Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1253 Lin Paopao, who broke his leg

Liangqin pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly: "Let me tell."

Su Mei, how should I put it, has always been not good at speaking, or not very good at caring for other people's feelings. What she said may misunderstand Wang Yang and Cheng Dongqing, and it can be seen that Cheng Dongqing has complicated emotions towards her.

"It all started when I went to Germany..."

Liangqin organizes his language and speaks eloquently.

five minutes later.

Wang Yang understood why Lin Yue explained the word "abscond" in class, and told the students that he escaped back. He thought he was joking before, but it turned out to be true, he really escaped.

It has been a year since Su Mei graduated with a master's degree, and Liangqin has been working for more than three years. How old are both of them? One is twenty-six, the other is twenty-five. In the domestic family, the family has long been busy getting married. After all, they are girls. As the saying goes, men forty-one flowers, women thirty tofu dregs, Lin Yue can afford to wait, they Can't wait.

So after living there for a period of time, the two of them discussed in private, let's force the palace, compete fairly, let him choose one of the two, so as not to delay the other's youth.

But, regardless of how the two of them insinuated and beat around the bush, Lin Yue just didn't respond. He should eat, drink, and treat the two of them well. In the past six months, he took them almost all over Germany, each Delicious, fun, and beautiful. To put it bluntly, these six months have been the happiest and happiest half year for them to grow up.

Just one thing, this guy has a very strict tone, and can always make a bowl of water level. For the two of them, how do you feel about that feeling, like someone standing on the back of a cow, hanging a bundle on a pole? Good forage seems to be close at hand, but the reality is that no matter how hard you try, there is a distance.

A week ago, the two got angry and got drunk at the bar, and reached a consensus that no matter what, they couldn't go on like this, even if they were forced, he had to make a choice.

In order for Lin Yue and himself to have no way out, the two made a fuss in the work unit, and even the leaders were alarmed.

You said that if he starts chaotically and ends up abandoning him, and cheats in marriage, the rules and regulations and management methods can be used, but now two women are chasing after a man, or chasing from home to abroad, how to punish? There is no legitimate reason to punish you? How to persuade? If this kind of persuasion worked, there wouldn't be so many idiots complaining about women in the world.

The solution given by the leader was, considering that Lin Yue hadn't taken family leave after his naturalization and started work, he promised to give him ten days and a half months to deal with the emotional problems as soon as possible before he could devote all his energy to work.

He promised very well at the time, he would think about it carefully, and then give the two people an answer, but the next day they slipped away with oil on their feet, and they spent a lot of effort to find out that this guy took a plane back to Beijing. Seeing that he could no longer just escape like this, the two of them immediately booked a plane ticket to return to China, and continued to force Gong Daye.

If Lin Yue finally came back, who would he settle down? The answer is obvious, so the two of them found Wang Yang's kennel directly after getting off the plane, but unfortunately Lin Yue left the day before yesterday.

After listening to Liangqin's narration, Wang Yang was very depressed.

It's fine if you say that the kid is playing games between two women endlessly, but he still wants to show his face to Cheng Dongqing sternly.

He understood what the joke on the last page of the pamphlet was for——"If you eat too much soft food, you will get used to it slowly. People like you who don't have the protection of your wife will not understand." This is sarcasm They don't have girlfriends.

Of course, the most pitiful person is Cheng Dongqing. For this guy, the woman she loves has been chased from Yanda to Tsinghua University, from school to society, from home to abroad, and then back to home from abroad. This is simply... I can only say that people are more deadly than others, and goods are more expensive than goods.

Su Mei didn't care what Wang Yang and Cheng Dongqing thought. After confirming that Lin Yue had returned to his hometown yesterday, she exchanged a glance with Liangqin: "Let's go."

"you mean……"

"That's right."

Liangqin: "..."

She had guessed what Su Mei was thinking—keep chasing and go to Lin Yue's hometown, Datong, Shanxi. Running to my hometown? It's better to run to his hometown, just block him in the house and ask him to choose one in front of his parents. Can he avoid answering at that time? Not to mention the pressure from them, his parents have to teach him a lesson.

