Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1288 You are good at dealing with men, I have a master killer

Lin Yue said: "I know what you think in your heart. You will chase Shen Bing back when you have money. You believe that she will wait for you. In order to prevent her from being chased by Cheng Feng, you are going to reserve an agreement with Cheng Shengen." , so that Cheng Feng can be brought into the army before things become irreparable."

Shi Xiaomeng stopped, turned around, and looked at Lin Yue in disbelief.

If that person knew what happened to him at Hu's and what Cheng Sheng'en said to him, he was shocked and shocked, and could suppress the urge to ask why because of the sadness of breaking up, then now...he couldn't suppress it.

Why is this guy named Lin Yue like the roundworm in his stomach?

"Why do you know this?"

Lin Yuexin said that he knew a lot. According to the plot of the TV series, Shi Xiaomeng became an executive of the Dade Group. His salary and share dividends were enough for him to buy a bigger house. Why should he hold on to the 38 square meters in front of him, with only 40 years of property rights? The apartment won't let go? The answer is simple. This is the home he promised to Shen Bing. After contacting him and entering Daedeok, the look in his eyes when he came out of the chairman's office after handing over the agreement with Cheng Shengen, he can be sure that he has not given up on Shen Bing honestly. He has the capital to gain a foothold in this city, so he can recover Shen Bing. As for Cheng Shengen's agreement... Hehe, he always thought that he was a talent, but he was just unlucky. Once he found a platform to display his talent, he would have a chance to prove himself. Are you afraid that there will be no good company to accept you when you leave Daedeok in the future?

It's a pity that he underestimated Cheng Feng's shamelessness—while ignoring Lin Xia's dedication, he stalked him from Beijing to Yunnan, even doing such a thing as being the godson of a lunatic. He also overestimated Shen Bing's feelings for him, and finally got a tragic ending.

Of course, this kind of ending is nothing more than the director's Mary Sue complex. Under normal circumstances, if ordinary people have Shi Xiaomeng's status and wealth, would they turn their backs? At most, I feel distressed for three seconds after meeting. There are beautiful women one after another, like crucian carp crossing the river. Since the relationship is dead, why make things difficult for yourself, ninety-nine out of ten people will choose to look forward.

"Do you think that Cheng Sheng'en will really treat you like he said when he met you during the day, and treat you as his own in the future? What is the biggest characteristic of a businessman? Pursue profit, and only you can bring him benefits He will be honest with you only when you are in good faith, and what will he do when you are no longer worth using?"

Lin Yue opened the car door and sat in: "I believe that when you realize everything clearly, that's when you promise to help me bring down the Dade Group and kill Cheng and his son."


The car door closed, followed by the sound of the engine starting, as the lights swept across the building, the Mercedes turned a corner in front of the door, and when it passed by Shi Xiaomeng, the window fell down.

"There will be a wine bureau in a week, please call me if you are interested."

A business card flew out and landed at Shi Xiaomeng's feet, while the Mercedes drove away with a gust of cold wind.

Shi Xiaomeng picked up the business card on the ground, with Lin Yue's name in the middle, mobile phone number at the bottom, and the title of vice president of Huake Co., Ltd. after that.

? ? ? ?

Isn't he a columnist for Netease Emotional Channel?


Shi Xiaomeng signed the agreement Cheng Shengen gave him, but he didn't leave the job immediately, and stayed in Hu's advertising as the sales manager, in charge of Dade's advertising case, because he couldn't swallow this breath, if Hu Rongqiang Without forcing him, things would not have come to this point.

It all started with the kindness of this "brother" to him.

So Hu Rongqiang must pay the price for what he did before.

a week later.

Lin Yue confronted Director Zhao of the bank in the KTV, and Junlei Company took advantage of the situation and immediately gained the upper hand.

Although Wu Mei was deeply jealous of the man who sent her home that day, the matter had already reached the stage of inviting the president to dinner, and the signing of the bill could be said to be a sure thing.

"What's the matter with you? You looked preoccupied along the way?"

Wu Di got out of the car and saw that she had not moved, so he asked a casual question.


Only then did Wu Mei realize that she had arrived at her destination, and hurried out with her bag: "It's nothing, maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

"Then tonight's dinner..."


Hearing what she said, Wu Di could only calm down and walk towards the gate of the hotel.

