If Lin Yue was not born in China, Liao Rongqin, as a fan, gave flowers and thanked him with a hug. Although he has been naturalized in Germany, he has a Chinese heart and is a diplomat. Getting a bear hug from a young girl can be somewhat uncomfortable.

She didn't believe that Liao Rongqin didn't understand that doing so might trouble him. A twenty-four or five-year-old girl should be able to tell right from wrong.

Of course, the possibility of being too excited and unable to control oneself is not ruled out.

Lin Yue didn't hide anything, and handed the flowers to Su Mei: "She said she could only see me on TV before, but now she finally sees me in real life."

Liangqin frowned when she heard that, and realized that things might be more complicated than she thought.

"What has she talked to you for more than two months?" Su Mei asked.

"Some questions about music." Lin Yue said: "Oh, she also expressed her love for the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra very clearly, saying that it is her favorite orchestra, but it is a pity that when they came last time, she still Small, no chance to see."

Su Mei said, "So you helped to contact the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra?"

Lin Yue said: "That's right, this kind of artistic exchange helps to enhance the relationship between the two peoples. The next exchange is also a good opportunity for the teachers and students of the Central Conservatory of Music to learn from it. It is a matter of benefiting the country and the people. I have no reason not to do it."

"Just because you think so, doesn't mean she thinks so too. What if you think this is something you tailor-made for her?"

"Su Mei, it's a bit too much for you to say that. I am already in my fourth year. She is only 24 years old this year and has just been admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music for a master's degree. And I told her clearly that I have two lovely My child, how could it be as you thought."

Who is Lin Yue? Having experienced so many worlds of film and television dramas and so many women, how could he not be aware of Liao Rongqin's mind? From her hug and whisper just now, he understood, but he understands everything, things can't be done, facing Su Mei The best response to He Liangqin's questioning is to pretend to be stupid.

Liangqin thought for a while and said, "That's right, Su Mei, I think you're thinking too much. Xiaoqin's admiration for Lin Yue is at best a childish admiration."

"Liangqin, you are still defending him even now."

Su Mei didn't say these words, the voice came from the corner of the corridor, and a man's face appeared after that.

Meng Xiaojun.

It seems that he heard the conversation of three people, and Su Mei was a little upset. After all, this is their private matter. Does the emotional life of their family need an outsider to point them out?

"Why did he go back to China behind your back, because he was afraid that you would think too much. In other words, he knew that what he did was wrong, or that it was not easy to expose it to the broad daylight."

Meng Xiaojun pointedly pointed out the critical point of the incident.

"Liangqin, he is a shameless villain."

Su Mei became angry: "Meng Xiaojun, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Her parents went to Germany to make a fuss, and when they were discussing the countermeasures, she complained that Lin Yue didn't let the child naturalize in Germany, otherwise there wouldn't be so many troubles. Lin Yue didn't admit that he was involved in this matter. Without consideration, the two talked and talked, and she became more and more emotional, remembering the harsh words her parents left when they left, and yelled at him when she was irritated.

Lin Yue didn't quarrel with her, and flew back to China the next day.

She blamed him for stepping on two boats first, and if he told her to go back to China to meet Liao Rongqin, what would she think when she was angry? So to a certain extent, she could also understand why Lin Yue left without saying goodbye, but he didn't expect that the two of them would be so nervous that they thought he would leave home again after nine years, so they hurried back to China.

"I really don't understand a person who dare not even give the most basic promise of a marriage certificate. What do you like about a scum like him?" Meng Xiaojun couldn't figure it out, no matter what, like Lin Yue This kind of shameless villain who is merciful everywhere and doesn't even let off girls who are ten years younger than him, why let these two women guard him so wholeheartedly.

Liangqin was also annoyed by what he said: "Meng Xiaojun, this is our family's business. It has nothing to do with you. Go away, I don't want to see you again."

Su Mei's words were harsh, but Meng Xiaojun could bear it. Now that he was replaced by Liangqin, he couldn't accept it at all. It was obviously for her own good, so why couldn't she understand?

They found him irrational, and he found them irrational.

"There will always be a day when you regret it."

Leaving this sentence behind, he left in a fit of anger. When he passed the corner, he happened to meet Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang who came with their two children. The former asked him what was wrong, but he ignored him and walked away with a sullen face.

"what happened?"

Wang Yang brought Lin Shuang to Lin Yue, and the little girl called out "Dad" crisply, and raised her arms high for him to hug.

