"Come here, let me introduce you." Liang Junzheng said: "This is Lin Yue, Consultant Lin, from Haidong Securities. As for her, I think you already know her, the financial director of our group, Miss Lu Manjia."

In fact, without his introduction, Shi Xiaomeng can call out the names of two people.

The point is, isn't Lin Yue the vice president of Huake Co., Ltd.? Why did you become a consultant of Haidong Securities again? Coupled with the columnist of NetEase's emotional channel, how much identity does he have?

As if to cater to his question, Liang Junzheng said again: "Oh, by the way, Lin Yue is Miss Lu Manjia's boyfriend, Xiao Meng, don't use your brains."


Everyone thought that Shi Xiaomeng was helpless at Liang Junzheng's joke, but the fact is that his feelings about Lin Yue's operation... How should I put it, it was very complicated.

He hates Cheng Feng.

Lu Manjia must also hate Cheng Feng.

Lin Yue's purpose in enlisting them was very clear, which was to abolish Cheng Shengen and Cheng Feng.

So what about Liang Junzheng?

Shi Xiaomeng looked over with suspicion. Could it be that the third largest shareholder of Dade Group, who worked hard with Cheng Shengen and created this foundation, also had similar thoughts?

At this moment, Lin Yue smiled at him and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Mr. Shi."

Of course Shi Xiaomeng knew what this title meant, and said with a smile, "What would Mr. Lin like to drink? Beer or whiskey?"

"It's all right." Lin Yue gave him a smile that only two people could understand, and walked to sit next to Liang Junzheng.

Half an hour later, Shi Xiaomeng followed Lin Yue out of the box on the pretext of accompanying Lin Yue to the toilet.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you still have confidence in Cheng and his son?"

Shi Xiaomeng lowered his voice and said, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Yue said: "Don't worry about what I do, you just need to do what you want to do."

Shi Xiaomeng said: "Then what do you want me to do?"

"What do you think of the career of a double agent?"


"Isn't it challenging?"

"I do not understand."

Lin Yue took out a mobile phone from his pocket and threw it to him: "You will understand."

Shi Xiaomeng subconsciously caught it, turned it over and glanced, there was only one person's name in the phone book.

At this moment, Lin Yue, who was about to open the door and enter the room, suddenly asked him a question.

"How is Nana's kung fu? Is it much better than Shen Bing?"

Shi Xiao smiled fiercely and said, "Of course."


The line in Yunnan is basically the same as in the TV series. Cheng Feng chased Shen Bing back to her hometown. With one stab, she was regarded by the lunatic woman as something she could entrust, forcing Shen Bing to marry him.

At this time, Lin Xia also figured it out, and made a phone call to Yunnan, saying that she didn't blame Shen Bing, because she figured out something in the past few days, maybe she didn't love lunatics as much as she imagined.

In order to improve her situation, Shen Bing left a letter for her mother and returned to Beijing. As for Cheng Feng, seeing that the person he liked had left, he didn't care about his godmother's business. He left the ancient town immediately and took the train back. Beijing.

When he returned to Beijing, he found that Shen Bing had met a Da Xing named Qin Huang, and the two had a good relationship. They had dinner together, and even reached the point of discussing being a stepmother to a very individual child in the kindergarten.

Cheng Feng became jealous because he angered Emperor Qin because of his aggressive behavior, and he became more honest after being beaten up.

At the same time, Wu Di also went back to work, and suddenly found that Wu Mei was no longer there. A new vice president was airborne at the headquarters. I only found out after asking Miao Miao. He got promoted and was transferred to Hong Kong as vice president of Asia.

Is this the reward for sleeping with Lin Yue? Wu Di was angry and puzzled at the same time. He couldn't understand why that man had so many resources in his hands, and more importantly, why he kept getting along with him.

After work, Wu Wei drove to Wu Di's house. The two brothers drank a lot of wine. When they talked about Wu Mei, Wu Di knew that Wu Wei was sad because Wu Mei left Beijing suddenly, so he came to drink at his house. He also knew Remembering the night he was abandoned by Wu Mei, Wu Wei broke the scene of Lin Yue and Wu Mei going to bed.

In other words, that guy greened both brothers overnight.

Wu Di didn't dare to say that he and Wu Mei had been having an affair for a while, for fear of annoying his brother.

