Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1269 One punch and one monster

"Inside, there is trouble inside."

After the girl said this, she hurried away with Ying short in her arms.

Lin Yue frowned, thinking he was causing trouble? Who will come here to make trouble?

There was no one in the lobby. It seemed that Zhou Lin knew something was wrong and went to help. He quickly opened the door leading to the back and went up to the second floor through the stairs.

After walking up a few steps, he heard barking dogs above his head. When he walked to the open door and looked inside, Zhou Lin was standing in front of Su Han, rushing towards two men with a large dog each. Han Sheng said: "Please go out, we don't welcome you here."

"Open the door to do business, and drive people away without a valid reason. Believe it or not, we will sue you at the market supervision department." The man in the front with a splayed eyebrow and a crooked mouth took out his mobile phone, as if he was going to record a video to collect evidence.

At this moment, Lin Yue noticed another man with a flat nose patted the Tibetan mastiff he was holding.

The dog opened its mouth suddenly and barked at Zhou Lin.

When an ordinary girl encounters this kind of situation, even if she is not scared to cry, her face will turn pale early, but Zhou Lin has no trace of fear on her face except for shrinking her right foot back.

"You harassed women first, and you think we don't do business with you? Are you being reasonable?"

woof woof woof

As soon as the words were finished, there was another bark, this time it was replaced by another black German Shepherd, barking at Zhou Lin and Su Han, while struggling hard with the chain, making a rattling sound.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense, how can I harass women? Didn't I just see that corgi dog looks good, and ask its owner if he is interested in pairing with my corgi dog at home? At best, it is a request Suggestion, how do you relate to harassment of women?"

"It's really unreasonable. After you said that to the girl with the corgi dog, you said the same thing to the girl with the English short. What you are doing is not a request, it is harassment."

"Then my family not only has dogs, but also cats?"

"you you……"

"Do you still want to say that we condone Tang Dao and Niu Niu to scare them away? Please, it's all because they are too nervous to come to the pet hospital, okay? Don't you pet doctors understand this?"

Lin Yue didn't know if people with crooked mouths had a way of speaking crooked reasoning, but what was certain was that the two men on the opposite side had come prepared, in other words, they were here looking for trouble.

Could it be my relationship? He remembered the last time when he angrily scolded the debt collection gang in order to help Yuan Shanshan.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and directly opened the door and walked into the hall.

When Zhou Lin and Su Han saw that it was him, their tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

"Lin Yue, you're here. These two guys scared away all the people who came to treat pets."

"I know, are you all right?" Lin Yue looked at Zhou Lin.

"I'm fine."

He looked at Su Han again, and his girlfriend shook her head, meaning she was fine.

After making sure that they were just a little frightened and not injured, he walked towards the two of them on the opposite side.

At this time, the German Shepherd and Tibetan Mastiff held by the two men bared their teeth and acted manically. However, before Lin Yue could activate his skills, Ba Dun swished past the door and aimed at the Tibetan Mastiff.

Strange to say, the Tibetan mastiff didn't even have the intention of resisting the Akita dog who was a whole circle smaller, and turned around and ran away with a wailing cry. It was so strong that it directly tore off the dog's leash from the hand of Sagging Nose.

Without saying a word, Lin Yue grabbed the man by the collar and punched him.


The speed was so fast that he couldn't even make the movement of snubbing his nose and protecting his face, so he fell to the ground and overturned the trash can behind him.

"I fucking killed..."

The splayed eyebrows on the side reacted quickly, and punched Lin Yue sideways with a punch. Unexpectedly, the opponent raised his head back, and at the same time he lifted his elbow up while letting the punch pass, and it hit his jaw with a slap, causing bone-piercing pain. Spreading upwards, the whole person was dizzy.

Lin Yue didn't give the character eyebrows more time to react. His right fist followed and hit the face of the character eyebrows heavily. With a bang, he rolled two somersaults and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the German Shepherd didn't have the slightest intention of fighting, and kept shrinking towards the corner, lowering its head from time to time, expressing obedience to Lin Yue very obediently.

