Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1243 I mean everyone here is a turtle (two in one)

"Oh?" Lin Yue looked at her with great interest: "What consensus."

Liangqin pursed her lips, looked straight into his eyes and said, "I won't ask you to learn music from now on, and he promises not to bother you again."

In the past, she basically didn't dare to look at him, as long as she met her eyes, she would definitely move away quickly. Lin Yue could guess the reason for this behavior - on the one hand, she was shy, and on the other hand, she was afraid. Naturally, there is no need to explain why she is shy As for being afraid, she was afraid that she would empathize with others, and she was even more afraid that Lin Yue would cross the middle line and take practical actions to compete with Meng Xiaojun. At that time, she would be caught in the middle and it would be difficult to make a choice.

One side is a childhood sweetheart, and the other is a soulmate. If you choose the former, you will definitely regret it, and if you choose the latter, you will definitely feel guilty.

Lin Yue said, "So you came here to look for me, to say goodbye to me?"

The "farewell" here is of course not a literal "farewell". Liangqin understood it. She looked back at Lin Yue, and there was a flash of struggle in her eyes, followed by helplessness and determination.


"Okay." Without any hesitation, Lin Yue agreed without hesitation, and then continued to move forward.

Not only can he guess Liangqin's woman's thoughts, but he also knows that she is doing this for his own good, because he can't stand the torment anymore, as long as he makes a little mistake, the deputy director surnamed Nie will use it to make use of it. She tried every means to expel him. She couldn't accept such a result, so she would rather wrong herself.

Liangqin was caught off guard and thought that Lin Yue would say something, but the fact is that he said "good" from beginning to end.

The hand holding the skirt was tight and tight, she suddenly followed quickly, and said in an anxious voice that could not hide: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Lin Yue smiled: "What do you want me to tell you? Is it right to respect your decision? What's more, what is waiting for us is not life and death. We will still be in the same classroom for the next three years, and your and my names will be printed on a paper." The roster will also cheer for me during the sports meeting, and the only change is that we can no longer play the piano together."

After he said this, Liangqin realized, yes, how different is it from before? In the eyes of outsiders, there shouldn't be any difference. If we talk about changes, the biggest change is her mentality. Think about it calmly, she didn't show her feelings to Lin Yue. Isn't it normal for the other party to have such a reaction?

After all, she is the abnormal person...

The north gate of Yenching University and the west gate of Tsinghua University are very close, and they came to the opposite side while speaking. Lin Yue nodded to her: "I've passed."

Liangqin said, "Goodbye."

He crossed the road and continued on, but when he was approaching the gate, a figure flashed around him, and he found her following him again.

"You are..."

"Let me accompany you to study by yourself for a while."


Lin Yue didn't refuse, and led her straight into the west gate.

How should I put Liangqin's performance, it looks like those drug addicts who convince themselves to take another sip and never touch it again.

As young as she is, she naturally doesn't understand why the wine is Chen Dexiang.

Then something happened that Liangqin couldn't understand. An uncle with a pair of protruding ears greeted Lin Yue with a smile and asked him if Professor Kong, who majored in urban planning, punished him to observe the inside and outside of the Forbidden City. The layout of the building was completed, and Lin Yue answered yes, but the other party asked him if he had changed his girlfriend, and he answered yes.

He is obviously a student majoring in English at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Peking University. When did he become a student of Professor Kong, majoring in urban planning at Tsinghua University?

Liangqin raised her face, hoping that he could answer her question, but Lin Yue ignored her question and hurried on her way.


Regardless of the interaction and subtle emotions between men and women, school life can only be described as monotonous, at least for those who study hard.

Sure enough, Liangqin did not go to Su Li's house again. It seemed that the music teacher knew what happened between the two of them. Deliberately avoiding, but fell into a lower position.

Meng Xiaojun also kept his promise and didn't continue to pester Lin Yue, but just pretended not to see him when they met each other in daily life, not maintaining the friendship on the surface like before. Wang Yang is still such a bachelor, completely ignoring the conflict between the two of them, he should be chasing Lin Yue's ass for pornographic magazines, he should be encouraging Meng Xiaojun to get foreign exchange bills, and Cheng Dongqing who is trying to ease the relationship between the two, The conversation was full of contempt.

In his words, Meng Xiaojun never borrowed books, and so did women. The conflict between the two people is destined to be irreconcilable. Instead of wasting energy and time on this matter, it is better to eat, drink, have fun, and enjoy yourself.

Su Mei disappeared for two months. To be precise, she hid from Lin Yue for two months, although he had no intention of finding her to settle the score.

In the winter season, she appeared outside the north gate again, holding a blue scarf in her hand, which she said she knitted one by one, and gave it to him as an apology gift to show her sincerity, hoping that he would forgive her previous reckless behavior.

