Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1254 Only Children Make Choices, Adults Must

Su Mei frowned, and said to herself again, every time he loses the chain at a critical moment, is it possible that he wants to evade responsibility again this time?

"Are you still a man?"

Lin Yue looked at her, then at Liangqin: "Do you know why I keep avoiding this question?"

He sighed again: "I made a bet with Meng Xiaojun."

He bet with Meng Xiaojun?

Liangqin's eyes narrowed slightly, she frowned and looked at the past. Since the day she chose not to go to the United States, she decided to forget the past and ignore Meng Xiaojun's affairs. Now that Lin Yue took the initiative to mention this name, her heart tightened for no reason. I'm afraid this bet is about her.

"Ten years, he said that we will compare with me in ten years to see who is better. I know what he means. He wants to embarrass me in front of you. If I am not as good as him, I can straighten my back Gan said that you chose the wrong person. So..." Lin Yue looked embarrassed: "I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a good life."

Liangqin said: "Is this the reason for you to escape?"

Lin Yue said, "That's right."


He looked at Su Mei again: "Su Mei, do you know? During the three years of your master's degree at Yenching University, those German reference books and German class notes were not left to Cheng Dongqing by me at all. Asked by students and teachers of German majors."

The complexion of the upright woman changed drastically after she said a word, and when she recalled Cheng Dongqing's various abnormal behaviors at that time, she understood.

Cheng Dongqing lied to her, but if you say you hate her, you can't hate her, but do you like it? She didn't like him at all. After thinking about it, the only emotion in her heart should be gratitude.

Lin Yue said: "So you see, Cheng Dongqing can do this for you, what about me? What did I do for you? So I am very conflicted, and I often ask myself, if we are together, we can treat you like Cheng Dongqing Okay? If we are together, will you compare me with Cheng Dongqing when you find out about this in the future?"

Su Mei was stunned by this question.

Lin Yue continued: "You think this is a multiple-choice question, and you think that you can get the answer if you go all out, and you accept the answer. You can do it, but I can't, because I am a person who doesn't know how to refuse, and I am a person who is easy to regret , whichever you choose, you will feel ashamed of the other, and in case we are not happy in the future, I am afraid that I will have the idea of ​​whether it will be better if I choose the other, and I am also afraid that you will have this idea, so you don’t Force me to do it? Give me some more time, I believe time will give the answer."

Liangqin was amazed by Lin Yue and Meng Xiaojun's gambling game, Su Mei was at a loss at Cheng Dongqing's infatuation, and then gave Lin Yue a rob, and the two fell in love.

Lin Yue looked at the two women who had lost their vigor, and secretly praised his acting skills. Fortunately, he had [I am an acting school LV3], and he could easily control his emotions, otherwise he would definitely laugh. The result is not being distressed, being understood, maybe being strangled by the two of them... no, strangled to death.

He remembered a word he had taught Holly before, ballbreaker, oh, so sour.

He had thought about getting the two of them done as soon as possible, but he always felt that the operation for this main task should be a little more ostentatious, much should it be? What should I do?

"Let's go, it's noon soon, I'll take you to dinner first, the pasta here is the best in China." He started the car engine, drove to the middle of the road and said, "Do you know? Shanxi is one of the oldest buildings in the country. It’s not easy to come to the best-preserved province, so I’ll take you there in the afternoon.”

The two were silent, still thinking about what he said just now.


Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang have been waiting, waiting for Lin Yue to come back from his hometown to give them an answer.

The latter had a mind of watching the excitement, student Lin is not a cow, he was the focus of the department when he was in college, and the love letters he received were enviable, but now it's all right, let's see how he pays off this emotional debt.

As for the former, Cheng Dongqing became very anxious, not only absent-minded in class, but also tossing and turning at night and unable to fall asleep. Wang Yang expressed his understanding of this, because if Lin Yue chose Su Mei, the soil turtle would have no chance at all. If you choose Liangqin, it is hard to say whether the spring of the soil turtle will come, but winter will pass soon.

They couldn't wait, and they couldn't wait. Two weeks later, Wang Yang received an international call from Lin Yue, saying that the three of them had gone back.

Going back, this guy went back to Germany without saying a word, and what he said meant that the problem was solved.

