Lin Yue said: "Mr. Shao, I think you should thank Director Zhao the most for this matter. If he hadn't introduced such a good partner to President Ouyang, how could you be with that young, beautiful and capable returnee?" Do you know Mr. Wu, the elite?"

He grabbed an empty glass, poured some wine into it, handed it to Shao Feifei, and motioned her to toast Director Zhao.

"Oh, that's the case." Shao Feifei took the cup with a smile: "Director Zhao, you have a heart, and I will thank you for our family Ouyang."

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, you..." Director Zhao's hand holding the cup was trembling. He would feel uncomfortable even if he drank this wine, and he would also feel uncomfortable if he didn't drink it.

We all know that Shao Feifei is a jealous person, but she is still the kind of person who is not bad in personal ability and her mother's family is very powerful. Now this guy named Lin Yue has drawn the fire on him, so it is no wonder that he will not be put on shoes in the future.

Sure enough, President Ouyang saw him standing beside him deflated and silent.

This is easy to understand, flirting with a female client and being caught by his wife, dare to speak up? Dare to be tough? He wished that Director Zhao would share the pressure with him.

The assistant, Yuan Dong, lowered his head, with a serious face that looked at his nose, nose and nose, caring, and I didn't know anything.

"President Ouyang, Mr. Wu is drunk, you can't even stand up, I will send her back first, and we will visit you at the bank another day for business matters." After a short period of surprise and anger, Wu Di finally After waking up, I quickly asked President Ouyang to resign.

Wu Mei didn't care whether her pretending to be drunk would be seen through, so she quickly left the room with Wu Di's support.

At this time, Lin Yue also stood up very tactfully: "Mr. Shao, you are very kind to introduce me to President Ouyang. Let's wait for another day. When conditions permit, some friends are still waiting for me in the next room, so don't worry about it." I'm disturbing everyone's pleasure."

"I'm sorry, Xiao Lin." Shao Feifei said, "In this case, you should go back first."

Lin Yue turned and left.

Director Zhao looked at his back and wondered who he was, and he became a victim in the end.

Lin Yue didn't go back to the private room next door, but followed Wu Mei and Wu Di's footsteps to the hotel parking lot. At this time, the door of the private room next door opened, and Shi Xiaomeng came out from inside, looking thoughtful.

"Mr. Wu, stop pretending, I know you're not drunk."

Wu Di led Wu Mei to the outside of the hotel, and was about to walk to the place where his auspicious panda was parked when he suddenly heard Lin Yue's voice behind him.

The two stopped and looked back. Wu Di moved her to the front of the car, turned around and walked to Lin Yue's side and punched her.

If this guy hadn't been playing tricks, he would have gotten President Ouyang's business card a long time ago. At that time, the festival list wasn't Jun Lei's, who else could it be? What now? Can he not be angry if he falls short? The point is, this guy managed to catch up desperately.

Wu Di was quite tall and strong, but unfortunately, he was dazzled by anger and forgot what happened when the two met for the first time.

The fist on this side was still half a foot away from Lin Yue, and the fist on the other side came first after whipping his leg and hitting Wu Di heavily. He flew out and hit the rear of a Honda Accord next to him. On the ground, he covered his stomach with his hands and rolled back and forth, the pain was so painful that beads of sweat dripped down.

"Wu Di, Wu Di..."

Wu Mei was pretending to be drunk, but now that she saw Wu Di being kicked like this by Lin Yue, she didn't have time to think about business matters, so she hurried over to help him up from the ground.

"Are you OK?"

"It''s okay."

Wu Di rubbed his chest with a pained face.

She raised her head and said angrily, "Why do you beat someone?"

"Are you blind? He obviously hit me first." Lin Yue sneered and said, "I didn't succeed in business and beat my competitors. My girlfriend didn't even dare to fart even if I got a cuckold, and even gave it to someone else's flower shop. It's a provocative name. The second-generation wealthy gold digger bought enough wedding rings to propose, but was beaten in the face again. The grass in my hometown's ancestral grave is already three feet high. No wonder I can't even keep my surname. , this kind of bastard thing, I did not kill him to give you three points of face."

The words are not nice, but the truth makes sense.

