Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1241 Is it important to go to college?

"Okay, you went to the library at night last semester, and you refused to check and admit your mistakes. This semester, you fought with your classmates as soon as the semester started. You are really a good student in Dong Xinmin's mouth." Nie Weiming still remembers Professor Dong Xinmin from the Department of Foreign Languages. His evaluation --- he is a good student, but his thinking is a bit too big. If he can read a few more books and settle down, he will definitely achieve great things in the future.

He doesn't believe it. To be precise, it doesn't matter whether he believes it or not. Whether he is a good student, whether he will make a big difference in the future, and do his shit. The important thing is, if this kid dares to neglect him, he will be punished and dealt with .

But it's a pity that his title of "director" has an adverb in front of it, and he's not the number one deputy director. He decided to give him a lighter sentence, and he couldn't stick to his own opinion. It fell into his hands again today, and this guy must not be as cheap as last time.

Lin Yue curled his lips and said nothing. Nie Weiming picked up the information card on the table, looked at the photo column in the upper left corner, and then looked at the person on Lin Yue's left: "Your name is Meng Xiaojun?"

"Yes." Meng Xiaojun replied blankly.


Nie Weiming threw the data card back on the table and leaned back in his chair: "Tell me, why did you fight in the boys' dormitory?"

Meng Xiaojun: "..."

"Don't you have the face to say yes?" Nie Weiming pointed at the table and said, "This is a school. You are here to study, not to fight and fight."

Meng Xiaojun said, "No."


"Yes, no, I just don't like him and want to teach him a lesson."

Meng Xiaojun is not stupid, how could he let Nie Weiming lead him into the ditch? Jealousy and fight over a woman, all three of them will have to be punished, and they will not be lenient. If two boys do not like each other and fight, the nature will be much better.


Nie Weiming slammed the table: "You still want to lie to me? See what this is."

He pointed to the letterhead next to the data card and said, "Report letter, most of the boys' dormitory knows why you fight. Do you want me to call that female student named Liangqin to confront you?"

Lin Yue glanced at the handwriting on the report letter and sneered again and again.

As for Meng Xiaojun, he still chooses to be stubborn: "They got it wrong, Liangqin is just trying to persuade them to fight."

Nie Weiming said: "Meng Xiaojun, if you talk nonsense to me again, believe it or not, I will fire you now."

The relationship between Lin Yue and Meng Xiaojun was average, and the degree worsened after the fight. However, comparing the two, he still hated Deputy Director Nie a little more. In the movie, Cheng Dongqing taught his grandson English for more than half a month. It was dismissed, and later Cheng Dongqing ran a cram school outside the school. When he asked the school leaders to forgive him, he didn't help to say good things.

Not to mention Cheng Dongqing's approach is right, this old guy has a big problem with his behavior.

"Nie Weiming, give him a try." Lin Yue curled his lips: "If there is no evidence, he will be expelled. Do you think Yenching University is run by your family?"

Nie Weiming was taken aback when he said this, yes, Lin Yue didn't hand in the inspection last time, which made him very upset, but when he was in the detention room, he was very careful with his words, so he was not as rude as he is now.

Nie Weiming said: "Do you want evidence? I have asked several foreign language students, and they all know that Meng Xiaojun and Liangqin are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"The two of them are neighbors and playmates who grew up together. Just based on this, you can conclude that they are in a relationship? Students in the foreign language department speak based on subjective conjectures, and you, the director, are so arbitrary?"


Nie Weiming gave him some excuses, his lips trembling with anger.

Schools have to define that students fall in love, either the parties themselves admit it or get direct evidence. Middle and high schools still strictly control persuasion, let alone universities. This is why most of the expulsion of students in colleges and universities is based on the fact that girls are pregnant. Nie Weiming This method of inducing a confession is okay for those young people who are not deeply involved in the world, but it is too childish to use it against him.

Lin Yue didn't give up as soon as he saw it, but became more aggressive, raising his right middle finger at Nie Weiming.

Such "greetings" were not popular in those days, but Nie Weiming was not a fool, and knew very well that this gesture was not a good idea.

"Lin Yue, I think you don't want to go to this university."