"Wu Di, do you know a man named Lin Yue?"

At this moment, Wu Mei's question suddenly sounded from behind.

"Lin Yue?" Wu Di stopped and looked back at his ambiguous object: "How do you know this person?"

A trace of panic flashed in Wu Mei's eyes, there was remorse for what she had done just now, and there was embarrassment at not knowing how to answer.

"I heard that Huake has a new vice president named Lin Yue."

"That should not be the person I know. The other party is a columnist of Netease Emotional Channel."

"A columnist for the Emotional Channel?" Wu Mei frowned, but quickly stretched out: "Oh, that shouldn't be a person, let's go."

The two continued to walk forward.

In fact, Wu Mei knew very well that they were one person.

In the TV series, President Ouyang's assistant, Yuan Dong, was bribed by Huake's people. He deliberately put Wu Mei and Wu Di together, and there was another late scene. , and Director Zhao's sponsorship, finally got a big order from the bank.

People from Huake didn't come here. There were only five people present, President Ouyang, Director Zhao, assistants Yuan Dong, Wu Mei and Wu Di.

There is nothing to say, after drinking for three rounds and cooking for five tastes, Wu Mei was already "drinking" so drunk that she couldn't even stand still.

"Wu Di, don't pull me, I haven't had enough, let me drink two more glasses with Brother Ouyang." While raising the cup to President Ouyang: "Come, come, Brother Ouyang, I respect you, you How come I haven't met such a noble person as you?"

"Oh, don't drink, don't drink." President Ouyang stood up: "Xiao Wu, you drank too much and can't drink anymore today. So, let's drink again in two days, okay?"

Wu Mei asked: "Really? When will it be?"

"Just these two days."

"Just these two days?"


"Come pull the hook!"

President Ouyang stretched out his hand to hook her up, and then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Wu Di who was supporting Wu Mei: "Xiao Wu, this is mine..."

At this moment, the door of the private room opened.

A middle-aged woman's face flashed outside.

"Ouyang, what are you holding in your hand?"

Following this question of neither hot nor cold, the middle-aged woman walked into the private room from the outside.

Director Zhao stood up all of a sudden, he knew this woman, she was President Ouyang's wife, Shao Feifei.

Why is she here?

President Ouyang, who was holding the business card between his fingers, changed his face drastically. With a flip of his wrist, he put the business card that was about to be sent back into his pocket, and said calmly, "Feifei, why are you here?"

"My friend asked me to have dinner in the private room next door. It sounded like your voice, so I came over here to take a look." Shao Feifei said while looking at Wu Mei: "What? A business partner?"

The words are normal, but the tone, anyone can hear the taste.

Wu Mei was not drunk at all, and she was just pretending to be overwhelmed with alcohol. She was shocked and embarrassed when she saw a president's wife suddenly appear, so she could only turn her head away, and said stammeringly, "It's... sister-in-law, right? I... I belong to Junlei Company, and the leader sent me to discuss cooperation details with President Ouyang."

Shao Feifei asked back: "Oh, talk about work, why not talk about it during working hours, not at the unit, but at the wine table?"

The cold and hard dialogue also expressed her attitude towards this matter and Wu Mei.

bad dish!

Such an incident happened at a critical moment, and now Wu Mei also knows that if she stays for a second longer, the embarrassment on President Ouyang's face will be more embarrassing. She just wanted to wink at Wu Di and asked him to get drunk with her Leaving for an excuse, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a person walking in from outside.

It's him!

She knew that this test would not be so easy. In the past few days, that man has been haunting her like a nightmare. She is really afraid of something.

Wu Mei met Lin Yue and knew that he was Huake's vice president. She was more or less mentally prepared. Wu Di was different. She never expected to meet the man who beat him to disfigurement at the first meeting.

"It's you?"

There was undisguised hostility in his tone.

It suddenly occurred to me that before the dinner started, Wu Mei asked him if he knew Lin Yue. He looked at the female boss around him, and then at that annoying ghost, his face was ashen.

On the other side, Lin Yue ignored the quarrel between him and Wu Mei at all, sat down as if no one else was there, picked up the wine dispenser and poured himself some Wuliangye, took a sip, and looked at Director Zhao with a smile.

Thanks to Yunzhiyun for the reward of 1500 starting coins, Fuqiangminhe for the reward of 500 starting coins, and Fu News for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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