Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1272 Incarnation of the Devil

Lin Yue pointed to the computer inside the counter: "Can I go online?"

The bald boss said, "Yes."

"Help me log in to, okay?"

"I'm fighting the landlord here."

Lin Yue didn't say much, took out 20 yuan from his wallet and threw it on the counter: "One more bag."

Before the bald-haired boss changed his mind, he said with a smile on his face, "Isn't it Phoenix?"

After finishing speaking, he typed the three words "Fengwang" in the address bar very skillfully, and hit enter.

"Phoenix Satellite TV, a live channel."

Under Lin Yue's command, the bald boss found the channel he was talking about, and turned the mouse wheel to pull down the page.

"Stop, that, show me the news about the girl who jumped off the building near the International Trade Center."

"Hey, today's little girl, if you don't like it, you will seek death and life." The bald boss complained, and tapped the video play button according to Lin Yue's instructions.

At the beginning, the busy reporter faced the camera and broadcast: "Hi everyone, I am near the China World Trade Center. On the building behind me, there is a woman who is about to jump from the top. There are many people gathered at the scene, ambulances and police cars. The scene has been surrounded, let us hurry to see the situation at the scene."

As the camera moves up, Lin Xia appears in the middle of the screen—the woman in the play who loves Cheng Feng so much that she has no bottom line.

Lin Yue didn't continue to look down, just confirm what happened today.

"Okay, boss."

He was just about to take the cigarettes and leave, but he didn't want the bald boss to stop him: "Young man, this girl is not with you..."

"Do you think I'm someone who can snatch good buddies and girlfriends?"

The bald boss was confused by what he said. Seeing Lin Yue walking away, he muttered in a low voice: "Then who knows."

Lin Yue didn't have the time to talk to that mean guy, because he was thinking about a question, could the system link Liao Rongqin's forced marriage by jumping off a building in "Chinese Partner" with the scene of Lin Xia jumping off a building to court in "Beijing Love Story", so Open up the task of this world to yourself, right?

When it came to the task, he suddenly realized that the content of the task had not been confirmed, so he quickly called up the system menu to browse carefully.

Main task: Incarnation of the devil.

Side task: let go of those beautiful women (for every person you let go, you will be rewarded RMB 50,000.)

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time frame: 2009-2010.

Let me talk about the main task of becoming a devil first, which seems to have the same effect as being a villain in "Love Man Courtyard". Love Man Courtyard is actually a bird man courtyard house, so what about the Beijing love story? It seems that there are not many good people.

This side mission is too much. "Beijing Love Story" has a poor three-dimensional view, but the looks of the female supporting roles are still very online. For a senior Neptune who has won the title of "Breeding Model", he should be honest. Don't harm gold diggers, green tea whores, etc., isn't it a bit difficult?

However, this is an easy task. Even if you don’t interact with or participate in the characters in the TV series, just find a place to eat, drink and have fun for a year, and you can get several 50,000 yuan.

He figured it out, the system was broken, and this was another taunting task. When his bank card balance was less than 200,000 and needed to be recharged, did he want money or a woman?

After a little bit of entanglement, Lin Yue stopped thinking about this issue. What he has to do now is to cut into the plot as soon as possible, which is the small circle of those people. After all, the main task is to become a devil. Instead of doing evil things to people outside the plot.

Now that the corresponding relationship between the time and the plot is determined, Lin Xia jumped off a building near the International Trade Center not long ago. If the time is calculated, Wu Di should be lying in the hospital because of a mistake, but... which hospital is it?

He thought about it seriously, and felt that this entry point was not good, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number 110, asking which police station she was being detained in as Lin Xia's friend, and after getting accurate information, he went to rent a car. A scooter rushed to the Jianguomenwai police station.

When they arrived at the destination, Fei Si, the drummer of Zeng, Shi Xiaomeng, Wu Di, and Cheng Feng's trio band, was already waiting outside the door.

On TV, this guy likes Lin Xia in the front, but finds an American girl in the back.

Originally, this kind of poor, short, and obsessed with a certain woman was quite down-to-earth and attractive, but at the end of the plot, he completely became a villain, at least in Lin Yue's view.

