Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1251 Dude, I'm promoted

In the evening, in Wang Yang's kennel.

"PLAY BOY" was littered on the bed, all of which were given to him by Lin Yue a few years ago. Some of them were worn out, and some pages were lost. Even the sexy girl on the title page was only left above her neck. After the two were expelled from Yanda, Jenny would post a few magazines from time to time, not only pornographic magazines, but also DC comics and so on. In Lin Yue's words, it's all because Jenny likes Batman. In fact, Marvel is more in line with China. human taste.

Since Lin Yue went to Germany, Jenny stopped sending magazines, and Prince Wang also lost a lot of expectations.

As for LUCY, she thought it would be superfluous to bring him back to the country, so naturally it was impossible to help him send pornographic magazines nostalgic, and sometimes Wang Yang would suspect that the big American girl would not leave sooner or later, but she just waited for Lin Yue to leave and break up with him , Could it be...these two have an affair behind their backs?

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

"Ah, nothing." Wang Yang shook his head: "It's you, why did you fly for more than ten hours? Did you arrive so late?"

"The geography teacher taught it?" Lin Yue said, "Jet lag."

Wang Yang tapped his head and said, "Forget, forget."

"Last time on the phone, you said you were running a cram school with Cheng Dongqing?"

"Isn't that your idea?"

"I didn't expect you to progress so fast."

"It's all thanks to Nie Weiming. Now Cheng Dongqing is a man who has stayed in school history just like us."

When Wang Yang talked about this incident, he looked gloating. In his opinion, what is called a buddy is not the key to being blessed and sharing, but to pity each other. The same prostitute went in together, that is an iron-clad friendship.

The previous black and white TV sets have been replaced by color TV sets. The CCTV logo is a butterfly logo. The host is introducing the new progress made in the economic cooperation between China and Germany in an emotional voice. Thanks to the efforts of relevant personnel , the German company promised to deliver a batch of advanced CNC lathes and technologies to the Chinese partner company in the next three years, and signed a talent training and exchange agreement. The superior leaders expressed their concern and affirmed the efforts of the relevant personnel.

Lin Yue glanced at his watch: "Where's Cheng Dongqing?"

Wang Yang said: "Going to pick up the students, there are a few newcomers who don't know the way."

Lin Yue asked again: "What about your classroom?"

"Did you see the wood workshop diagonally opposite? I teach there when there is no business. If the boss is busy, we go to KFC. If you want to talk about this American grandpa, it has a good environment, good service, and good advertising effects. Click here Two chicken nuggets can sit for a whole day without worrying about being kicked out." Wang Yang led him to the balcony, and threw down the only sock that was hanging on the balcony without public morals.

Regarding his behavior, Lin Yue looked confused.

"Oh, it's holly."

Into holly? Since it is Cheng Dongqing's socks, isn't he even more entitled to throw them away casually?

"Don't keep talking about me, tell me about your life in Germany. You are so anxious. You called yesterday and said you will get on the plane today. Did something happen to you?"

"No, I am such a steady and stable person, how could I cause trouble." Lin Yue changed the subject with a smile: "Didn't I get promoted, so I asked the leader for a leave of absence. Parents at home."

Wang Yang always felt that things were not that simple, but his rhetoric was fine. After all, he had been away for three or four years, and he hadn’t even returned for the Spring Festival. You said promotion? What kind of promotion did you get?"

Lin Yue said: "Secretary civil servants (I couldn't find the grades of civil servants in Germany. This is the classification during World War II. Take it and use it. If someone knows the current one, he can provide it to me for correction)."

"Secretary civil servant?" Wang Yang looked disdainful, not to mention the word "secretary" is very low, and this title...why does it sound so strange?

Lin Yue said, "Do you know the hierarchy of diplomats in our country?"

Wang Yang turned around, leaned his back against the balcony, pressed his elbows against the edge of the balcony, shook his head at him, and waited for an answer.

"First of all, there will be some interns in the embassy and consulate. They just do some miscellaneous work, familiarize themselves with the incident handling process, and prepare for future work. Photocopying, translating unimportant documents, running errands outside, I was at this level when I was there before."

Wang Yang nodded to show his understanding.

