Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1270 Beijing Love Story

The person who bought these two men to make trouble at the pet hospital was the director of the pet hospital where Su Han used to work, the middle-aged man who came to persuade her to go back a few days ago.

When eating with Xiaorui, she said that Su Han was asked every day why she didn't work in the pet hospital anymore, and where did the people go now, thinking that her departure would have a big impact on the turnover of the Fenglin Road pet hospital. Sooner or later, the Su Xiaodi Love Pet Hospital will divert the financial resources there. Seeing that it is irretrievable, that person resorts to indiscriminate deeds. After all, there are usually only two girls, Su Han and Zhou Lin, who are easy to bully. very.

Lin Yue took out his mobile phone and took two pictures, then turned to look at Zhou Lin and said, "Call 110 and call the police."


The girl took out her mobile phone, and just as she was about to dial the alarm number, Su Han pressed her hand: "Did Dean Zhang instruct them to come here?"

She was very smart, and guessed the truth of the incident just by observing Lin Yue's reaction.

"That's right, that bastard gave you 2,000 yuan to make trouble for you during the opening of the pet hospital."

Su Han walked up to those two people: "Let's go, go back and tell Dean Zhang, if something similar happens again, I will call the police and sue his pet hospital in court."

As soon as they heard what the proprietress said, they looked at Lin Yue with fear on their faces, then quickly got up from the ground, and fled embarrassingly with their dog.

"Su Han, you are too merciful. That Dean Zhang bullies people so much, and you still want to let him go."

Zhou Lin pouted, looking unhappy. She couldn't imagine what would happen to those two men if Lin Yue came a little later.

Su Han looked at Lin Yue and said, "At least it's the place where he worked before, and Xiaorui is still working under him. If it gets too stiff, he might be put on shoes. I think after today's incident, Dean Zhang will definitely restrain himself. "

Zhou Lin shrugged, helped up the knocked down trash can, turned and left.

Lin Yue knew what Su Han was thinking, and her reluctance to fight too hard with her old club was only a secondary reason. What she was worried about was that if things got serious, the police would hold him accountable for the beating. Major issues to minor ones out.

"Are you scared?"

He held her hand and pulled her closer: "next time this happens, remember to call me as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Su Han nodded: "You too, the strike is so heavy, what if you break someone?"

"Isn't this a misunderstanding that they are those debt collectors? They are in a hurry."

Su Han could understand his feelings, and Yuan Shanshan's grandma wouldn't have died of a heart attack if it wasn't for those people who came to collect their debts.

"How is she?"

"Yuan Wei's mood is much better after he came back."

"That's good." Su Han said: "You say...whether you want to give her a pet or not, it's also good to divert her attention."

"No need, that child is quite strong, and now in the third year of high school, it is the most critical moment in life, and it is not good to disperse energy."

"That's true."

Ending this topic, the two returned to the first floor with Ba Dun and Xia Hou. Seeing that it was 12 o'clock in an hour, they decided not to go to the house and bought some food at the nearby vegetable market, and asked Zhou Lin to take it to the backyard. To do it, the three of them ate a home-cooked meal.

Yes, Lin Yue has the skills of a chef, but considering that he has exposed a lot of abilities recently, he didn't give them a surprise.

There were not many people in the afternoon, after finishing the work at hand, hanging up the suspension tag, Lin Yue drove Su Han to continue to transfer real estate.

the next day.

third day.

fourth day.

fifth day.

The system is very good this time, and has not assigned him any work for almost a week. The Dean Zhang at the Fenglin Road Pet Hospital is also very knowledgeable, and he did not use any means to harass Su Han.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the two finalized the matter of buying a house. Regarding the Chongde Huafu community that they had seen before, the difference was that they chose a two-bedroom, two-living room of 88 square meters instead of the 104-square-meter small three-bedroom house that they had been looking at. .

This was naturally the result of Su Han's persuasion from the sidelines, although Lin Yue was not worried about repaying the loan.

What really made him decide not to choose the third room was that Su Han said that she would repay the mortgage with him in the days to come.

