After confirming the content of the task again, Lin Yue opened the browser, logged into the member account of the film and television website, and searched for "Beijing Love Story".

He hadn't watched this TV series before, but he knew a little about the director of the show, because the second task he performed after obtaining the system was to go to the world of "Detective Chinatown" to find the real gold thief.

When he came to the details page of the TV series, he paid attention to the names of the director, leading actor, and screenwriter, but he didn't expect that they had three jobs.

Next, he made himself a cup of instant coffee, sat down on the computer chair, and tapped the play button.

This is a 39-episode TV series, telling the love stories of three good buddies who once studied in Beijing University of Finance and Economics, Shi Xiaomeng, Cheng Feng, and Wu Di, but the family backgrounds of the three are very different. Cheng's family is well-off, handsome and unrestrained, and he doesn't change his temperament even when he enters the society. He even wants to pursue his friend's girlfriend; Wu is kind, sincere, kind, and values ​​friendship and love very much. Belonging to his own world, he was betrayed by his girlfriend Yang Zixi, and his love path appeared abnormal; Xiaomeng from the countryside of Yunnan finally made a small achievement with his own efforts but encountered huge setbacks. Friendship and love have become things that can be bought and sold , In the naked commodity society, he has no background and will do anything to achieve his goal.

Lin Yue started playing episode 1 and watched 32 episodes. The whole day passed like this, and then he started to watch at 2x speed, because he always felt that the next 6 episodes were completely messed up in terms of plot, logic, and character. .

Finally, near the wee hours of the morning, he finished watching the show, which was similar to the situation in the later period of "Love in the Courtyard". He almost endured the pain and watched the next few episodes.

He went to the kitchen and opened a can of beer, and teased the big villain again. Slowly, he threw the bird into the system space, switched to the taskbar, and pressed the accept button.


With a flash of white light, the whole person disappeared.



With the sound of the wind whizzing past his ears, the white light quickly disappeared, and his trance-like mind gradually became clear.


The first thing that penetrated into the pinna was the sound of water hitting hard objects, as well as the wet touch.

Just when he was about to open his eyes, there was a soft click behind him, as if the door was opened.

"Are you planning to stay in the bathroom forever, right? I think the hole in the toilet should be bigger so that you can swim in it."

"Let you make my nephew laugh and learn the sound of a rooster crowing in the countryside? It's just coaxing children, why are you losing your temper? What right do you have to lose your temper? If it wasn't for my dad to solve the household registration problem for you and let you enter my brother's house You are still competing with those young people who have just graduated from college for a job where you don’t know if the monthly salary is enough to make ends meet.”

"Lin Yue, let me tell you, if you use a word that is popular recently to describe a person like you, what is your name? Oh, Phoenix Man! I shouldn't have agreed to your marriage proposal back then."

"A person like you, what qualifications do you have to talk about dignity with me? If you want dignity, go away, go back to your hometown in the countryside."


It's nice to hear such sonorous and forceful scolding as soon as you come here.

Lin Yue opened his eyes, looked at his face in the mirror, took a scoop of water and patted it on his face in a leisurely manner, took off the towel on the hanger and wiped it off, and spared a little energy to confirm the status of this mission. Identity settings.

Lin Yue, born in Cangzhou, Hebei, was born in a rural family. He studied hard since he was a child, and was admitted to Beijing Forestry University with a score of 544 in the college entrance examination. He studied garden plants and ornamental horticulture. After graduation, he devoted himself to taking root in the largest city in the north. Because of fierce competition and lack of popularity in majors, there has been no development. I changed jobs one after another. I met my wife Wu Ying two years ago. Her family conditions are good. Her parents are cadres of state-owned enterprises. After talking for half a year, they got married and got married, and they have the current life.

As for happiness or not, it can be seen from Wu Ying's question above.

Heh~ Another Yu Huanshui-like character.

"Speak, why don't you speak? Are you dumb or are you consciously wrong?"

"Let me tell you, the house, the car, the job, everything you own is given by our family. With your ability, these things will last for a lifetime..."

