the "Three Fingers" wrist and turned his left hand to the man's shoulder.

There was a click.

The three fingers let out an "Aw", and the whole arm hung down, as if it had been removed.

The hook-nosed and bald-headed middle-aged man suddenly didn't dare to move, for fear that he would also remove his arms, thighs, etc. for that kid. You must know that the "three fingers" used to be a gangster, and the broken right index finger and middle finger were the result of fire. At that time, they were cut off by the enemy with a knife. If you want to talk about a fight, it is no problem to get up and put the three of them on the ground. Now it is good, and the arm was held down without a punch. The only explanation is that the young man on the other side is more capable. Fight, and it's the kind of fight that can kill them in seconds.


Lin Yue didn't say much, and grabbed Yuan Wei's back collar and dragged him out.

Speaking of Yuan Shanshan calling him Brother Lin, Yuan Wei should be the elder, but judging from the current situation, it is difficult to explain the truth clearly. Instead of wasting words here, it is better to get the person away first, and then explain in detail on the way.

When the two of them reached the door, Lin Yue suddenly stopped, pointed at the bald middle-aged man and said, "Don't call the police, there is something really wrong at his house, if you call the police and delay the old lady's funeral, I will replace you with the customer's auto parts and resell them." Tell the police about it."

This sentence made the bald middle-aged man look embarrassed, and stopped reaching his trouser pocket.

"Borrow a motorcycle."

When he came to the yard, Lin Yue pushed Yuan Wei to the door and ordered him to unlock the door. He stepped on the Suzuki motorcycle of "Three Fingers", lit it on fire, and drove Yuan Wei out of the auto repair shop. Go in the direction of the train station.

Speaking of which, this motorcycle can’t help but break down halfway through the drive. Lin Yue felt that the system was deliberately embarrassing him. Thinking about this point, he used to take the train with the prefix T. It would be tomorrow morning to arrive in Jianghai City. Stay in BJ for one night, and take the earliest flight back tomorrow morning.

Thinking of this, he found a nearby hotel with a good environment and asked for a standard room to stay.

After the two of them entered the house, he first called Yuan Shanshan, and regardless of how surprised the little girl over there was, he asked her to tell Grandma Yuan Wei in person, and even sent a screenshot of the death certificate after the incident. The middle-aged man who had been hiding outside for two or three years finally believed it. After hanging up the phone, his eyes turned red several times.

Lin Yue casually comforted him, telling him to go to bed early, and to catch a plane tomorrow morning. After hesitating for a moment, he did not choose to use the all-seeing eye to watch a movie. Instead, he turned on the TV in the room and searched for "China Partnership People", I didn't expect it to exist in it, and it's a 1080P high-definition version.

He has seen this movie before, and the plot is not brain-inducing, or it is very "straightforward". It tells the story of Cheng Dongqing, "Sea Turtle" Meng Xiaojun and "Cynical Youth" Wang Yang from the 1980s to the 21st century. The next three young people meet and get acquainted when they were students, co-found an English training school, and finally realize the story of the "Chinese-style dream".

There is not much to prepare. After watching the movie, I calculated the time. I was sure that Yuan Wei had fallen asleep and could catch the plane after returning from the movie world, so I tiptoed off the bed, opened the door of the bathroom, walked in, and called out the system menu to take a look. mission Board.

After confirming that there was no problem, he took a deep breath, and consciously controlled the cursor to tap the "Accept" button in the lower right corner of the interface.


A white light flashed in the bathroom, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

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