Student Su, nicknamed "Master Miejue", actually knitted a scarf for a boy to ask for forgiveness. If the boys in the law department knew about this, they would definitely refresh their perceptions.

What about Gao Leng? What about frigidity? What about saying good things about boys?

In fact, Lin Yue was not angry with her at all, but felt that this was the experience that young people should have. As the saying goes, life is all about making troubles. If you don't make troubles, how can you prove that you are living like a human being?

He didn't refuse, accepted the scarf on the spot, tried wearing it around his neck, and said thank you.

For Su Mei, the spring of 1982 came very early, and she started her career of rubbing books again.


A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Nie Weiming didn't grab Lin Yue's pigtails, and Han Chaojun never wrote any more reports.

And Liangqin... really suppressed her restless heart, devoted all her energy to her studies, and her grades improved rapidly.

Not to mention Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang, Cheng Dongqing also saw the problem, not because of the improvement in Liangqin's performance, but because she stopped playing the piano.

Yes, Liangqin who has practiced piano since she was six or seven years old, she stopped playing the piano. In order to keep her promise not to learn music from Lin Yue, she even quit the piano. Is this sincere enough? Very determined?

It makes sense, what about the facts? Anyway, there is always something wrong.

Meng Xiaojun didn't pay too much attention to this matter, because from the second semester of his sophomore year, he devoted most of his energy to the TOEFL test. He expected to win it in one fell swoop in his junior year, and go to work in the United States as soon as he graduated from his senior year.

The winter of 1982 was a little longer than usual, with a little more snow.

Lin Yue and Wang Yang are in their third year of college, Su Mei didn't get sick by jumping into the lake, and Cheng Dongqing naturally won't suffer from tuberculosis and drop out of school.

On this day, when the freshmen from the south were immersed in the gift of heaven and earth, in the English major classroom of the Department of Foreign Languages, the students were discussing what to do after graduation with the hot radiators on.

"I will definitely go to America." Meng Xiaojun's eyes were full of confidence and passion: "My grandfather is back, my father is back, and now it's my turn. I, Meng Xiaojun, will never come back."

Someone glanced at the man sleeping on the table in the corner far away from the radiator, and thought that Meng Xiaojun was amazing, not because he was overwhelmed by his passion and self-confidence, but because he had been attracted by that non-existent and always The blockbuster guy can perform fancy slings, but he can still maintain this enthusiasm that will not go to the United States.

"Okay, well said." Only Cheng Dongqing applauded, and realized how inappropriate his actions were after the incident, smiled awkwardly, and slowly put down his hands.

"Cheng Dongqing, don't just say that he spoke well, you can also say a few words."

"Yes, what are you going to do after graduation?" someone booed from behind.

Cheng Dongqing saw that everyone was looking at her with anticipation in her eyes, so she stood up with a naive and cowardly smile, looked at Meng Xiaojun's back and said, "After I graduate...after graduation, I will also...go to the United States."


Several people couldn't help laughing out loud.

Cheng Dongqing, a country old hat, is also going to the United States?

It's fine for Meng Xiaojun to go to the United States to live. After all, he studies well and is rich. It's still a family tradition. What about him? What does he have? Just because Lin Yue showed him a few American movies, doesn't he know how much he weighs? The point is, even though Hollywood blockbusters are played every day in their dormitory, he hasn't practiced his spoken English very well. Yes, he has indeed improved compared to when he first went to college, but just like it is difficult for people in the three eastern provinces to change their accent, he said There is always an indescribable rusticity in English. For example, the last time I had a conversation with a few exchange students from the United States, no one could understand what he was talking about.

Are you still going to America?

Cheng Dongqing herself was a little embarrassed, smiled awkwardly, and slowly sat back on the chair.

Others focused on his spoken English, but Cheng Dongqing knew very well that he was going to the United States because Meng Xiaojun was going to the United States, because that was his idol, and everyone thought he and Lin Yue were the best friends, not only in bunk beds He has always taken good care of him, but Lin Yue is usually too low-key, and occasionally he will show up once in a while, such as singing at the graduation party, such as Yiqi Juechen at the autumn sports meeting, and helped the department win several first prizes in the school. , and will not deepen the influence. Unlike Meng Xiaojun, who is always willing to ask questions that are very thoughtful to the teacher, and has his own reading club, is good at giving speeches, and can convey his enthusiasm to the people around him, as if The whole body is full of light.

So even though Lin Yue's grades are the best in all majors, he still regards Meng Xiaojun as his idol.

"Lin Yue."

At this time, someone turned his head and looked towards the corner of the classroom.

Lin Yue raised his head upon hearing this, and looked over sleepily: "Well, is get out of class over yet?"