Fei Si used to work as a servant in Cheng Feng's company, and he himself felt humiliated, inferior, and unwelcome, like a dog raised by a rich second generation, but when Shi Xiaomeng, who was from the same background as him, kicked Cheng Feng's father to death, he became The vice president of the Dade Group, what face does he have?

The same experience should have given him the mentality to understand Shi Xiaomeng's actions, but he turned his face and went to be Cheng Feng's licking dog again.

There is also a plot in the TV series, the American girl eats with them, and the grandson, as a boyfriend, slanders the United States in front of the whole table with a look of disdain. Your buddies brag casually during dinner, you say that the President of the United States is your servant, you say that Washington calls you father, you say that I want nuclear balance, and they don’t care. You can love your motherland, but what is it to trample on someone else's motherland in front of your girlfriend?

In this kind of cross-border marriage, the basis for being able to get along for a long time is understanding, tolerance, and respect for differences. They don’t even respect other people’s cultures, motherlands, and origins, and they keep saying that they love others? EXECUSE ME?

So seeing Fei Si walking back and forth at the police station, Lin Yue had no interest in getting to know him at all.

In just half a cigarette, Wu Di's half-brother came out, said a few words to Fat Si, and drove away in a BMW.

After a while, Lin Xia came out from the inside, Fei Si went up to meet him, the two chatted for a while, and got into a taxi by the side of the road.

Lin Yue started the car, tapped the accelerator to keep up.

About half an hour later, the two got off the car outside a high-end residential area.

Judging from the plot in the TV series, this should be the home of Wu Di's ex-girlfriend Yang Zixi and rich second-generation Andy.

Lin Xia and Fei Si got out of the car, but he didn't get out of the car. He drove into the community and stopped not far from the gate.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, a BMW car turned out from the intersection on the left, and was forced to stop by Lin Xia and Fat Si as soon as it drove out of the gate of the community.

In fact, as early as when the car drove over, Lin Yue noticed Yang Zixi on the co-pilot, but he didn't follow up immediately. Instead, he saw the BMW parked in the middle of the road, so he started the engine and drove forward, pretending to be The deputy got out of the car as if he was blocked, walked over and knocked on the glass of the cab.

"Brother, why don't you go?"

Andy glanced at him, rolled down the car window, curled his lips forward with displeasure: "How do you get here?"

Lin Yue said: "Okay, for the sake of the two of us living in the same community, I will help you settle this matter, but you have to thank me afterwards."

"Okay, no problem."

Who is Andy, the rich second generation is not short of money, thank you or something, in his opinion, it is just a matter of having a meal and drinking a glass of wine, it is better than being entangled by Lin Xia.

Lin Yue's arrival did not attract the attention of Lin Xia and Yang Zixi, and they were still arguing over whether the latter should break up with Wu Di for money.

"Yang Zixi, how could you do this, Wu Di jumped off a building because of you, and almost died, do you understand? He loves you so much, and you treat him like this?"

"Oh, he didn't die, and I think I did the right thing. If I appeared in front of him at this time, wouldn't it make him think too much? If I dance again, I might really die gone."

"My good sister, why are you so stupid, what's so good about Sub-health (Andy's nickname), does he have Wu Di's love for you?"

"But he has money, does Wu Di have it?"

Lin Xia was at a loss for words.

Lin Yue didn't hear the previous content, but he heard these two sentences.

Speaking of which, this film is really good enough. For Lin Xia, who Cheng Feng jumped off the building, he went to find Yang Zixi who didn't care about Wu Di's jumping, and persuaded her to return to Wu Di. Wu Di, who jumped off the building because of Yang Zixi, is persuading Cheng Feng, who is indifferent to Lin Xia's jumping, to stop harming women.

Of these two rubbish, one slept with someone for so long, but was forgiven in the end; the other stole the girlfriend of a good buddy, caused Shi Xiaomeng's tragedy with one hand, and finally regained control of the company.

What does the director want to express?

As long as I'm good-looking, I can worship money and have promiscuous sex at will. If I have enough fun, can I find a rich and honest man to marry?

As long as I have money, I can do whatever I want, even my brothers and wives, without paying a price?


No wonder the system turned him into a devil.

"Hey, isn't this the lady who jumped off a building near China World Trade Center during the day because of a man?"

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