Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1245 is the dean of the academic affairs

Jiang Tenggao, head of the Department of Foreign Languages, looked at him with complicated eyes. It was the kind of complexity that he wanted to mention but didn't know how to convey.

Lin Yue said, "Hello, Director Tong, and Director Jiang."

He greeted the dean of the Academic Affairs Office and the head of the Department of Foreign Languages, leaving aside Nie Weiming, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office. It was obvious what he meant.

Those two people didn't nod their heads, because Lin Yue's approach was tantamount to creating a problem. Even if these two people wanted to favor students with good grades, they were the leaders of the school after all. , and can't blatantly object, not to mention that it's very difficult to deal with today.

Seeing Lin Yue's attitude, Nie Weiming immediately flew into a rage, looked at "PLAY BOY" on the table and said, "Look at what this is? Do you know it?"

Lin Yue said, "Yes, playboy."

Nie Weiming said: "Lin Yue, someone reported you for spreading pornographic publications, and now they have stolen the money, what else do you have to say?"

Just as Lin Yue was about to speak, Wang Yang bumped into him from behind: "Director Nie, who told you that this magazine belongs to Lin Yue, it's obviously mine, don't you think it's shameless for you to frame a good student like this?"


Nie Weiming was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Wang Yang to react so violently when he saw Lin Yue approaching, he slapped the table and said, "Wang Yang, what did I tell you just now, as long as you tell the truth about what happened, you won't be held accountable. Responsibility, if you dare to resist the investigation, the school will not only expel you according to the law, but also hand you over to the police.”

Wang Yang sneered and said, "Bah! Immortal, come here."

At the same time, he stepped on Lin Yue's foot. Combined with the reaction just now, it was obvious that he was telling him not to speak.

Nie Weiming stood up abruptly, pointed to his nose and said, "Wang Yang, what's your attitude?"

"What kind of attitude? Grandpa, I've wanted to slap you for a long time." Wang Yang picked up the "PLAY BOY" on the table and hit Nie Weimin's face directly. The old man staggered in fright and almost knocked over his chair: "To tell you the truth Nie Weiming, this stuff belongs to your grandfather and me. Students in the foreign language department don’t know that I have a girlfriend who is an American reporter. She brought me a magazine from over there. It’s our mood, don’t care. Damn thing!"

Lin Yue finally understood that things should be like this.

Someone wrote a report letter to Nie Weiming, accusing him of distributing pornographic magazines, but Wang Yang was caught and brought to the Academic Affairs Office for "three joint trials".

According to Nie Weiming's idea, as long as he takes out the two trump cards of expulsion from school and sending officials to the court, Wang Yang will definitely be afraid to give in. At that time, he will tell the whole story in front of him. Is it going to be as big as the previous two times? Expulsion is certain.

It is a pity that Nie Weiming chose the wrong partner, and Wang Yang chose the latter between his studies and him.

Lin Yue could actually understand Wang Yang's thoughts, asking him to betray his brother, how could such a thing be done, simply put all the charges on himself, if it was said that LUCY gave it to him, even if it was brought to the police, Because foreign journalists are involved, and the two are boyfriend and girlfriend, owning pornographic magazines together can only be considered an illegal act. If they are fined and reprimanded, they will be fine. For the crime of obscenity, at least one must go in and be locked up for a few months.

Not to mention, this guy is not only righteous, but also good at judging the situation.

"It's against you, it's against you..." Nie Weiming patted the table and looked at Jiang Tenggao, who was sitting on the right, and said, "See, this is the student of your foreign language department. He made a mistake and didn't know how to repent, and dared to contradict the teacher."

Before the head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​could speak, Wang Yang became furious: "Today I will not only contradict you, but also beat your bastard."

Once the matter of pornographic magazines came to light, he definitely couldn't stay in school any longer. Since he couldn't get his graduation certificate, he might as well just keep doing it all the time, and take it as an outlet for himself when he cleans up the stuff.