"Tell Dad, do you miss Dad?" Lin Yue picked her up from the ground and said with a smile.


Cheng Dongqing said in her heart that she is still a girl with a sweet mouth, after all, she knows the cold and the hot little padded jacket.

Lin Yue said: "Okay, don't say anything here, I think it's getting late, let's find a place to eat and chat while eating."

Wang Yang said: "The hotel has been booked, Lufthansa Center Kempinski."

Lin Yue seemed to think of something suddenly, put Lin Shuang down, looked at Liangqin and said, "You go ahead with me first."

"What are you doing?"

"Su Li is here too. She's in the first row of the auditorium. It was originally agreed to go to her house for dinner today."

As soon as he said Liangqin, he understood. Indeed, since she is here, she should meet Su Li for reasons of reason.

"Then let's go."

"You guys go to the parking lot first, Liangqin and I will be there in a while." Lin Yue rushed into Dongqing and Wang Yang nodded, turned and walked forward.

Liangqin was about to follow him, but Su Mei took Lin Shuang's hand to stop her: "Take Xiaoshuang along."


Glancing at Lin Yue's back, she smiled wryly and shook her head, holding her daughter's hand and following quickly.


Meng Xiaojun was stimulated by Liangqin and Su Mei's run-on, so naturally it was impossible for him to attend the reception banquet in the evening.

During the dinner, Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang did not mention his name. After the meal, Lin Yue sent the two wives upstairs to the guest room to rest, and then drove to the school with the two men, and visited the school building of "New Dream" in the dark .

Wang Yang was sitting on the hood of the Audi car, holding a ping pong ball in his hand, and tossing it one after another: "I didn't expect that, when Cheng Dongqing and I were teaching students in that small wood workshop, every day we went back to sleep Use a small broom to clean up the sawdust on your body, or you will be woken up by foreign objects in the middle of the night, Cheng Dongqing said that if there is a decent place, at least 20 more students can be recruited."

Lin Yue nodded, smiled and said to Cheng Dongqing: "I remember reading a newspaper, what did they call you? Godfather of studying abroad?"

Cheng Dongqing lit a cigarette and put it near his mouth: "What's the point?"

He thought that seeing Su Mei goodbye, she would be proud of his achievements when she saw the "new dream" now, but from the beginning to the end, her focus was on Lin Yue and the two children.

Lin Yue said, "When did you learn to smoke?"

when? Cheng Dongqing thought about it, it should be around 1988.

"Do you want one?"

He took one out of the cigarette case and threw it over.

Still the one without the filter.

"Hadman, Cheng Dongqing, you are still such a vulgar." Lin Yue didn't think it was too difficult to smoke, took out the lighter and lit it, and took a puff by putting it near his mouth.

Wang Yang stepped aside quickly, looking at them with disgust on his face.

Lin Yue said, "Have you ever thought about running a Telford class?"

Wang Yang said: "Why?"

"Germany's ranking in the QS World University Rankings is not high, but specific to a certain major, a certain subject, the strength is very strong, such as optics at the University of Jena, physics and philosophy at the University of Munich, if you are interested, I can go to Contact the principals of the relevant universities to see if they can launch some cooperation projects for students studying in Germany."

"You always keep your mission in mind, and you can't let go of your diplomatic career when you go back to China for vacation." Wang Yang opened the car door, took out the water glass on the shelf, unscrewed the lid and took a sip: "Xiaojun won't agree so easily."

"Why?" This time it was Lin Yue's turn to be puzzled.

Cheng Dongqing said: "Because there is no money to make."

Countless people take the test every year, but Italian, German, French and the like, although there are not small markets, the profitability is definitely not comparable to that of English. Meng Xiaojun is a very realistic person. Proposals to profit, the likelihood of agreement is slim.

Lin Yue thought for a while and understood.

Throughout the whole film, Meng Xiaojun has one "dream" and one "change the world", but from the beginning to the end, he regards the "new dream" as a business, and he uses it to realize profit and expansion. Personal ambition, or a tool for gaining one's breath.

"How did you do it?" Wang Yang took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Do what?"

"Making Su Mei and Liangqin willingly give birth to you?"

Cheng Dongqing's interest was also aroused, and he threw away the long length of Harder's brand cigarettes, turned his face away, and waited for Lin Yue to answer the question that had troubled everyone all day.

Just like what Meng Xiaojun said, why did he let Liangqin and Su Mei be so devoted to him? They are all women in the new era, and they are outstanding students who have studied at Yenching University.

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