How did he do it?

Wang Yang couldn't figure it out. He felt that if he put himself in Lin Yue's shoes, he would definitely die an ugly death.

Cheng Dongqing was completely withered, and she was depressed for half a month until she received a letter from Germany.

It was Su Mei who wrote him.

She said that she knew what he did when she was studying for a master's degree, and she was very grateful for his contribution, but gratitude and liking are different, so she could only say sorry very regretfully.

Along with the letter was a hand-made blue scarf.

In the past, Su Mei's attitude towards him was neither good nor bad, just very indifferent. Now she knits a scarf for him with her own hands, and Cheng Dongqing is very happy. There is also.

Just that scarf, I wear it when I go out, I wear it in class, and I wear it for posting small advertisements. I only take it off when I eat, because I am afraid that it will be stained by oil splashes.

Thanks to Lin Yue, Cheng Dongqing learned to tell jokes. He would even tell the embarrassing moments when Wang Yang and LUCY were dating in class, just to let students deepen their understanding of related words and short sentences.

And Wang Yang did not show weakness, moved the home appliances from the kennel to the lecture place, played those Hollywood blockbusters while giving lectures, and occasionally exposed the teacher's shortcoming, imitating the Japanese pronunciation of the soil beetle when studying movie lines in college , every time it caused roars of laughter.

As a result, Cheng Dongqing lost the ability to laugh at himself about his love, but gained the ability to complain about his buddies, and the two started a life of education and training of falling in love and killing each other in front of the students.

There are more and more students, and the word-of-mouth is getting better and better. KFC and the wood workshop can no longer accommodate the students who come to learn English. Just like in the movie, Cheng Dongqing took advantage of the situation and occupied the workshop of an abandoned factory. A handful of fleece of doctrine.

Correspondingly, the money in their hands also increased in bundles. The two bought a house, bought a car, picked up a mobile phone, hired a few staff, and even renovated the abandoned factory to separate the male and female dormitories. , auditorium, teacher's office...


Six years passed in a blink of an eye.

The time came to 1994.

It's the turn of spring and summer again, the graduates of Yenching University are busy, the teachers are busy, and the lotus in Weiming Lake is busy.


Following the sound of the passenger plane taking off, Meng Xiaojun walked out of the connecting passage.

A news is being broadcast on the screen in the lobby, which is that technical staff from the Bailong Brewery in Munich, Germany, came to China for inspection. They investigated the climate, altitude and water and soil conditions in Datong, Shanxi, and planned to carry out in-depth cooperation with Yungang Brewery , in order to take this opportunity to open up the mainland market, mutual benefit and common development.

Meng Xiaojun was not interested in this kind of news at all. After reading it for a while, he looked away, took off his suit jacket and put it on his arm, and pushed the suitcase outside.

This year is the tenth year he has been abroad. When talking on the phone with Cheng Dongqing before, Tubie strongly invited him to go back to China and take a look, saying that the capital has changed a lot now, and that if he doesn’t come back, both he and Wang Yang have forgotten how old he is. What's up.

Because of Cheng Dongqing's kind invitation and because of the knot in his heart, he came back.

When he left, he made a bet with Lin Yue to see who would do well ten years later. He believed that if he was in the most powerful country in the world, he would definitely do better than those who stayed in the country to develop.

How did Lin Yue answer him?

What is ten years, give him twenty years!

He took this as Lin Yue's ridicule, and kept it in his mind for ten years. Although it was only half past the end of the game, the date of "ten years" was set by him, and it was time to come back and see how Lin Yue and Liangqin were doing. ——In the past few years in the United States, out of self-esteem, he never asked Wang Yang and Cheng Dongqing about Lin Yue's situation.

Leaving the terminal building and walking not far, he saw Cheng Dongqing, who was leaning on the Audi car and opened his arms as a welcome sign. Except for being a little more energetic than before, he basically didn't change much, and his attire was still the same. , a century behind Wang Yang.

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while, Cheng Dongqing let him into the car and drove towards the city center.

Meng Xiaojun wanted to speak several times, but didn't know how to ask.

Wang Yang glanced at him through the rearview mirror: "Do you want to ask about Lin Yue's situation?"

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