Seeing that Wu Di was fine, she changed the subject and said, "Tell me, why did you come here?"

Lin Yue said, "I have a few words to tell you."

Wu Di was beaten in pain, but the hatred in his eyes did not diminish at all.

Wu Mei looked at him, then at Lin Yue: "Okay, tell me."


Lin Yue tilted his head to the Mercedes-Benz not far away, and passed by first.

Wu Mei told Wu Di not to be nervous, she walked to the front passenger with her bag, opened the door and got in.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Yue said: "I think you should know that the bank's list is basically yellow."

Of course Wu Mei knew that President Ouyang couldn't continue to contact Jun Lei at the risk of offending Shao Feifei.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I never thought you would ask such a naive question, did you lose too much and lose your sense of proportion?"

Indeed, after asking this sentence, she regretted it, because that unwillingness was very similar to a woman in a weak position showing off her hypocrisy in front of a strong man.

Lin Yue continued: "It is said that you are very good at dealing with men, and I, besides my professional ability... I am also very good at dealing with women."

"..." Wu Mei had a deep understanding of this.

"Come on, tell me, what do you want to do?"

She is not stupid, Lin Yue pried away Fan Changhua first, said some inexplicable things on the way to send her home, and today he messed up the bank's big order and chased her out to ask for an exchange, there must be something wrong.

Lin Yue said: "Take me back to live with you today, the bank statement is yours."

Wu Mei was not surprised that he would say such a thing, because in the past few years, countless men wanted to climb into her bed, doctors, lawyers, leaders, musicians, entrepreneurs... However, she felt that things should not be so simple, When she looked through the glass of the carriage and saw Wu Di walking back and forth outside, she suddenly understood.

"Are you trying to use me to humiliate him?"

Lin Yue said, "You are very smart."

Wu Mei couldn't bear it anymore, she raised her arm to hit him, but she was caught.

"You can get the bank statement after sleeping with me. In the past, you wouldn't even blink your eyes. Could it be that you have to give up your career, money, and the code of conduct you have cultivated over the years for a Wu Di? I think it's like A woman like you should be very clear that only material and beauty can give you a sense of security in this world."

This said to Wu Mei's heart, for a person like her with a strong sense of professionalism, the sense of security does not come from an excellent boyfriend who loves her, but the sense of security is given to herself.

Lin Yue took out another letter and handed it over: "Let's have a look."

Wu Mei opened it and found that it was full of English characters. After reading it briefly from top to bottom, her expression changed immediately.

This letter is a reply letter written by the global president of Junlei Group to Lin Yue. Its content is more like a gambling agreement. If Lin Yue can help Huake surpass Junlei in the domestic market share, the group will give him a very high reward. Courtesy, hired him as President of Asia.

Judging from Fan Changhua and the bank's list, this man hit her with almost no strength to fight back. Mr. Jun Lei and Li are in a bad mood these days. It is said that it is because several interested customers who have contacted in the early stage have changed their minds and are about to give up Jun Lei. , purchase other brands of air conditioners.

Looking at it now, there are nine out of ten that the man in front of him is behind the scenes.

Once he becomes the president of Jun Lei Group Asia, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to run her away?

She has worked in Junlei Group for eight full years before she got to her current position. Once she annoys the man in front of her, not to mention all the years of business operations will be wiped out, her career will inevitably fall to the bottom. Few of the big companies in the industry dared to ask for her secretly.

"Understood? That's right, I'm giving you a multiple-choice question. Do you want your current life, or do you agree with Wu Di's ideas, poor and poor, mediocre, and live your life with daily necessities." Lin Yue shook his wrist. : "You have a minute to make a decision."

Wu Mei suddenly remembered what Wu Di told her a few days ago, about Yang Zixi abandoning him again because of the flower shop, the man in front of her was basically repeating the previous scene.

"Are you a devil?"

She looked at him in horror, only now did she realize that when she stood in front of a powerful man who was so calm and rational that he could fully control his inner desires, all the temptations and exploits became poor performances.

Lin Yue smiled slightly: "Thank you for the compliment."

Wu Mei said: "How did he offend you? You don't hesitate to do such a thing."

Lin Yue ignored her at all, and glanced at his watch: "You still have twenty seconds."

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