"Above the general staff, they can be called cadres. There are attaches, third secretaries, second secretaries, first secretaries, counselors and deputy consul generals, and then up..." Lin Yue didn't say, The topic changed: "If you have to make a reference with the domestic system, I am a secretary and civil servant... I am equivalent to a third-class secretary, that is, the official grade."

As for cadres, Wang Yang has never been a cadre, but there are relatives in the family who work in the district, and occasionally chat with friends. He knows that the mayors of local towns, county agricultural bureaus, and water conservancy bureaus are all official-level cadres.

"Wait, secretary civil servant? Third secretary? What do you mean by that?"

Lin Yue knew what he wanted to ask: "I was naturalized in Germany, and later I was admitted as a German civil servant. Because I understand domestic affairs, I was assigned to work with the embassy in Germany."

"What? You are naturalized in Germany." Wang Yang said in a suspicious tone, "Why?"

"Because only by getting along with those German officials can we better help the country introduce various resources needed for development."

When Lin Yue was introducing himself, the door opened from the outside, and Cheng Dongqing walked in wearing a denim jacket.

"It's going to be three or four years. I said yesterday that I'll be there today. You didn't give us time to prepare."

Tubie walked up to Lin Yue, put his arms around his shoulders and said, "How many days do you plan to stay in China?"

"A week."

"That's more or less."

Cheng Dongqing breathed a sigh of relief. The people who came to him and Wang Yang for tutoring were basically students who were going to take the TOEFL test in various colleges and universities. There would be one the day after tomorrow. Let alone the tutoring class, it would not even be possible to move it back for a few days. But it doesn't matter if Lin Yue has a week's vacation. After the exam, the three of them can get together and have fun.

"I have to go home in two days."

Lin Yue's answer interrupted his good outlook on the coming week.

"You said you couldn't stay for a few more days."

Lin Yue shrugged his shoulders and flattened his mouth, with an expression that he couldn't help himself in the rivers and lakes.

At this time, Wang Yang seemed to hear something, turned his head and glanced at the opposite side, interrupting the conversation between the two of them: "Cheng Dongqing, Huang Ling is calling you from below."

"Oh, I came here just to say hello, and I have to go to teach them. You said that this group of students don't know what activeness is in college classrooms. They either sleep or read extracurricular books. When they come to cram school, they are like different people. I am afraid that I will not concentrate and miss important knowledge points.”

"That's because the money spent on cram schools is much more expensive than university tuition fees per class hour on average."

"I think they are afraid of TOEFL."

Lin Yue interrupted the discussion between the two and looked at the wood workshop opposite: "Let's go, Teacher Cheng, let me also listen to your class."

"No way..." Cheng Dongqing looked like you were bored.

"Let's go, let's go."

Lin Yue didn't give him a chance to object, and pushed Cheng Dongqing out of the room.


Half an hour later, Lin Yue walked out of the wood workshop, looked at the starry sky, lit a cigarette and took two puffs. As early as when Wang Yang introduced the situation of the cram school, he felt that something was wrong. Because of Nie Weiming's report, Cheng Dongqing At the beginning of 1988, I lost my teaching position and co-organized a cram school with Wang Yang. Now more than half a year has passed. If they had followed the progress in the movie, they should have occupied the workshop of the abandoned factory and recruited hundreds of students. There are two or three cats and kittens, which is completely unsuitable.

At the beginning, he didn't understand why this happened. After listening to Dongqing's class, he understood. This kind of lecture lacks passion, just like in college. Business pays attention to word-of-mouth effect. The number will expand rapidly, and your speech is boring, how can you stand out from a bunch of TOEFL cram schools?

Timing is fleeting. If you can’t seize the bonus of studying abroad in the United States and expand the scale, once you miss the opportunity, it will be difficult for Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang to make their new dream bigger and stronger.

Of course, with his help, these two people can make a fortune by doing anything, but the crux of the problem is that he doesn't want these two people to feel that they are dependent on him for their success. Just ask those famous rich men, their favorite stories are What? Or what is pride in life?

That's right, starting from scratch, working hard, and laying a foundation.

It is said that a man is the most charming and the most valuable asset is self-confidence. He doesn't want Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang's self-confidence to be given by him.

But... how to do it?

When the cigarette was almost finished, he thought of a way.

Thanks to the moldy star, Garfield Faner for the 1500 starting point coins, and Xiao Zhou, the book friend with the tail number 8155 for the 100 starting point coins.

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