Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1246 Written in the school history

When the police from the police station came, Nie Weiming had a reliance and asked them to arrest him. Lin Yue insisted that it was a normal physical conflict.

Some teachers stood by Nie Weiming and were willing to testify for him, saying that Lin Yue tortured people to death.

Lin Yue's argument was that they were all school teachers, and that this was called the officials and officials who bullied him, a poor student from the countryside. The police didn't see the situation with their own eyes, so they couldn't figure out the facts and had to go through the normal process and take Nie Weiming for an injury check.

In the end, he couldn't even get a minor injury, only a minor injury. At this time, Lin Yue quit, and he also wanted to have an injury examination. He said that a group of teachers and Nie Weiming beat him, took off his clothes and checked, okay, There were many bruises, large and small, the largest one was over 5cm in diameter, and the contusion area was estimated to reach 6% of the body surface.

The teachers at the scene, including Nie Weiming and Jiang Tenggao, were completely dumbfounded.

What does it mean that the contusion area reaches 6% of the body surface area? Minor injury level two.

Reaching the level of minor injuries is to be sentenced.

Everyone saw with their own eyes in the office of the Academic Affairs Office that Lin Yue made Nie Weiming go to hell. Why was the situation completely reversed when he arrived at the police station?

There were only two students and a group of teachers at the scene. As the director of the school's academic affairs office, Nie Weiming belonged to the leadership class, so the testimony of teachers with direct interests is not absolutely credible. As for Wang Yang, as a good friend of Lin Yue, it is definitely impossible to speak up for Nie Weiming. Anyway, he insisted that the issue of "PLAY BOY" was given to him by LUCY, and it would not be a big deal. , It is completely impossible to collude with the school and tell the truth.

Lin Yue sued Nie Weiming and the teacher who spoke for him all at once, and now the matter is serious.

The old guy was tortured like that in front of his colleagues, and he was about to face prison, and he also implicated several people who spoke for him.

Professor Dong, an English major, interceded, but it was useless.

Jiang Tenggao, the director of the foreign language department, came to intervene, but it was useless.

Director Tong of the Academic Affairs Office came to intervene, but it was useless.

The vice principal who helped Lin Yue intervened, but it was still useless.

In Lin Yue's words, I don't even intend to study in your Yenching University anymore, so why should I give you face, shouldn't I call the police? Want the police to deal with him? If Nie Weiming hadn't been imprisoned for a few years, his surname would not be Lin.

They all thought he was talking out of anger. After a few days, the anger dissipated, and then persuaded a good friend to ask Nie Weiming to give him a good apology. A few days later, his anger was still there, and the "Los Angeles Times" reported that a student of Yenching University was beaten and slightly injured by the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

This time, the incident didn't just get so big that the police from the police station intervened, and it suddenly exploded into a social incident.

Nie Weiming is finished.

Under the double pressure of public opinion from the international community and the domestic society, the school chose to sacrifice Nie Weimin in order to calm down the matter and announced that he would be immediately fired as the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office. The prosecution also filed a public prosecution for the crime of causing minor injuries. Well... at least it will take half a year.

Yep, Nie Weiming wanted to send classmate Lin to prison, but he ended up going in by himself.

It's not just Yenching University, this matter has been widely circulated in the college circles of Yenching City.

Because of this incident, the reputation of Yenching University was greatly affected. Teachers gang beating students became hot news in the public discussion, and the relationship between Lin Yue and the school also fell to a freezing point.

In order to help him escape the crime, Wang Yang insisted that "PLAY BOY" was brought to the school dormitory by himself, but he was severely punished and expelled from the school.

Lin Yue's situation was similar, yes, he kicked Nie Weiming to death, but the result of this incident was to injure one thousand enemies and eight hundred, because he did fight with the teacher, and he was also expelled from the school.


Half a month later.

In front of the bicycle shed outside the teaching building of the foreign language department, Wang Yang met Meng Xiaojun.

He came to the school to pack his personal belongings, and he specially chose the class time to come here, in order to avoid the people in the class, especially Cheng Dongqing and Liangqin, so as not to be embarrassed.

