Lin Yue stared at his watch: "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

When counting to "five", Wu Mei said, "I accept your terms."

Lin Yue smiled at her and started the Mercedes-Benz engine.

Wu Di was originally standing in front of him waiting for Wu Mei. At this moment, he heard the sound of the engine starting, and then the headlights suddenly turned on, which almost blinded his eyes. He subconsciously leaned back and put his hands in front of his face.

When he felt better, he removed the hand covering his face, just in time to see Lin Yue smiling at him, and Wu Mei was sitting in the co-pilot without even looking at him.

The car went from slow to fast, and disappeared at the corner ahead with a touch of moving red.

"Wu Mei..."

Wu Di yelled from behind, but of course there would be no response. He turned around and punched the window of the Honda Accord in anger. The glass didn't break, but the alarm sounded.

On the other side, Wu Mei was restless in the Mercedes-Benz, unable to sit or sleep.

Lin Yue looked at the road ahead and said, "What? Want to regret it? You can choose to get off at any time."

"" Wu Mei was a little afraid to look at him, because this man gave her a feeling of being completely controlled, and she really wanted to annoy him, a price she couldn't afford.

jingle bell~

At this time, the phone rang.

She glanced at the name on the screen, but didn't answer.

Lin Yue asked, "Why didn't you answer?"

Wu Mei shook her head and pressed the hang up button.

"You said..." At this moment, Lin Yue tilted his head and glanced at her: "Does Wu Di not mind if you choose me and give up on him?"

Wu Mei opened her mouth, wanting to say that he was really shameless, but hesitated again and again, and finally chose to give up, because it would not do any good except make him unhappy. Since she decided to ask for bread, the next thing to do is to serve him as well as possible He got the bank's list in his hand.


An hour and a half later.

Wu Mei's house.

Lin Yue leaned into the ear of the woman who was lying limp on the bed covered in thin sweat, and whispered, "Happy birthday."

This congratulatory speech shocked Wu Mei, and she suddenly realized that today is her birthday.

Lin Yue hugged her and kissed her, got off the bed, put on his nightgown, turned his back to her and said, "Are you satisfied with this birthday present?"


She really wanted to please him, and replied "very satisfied", but thinking about Wu Di who was abandoned by her, it was hard to say it out. She rarely meets a man like Lin Yue, who has a very special... how should I put it, the pleasure of being conquered? She has never met a man like Wu Di who is so infatuated that he can jump off a building for a woman, it is very fresh.

ding dong~

ding dong~

ding dong~

Lin Yue just lit the cigarette here, put it in his mouth and took a puff, when the doorbell rang.

He didn't treat himself as an outsider, he got up from the sofa, walked over and opened the door.

Wu Mei was tortured by him for an hour, her strength was almost exhausted, she struggled for a long time before getting off the bed wrapped in a blanket, and staggered to the place facing the door, she thought that Wu Di couldn't hold back and came to her house to ask for an explanation, But it is not.

Appearing outside the door was Wu Di's older brother Wu Wei, who was also her boyfriend when she was studying in the United States. Later, Wu Wei broke up because Wu Wei had too little money to live on.

She finally knew why Wu Wei called her in the car just now, because in Beijing, if anyone remembers her birthday... No, not only him, but also the man who just slept with him.

"Looking for Wu Mei?"

Lin Yue turned his body sideways, creating a gap through which Wu Wei could see through, so that Wu Wei could see the flushed woman with disheveled hair on the opposite side.

"Wu Mei, who is he? You..."

Wu Wei tried his best to suppress his inner emotions, but even a fool could hear the anger in the words.

Because in Lin Yue's car, because he was so confused, because he was entangled in the multiple-choice question given by the devil, even though he knew that Wu Wei must have something to call her before calling her, he didn't have the mind to deal with it. What happened? The result is that "doing good things" is blocked at home.

"I... Wu Wei..."

Lin Yue was not as embarrassed as she was, and took the birthday cake from Wu Wei very suddenly: "Come to give Wu Mei a birthday cake? Thank you."

He smiled and turned around: "I just brought two bottles of red wine and haven't drunk it yet, come in, let's wish her a happy birthday together."

How vicious it is.

Not to mention whether Wu Wei can swallow this breath, endure the shame and celebrate with this man who just slept with his beloved woman, the sentence "I have brought two bottles of red wine and haven't drunk it yet", the implication is that they even sing a birthday song Before singing, I couldn't wait to go to bed and make out.

