Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1235 accept the crushing from imagination

Su Mei is wearing a blue striped dress today, with a baby's breath pinned near her ear, and underneath is a pair of flat sandals that she just bought, very new.

Wang Yang blinked, and whistled a not-so-loud whistle.

"Talk slowly, I'll go buy a pack of cigarettes." After speaking, he shook his shoulder-length hair and left.

He buys cigarettes? He buys a butt, he doesn't smoke at all.

Lin Yue knew what Wang Yang was thinking. Tubiecheng, who had a big mouth, left the security office that day and couldn't wait to tell Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun what happened in the library before arriving at the dormitory. So when Wang Yang saw Su Mei, he immediately Knowing that she is Lin Yue's "person she likes", naturally she won't be a light bulb here, so she quickly finds an excuse to get out of the way.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter if Lin classmate harms anyone, as long as he doesn't get entangled with Liangqin anymore.

"I was in the detention room that day, thank you."

After Wang Yang left, Su Mei thanked her with a wry face.

No matter what kind of emotional entanglement he had with the female student named Liangqin, his behavior of taking all the responsibility on himself in front of Nie Weiming undoubtedly relieved her crisis, neither need to be punished nor bear the burden of betrayal Afterwards, she reflected on whether the previous hostility was too much because of her friend's infamy. After all, no matter how scumbag he was, it was not on her head. But thinking about it, it is impossible for her to change her attitude suddenly.

But just two days ago, the school radio station announced the decision to deal with Lin Yue.

Serious warning!

This punishment is very serious. According to the sisters in the dormitory, it is likely to be written in the file, which will affect future work and promotion.

On the one hand, she was very angry at Nie Weiming's reluctance, and on the other hand, she continued to feel guilty towards Lin Yue. Regarding the former, she dared not go to the theory. She sneaked into the library to read books. Expelling the students, but if they are a couple, they will be kicked out of the school if things get serious, so she struggles and struggles, and she thinks it is more cost-effective to say thank you to the latter.

"You're welcome." Lin Yue turned around and left after speaking.

Su Mei didn't expect his reaction to be so indifferent, and thought he was angry with her - when she came out of the confinement room that day, she left without looking back. To be honest, if the two exchanged positions, she would definitely be very angry. Think the other person is an unreasonable person.

"You..." She quickly caught up: "I'm sorry about what happened that day, don't be angry, I shouldn't just walk away."

Lin Yue said: "I'm not angry. It's because you care too much about this matter. That day in the detention room, I just made a choice with the least cost, and I didn't deliberately prevent disaster for you."

Su Mei opened her mouth, and found that she didn't know what to say. She never thought that she had struggled for a long time before taking such an important step, and what she got in return was a flattering response from the other party.

This... How should I put it, it's like punching cotton with a hard swing, and it feels extremely uncomfortable without any effort.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Lin Yue said, "If not, I'm leaving."

What do you mean, tell her not to follow him?

Now Su Mei, who has something to say in her heart, has nothing to say, she hesitates for a moment and then shakes her head with her lips pursed.

"Goodbye." Lin Yue waved at her and walked towards the direction Wang Yang left.

Su Mei stood there blankly, feeling empty in her heart. If she was angry, it would be completely unreasonable, because Lin Yue was very polite, but if she was not angry, she always felt very aggrieved. He made such an effort full of emotions. respond? Not even a warm smile?

Hush~shh~she took two deep breaths.

Don't be disappointed, don't be frustrated, be normal, just treat him as an insignificant person.

Su Mei warned herself in her heart, don't take today's experience to heart, and just treat Lin Yue as a familiar stranger. Anyway, she has already thanked her, and she will not be able to go to the library to read at night in the future. God knows three years Can meet a few times.

Lin Yue bid farewell to Su Mei, turned around the teaching building of the Department of Philosophy, and walked a few steps forward. Wang Yang leaned over with an old popsicle.

"Isn't it, so incomprehensible?"

Lin Yue glanced back and found that the boy was standing just now where he could see the conversation between the two.

"How boring you are."

Wang Yang said: "This word is right for you."

I couldn't hear what the two of them said here, but judging from Su Mei's reaction, it was obvious that classmate Lin let her down. It could also be said that she didn't expect the hot face to stick to her, but ended up with a north wind blowing, snowflakes falling, Miserably, the result of grass on the plain.

"That girl is nice."

"Are you here for a sale?"

Wang Yang shrugged, and took two steps forward, the more he thought about it, the more he thought something was wrong: "Could it be that you are..."

Of course Lin Yue knew what he wanted to say: "You're never finished. If you talk nonsense, I'll go to the girls' dormitory to find her right now."

Okay, I'm tired of talking.

Wang Yangxin said that Liangqin's name should be mentioned less in the future, so as not to arouse Lin's rebellious heart.

"By the way, you said that what happened that night was reported by someone. Do you know who did it?"

"Hmph." Lin Yue just sneered and didn't answer. Of course he knows who did it, but it's just that it's too cheap for him to end up with that kid now,

"Do you know how much you deserve to be beaten?" Wang Yang said, "I finally understand that Meng Xiaojun wants to strangle you, because I think so now."

He threw the popsicle stick into the trash can, but unfortunately it didn't go in. To cover up his embarrassment, he sighed, "It's a pity, you won't be able to slip away to the library in the middle of the night to read at night by candlelight."

Lin Yue smiled: "Who told you that I can't go to Bingzhuye to read in the future?"

"What do you mean?" Wang Yang didn't understand what he meant by saying this. You must know that he had only been punished before, and he was a well-known person on a radio station. Not to mention the foreign language department, even students from the philosophy department and economics department knew that A guy named Lin Yue stayed up late at night and went to the library to study secretly. In this case, if he was caught again by the security department, Nie Weiming would definitely reward him with a delisting gift package.

Lin Yue pointed to the northeast.

northeast? What's in the northeast?

Wang Yang glanced at the direction he was pointing. Is there Weiming Lake in the northeast? Going to Weiming Lake to feed mosquitoes in the middle of the night? He is so funny.

uh, no...

Of course, people who can be admitted to Yenching University are not stupid. He quickly realized that the place Lin Yue was referring to was not Weiming Lake, but a place farther away, across the street from Yenching University... Tsinghua University.

"Are you joking?"

The flesh at the corner of Wang Yang's mouth was twitching. He was sure that the expression on his face must be quite exciting.

Lin Yue said, "Do you think I am joking with you?"

While speaking, he shook the key in his hand.


Wang Yang was convinced, and he found that his imagination was still not unconstrained.

"how did you do it?"

"you guess."

Wang Yang shook his head: "I can't guess."

Lin Yue glanced at him, turned around and looked to the left, only to hear the bicycle bell ringing, Hai Guofu rode over on that 60% new permanent brand bicycle, and when they were in front of them, they squeezed the front and rear brakes, and the bicycle stopped.

Wang Yang noticed that Hai Guofu was carrying a guitar bag on his back, and he couldn't help but frowned. This guy has a broken gong voice, and he is also incomplete. Let alone playing music, he can sing "Young Pioneers Team Song" out of tune. What are you doing with the guitar? Waste everything?

Lin Yue understood his confusion, and said with a smile, "Can't guess it, right?"

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