Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1258 Lin Paopao's Second Spring

half an hour later.

The entrance of the National Theatre.

After parking the car, Wang Yang walked into the hall. The first thing he saw was a row of terracotta flower pots. The background wall above the flower pots was drawn with a banner reading "Welcome Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to China for Exchange and Performance". .

Su Mei and Liangqin are standing with their children in front of a sign with the time and hall number of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra's performance.

"Several, are you a friend of Mr. Lin Yuelin?" A staff member stepped forward and asked.

Wang Yang nodded: "That's right."

"Please come with me." The staff very politely led them inside.

Walking along the red-carpeted corridor to the end, and turning to the left, the staff gently pushed open the side door of the concert hall: "Please pay attention to your steps and try not to make noise."

Several people nodded and filed into the concert hall.

Nearly a hundred musicians in black suits and white shirts sat in the middle of the stage, with violins, trumpets, French horns, trombones, clarinets and other various musical instruments and music scores in front of them, and they were playing the music of Italian conductor Abbado. Under the leadership, play a brisk tune.

There were no empty seats in the audience, and the few people couldn't find a seat at all, so they could only stand in the last row and look forward.

Cheng Dongqing was nicknamed the Turtle, and Wang Yang didn’t have much artistic talent. It’s okay to write love poems to flirt with girls, but he is a layman to classical music. English went to the United States and changed the world from then on. As for Su Mei, as a top law student, she is not very interested in this. Talking about connotation, background and so on, I know very little.

Liangqin is not a layman, she is an insider.

When she heard the unique piano sound of "Piano Concerto in A Minor", she saw the person sitting behind the piano at the front of the stage.

At the same time, Lin Shuang raised his head and said to them, "Dad, it's Daddy who is playing the piano."

She is short and can't see what's going on on stage, but she has very good ears.

One sentence reminded Wang Yang and the others. They turned their faces towards the stage, and their eyes fell on the person playing the piano, because the musicians were all wearing black suits and white shirts. It can be said that the person playing the piano is Lin Yue.

Everyone knows that he plays the piano well, but he never expected that one day he would cooperate with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which is known as the world's number one, and perform on stage at a place with a halo of honor like the National Center for the Performing Arts.

Su Mei couldn't figure it out, why didn't Lin Yue tell them about such things? Afraid they will stop? is it possible? Who doesn't want her husband's reputation outside the world and his career to reach a higher level? It's not the kind of chicks who are in their 20s and 30s who feel insecure and worry every day that their excellent boyfriend will be robbed by other women. They have no reason to refuse.

Su Mei couldn't figure this out, and Liangqin couldn't figure it out either. It seemed that the male lead could only answer this question after the performance.

However, no one expected that the answer came much sooner than expected.

Ten minutes later, when the performance was over, Lin Yue stood up and walked to the front of the stage, bowing to the applauding audience below.

At this time, Abbado, the chief conductor of the band, walked to him with an interpreter, and said something with a smile on his face.

The translation is explained in Chinese next to it.

"Mr. Abbado said that he thanked Mr. Lin for bringing a wonderful performance to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and the audience, and also thanked you for your efforts in Sino-German cultural exchanges. After the performance, he will lead the orchestra Members are going to the Central Conservatory of Music for a three-day visit, and I hope you will be able to attend the orchestra's farewell performance on the third day."

Lin Yue said: "I was the one who contacted you when your group came to the mainland. Of course, you will enter the friendship of landlords."

Abbado stretched out his hand: "I look forward to having more cooperation opportunities with you."

Lin Yue smiled and shook hands with him: "Me too."

After exchanging greetings, he was about to go backstage when two young girls walked up the stairs with flowers in their hands. One of them handed the bouquet to Abbado, while the other more beautiful girl held the bouquet Walking in front of Lin Yue, he hugged his body tightly while hugging him, and said something that could only be heard by two people.

Seeing this, Su Mei understood why Wang Yang said that Lin Yue was worried that they were thinking wildly, and that her husband had such crazy beautiful fans, normal women would be upset.

She looked at Liangqin, wanting to observe the expression of her good sister, whether she had the same thoughts as her.

It could be seen that Liangqin was surprised, but not as surprised as she was. How should I put it, her emotions were a bit complicated.

"I... I seem to know her."

"You know her? That girl?" Su Mei was taken aback.

Liangqin nodded, and looked at the middle-aged woman who was waving at Lin Yue in the right seat in the first row. To be precise, she recognized the identity of the flower girl through this person.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be Liao Rongqin. I didn't expect...she has grown up so much, and she is even more beautiful than Teacher Su back then."

"Liao Rongqin?, the daughter of your music teacher in high school?"

Liangqin nodded. Back then, Su Mei told Meng Xiaojun about Lin Yue sending Liangqin back to the girls' dormitory. The two had a fight in the boys' dormitory. She made a promise with Meng Xiaojun that she would never go there again. Su Li's house.

Presumably, Su Li also knew that something happened between the three of them, so she never came to school to look for her.

Until Lin Yue went to Germany, she was assigned to the Yanjing Daily. She went to look for it once during the period, but found that the owner of the house had changed. I only knew that Su Li's family had moved. I don't know where they moved. Completely cut off contact.

I didn't expect to meet again here today.

"Lin Yue went to contact the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to visit the Central Conservatory of Music, because of her." I have to say that women who can be admitted to Yenching University are smart, and they can grasp the key points only from the information at hand: "Look This guy has lied to us about a lot of things."

Liangqin shook her head: "You don't understand."

"What do not you get?"

"Lin Yue is her first teacher."

"It's not just that simple."

"I now know why he chose to hide the truth."

Su Mei knew what she meant and gave her a hard look.

Cheng Dongqing, Wang Yang, and Meng Xiaojun saw the two muttering in low voices, but they didn't know the content. Meng Xiaojun's face was quite ugly, because Lin Yue, a bastard, not only stepped on two boats, but also looked at the height of one mountain. She used to be a school girl, but now she is actually an old cow eating tender grass, and she is taking advantage of young girls in their 24s and 50s.

"Let's go." Liangqin over there said let's go, entrusted the children to Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang to take care of them, and walked from the side aisle to the backstage.

Meng Xiaojun knew that they were going to settle accounts with Lin Yue, so he waited for a while and followed.


five minutes later.

At the backstage of the concert hall, Lin Yue took off his performance clothes, changed into his usual plain clothes, and walked towards the exit.

Su Mei and Liangqin stood outside the door to block him.

"Okay, let's leave without saying goodbye. I thought you were angry with me. I didn't expect to go to China to hold a concert."

Lin Yue was not surprised to have such a conversation: "I didn't intend to be on stage, but I can't stand Xiaoqin's soft-heartedness."

Su Mei said, "Did you get in touch very early?"

"That's not true." Lin Yue said: "Two and a half months ago, I received an email in my email address, which was sent by her."

Liangqin said, "Why didn't you tell us about this?"

Lin Yue said, "She won't let me tell you about it."

Liangqin frowned upon hearing this, unable to understand Liao Rongqin's thoughts: "Why?"

"She was remembering that you didn't go to her house suddenly, and she had a fight with her mother in the middle, but Su Li heard that I was punished, and worried that it would affect your and my studies. In the end, she chose to ignore her request and moved later. Home."

"So, she thinks it's me that made you stop teaching her piano?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Yes, I explained it to her, but she didn't listen."


Su Mei always felt that something was wrong: "What did she tell you when she presented you flowers just now?"

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