Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1234 Correct Opening Posture for Advanced Faces

the next day.

School Security Office.

Cheng Dongqing felt that he was very unlucky to enter the library at night and was arrested by the security department.

He was also very scared, afraid that the school would kick him out--after taking the exam for three years, he was admitted to Yenching University, and he was really going to be expelled from school.

Su Mei stood at the base of the west wall, glaring at him, as if blaming him for all this, thinking that if he hadn't gone to the library last night, he wouldn't have been caught by the security patrol.

Only Lin Yue knew that they were not caught by the patrols of the security department, but someone reported them.

In fact, there was a chance to escape last night, but he did nothing.

He has to thank that person for giving him a chance to ease the relationship with Su Mei.

It's too low to explain something in words, this time he will act as the "dominant president".


The door of the detention room opened, and a man in a blue-gray Chinese tunic came in from the outside and threw the folder on the table.

"Look at what you've done, what do you take school rules and regulations for? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, you go to the library to read, what do you do during the day!"

Lin Yue was happy, and said to himself, well, he is still an acquaintance.

It's not that he has friendship with the other party. Speaking of which, he knows that person, but that person doesn't know him.

In the movie, Cheng Dongqing helped the grandson of a leader of the school with English tutoring when he stayed at the school to teach after graduation. Now the young version of the stingy leader is standing in front of him, criticizing them pretending to be majestic.

"Tell me, how did you get in? Who gave you the key?"

Lin Yue was right when he thought about it.

Going to the library to read books is not stealing books. Yes, it violates the school's regulations, but "working hard and loving learning" is an academic correctness. If the punishment is too heavy, it will chill the hearts of the majority of students. The image is also affected, so the penalty must be punished, but there must be room for it.

And what's the use of teaching students? Or what's the advantage? Presumably, Deputy Director Nie must have read the information and knew the origins of the three of them.

Hey, how about using this incident as a trigger and pointing the cannon at the librarian, when the time comes, will it be a matter of selling personal favors and turning it into a trivial matter, or let the bullets fly for a while, the initiative is not all in his hands in?

Power is a thing that must be used, and its existence must be manifested, and it must be used well, often, even if there are no problems to create problems.

No one answered Deputy Director Nie's question.

"Let me tell you, this matter is big or small. Whoever behaves well and who admits his mistakes positively, I don't need to hold him accountable. Whoever resists the investigation or even wants to lie to me, I will write what happened last night in his file, or report to the principal to expel him from school."

Cheng Dongqing trembled in fright, and glanced at Lin Yue.

He just wanted to ask a question on a whim. God knows how such an unlucky thing happened. It is really unclear where the key to the library came from.

Lin Yue knew that Cheng Dongqing was scared, and she was so scared that she was about to pee her pants.

Tubiecheng's family conditions are not good, his mother borrowed most of the village to pay for his school expenses, and if he is really going to be kicked out of the school, it can be said to be a devastating blow to his life. After 30 years, being expelled from school can only mean that one upward path has been cut off, and there are other ways out, even if there are twists and turns, there is always hope. In this era, punishment is to be written into the file Here, the employer will use this as a reference to decide whether to hire.

For people like Cheng Dongqing, what is the reason for going to college? Of course, he was running for his job, not to mention expulsion, even a warning would affect his whole life.

Lin Yue saw Su Mei's hands clenched, let go, clenched again, and then let go, her lips quivered slightly, as if she wanted to say something but was ashamed to say it.

This matter is obvious, if she tells where the key came from, she will put her helpers in danger, if she doesn't tell, it will be her own misfortune.

"Director Nie." Lin Yue stepped forward suddenly, and slapped the key in his hand on the table: "One day the librarian lost the key, and I picked it up and returned it to her. I bought it for a while, just to soak in it and read a few more books. As for the two of them... because I am a coward, when I first entered school, I dawdled until the end every time before leaving. The library is not peaceful at night. On the one hand, I firmly believe that there are no ghosts in the world, but on the other hand...well, I am more or less scared. How can I concentrate on studying under such circumstances? Go, if you are more courageous, you will not be afraid, and what happened later..."