So bullying!

Who is Wu Wei? A man who considers himself a wolf, has money and a career, how could he stand such humiliation, turned his head and slammed the door, and left.


The door frame was shaking, one could imagine how angry he was.

Lin Yue still had the same smiling expression. Holding the cake, he went to sit behind the coffee table and lit the candles one by one. He took out a Grand Margaux from somewhere in his hands and opened it with a wine opener. Pour it into a decanter, and wave to Wu Mei after finishing all this.

"Honey, come here, such a good cake, it's shameful to waste it."

It sounded like a touching love story, but to Wu Mei's ears, it was more like the ravings of a devil.

"Say, did you mean it? You devil!"

Let Wu Di experience Yang Zixi's hurt again, let Wu Wei see the woman he loves sleeping with other men, and on her birthday, the brothers of the Wu family become his teasing targets, people can't do such a thing Yes, only those devils who are used to playing with people's hearts can do such vicious things.

"Hey, hey, it's embarrassing and indignant to be seen having sex with a new lover by an old lover? Furious?" Lin Yue chuckled, "It's not that I don't have the right to choose for you, it's just that I happened to meet you today, what can I do?"

Wu Mei frowned and thought for a while, thinking that what he said was indeed reasonable, and it was fine to humiliate Wu Di, but Wu Wei came to celebrate her birthday, even she was surprised, not to mention Lin Lin, who had only met recently. jumped.

Her face paled slightly.

Lin Yue pushed the cake forward: "Come on, let's blow out the candles."

How could Wu Mei have the heart to play the birthday thing, but she dared not refuse, because she was very afraid, afraid of the man in front of her, because she had "read countless men" in the past, so she knew better than anyone else what it would be like to offend him fate.


What is death? Life is worse than death.

Wu Mei walked over, puffed up her cheeks and blew hard, and the candle went out.

Lin Yue applauded vigorously.

Then he poured two glasses of wine into the glass, beckoned to her, asked her to sit beside him, and touched her lightly with the red wine glass: "Cheers."


Wu Mei glanced at him, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After going back and forth several times, the wine in the decanter was quickly finished, Lin Yue leaned into her ear and whispered, "Do you want something more exciting?"

Wu Mei turned her head and looked at him in horror, wondering what this guy was thinking.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

Wu Mei felt that the numbers were very familiar. When the connection was connected and she heard the voice from the speaker, she immediately understood that the person Lin Yue was talking to was Gong Xin—her best friend.

" did you do it?"

"Shhh..." Lin Yue gestured to her to keep quiet, and after making an appointment on the phone, he smiled and said, "What happened? How did you know her?"

He scraped some cream with his fingers and put it in his mouth: "We are very familiar..."

Wu Meiru was struck by lightning, now she can say with certainty that the man in front of her is a devil.

Lin Yue looked at her coldly, but didn't say anything. He didn't have time to talk to Wu Mei to exert control, so he had to settle for the next best thing, causing her to have a very complicated and a little fearful emotion to face. to him.

In fact, once this kind of woman with the attributes of a strong woman conquers her aura and spirit, she will be better controlled than those little girls who think about love all day long.


Shi Xiaomeng did not immediately enter the Dade Group, and was still in charge of Hu's advertising sales, but he drew up a problematic contract and handed it in. Considering his relationship with Cheng Feng, Hu Rongqiang didn't care about the details, and agreed to work in the Dade Group Proposal to advance funds in advance if the advertising funds are not in place.

Hu Rongqiang believed that as a listed company, Daedeok Group would not fail to pay the advertisement money, but the result of the incident was that he was tricked by Shi Xiaomeng. When Hu's advertisement invested a large amount of money but the advertisement money was not received yet, Shi Xiaomeng resigned, and he resigned as an executive of the Dade Group.

At the same time, Wu Mei also received a reply from President Ouyang that the contract will be signed in three days.

Lin Yue kept his promise.

On the other hand, after Shen Bing and Shi Xiaomeng broke up, they moved into Lin Xia's house. On this day, Lin Yue was talking with Shao Huayang when he found his phone was ringing. He took it out and saw that it was Lin Xia calling, and pressed the connect button After listening to it for a while, his face became a little weird.

Thank you for the 3,000 starting coins rewarded by the moldy star, the Haima Feima, the 500 starting coins rewarded by Da Ni Buddhist Temple Wutian, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by the refusal.

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