Wang Yang was about to rush over here to beat someone up, but Lin Yue pressed his shoulder: "You don't know how to strike, it's not fun to kill him, I'll do it."

Saying "I'm coming", before Wang Yang could react, Lin Yue put his hands on the desk and jumped to the opposite side, grabbing Nie Weiming's collar and pulling him forward.

"You... what are you going to do? I'll sue... tell you... if you dare... dare..."

This guy pampers him every day. He drinks tea, reads the newspaper and walks at work. The students and teachers treat him respectfully. Whenever he passes by this, his face turns pale with fright.

Lin Yue ignored Nie Weiming's yelling, twisted his arm and lifted it up.

With a scream of "ah", Nie Weiming's right arm hangs down weakly.

At this time, Lin Yue pulled his left arm again, pressed his hand to the armpit, and let out another howl like a slaughtered pig, and removed Nie Weiming's other arm. The old man stretched his legs.


The third scream shook people's eardrums.

The process is cumbersome, but in fact it only took a few breaths. Wang Yang, Jiang Tenggao, and Director Tong all looked dumbfounded. Yes, Nie Weiming is old and cannot be Lin Yue's opponent, but the current situation is that he has a little ability to parry. Nothing, just like playing with dolls, two arms and one thigh were removed three times, five times and two times, and the appearance of lying on the ground with one leg pedaling was as ugly as it was.

The three of them thought it was over, Lin Yue squinted his eyes and smiled, and walked to Nie Weiming's side: "Come on, Director Nie, let me set the bone for you, okay?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw him holding the shoulder of the target's arm and exerting force.

There was a crisp sound, followed by a muffled hum.

Nie Weiming's left arm can move.

Everyone thought it would be fine if he let out a bad breath, but they didn't expect him to press the arm that was just connected and snap it off.

There was another scream.

The arm that had just been attached was removed again.

"Director Nie, let me help you set the bone, okay, let's switch to the right hand this time."

The same tone, the same smile, but in Nie Weiming's eyes, he is no different from a demon in human skin.







Nie Weiming's two arms and two legs were tossed and tossed over and over again, until he finally lost all strength and kept humming.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered at the door of the Academic Affairs Office, all of them looked pale and looked at Nie Weiming, who was dying on the ground, and a teacher who had a good relationship with Nie Weiming reprimanded Lin Yue, and he pressed him on the ground without saying a word. In the end, the school security guards didn't dare to enter the house. They only dared to call him outside to stop messing around, and quickly let Director Nie go.

In the end, Jiang Tenggao couldn't stand it anymore, fearing that he would torture him to death and get shot, so he pulled him from behind.

"Lin Yue! Do you still want to go to this university?"

Lin Yue stopped, looked back at the head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and said, "Do you think people like me care about Yenching University's graduation certificate? Given that there are such bureaucrats in the Academic Affairs Office, even if you beg me to stay, I will not." Will stay here for a second longer."

This was said very bluntly. The teachers watching at the door looked at each other, thinking that he was too arrogant. Yenching University is one of the top universities in the country. How can a third-year student have the right to say such a thing?

Yes, Lin Yue pissed off Jiang Tenggao, but he didn't continue to torture Nie Weiming: "My plan was to torture him until the police came over. Now, I'll give you this face and let the old man go."

He said to let Nie Weiming go, but Lin Yue knew very well in his heart that after all this trouble, the injury test will not find anything, but the absence of obvious injuries does not mean that there are no hidden injuries. The loose joint capsule and the wear and tear of cartilage will make Nie Weiming The director will enjoy the consequences of provoking him in the days to come.

He gave Director Nie a chance, but the other party kept chasing and biting him, so he can't be blamed for being cruel and playing tricks.

At this moment, Lin Yue suddenly realized that Wang Yang hadn't spoken for a long time, and glanced over there, just in time to see him put something on the desk into his pocket.

Thanks to Pudding TOBO for the 500 starting coins, the 300 starting coins rewarded by the Great Dark Winter, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Fuxin, 66 Dragon, and book friends with the tail number 9995.

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