"Kill who?"

Lin Yue kicked on the chest of the eight-character eyebrows, in exchange for a muffled groan.

"I was looking for you, but I actually delivered it to my door."

He kicked down again, making the man tremble all over.

At this moment, the bridge of the nose was relieved, and when he was about to run outside, Lin Yue stretched out his leg and hooked him. He fell to the ground with a thud and broke his nose. As a result, Niu Niu and Tang Dao, who were notoriously fierce, suddenly withered, and this person's boxing skills and strength were completely inconsistent with his image and temperament.

Lin Yue was also short-tempered. He hadn't fought in the real world since he got the system. The reason why he beat them up was not only because they dared to go wild in the pet hospital, but also because if it weren't for this group of people, Yuan Shanshan's grandma would also Will not die of a sudden heart attack on the way to the hospital.

Su Han looked at the boyfriend who was beating the two of them so hard that his mouth was open enough to stuff an egg.

"I didn't expect him to be so good at it, did I?"

Zhou Lin was very proud: "You think he went to Shangwu boxing gym to practice boxing for fun? Liu Quan'an said that he may not be Lin Yue's opponent now."

Su Han knew that he went to the boxing gym to practice boxing, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good. Those two seemingly strong people were not even qualified to fight back. sense of security.

"Lin Yue, that's enough."

The one who called to stop was Zhou Lin. She was worried that if he had heavy hands and feet and would disable him, that would be a big deal.

"I can't die, I'm still angry."

Lin Yue pulled his head up by the back collar of his eight-character eyebrows, shook his hands and slapped the green and red face, and said in a low voice: "You bastards, it's not worth driving people to death, but how dare you die?" You should be really lucky to come here to make trouble, if you change to another place, I will definitely destroy you."

"'re not..." The splayed brows who were beaten into pig heads by him trembled slightly, tears streaming down his face, looking as embarrassing as he could be.

"What did you say?"

"I said... I... I don't know... what are you talking about...."

"You don't know what I'm talking about?" Lin Yue said angrily, "Yuan Shanshan's grandma was forced to die of a heart attack by you, and you actually say you don't know."

He raised his hand to hit her, and his frightened eyebrows hurriedly used his hands to protect his face: "I don't know... I don't know what you said... Yuan Shanshan."

Don't know Yuan Shanshan?

Lin Yue was stunned. He looked at the snub nose that was curled up and lying on the ground trembling, and then looked at the horrified eyebrows.

"Aren't you the ones asking for debt?"

"What kind of debt do you want?"

After being beaten like this, those two people should not dare to lie, so I made a mistake, and these two guys who came to ask for trouble were not the ones who came to Yuan Shanshan's house to collect debts? If not debt collectors, who are they?

"Aren't you here to trouble me?"


"Then what are you here for?"

"Vaccinates... pets."

"Still looking for a fight?"

Lin Yue made a gesture to punch, but he retracted halfway through the punch. Zhou Lin was right, if he continued to fight, he might be crippled, and the matter would be unstoppable. However, they brought their pets for vaccinations. Man, he's a hundred unbelievers.

He loosened the back collar of the eight-character eyebrow, touched his trouser pocket, and found an Android phone from it. Under the puzzled eyes of Su Han and Zhou Lin, he approached the screen and sniffed it, unlocked the screen, and drew on the pattern password interface. made a square.

Zhou Lin was stunned when the matrix-arranged APP icons appeared in her eyes.

He just entered without asking for a password or scanning his fingerprints. How did he do it?

Fooled? Impossible, impossible.

Lin Yue didn't care about the thoughts of the two women. He unlocked the mobile phone with the eight-character eyebrow, tapped the WeChat icon, the interface froze for a while, switched to the information list, and saw the conversation record at the top of the first page, and suddenly understood come over.

I didn't expect it to be him... this bastard!

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