Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1292 Devil's Law: Equivalent Exchange

Madman likes Shen Bing? A lunatic chasing Shen Bing?

The situation just now was chaotic. She didn't have time to sort out Lin Yue's words. Now that he was gone, she realized the crux of the problem.

Thinking about the scene where she was with Shen Bing, when Cheng Feng didn't come up to him to be courteous, at first she thought she was taking care of Cheng Shengen who had a heart attack in the hospital, and moved Cheng Feng, but now it seems that it is not at all, Cheng Feng Feng approached her to please Shen Bing.

She remembered what Yang Zixi said when she came to her house after being dumped by Andy, Yang Zixi called herself cheap, a bitch.

So isn't he cheap? Seems pretty cheap too.

Also, Shi Xiaomeng is the buddy of the lunatic, he actually likes his girlfriend? Even though she's an ex-girlfriend now.


Lin Yue was not interested in what happened behind Lin Xia's house. He still had one important thing to do, and it was just an appetizer before the main meal that Shen Bing wanted to use his cleverness.

When Lin Xia and others were playing Truth or Dare at home, Hu Rongqiang from Hu Advertising was taking his secretary Nana to entertain Shi Xiaomeng in a high-end hotel, because earlier, he had received a letter from a lawyer from Daedeok Group.

There was a problem with the contract that Shi Xiaomeng drew up before. He thought that Cheng Feng would not harm his buddies, so he signed the contract. Then Shi Xiaomeng resigned and became a senior executive of Dade Group. He demanded that the contract be annulled, and Hu was ordered to pay money.

Who is Hu Rongqiang? A cunning person, can't figure out what happened to him? But what can be done? Facing a listed company like Dade Group, the only strategy is to please Shi Xiaomeng as much as possible, and ask him to look at his past affection and let him off this time.

Of course, Shi Xiaomeng couldn't be soft-hearted. If it wasn't for Hu Rongqiang, would he have come to the point where he was almost driven crazy by reality? When he begged Hu Rongqiang to give him the bonus for the down payment for the sake of old friendship, did the other party soften? No.

So when Hu Rongqiang was about to be fed, he made a special request. He said that he broke up with Shen Bing, and he would inevitably be lonely at night. He saw that the secretary Nana was very nice, and he wanted to chat with her for a few dollars.

Of course, Hu Rongqiang knew what he meant. This was Shi Xiaomeng's retaliation against him. He persuaded Nana to follow Shi Xiaomeng out of the idea of ​​"why don't you have a wife?" When she was about to leave, at this moment, the door of the private room opened suddenly, and a person blocked her way.

Shi Xiaomeng looked up and stood up: "Why are you here?"

Hu Rongqiang and Nana realized that they did not know this uninvited man. The latter was about to leave when Lin Yue grabbed his wrist and dragged him back to the wine table.

"Who are you? Let go. If you don't let go, I'll call the police." Nana said loudly.

"Okay, call the police. The police came and I happened to talk to them about the billboard on the section of the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway out of Beijing."

As soon as these words came out, Nana stopped struggling and her face became a little ugly.

Lin Yue walked to the dining table and sat down, poured himself half a glass of wine, but he didn't drink it, just shook it in his hand.

"Shi Xiaomeng, are you thinking, how could you be as shameless as a lunatic, right? Wanting to chat with 'Nana' is a small way for you to humiliate Hu Rongqiang, whether she agrees or not, you They will not help Hu Rongqiang get the lawyer's letter."

Hit him again!

Shi Xiaomeng's eyelids were twitching, but this time he was much calmer than when he was on the construction site, because after going through that dinner, he was much more afraid of this master's methods than he was shocked.

"Do you know where I come from?" Lin Yue said: "Lin Xia's house, do you know what the people there were doing when I went there?"

He asked himself and answered: "Cheng Feng, Wu Di, Lin Xia, Shen Bing, Yang Zixi, and Wu Mei are playing truth or dare."

Shi Xiaomeng's face changed when he heard the words. He knew Cheng Fengfeng would rush forward after he broke up with Shen Bing, but he still couldn't accept what happened to Lin Xia's family from Lin Yue's mouth, and the flames of hatred danced in his eyes.

"You also saw it at the dinner last time." Lin Yue said: "A man like Wu Di who has neither ambition nor masculinity can be favored by a beautiful rich woman and has a rich brother, and you This kind of person who works so many times harder than them can't even protect his own girlfriend, don't you understand now? In this city, hard work can only make food and clothing, and it has never been successful."

Shi Xiaomeng said: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Lin Yue took out a small dark blue bottle from his arms and poured a drop of liquid into the wine glass: "This thing is called Wangqing Water. After drinking it, you can get rid of your feelings for Shen Bing."

These words sound fantastic, but has this man in front of him who can always see through his mind ever deceived him?