Most of the girls nowadays are realistic, and coupled with the "bewitching" of beauty cameras, the standard for finding a boyfriend is to have a house and a car with an annual salary of one million. It would be good if you don't ask you to help change the house and car for your mother's family. Willing Paying off the mortgage together is considered virtuous and virtuous.

Or more and more male compatriots choose to lie down. The construction of spiritual civilization for so many years has not improved women's ideological awareness, but has lowered moral standards, so that many men believe that it is better to be able to eat and eat than to work hard to support their families. Drink, drink, talk about a short-term relationship of 300 yuan if you need it, and live a lifetime easily.

It's not that there are girls like Su Han, but the number is getting smaller and smaller, so in order to take care of her feelings, Lin Yue took a step back.

88 square meters, the sixth floor of a small high-rise, 56,200 yuan per square meter, the total price is 4.94 million, the down payment is 2.47 million, and the house is expected to be handed over in the second half of the year.

Because the developer is a well-known local company with a good reputation, Lin Yue didn't bother to investigate the real estate situation, signed the agreement on the spot, and paid the down payment on the spot...

As for why the 50% down payment is not the most cost-effective 30%... After all, for a person like him, the difference between the 30% down payment and the 50% down payment can be used for some financial investment, and the overpayment interest can also be earned.

It is mainly for An Suhan's heart, so that she can pay less every month, and her pressure will be much less, not to mention that the remaining money in the bank card is enough to support the mortgage for one and a half years. According to the considerate settings of the previous system, even if In the real world, he spends soy sauce all the time, and he is also confident that he will pay back all the money within a year.

Su Han couldn't figure it out. The sales representative's quotation was clearly 63,800 yuan per square meter. Why did Lin Yue talk to their manager, and the agreed unit price became 56,200 yuan, which is equivalent to a 12% discount on the total price. Jianghai City is not one of those third- and fourth-tier cities with a declining population. It is still a net inflow to big cities. The surrounding facilities like Chongdehua Mansion are well-equipped, and real estate near colleges and universities. The usual 50% discount is already the lowest price in the event. arrived?

Although Lin Yue has developed the habit of letting Lin Yue discuss large-scale projects, it is still difficult to accept such a large discount, and Lin Yue's answer is actually "If their leader is a lesbian, maybe it can be cheaper a little."

So far, he has taken root in Jianghai City.

Having experienced so many worlds of movies and TV dramas, of course he would not be overjoyed by this achievement, but Su Han seemed very happy. He insisted on finding a place to celebrate at night, so Lin Yue found a decent French restaurant nearby and ate deliciously. After a pause, he didn't find out what the girl was thinking until the end. It turned out that he was happy to have a nest that belonged to the two of them.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Yue realized that it wasn't that Su Han was too excited, it was that he was too numb. A normal person can buy a two-bedroom apartment in Jianghai City. The bragging capital in front of him, when it comes to him, looks calm and calm, but it seems abnormal.

After dinner, he sent Su Han home, went to the pet hospital to check Zhou Lin's situation, and after making sure everything was OK, he drove back to the rented community. room, turn on the laptop.

In the afternoon, he came out of the sales office after completing the formalities. The system was very timely or he couldn't help muttering, and issued him a new task.

As for the content, he had already read it while eating.

The last time it was the movie "Chinese Partner", this time it was replaced with a TV series, which can be regarded as an old movie - "Beijing Love Story".

[Han brothers are incompatible]: Detected the complaints of the lucky user number 502 of "Beijing Love Story". Is the hero of this movie considered to be playing in his true colors? Stealing brothers and women, ruining other people's lives, and finally exalting them for whitewashing, the director and screenwriter are really awesome. Is it true that all sins can be redeemed in the name of love, and all injuries can be forgiven in the name of love? I asked the friends around me, and the male compatriots almost overwhelmingly supported Shi Xiaomeng, while the female compatriots, they said that lunatics are the ones worthy of love. In the eyes of female compatriots, is morality a dispensable thing in the face of money and devotion? Sure enough, men and women think differently.

Main task: (Enter the film and television drama world to activate).

Side tasks: (Enter the world of film and television dramas to activate).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time frame: 2009-2010.

Whether to accept: (Y/N).

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