He felt that he was not bad, at least Yang Zixi went around and returned to him. Wu Wei was really miserable. He specially chose to give surprises to Wu Mei on her birthday, but he was frightened. This kind of experience is said to be life Neither shade is overdone.


a week later.

Daedeok Group Board of Directors.

Acting chairman Hong Demin took the proposal from Shi Xiaomeng about further simplifying the administrative approval process and improving the work efficiency of various departments, flipped through it casually, and put it in front of him.

"Manager Shi, your proposal is very good, but this matter involves a wide range. Chairman Cheng Shengen is still recuperating in the hospital. I think it's better to let the matter go and wait for his condition to improve. Discuss this matter and come up with a plan that will have the least impact on the various departments of the company."

Shi Xiaomeng drooped his eyelids, fingering the notebook in front of him.

Like the previous few times, all his proposals were suppressed by the two old dogs, Hong Demin and Cheng Shengen. Not to mention showing his ambitions and proving himself, he even became a laughing stock in the company for this. Almost everyone knew that he was not Cheng Sheng'en and Hong Demin welcomed him.

In vain, he thought that by letting Shen Bing out, he would get the conditions promised by Cheng Shengen, but he didn't know that there was a dark pit behind him.

A son wants to snatch his buddy's girlfriend, and he's a schemer for my father.

Either Lin Yue said that their father and son should die.

Damn it!


At this moment, Cheng Feng slapped the table and stood up: "Uncle Hong, I read Xiaomeng's plan. It's very well written and in line with the company's interests. This kind of thing shouldn't be so troublesome, right?"

"Cheng Feng, you are still young. You don't know enough about the management of this company. I did this for the good of the company and your father." Hong Demin asked Cheng Feng if he had a heart attack with Cheng Shengen. He had the same attitude when his father was angry and sick.

"For the sake of the company? For the sake of my dad?" Cheng Feng sneered, and threw the folder behind him in front of Hong Demin: "Is this how you do it for the sake of the company and my dad?"


Folders hit the desktop loudly.

The audience was in an uproar, because no one expected Cheng Fengfeng to face the acting chairman with such an attitude.

Curiously, Hong Demin opened the folder, and when he saw the words "Yongxin International" on the homepage, his face became very ugly.

Cheng Feng said bitterly: "You and Uncle Liang have been my father's right-hand man since he started his business, and I have always respected you both. In the past, if you said it was good for the company, I would agree with it 100 times. Now, you give me Explain the relationship between the husband of the legal representative of Yongxin International and your wife."

Hong Demin's face was livid, and he didn't say a word: "..."

"Can't say it? You still have no face to say it." Cheng Feng said: "Okay, you don't say it, I will say it. The food production line that could have been used for ten years has only been used for more than four years. Looking for a supplier, but through this "Yongxin International"? The answer is simple, because its boss is your brother-in-law's wife, am I right? Acting Chairman?"

As early as when Cheng Shengen was hospitalized and he acted as the chairman of the board of directors, Hong Demin saw that he was not pleasing to the eye and that was not pleasing to the eye. Now his good buddy Shi Xiaomeng came to Dade Group and put forward so many good opinions, all of which were accepted by this Hong Demin. It was off, and Shen Bing was very close to that Qin Huang these days, which made him very unhappy, so he took all his anger on Hong Demin.

Seeing that Hong Demin was misfired, the members of the board of directors all looked at each other in blank dismay, and then talked a lot, accusing Hong Demin of cheating and harming the interests of the company's shareholders.

In this situation, even a fool can see that Hong Demin is finished.

And Hong Demin is the acting chairman appointed by Cheng Shengen...

With a sneer on the corner of Shi Xiaomeng's mouth, he tapped on the cover of the notebook.

Speaking of which... Liang Junzheng was in charge of this matter, but Lin Yue tailored the script for him. Originally, Liang Jun wanted him to show Cheng Feng the evidence. At the critical moment, Lin Yue stopped and asked him to take the evidence. Show Cheng Feng an optimization plan, and then tell the prince how he was suppressed by Hong Demin these days, express his resentment on the basis of brotherhood, and then bet with Cheng Feng that this will be beneficial to the company's development Hong Demin's proposal will definitely be pressed by Hong Demin, or he will modify it slightly and take it out as his own, so as to take the credit for himself.

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