Lin Yue continued: "I can give you this thing, but there is a premise, or this is a deal."

Shi Xiaomeng said, "What deal?"

Before Shi Xiaomeng could speak, Nana became anxious: "You are dreaming."

Lin Yue smiled slightly: "Hu Rongqiang probably didn't know that the billboard of Beixin Expressway contracted by Hu's advertising was sublet by you at a low price to a studio with a personal relationship. In exchange, the other party promised to remit 60,000 yuan to your account every year."

Nana suddenly misfired.

Hu Rongqiang over there showed shock: "Nana, is what he said true?"

"Hu Rongqiang, do you think you are clean?" Lin Yue sneered: "As a legal person of an advertising company, you failed to fulfill the review obligations stipulated in the "Advertising Law" and helped Liu Xuhang, Chang Dashan and others sell fake drugs through the advertising platform , making millions of dollars from it, and the case of Huatian Automobile, the manager of the other party gave you the list, and the kickbacks were not less, let me think about it... 9% of the dry shares of Hu's advertising? It should be this number. "

The private room was quiet, cold sweat dripped off Hu Rongqiang's face, and Shi Xiaomeng once again witnessed the "supernatural powers" of the man across from him.

Lin Yue said to Nana: "If you don't obey, the procuratorate will receive a report letter tomorrow. Based on your crimes, you will have to be sentenced for at least two or three years."

After speaking, he looked at Shi Xiaomeng, swirled the wine in the glass and said, "If you don't go, Shen Bing will become your curse for the rest of your life."

Nana said, "You devil..."

"Thank you." Lin Yue said: "Devils can corrupt people, and they are always greedy people. If you are righteous, why are you afraid of temptation?"




No one said anything.

Silence naturally means agreement.

Lin Yue looked at Shi Xiaomeng, and tilted his wine glass slightly: "Believe me, this shop will disappear after passing this village."

"Is it really what you said it was?"

"Otherwise, I still expect you to do more important things for me. Is it necessary to lie to you about this?"

Shi Xiaomeng looked at Nana, then at the things in his hand: "I'll do it."

"That's right." Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Remember, don't push the dog into a hurry, it will bite people. If I were Hu Rongqiang, since the company is ruined and has nothing, I will definitely seek revenge, but now, even if His woman has been played by you, does he dare to act rashly? The meaning of being a human being is to let you always grasp the opponent's backhand."

Hu Rongqiang looked at the man he didn't know, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He forced Shi Xiaomeng just to get the annual advertising sheet of Dade Group, but the man opposite wanted to make Shi Xiaomeng a complete villain, and Nana was Shi Xiaomeng's nomination certificate.

Lin Yue handed out the wine glass in his hand.

Shi Xiaomeng closed his eyes and recalled Shen Bing's face, took the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"Love and friendship are dead, but it's not enough, there's just one...hope."

Lin Yue said something that several people could not understand, and left.

Shi Xiaomeng looked at Nana, and the woman gave him a flattering smile.

Going to jail and giving a man a night's sleep, this multiple-choice question is not difficult for her.


Because Cheng Feng's liking for Shen Bing was exposed, Lin Xia was hit hard and depressed.

Shen Bing saw it and felt guilty. In addition, if she hadn't wanted to use Lin Yue, the scene would not have gotten out of control. She felt that Beijing could not stay any longer, so she took the train to Yunnan.

As for Cheng Feng, he endured the pain and slept in the BMW all night. He wanted to explain when Shen Bing came down to breathe, but happened to see her leaving with a suitcase, so he followed her all the way to Yunnan.

Wu Di asked for leave under the pretext of being injured, and Wu Mei wanted to make up for it, and visited his injury by the way, but happened to meet Yang Zixi who went upstairs to buy food to please Wu Di. Then he left and devoted all his energy to work - Lin Yue introduced several orders to her, just like he teased earlier in the morning, does she want money and career, or love, the devil's creed wants to get rid of What I get here, I have to exchange for something I am interested in.

On the other side, Shi Xiaomeng finally knew what Lin Yue meant at the banquet.

At the board meeting chaired by Cheng Shengen, his hopes were dashed.

I thought that the old man would give him trust and a bright future as promised at the beginning, but when he gave up on Shen Bing and really entered Dade, he found that Cheng Shengen and the second largest shareholder Hong Demin were guarding him, no matter how much he did. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Cheng Shengen's approval.

Thinking about it, he is the ex-boyfriend of the future daughter-in-law...

That night, Liang Junzheng, the third largest shareholder of Dade Group, invited him to a KTV for a drink, and said he would introduce a friend to him.

Of course Shi Xiaomeng would not refuse, because Mr. Liang was the one who treated him best in the whole group. After drinking for a while, as the door opened, two people walked in from the outside.

He took a look and was taken aback, wondering how did these two get together?

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