Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1219 The First Meeting of Two Turtles


A gust of wind whizzed by.

A brief moment of dizziness struck, followed by a sense of bumps, a bit like being on a boat, but he soon realized that it was not, because authentic Beijing movies sounded around him.

One woman said that she had to queue for several hours to get a monthly bus ticket for this month. The difficulty was almost as difficult as going to a supply and marketing agency to buy meat during the Spring Festival more than ten years ago. Another woman said that she was lucky. Last month she went to The monthly ticket sales office on the east side of Shijingshan Park queued up from 2:30 pm to almost 6:00 pm, and finally it was her turn. The window staff said that the monthly pass was sold out today, so they pulled the baffle when they were done. lined up.

"Yanjing University is here, get ready if you want to get off. Yenching University, is there Yenching University?"

"Yes, yes."

Lin Yue shivered, woke up from his confusion, and realized that he was not on a boat, but on a bus.


With the sound of brakes, the bus stopped in front of the stop sign. Lin Yue looked at the crowds of people outside the window. He carried the canvas bag with only half a red star left on his shoulder, and the words "serve the people" underneath were half worn away. The phosphate fertilizer bag placed at the foot was tucked under the armpit, shouting "excuse me", and got out of the car to meet the curious eyes of the passengers.


As soon as the door was closed, the bus turned outside and left the station.

Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the four big characters "Yanjing University" placed between the quite impressive gate in the 1980s and the black plaque above the gate. He followed the bicycles at the intersection and walked across the road to the school.

Taking advantage of this time, he put his attention into his mind, called up the system menu, and confirmed the content of this mission.

[West out of Yangguan without an old friend]: The complaints of the lucky user with the number 70922 of "Chinese Partner" were detected. Although the film can't change the essence of "Shuangwen", it is full of less intensive face-slapping scenes, and Elements such as friendship, passion, business, love, inspiration, disagreement, and cultural conflict, the director has great ambitions, but in all fairness, they are not too brilliant, on the contrary they are very mediocre, but it is this mediocrity and the moderation that comes from it that makes the Among the so-called youth literature and art films that sell corruption, meat, tragedy, and feelings, the film has become an almost insurmountable work. Personally, I think that compared with "To Our Dying Youth", "Chinese Partner" is no matter in terms of structure, The acting skills, plot, thinking, and rhythm are all better.

Main task: Youth without regrets, enjoy life.

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Mission time frame 1980-2003.

Make complaints?

Is this a joke? Is this a compliment to "Chinese Partner"?

After watching it for a long time, Lin Yue couldn't help complaining that the lucky user's words were much gentler than the lucky users of previous urban dramas, which made him feel uncomfortable. In addition, the task setting also made him confused. Not to mention that there is only one main task this time. In the past, a side task would be added anyway. What does the eight words "youth without regrets, enjoy life" after the main task mean? ? Can you give a specific standard? I am most annoyed by this kind of general and almost hazy writing, because I don't know how far it can be called completion.

Youth without regrets? Does it mean to do something stupid, and to speak boldly about youth without regrets twenty years later?

enjoy life? Most people are the ones who enjoy life (society) pastimes... From this point of view, the main task is still a bit difficult.

"Hey buddy, are you a freshman too?"

The endless ringing of bicycle bells on both sides did not wake him up, but a rather deep and powerful male voice drew his attention from the system space back to reality.

Lin Yue turned his face and took a look, heh, that's right, no wonder it sounds familiar, it turned out that the person who answered him was not someone else, but one of the protagonists of the movie, that Cheng Dongqing who was still a bitch even though he created a new dream .

This kind of wood turtle is deeply rooted, at least from now on.

Others are shirts, vests, trousers, sneakers, pedaling bicycles, thermos pots, various reference books, poetry collections and so on in the basket, and small satchels on the outside of the buttocks, which were stuffed by their parents when they left home fruit.

As for him, the shit-yellow messenger bag on the left is bulging, and I don’t know what it contains. On the right, there are quilts and mats, and he is wearing a coarse cloth coat that has been washed white, and inside is a white vest that peddlers of old clothes think are old-fashioned. , with the word "China" half-colored printed on the chest, the key is that the trousers of the pair of trousers are stained with mud, as if they came to report just after pouring the ground.

Lin Yue was looking at Cheng Dongqing, and Cheng Dongqing was also looking at him. Apart from a friendly smile on his face, his eager eyes seemed to say, "Hey, man, don't you think we are all the same?"

Lin Yue took a look at what he was wearing, the bag in his hand, and then Cheng Dongqing's equipment, and he was speechless.

At this moment, a stream of information poured into his mind.

Lin Yue, from Datong, Shanxi, his family conditions are poor, his father is bedridden, and his mother has no life skills, so he supports a family of three on a few acres of land. His academic performance has always been good, and this year he performed exceptionally well. He passed the Yanjing exam in one fell swoop. University admission scores.

If you want to go to the capital to study, living expenses are a big problem for rural students. Fortunately, the county leaders are good. Considering that a county may not produce a student who can go to Yenching University in a few years, and his grandfather was a martyr during the Anti-Japanese War, So he promised to pay for his university tuition and living expenses for four years. In this way, wearing old cloth shoes, carrying a canvas bag, carrying a phosphate fertilizer bag for bedding, and holding a bag of dried tofu to please his roommates, he got on the bus. The green leather car of the East came to this youthful city at the foot, and stepped into this campus full of restless hormones.

"My name is Cheng Dongqing, from the Department of Foreign Languages, how about you?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Cheng Dongqing was not discouraged, and continued to make friends with him.

"Coincidentally, I am also from the Department of Foreign Languages." Lin Yue stretched out his hand: "Hello, my name is Lin Yue."

Cheng Dongqing looked at his hand in confusion, and it took him a while to react. He shook hands with him like those big names in the newspaper, and smiled like a fool.

In terms of the freshmen’s reporting time limit, the two of them came relatively late. The local students have already lived in the dormitory, and the students queuing up at the registration point are basically students from remote areas. Those who wear new sneakers, hold small scented fans, or ride bicycles Hao’s student Hao is not stingy with scrutinizing and playful eyes, and occasionally points to someone and says that his hairstyle is ridiculous or that he is dressed like the janitor of the old factory in Xisanqi.

Cheng Dongqing is quite concerned about these rumors. She hides her head and feet from time to time, and pushes the glasses frame when she is nervous. However, compared with nervousness, the joy of going to college is better. Everything is fresh.

Lin Yue and him are completely two extremes. Anyone who dares to look at him will be stared back by him. Basically, no one can look at him.

The heat in Yanjing in September was unabated, and the application process was completed until it was sweating profusely. Cheng Dongqing refused a senior's kind request for help, because he always felt that the other party was a bit bitch, and the eyes of him and Lin Yue were also a little bit Something is wrong.

Fortunately, there are students on the road, so if I don’t know where the boys’ dormitory is, I can ask.

On the way, Cheng Dongqing asked a question that he suppressed all the way: "Why do you want to learn French?"

Lin Yue didn't answer this question, but instead asked Cheng Dongqing: "Then why do you want to learn English?"

Thanks to Garfield Faner, Wuyi Misty Rain, for the reward of 1500 starting coins, Qingtianhou for the reward of 500 starting coins, Gujueer, the book friend with the tail number 1885, and the book friend with the tail number 8508 for the 100 starting coins.

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