Lin Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, took out a cigarette from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, took out a matchbox to light the cigarette, turned around and left, leaving Nie Weiming standing behind the desk with a dazed expression on his face.

Since the resumption of the college entrance examination and the resumption of teaching at Yenching University, he has never seen such an arrogant student. Looking at the entire campus, who doesn't cherish the opportunity to study at Yenching University? What did this guy do? " engraved on the forehead.

Not to mention, Nie Weiming's guess is quite right, Lin Yue really doesn't care, for him, "study" itself is more important than Yenching University graduation certificate, as a full scholarship from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NASA's AI For him, who is the chief engineer of the solar panel project at the James Research Center, does he need a diploma to prove his ability? No need.

Lin Yue was not far ahead, Meng Xiaojun also came out, glanced at his back, and walked in the opposite direction.


That evening.

The male dormitory building was full of noise, because the Yao compatriot from the Chinese department was singing folk songs with the girls of the same race in the female building diagonally opposite. Those who were going to the cafeteria to eat, those who were carrying a thermos to fetch water, and those who had just returned from the classroom... couldn’t bear it. He stopped and listened, and talked about it with a smile.

Han Chaojun knew very well what was going on outside. Normally, he would go to the top floor to watch the excitement, and yelled some flirty words with the booing boys. It was a unique scenery in the male and female dormitory.

However, today is an exception, because a person blocked him in the house.

"You...what do you want to do?" Han Chaojun suppressed fear in his voice.

"What am I going to do? You understand better than anyone else."

"Lin Yue, let me tell you, don't mess around, I'm a cadre of the student union, dare to hit me, believe it or not, I will let you drop out of school."

"Oh, quitting school, you are such a good dog."

"Come... come here... Lin Yue hit someone..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Han Chaojun hurriedly shouted for help.

He didn't finish his sentence when Lin Yue's fist came down and landed firmly on his face.


Han Chaojun felt his eyes go dark, and the burning pain spread on the left side of his face. The cry for help that rushed to his mouth suddenly turned into a howl, but it didn't last. Lin Yue twisted his arm and pulled it back, shaking his hand and slapping him In the past, this time he slapped him on the right cheek, and at the same time the sound stopped abruptly, all the bones in his body softened, and his body fell back on the bed.

Lin Yue grabbed the person forward, and pulled him back again. His right eye was also blue after punching him. It looked quite symmetrical, and he felt much more comfortable in his heart.

If you want to talk about this guy, he is always making small moves behind his back. In the first half of June, he was reported to go to the library to read at night by candlelight, and now he is reported to have a jealous fight with Meng Xiaojun. What if Zhang Anren and Wang Yongzheng in "Golden Years" It's nothing more than a fight for a place to stay in school. Putting it here with Han Chaojun is completely out of jealousy and hatred. If this kind of person doesn't beat him up violently, I'm sorry for what he did.

It just so happened that the pedestrians below and the students in the dormitory next door were attracted by the folk songs of Yao men and women, and did not respond to his call for help at all.

"'t...don't hit..."

The fake foreign devil's mouth was slanted and his eyes slanted, and he even stood firm. If Lin Yue hadn't carried it, he would have fallen to the ground.


Lin Yue spat on the ground and let go of his hand. Han Chaojun collapsed on the bed with a thud, and touched the corner of his mouth with trembling hands. He accidentally touched the bruised part and throbbed with pain.

At this moment, the door opened with a bang, and the younger brother who Han Chaojun had just accepted came in from the outside carrying a lunch box, as if he was helping the elder brother to cook.

Lin Yue looked sideways and shouted: "Get out".

It can be seen that the little follower is also a bully master, he didn't dare to say anything, put the lunch box on the bed next to the door, turned his head and left.

Lin Yue patted the folds on Ping Ping's clothes and was about to leave the room when he suddenly caught the flash of resentment in the depths of Han Chaojun's eyes, so he smiled coldly and walked in front of him again.

Thanks to Youjiro Jono for the 200 starting coins, Fusheng Yaruomu for the 100 starting coins, the book friends with the tail number 8155, and the book friends with the tail number 4439 for the 100 starting coins.

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