Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1252 Discussing what is soft food and hard food

Lin Yue walked up to Wang Yang, put his arms around his shoulders and said a few words. After that, they walked to the door of the workshop and waved to Cheng Dongqing who was writing on the mobile blackboard while explaining grammar.

Classes suspended.

After the three of them muttered outside for a while, Lin Yue entered the room stepping on a pile of sawdust.

Twenty minutes later, there was a teaching method that was very different from Cheng Dongqing's.

"abscond, the meaning of escaping, to tell you the truth, I escaped from Germany this time, yes, 'I will not die carrying' abscond, escaping, escaping."

"Oh, there are no female classmates here today, so let's learn another pure man vocabulary, bitch, what does it mean? You know it? Yes, bitch, you can always learn to swear, whether it's Chinese or Japanese , or English, French and German, they are all common. Remember? Remember not to tell Teacher Cheng’s female classmates, or they will call me a rogue.”

"What? Another one, you little villain, villain, troublemaker, monkey, jumping up and down like a monkey."

"Okay, then come another one, ballbreaker, ball ball, breaker destroyer, the person who breaks the 'ball'... That's right, tigress, I hope the students will not have such a painful understanding in the future."


There was a heart-pounding laughter from below the podium.

Wang Yang stared blankly outside: "He... he really dares to say it."

Yes, this is quite obscene, but thanks to the obscenity, these words are printed in my mind while laughing, and it can make people laugh when I think about it carefully.

Cheng Dongqing didn't speak because he was reflecting.

How did the students do every time he walked up to the podium? He worked hard, even gave himself a slap, and forced himself to concentrate. When Lin Yue came here, the students didn't feel sleepy at all. You can say that everyone is a womanizer, and you can also tell that the experiences in foreign lands are very interesting. Just like listening to a story, the vocabulary brought out by combining the situation is easier to remember than simply writing it on the blackboard with chalk.

It was something he wanted to do but couldn't.

When he was in college, his English level was not as good as Lin Yue's. Unexpectedly, after four years of teaching after graduation, he was not as good as a diplomat who returned from Germany in teaching students to learn English.

An hour later, the students left with the joy of harvest.

Wang Yang touched Lin Yue's arm: "Okay, you are good at teaching, do you want to stay and work with us? Isn't it popular to do business now? I think you are a good talent."

"Lack of manpower?"

"I don't think you can be so poor before, lacking someone who can speak well like you."

"I'm too lazy to argue with Meng Xiaojun."

"Come on you."

Wang Yang teased, and his expression suddenly changed: "I don't know how Meng Xiaojun is doing in the United States."

Here Lin Yue went away for three or four years without returning, and Meng Xiaojun never came back after flying to the United States. During this period, the two sides talked on the phone, implying that they were doing well.

Cheng Dongqing was thinking about her own problems, but when Wang Yang mentioned Meng Xiaojun, she suddenly thought of Sumei, who followed Lin Yue's footsteps to Germany.

"Lin Yue, didn't Su Mei look for you? How is is she?"

"Well, it's good, but I'm busy with work, maybe I will come back this year for the Spring Festival."

Lin Yue didn't know what happened after he left. Wang Yang was very clear in his heart. He was afraid that Cheng Dongqing would not be able to suppress his emotions and say something unsightly, so he hurried to the middle and patted the two of them on the shoulder: "The class is over, and it's getting dark. How about it? Go for a drink or two?"

"Okay." The two said in unison.


The next day, Wang Yang borrowed a broken Jetta and took Lin Yue to some places that had developed relatively fast in the past two years. After that, he found a decent restaurant and got together with a few classmates who stayed in Yanjing to work.

On the way back to the hotel in the afternoon, Lin Yue took out a booklet and wrote it all the way. Wang Yang thought he was memorizing the contact information of his classmates, so he didn't take it to heart. At night, he dragged Lin Yue to the disco stage to play for a while.

On the third day, it was time for Lin Yue to return to his hometown in Shanxi, and the two of them sent him to the train station. At this time, he handed over the pamphlet he wrote yesterday to Cheng Dongqing.

And Wang Yang finally knew what he was writing, and it wasn't the phone numbers and work units of his classmates.

"Being a human is tiring, otherwise how can you be called a human being."