I didn't finish the rest of the sentence, because Lin Yue walked over and slapped him with his hand.


The slap was so loud that the whole face was swollen, and blood was visible to the naked eye dripping down the corner of the mouth.

Wu Ying was stunned, she covered her face and stared blankly at him, her eyes were full of shock, no matter what she didn't expect that he would hit her, he dared to hit her.

In the past, he would rather believe that pigs could climb trees than that the guy from the countryside had the guts to fight her.

Lin Yue buttoned his wrist while walking outside: "Are you satisfied with my answer?"

" dare to hit me? You dare to hit me!"

It wasn't until then that Wu Ying realized that anger and grievances were creeping up on her face, and she reached out to pull his shirt.

Who would have known that Lin Yue slapped him backhanded again, knocking him down to the ground, then picked up the down jacket on the hanger, took out the wallet in his pocket, and pulled out the photo with Wu Ying from the interlayer. Throw it back and forth, and walk towards the door.

"Find time to get a divorce."

Click, the door opened, and with the sound of the down jacket sweeping across the door frame, the cold wind poured into the room, lifting Wu Ying's hair, revealing the stunned face underneath.


He said divorce?

He actually said divorce?

"What did you say? You... tell me again."

"You heard me right, divorce."


The door was closed, but the word "divorce" still floated into the room along the gap and entered Wu Ying's ears.

"Okay, okay, divorce, divorce..." Wu Ying roared angrily at the door: "The house, car, and don't even want to take any of them away."


The only answer to her was the sound of farther and farther footsteps.

From her point of view, there is no way to accept such a development anyway. According to the previous script, the phoenix man who relies on her family to stay in Beijing and become the envy of everyone in the village must first admit his mistake and then speak kindly Coax her, beg her to forgive, now? Not only did he beat her, but he also divorced her.

After the divorce, he has nothing! Is he willing?

Is Lin Yue willing?

This is a good question. If it was put in the past, there is a high probability that he would compromise and bow to reality, but he is no longer the original character design. How could he cater to this villain who thinks he is eating him to death for some house and car? mother-in-law.

Phoenix man—a woman like Wu Ying who despises the calculations of rural men who dream of taking root in the city and values ​​money, while standing on her own stand to protect the words defined by her own interests.

The phoenix man calculates how to benefit himself, these women calculate how not to suffer, no matter how you look at both sides, they are the same kind of people, the eldest brother doesn't say that the second brother is very good, but they want to put all the responsibility on the phoenix man, and encourage the whole society Power criticizes groups that passively label it. When a man complains that a woman is not handsome, it means that he is not generous and not a gentleman. When a woman complains that a man is a phoenix man, it means "We are women, we are weak, and everyone in society must sympathize with us."

It's true to be a bitch, one of the functions of society is to turn people into ghosts, some things are not forgiven, but can be understood, and being a bitch has to find ways to build a memorial archway for yourself, that's disgusting.

The man who doesn't know his wife's beauty, isn't he still being spat on the Internet as a typical phoenix man, but in reality, if he walks across, will that man look at the woman who spat him on the Internet? There are many beauties in this world. Rural girls are no worse than city girls after tidying up and training, and they are more obedient. Rich people let them dislike and love those who make a lot of demands on men to prove the other side. Love my city girl? Or most of the advertisements in the blind date corner say that local girls can’t get married, because they never look at themselves rationally and always ask others to respect her, but they never know how to respect others. Just like Wu Ying, this kind of woman is still single. Well done.

Coming out of the community, Lin Yue walked into a convenience store on the side of the road.

"Boss, come to Bao Yuxi."

The bald boss who was watching the computer and playing Doudizhu reached into the cabinet where the cigarette box was placed, took out a pack of Yuxi and threw it on the counter: "Twenty."

Lin Yue took out 20 yuan from his wallet and handed it over, took the cigarette case out of the store, tore off the seal and took out one to put in his mouth, looked up at the sky, suddenly his expression changed, and he turned back to the store .

The bald-haired boss saw him go back and forth, and couldn't help but be taken aback: "Why are you back again?"

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