Today is the dean's class, so he won't skip the dean's class, because there are rumors that Nie Weiming wanted to strangle him to death last time, but the dean went to the principal's office in person and helped to say a lot of good things before putting things in order Next, the person who later instructed Lin Yue to participate in the sports meeting was also the head of the department. It doesn't matter if he doesn't get the award, the important thing is to perform positively. After finishing his work, he can write an application to revoke the punishment in the next semester of his junior year.

If the head of the department votes for him, he must reciprocate, right? So he doesn’t have to give face to other teachers’ classes, so what should he do? The head of the department supports the stage, reflecting its uniqueness.

Today, the head of the department has something to do temporarily, so he left in the middle of the class, and everyone changed to self-study, and the class leader didn't know what to do in the middle, and the issue of what to do after graduation was thrown out before the second semester of the junior year, so there was The scene that happened before.

cluck cluck~

The girls covered their mouths and laughed lightly, but it was different from mocking Cheng Dongqing just now, they just thought he was cute like this.

Cheng Dongqing also smirked, thinking that the two of them were suffering from the same disease.

The female squad leader patted the table and said, "Everyone wants to know what you are going to do after graduation, whether you will go abroad, it's not that get out of class is over."

If other people sleep in class, she will take care of it if she is in a good mood, but Lin Yue will not, because let alone sleeping in class, she can get full marks in the exam for half a year if she is absent from class. Some people will be jealous and some people will be upset about this matter in the freshman year , in the third year, the students in the class, no, it should be said that the students in the entire foreign language department are used to it, and they will even deliberately kick him out when ranking.

Lin Yue said, "Go abroad? Why do you want to go abroad?"

Everyone was stunned, Meng Xiaojun opened his mouth in surprise.

Liangqin, who was buried in the book over there, also looked at him, with strong emotions in her eyes.

Meng Xiaojun is good at learning English. He is a younger brother in front of Lin Yue. When the junior year started, the University of Michigan sent several visiting scholars. I thought he was a descendant of Chinese living in the United States.

With his English proficiency and grades, will he not go to the United States for further study or work after graduation? What did he think...

Lin Yue continued: "Nowadays the reform and opening up, Vientiane is renewed, I think there are more opportunities in China."

How many domestic opportunities are there?

The students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lin Yue didn't lie, but in the 1980s, most people in society didn't realize how the economy would take off in the future, let alone the group of people in the school, people from the Department of Chinese, History, and Law either Think about assignments, prepare to enter newspapers, agencies, TV stations, etc., or focus on TOEFL, find a way to work in the United States, and earn several times the salary of domestic peers. The so-called opportunities... Where are the many opportunities?

"Have you ever heard a word? Oh, of course you haven't."

This sentence aroused everyone's interest, and they all pricked up their ears waiting for him to clarify.

"Standing on the tuyere, pigs can fly."

It is undeniable that this sentence is exaggerated, but the logic is correct. As long as the pulse of the times is right and the trend is followed, ordinary people can always live comfortably even if they cannot become rich. This point is reflected in the movie, does Cheng Dongqing have the heart to be a tycoon? No, he didn’t, he’s an idiot, he only earns extra money to buy books for Su Mei by taking extra lessons in private, and he established a new dream because the school kicked him out, but the family is waiting for him to send money back to pay back what he borrowed when he was in college Tuition, forced helpless, can only recruit as many students as possible, after that, the stall is getting bigger and bigger, until it is listed on NASDAQ.

The students around couldn't understand the rhetoric that "there are many opportunities in the country", and naturally they didn't understand what it meant to "stand on the wind, and pigs can fly".

But Lin Yue didn't say much, he piled up the books on the table, put on the second-hand windbreaker Su Li gave him, and walked outside.

This is another incomprehensible place. Others wear sweaters, padded jackets, and military coats in winter. If you buy a down jacket with better conditions, you will be envied to death. For him, no matter how cold it is, a windbreaker is enough After all, let’s say that you don’t need temperature for the sake of demeanor, but you have never had a runny nose or shivering from the cold, which is really incomprehensible.

I don't know if the female squad leader was teasing on purpose, or if she did it unintentionally, she turned her face to look at Liangqin who continued to read with her head down.

"Liangqin, what about you?"

"Me?" She raised her head and looked over blankly. She noticed that Lin Yue who was about to walk out of the classroom suddenly stopped.

When she finished speaking, Lin Yue's back disappeared at the door of the classroom.

She has worked very hard this year. Everyone thought she had a goal to strive for, but who knew that now she would say "I haven't figured it out yet". Didn't you think about what you are doing so hard?

The students' attention was all on her, only Meng Xiaojun looked at the slowly closing door with a gloomy face.

Thanks to Tongren Tongming for the 200 starting coins and Haima Feima for the 100 starting coins.

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