"I've lived for 20 years, and now I know: what can represent autumn are fallen leaves. What can represent winter are snowflakes. What can represent spring are flowers. What can represent summer, you will know if you don't light mosquito coils tonight!"

"It was agreed to go to Baitou together, but you secretly baked the oil."

"I just saw a couple arguing under the street lamp. The boy actually knelt for ten minutes in order to win back his love. He's so spineless, he's so f*cking cowardly. I was so strong back then, and I knelt for an entire night!"


"If you eat too much soft food, you will get used to it slowly. People like you who don't have the protection of your wife will not understand."

Cheng Dongqing flipped through the pamphlet, which contained similar content.

"What is this?"

Lin Yue said: "Duanzi."

"A joke?"

"Don't you think your classes are boring? As long as you can master these passages, you will be the most interesting English teacher in Yanjing City."

Lin Yue blinked at him and smiled triumphantly.

Yes, some people are born with a sense of humor, but this does not mean that being funny must rely on talent. Twenty years ago, Mr. Guo of Deyun Society was also a person in a busy city and no one asked him, so he had to work hard. As long as he is willing to learn, he will always There will be progress.

And countless examples in later generations prove that, using jokes, movies have box office, novels have readers, and Internet celebrities have fans.

After teaching the students that day, he thought about it seriously after he went back. In the movie, Cheng Dongqing knew that he was expelled from the school and went all out, and chose to teach happily in a self-deprecating way. Here, he has no love experience with Su Mei. How could there be so many stories to tell, so what to do?

Yes, Duan Zi, as long as Cheng Dongqing can learn and apply it, it will definitely not be difficult to change the current situation.

"I believe in you, you will be able to do well. If you don't want to be the principal, you are not a good teacher." Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder, and got on the train with the gift for his parents.

Cheng Dongqing watched as the conductor took the door pedal away and stood at the door of the carriage. With the sound of the school bell, the train started slowly.

"Where do you think he collected these jokes? Thinking of it yourself?"

Wang Yang glared at him: "How do I know this?"

Cheng Dongqing hit a soft nail and had no choice but to give up on this issue.

After the two returned home, one carefully memorized the text content in the booklet and tried to combine it with the commonly used vocabulary in the TOEFL test, while the other continued to do nothing.

Two days later, when Wang Yang imitated Mr. Cheng Dongqing's Japanese pronunciation when he was in college, he ushered in two uninvited guests.

Half an hour later, he led two people to see Cheng Dongqing who was pasting a small advertisement on the telephone pole outside Yanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

"Su...Su did you come back?"

A year later, when he saw the person he liked again, he was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Also...and Liangqin, listen...listen to Xiaomei, you quit your job at Yanjing Daily last year."

Su Mei remained silent with a cold face.

Liangqin was quite patient, nodded and said, "That's right, I quit my job at Yanjing Daily last year and went to Germany a month later than Su Mei."

"You... have gone to Germany too?" Cheng Dongqing didn't expect this, although it was quite logical.

At this time Su Mei said: "It's not because that bastard said he would come back in three years. Fortunately, I didn't fully believe his nonsense. I learned German by myself in my spare time, otherwise..."

She didn't say anything later, but Wang Yang understood one thing with her gritted teeth and uncontrollable expression.

No wonder when Lin Yue was drinking at the "World of Song and Dance" four years ago, Lin Yue said that he was going to Germany to find a job and the two women had normal expressions. It turned out that they had promised to return in three years. At that time, Su Mei was just admitted for a master's degree, and Liangqin hoped that he would take advantage of this opportunity to work abroad and have a good future. After all, he didn't have a diploma from Yenching University.

Facts have proved that this guy is a master who runs the train with his mouth full of words. He promised to transfer back after three years of work, and the result? Not to mention being transferred back, I haven't seen him return to China during the Chinese New Year.

Fortunately, because of Lin Yue's disappearance after being expelled from school, Su Mei learned German in advance, and the two went to Germany after the incident.

Well, since he won't come back, they will go to Germany to find him... Anyway, there are only a few embassies and consulates.

Cheng Dongqing looked at Su Mei and said, "Then have you found him?"

"I found it, but..."

Su Mei looked at Liangqin with hesitation, not knowing whether to say it or not.

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