"Is this...a bit..."

What is Su Mei's personality? Liangqin is no good. To be precise, she thinks a little too much. She always feels that chasing Shanxi is too much. No matter who Lin Yue chooses, his parents will be in the future. They are the parents-in-law of the chosen one. Although the reform and opening-up has brought new ideas, the countryside is a countryside after all. If two girls chase after each other to be their son’s girlfriends, what will the old couple think of them? Do you think they are not reserved enough?

"What's the matter? He just knew we would think so, so he hid back to his hometown, Liangqin. If you don't go all out now, things will be difficult when he returns to Germany after his vacation."

Yes, in this matter, the work unit will not walk away with long legs. Lin Yue can run away from the monk but can't run away from the temple, but can they continue to make trouble? Once or twice, the leader may take care of it. If there are too many times, Lin Yue's work will probably be ruined. This is what they don't want to see, so these few days are the best window period.

Liangqin hesitated for a while, then finally nodded and agreed.

Reaching a consensus again, the two said goodbye, but Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang failed to persuade them to stay, they could only watch them get on the taxi to the train station.

"Hurry up and call Lin Yue, and tell him the news about Su Mei and Liangqin's pursuit."

"Calling? Are you kidding me? Where does his house have a phone?"

In 1988, most households in big cities could not afford a telephone, let alone rural areas. It would be nice to have one or two in a town.

Wang Yang said: "Are you stupid? Wouldn't you call the township authorities?"

"I think you are stupid. Who am I? What do you say when you call? Why should people listen to me?"

"Of course they won't listen to you, but they will listen to Lin Yue. Don't forget his identity, a civil servant of the German Foreign Ministry, and a proper international friend. You just say... two ladies from Germany went to find him The purpose is to investigate the agricultural planting situation in the village and ask him to do a good job in reception."

"That's okay?" Cheng Dongqing thought for a while, and always felt that something was wrong: "Why don't you make this call?"

Wang Yang said, "I'm stupid."

He is stupid? He said he was stupid!

Cheng Dongqing was speechless.

"Hurry up." Wang Yang pushed him outside, "You have received so much favor from Lin Yue in the university, now is the time for you to reciprocate."

Cheng Dongqing was speechless after what he told him, so he could only leave angrily, thinking about how to speak in order to scare people from Lin Yue's hometown.


after one day.

Datong Railway Station.

Liangqin and Su Mei carried the gifts they bought on the road and followed the flow of people to the exit. Passengers nearby cast strange glances at them, because no matter from their attire or temperament, they could be concluded that they were not locals.

Although the journey is tiring and the eyes are tired, it can't take away the vigor of the two of them. In Su Mei's words, they must be forced to a corner this time. If you give an affirmative answer, you will never give up.

With this determination, the two of them came, but just after they got out of the train station, the expressions on their faces changed, because Lin Yue was standing in the pile of tricycle or van drivers opposite, smiling and waving to them.

How did he know they were coming?

This is a question worth thinking about, but at this juncture, it doesn't matter whether you can get the answer.

"Why don't you run? Run? Let me see where you can go."

Su Mei didn't suppress her voice. Passengers and local businessmen who passed nearby looked curiously at the two women and a man not far away, guessing their relationship.

Lin Yue smiled awkwardly: "Is it okay to discuss this issue in another place?"

Su Mei said: "Whoever wants to discuss with you, what we want is the answer, I or her, choose one."

The discussion around became more intense, and several male compatriots cast jealous eyes on him.

Liangqin shook Su Mei's arm, and said in a low voice, "Keep your voice down, there are too many people here."

Su Mei was also angered by him, and she calmed down a lot after venting out. She also knew that it was not good to force the palace in public, so she didn't insist, and followed Lin Yue into the pulley he borrowed from the county. Da sedan.

As soon as the car door was closed, the eyes of the two women focused on Lin Yue's face.

Su Mei said: "Tell me, choose one of the two, who do you want?"


Lin Yue sighed heavily, hesitant to speak.

Thank you for the 5,000 starting coins rewarded by Gu Zhandu, the 233 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 1929, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Wuyi 6889.

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