Seeing Lin Yue turn around and come back, Han Chaojun crawled into the bed in fright, and said vaguely, "You...don't come here...don't come here."

Before Lin Yue and Meng Xiaojun fought in the lobby downstairs, they were obviously at a disadvantage, but now it has become so fierce within two days? He really didn't understand, the two were about the same size, why the fight would be one-sided, let alone a head-on fight, he couldn't even do an effective dodge.

"Han Chaojun, look what this is?"

Lin Yue took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and flicked it in front of Han Chaojun. With a bang, the paper unfolded, and the header was "report letter", which looked familiar.

He looked down again, and without even looking twice, he knew why it felt familiar, because it was his own handwriting.

"It... how could it..."

"Why is it in my hands?" Lin Yue said, "Nie Weiming gave it to me. He can't recognize whose handwriting it is, but I can. If you go to the department to sue me about the beating, I will expose the fact that you wrote a report letter to vent your personal anger. You are the secretary of the student union, and I will see how you carry out your work then."

Han Chaojun was told what was on his mind. He was afraid, panicked and puzzled. Why did Nie Weiming send the report letter to Lin Yue? Did the two have some sort of intimacy? Of course, this is still secondary. If Lin Yue took the report letter and his notebook and put it in front of his classmates, then his road to the leadership of the student union would inevitably come to an end, and it would be a devastating blow to his life plan.

After the warning was over, Lin Yue put away the report letter forged in imitation of Han Chaojun's handwriting, quickly left the room, and went downstairs.

The current student union is not the student union of the future. It has a high degree of autonomy, and the student union of Yanjing University is not the student union of ordinary colleges and universities. There are many students from intellectual families. Compared with rural students, the quality and consciousness are much higher. Once the behavior of maliciously reporting classmates is exposed, it is almost a "social death" for future generations on campus-youth is synonymous with restlessness, who doesn't want to have a romantic relationship with the person they like, write a report letter for this kind of thing , is tantamount to making an enemy of the entire student group, so Han Chaojun wants to gain a foothold in the student union and continue to climb up, so he can only choose to calm down. In other words, he didn't want to get revenge after this beating.

Seeing Lin Yue leave the dormitory building, Han Chaojun's new younger brother just breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to the room to show concern and hospitality, in order to get recommended to join the student union sooner.


Regarding the matter of contradicting Nie Weiming and refusing to cooperate with the investigation, the higher-ups quickly brought out the result, because Lin Yue committed the crime for the second time, and the punishment was directly increased to stay in school for probation.

It is said that the announcer at the radio station thought he had made a mistake when he got the document. Why was the student who was so eye-catching at the graduation party repeatedly suppressed by the leaders of the Academic Affairs Office? This is too much.

Knowing that the punishment for student Lin from the foreign language department was increased, some people were puzzled, some were angry, some were indifferent, and naturally some were gloating. Yue's attitude, it is appropriate and logical to give a punishment of expulsion from school, but in the end the matter was suppressed by the vice principal, saying that young people are young, full-blooded, young and energetic, and it is normal not to know how to control their emotions. After a little time, he will be fine again when he grows up by two years. This time, just give him a similar punishment.

Nie Weiming could only attribute it to Lin Yue's good grades, the vice-principal cherished his talent, and would rather make him unhappy than keep that kid.

Last time it was professors Dong and Wang from the Department of Foreign Languages, and this time it was the vice principal... Although the old man will retire in a year, he is the leader after all, so of course he has to give face.

Compared with Lin Yue's punishment, Meng Xiaojun's situation is much better, just a simple report of criticism.

This seems to show the official attitude, even if Meng Xiaojun did it first, but in terms of the cause, if Lin Yue hadn't hooked up with Meng Xiaojun's girlfriend, he wouldn't have lost control and beat someone.

It seems...Meng Xiaojun didn't lie. Lin Yue's actions were really dishonest. However, thinking about his performance at the graduation party, he could only say "flies don't bite seamless eggs". In front of the talents of music, Meng Xiaojun really lacks a common language for Liangqin, and it is really not "like-minded" enough.

There were a lot of discussions inside and outside the department, but Liangqin was very calm, with a kind of strength beyond everyone's expectations. She should sleep, eat, and go to class, and she seemed to be completely unaffected.

The other protagonist of the incident, Lin Yue, had almost the same attitude.

Unlike the students who watched the fun, Lin Yue knew very well that Meng Xiaojun's punishment was not because of a good attitude or a shocking background. Nie Weiming did it on purpose. Yue is indeed immoral, and secondly, it can also serve as an encouragement—encourage Meng Xiaojun to hit someone again, after all, the punishment is very light.

This time, the vice-principal could still use the youthful vigor and youthful vigor as excuses for the fight, so how about another fight? What else can he say?

The punishment for Meng Xiaojun could be a warning, a serious warning, and a probation in school, and the levels increased in order. What about Lin Yue? Now it is already on probation at school, and going one step further is persuading him to leave.

It can be seen from this that Nie Weiming is determined to make him unable to get along in Yenching University.

Lin Yue was too lazy to be as knowledgeable as this guy, anyway, he was warned, placed on probation... and such punishments were meaningless to him.

Nie Weiming is indeed quite bureaucratic, but these two incidents also have reasons for his deliberate provocation. Considering the requirements of the main mission, it is still useful to keep this guy, but if you continue to chase him and bite, then don't blame him for playing dirty.

On this day, he gave Cheng Dongqing the reading materials that Tuo Zhenni brought back from the United States, went to the cafeteria and asked for a bowl of noodles with fried sauce. After walking two steps on the sidewalk, a woman stopped him.

It's not Su Mei, it's Liang Qin.

"Is it a surprise?"

Lin Yue said, "You went to see her."

"That's right."

"You two... didn't fight, did you?"

"No, she said she didn't expect the incident to be so big that you were punished by the school. She regretted it and felt ashamed to see you."

Liangqin followed him forward and said, "I'm all to blame for this. If I hadn't asked you to teach me that song, I wouldn't have caused so many troubles."

Lin Yue smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Regarding his reaction, Liangqin hesitated to speak.

Back then when she went to the boys' dormitory to look for Lin Yue, she swore she would not let Meng Xiaojun misunderstand and bring him unnecessary trouble, but what happened? As a result, Meng Xiaojun became jealous, and the two fought in the hall of the boys' dormitory. Lin Yue was also punished by the school for this incident, and his punishment was upgraded to "School Probation", which was only one step away from expulsion.

She is not a little princess ignorant of the world. She knows what Yenching University means to rural students, and she finally got a chance to change her destiny. Once she is dropped out, her life will collapse.

Su Mei regretted it, and of course she regretted it too. She regretted going to him on a fluke mentality. At that time, she thought that she would keep a distance from him after learning the tune. It would be nice to be an ordinary friend. My Heart Is Eternal" also gained a girl's mind that is constantly being cut and messed up. If it can be like what I thought at the beginning, if you say you can break off the relationship, you can keep the distance, and you can keep the distance, and she won't beg Su Li to come over. Looking for Lin Yue, pretending to teach Liao Rongqin how to learn the piano to improve the relationship.


She took a deep breath and suddenly grabbed Lin Yue's wrist.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yue turned around and looked at her puzzled.

Liangqin said: "I...I talked with Meng Xiaojun for a long time yesterday, and finally reached a consensus."

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