Speaking of which, this was the first time the two met after the farce happened.

However, what greeted Meng Xiaojun was not Wang Yang's hug and tearful farewell, but a heavy punch.

Mr. Meng was knocked to the ground, and his glasses fell beside the rear wheel of a Phoenix bicycle.

When he looked up and glared, Wang Yang took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket and threw it in front of him: "Look at the words on it, I think you should be familiar with it."

There is a cross crease in the middle of the paper, and the words "report letter" are written at the top of the page.

Of course Meng Xiaojun is familiar with it, because he wrote this letter.

"It's strange why this letter fell into my hands, right?" Wang Yang said angrily, "Others can't read your handwriting, but I can!"

Earlier in the Office of the Academic Affairs Office, Lin Yue blasted Nie Weiming. People focused on them and ignored the existence of Wang Yang. He originally wanted to take advantage of the confusion to hide the criminal evidence of "PLAY BOY" magazine When I got up, who knew that when I was moving things on the desk, I saw the report letter pressed under the data card. At that time, I thought the handwriting was very familiar, so I put it in my pocket.

After returning home from the police station, he took out the speech written by Meng Xiaojun and read it, and he understood.

It turned out that the person who reported to Nie Weiming about Lin Yue spreading pornographic magazines was his good friend Meng Xiaojun. No wonder Cheng Dongqing asked him to take the magazines to the classroom on the day of the accident. If it was later, when he gave the things to Cheng Dongqing, Tubie might really have to sell Lin Yue.

"Meng Xiaojun, you bastard." Wang Yang walked over and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up from the ground: "I never thought that you would use such despicable means to deal with Lin Yue, don't you think it's disgusting? "

Yes, if he hadn't reported Lin Yue for spreading pornographic publications, Wang Yang would not have been expelled from the school. He was guilty and guilty in front of Wang Yang, and he couldn't hold his head up. However, the topic now turns to Lin Yue. On, he was annoyed all of a sudden, he had something to say.

"Disgusting? Is it disgusting what I did or what Lin did?"

He broke free from Wang Yang's shackles, and said angrily: "You were not in the classroom that day. The monitor asked Liangqin what she would do after graduation. What did she say? After she learned that Lin Yue was going to stay in China, she told me that she didn't think about it. You Tell me, what would you think if you were me? What would you do?"

The words held in his heart were spoken, but the evil fire in his heart could not be vented at all. Meng Xiaojun kicked on the Phoenix bicycle, and the fender of the rear wheel was broken.

Now Wang Yang finally understood why Mr. Meng Xiaojun, who regarded himself as an "honest gentleman", would do such a shameful thing as writing a report letter. It seemed that he was really driven to the point of losing his mind by Lin Yue.

However, as Lin Yue's good buddy, Wang Yang knew better than anyone else that that guy never did anything out of line from beginning to end.

This is so...

He thought and thought, but he didn't know what words to use to describe the conflict between Meng Xiaojun and Lin Yue.

"Okay, even if it was his fault, he shouldn't have agreed to Liangqin's request to teach her to play the piano, but you first wrote the report letter and then took advantage of Cheng Dongqing's trust in you. You, I will go to Liangqin to find the answer, and I will never use such despicable means to deal with my friends... Well, even if you don't consider him a friend, he is still your classmate, and now he is expelled from school, now Are you satisfied? Are you happy?"

"Yes, I'm satisfied, I'm happy." Meng Xiaojun's mind is actually very simple. She used to think that she would go to the United States with Liangqin after graduation. She would naturally calm down after she didn't meet Lin Yue. Now Liangqin has changed because of that person. If there is no idea, then drive him out of the campus, which will have the same effect.

In fact, not only Wang Yang was listening to these words, but there was a person listening in the shadow of the corridor behind the teaching building.

Before a student majoring in German called Meng Xiaojun out, Liangqin became suspicious, so she took a leave of absence from the teacher shortly after he left and followed her downstairs, listening to all the conversations between the two.

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