He looked left and right, and said with guilt and weakness: "You already know..."

Nie Weiming frowned, he didn't expect that he would "one person do things and one person should be in charge". Indeed, this explanation is reasonable, as far as the library is concerned, even if he went in alone in the middle of the night, he would have to break out in a cold sweat.

"You're so scared, why don't you find two male classmates together? And I remember that Su Mei is from the law department."

"Oh." Lin Yue sighed heavily, looked at Su Mei with a complicated expression, turned his head, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "Because I...I like her."

Nie Weiming patted the table: "What are you talking about? Speak up."

"I said..." Lin Yue turned up his volume, and then lowered it a bit: "I like her, and I want to take this opportunity to get to know her better and develop a relationship."

This made Dongqing dumbfounded, since he said last night that he and Su Mei were rivals, why did he like her today? This guy just lied and didn't write a draft, and he came as soon as he finished it, without thinking about the consequences at all.

Nie Weiming didn't think too much about the change in the beetle's expression, because dating is not allowed in school, although... at night on the grass by Weiming Lake, as long as someone from the security office is called, there will always be a lot of disheveled people Men and women ran away.

Observe Su Mei's expression again, her trembling body and lowered chin all indicate that she is aware of this incident. In other words, the two of them are still at the level where they haven't broken the window paper. It is logical to say that they are dating in the name of false study. As for Dongqing, he is a tool that Su Mei can rest assured.

"Nonsense! You're talking about you students." Nie Weiming snapped, "It's not easy for your parents to raise you up so that you can go to college. What are you doing here? Talking about love! Not doing business properly! You are worthy of your parents Is it worthy of the school? Is it worthy of the country?"

"Yes, yes, director, you are right. I made all my mistakes. I will change. From today onwards, I will definitely put all my energy into my studies and never disappoint my parents, the school, and you. teaching."

"It's useless to talk, the important thing is to put it into practice!" Nie Weiming said, patting the table.

He wanted to be stricter, but he couldn't help it. He didn't pinch the librarian's sore foot, and he didn't get any evidence that the two were in love... He couldn't punish the kid for the crime of attempted love.

"I remember your words. When I go back, I must write it on paper, stick it on the bedside, recite it every day, and reflect on it every night." He winked at Cheng Dongqing while talking.

Tubiecheng was blessed this time, so he turned and walked outside.

Su Mei didn't speak, but obediently followed.

Lin Yue was at the end.

When he was approaching the door, Nie Weiming suddenly called him back: "Stop."


"Go back and write a copy of the inspection and hand it in."


Lin Yue nodded and walked out of the detention room.

Seeing him walking out without incident, Cheng Dongqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death just now."

Lin Yue smiled at him, but didn't answer, and turned to look at Su Mei who was walking south with her head up and her chest up.

Cheng Dongqing followed his gaze: "Why doesn't she even say a word of thanks?"

She is the character set in the movie, a girl who has the guts to go to the library to read in the middle of the night, and jump off the boat in the middle of the lake, she might be called a female man, but rather frigid.

And his idea was that it must be fun to train her to be as submissive as a cat.

"It's very simple, she thought it was you who brought in the security guards." Lin Yue didn't give him a chance to speak: "Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun are here."

Cheng Dongqing turned her face and found that it was so.


Lin Yue broke his promise, he didn't write the inspection at all, and naturally he wouldn't hand it in.

Nie Weiming was very angry and gave him a serious warning, and he also circulated a criticism to the whole school.

Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang were very worried, and of course many people gloated, such as Han Chaojun.

However, the person who should be the most unhappy was not affected at all, because he did it on purpose. If he didn't do this, how could he make someone feel indebted to him? A detention for probation, it turned out to be a serious warning.

Later he found out that it was Professor Wang and Dong Xinmin who taught German who begged him.

These two old men, what's the matter with his feeling out of love? Stockholm syndrome, the point is that it will ruin his plan, okay?

One of Lin Yue's biggest worries was that the bait was too small, and the fish would not bite the bait. Fortunately, when he was walking back with Wang Yang from the mail room with a letter from home, the heroine of the story stopped him. he.

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