Cheng Feng accepted the bet.

After Shi Xiaomeng left, Lu Manjia took the information of Yongxin International again. After all, she is the company's chief financial officer, and it's normal for her to be more sensitive to money matters than ordinary people.

In her words, after Cheng Shengen was hospitalized, didn't you, Cheng Feng, keep saying that you would do something serious to change the other people's opinion of you in the company? Now that your father's confidant has done such a nasty thing, you can figure it out.

She also handed out a resignation letter, saying that as long as Hong Demin, a moth like Hong Demin, still stays in the position of chairman of the board of directors after today, then she will ask him to resign and mail the materials to all shareholders by the way.

Shi Xiaomeng was soft, Lu Manjia used aggressive tactics, and Cheng Feng himself was very dissatisfied with Hong Demin's domineering and ruthless behavior, so it's no wonder he didn't make trouble on the board of directors.

The crown prince stabbed my confidant's ass, this really wonderful.


Shi Xiaomeng and Liang Junzheng sat and watched Hong Demin's reputation ruined with the mentality of watching a play. Lin Yue had no interest in this, and he was accompanying Lin Xia.

"Sorry, what happened last time was my fault."

Lin Xia begged, "Just forgive me this time, okay?"

Lin Yue said, "You begged for nothing to get into my car just to say that?"

"That's one of the reasons." Lin Xia chuckled: "So, you don't blame me?"

"I have no actual losses. Since you have admitted your mistakes, why do you still blame you?" Lin Yue stepped on the brakes at the intersection: "Where are you going?"

"Right, right."

Lin Xia breathed a sigh of relief, she thought that asking for his forgiveness would be as difficult as Tang Sanzang worshiping Buddha in the West, after all, it would not be easy for anyone to put this matter on.

Oh, you keep saying that I am your good friend, but in the end, you turn a blind eye to the person you love who harms good women every day and hurts other people's feelings. If I buy sex with money here, I will be called a bastard? Can you tolerate the person you love attacking your buddy's girlfriend? If I dig the enemy's wall here, I have to stand there honestly and be beaten by the enemy?

What the fuck is this?

Calm down and think about it, to use Lin Yue's words to describe Cheng Feng, that is "three views burst".

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside a residential area.

"You wait in the car, I'll come as soon as I go." Lin Xia opened the car door as he spoke, and plunged into a cheap supermarket with less than 50 square meters at the entrance of the community.

Five minutes later, she came out with a gift box of pure milk, a box of tin-packed biscuits, bananas, apples, etc. After she was done, she threw it into the rear compartment and sat back in the co-pilot: "Okay, drive in." Bar."

Lin Yue didn't listen to her, turned his head to look at her face, his eyes seemed to say "I need a reasonable explanation".

"Alright alright."

Lin Xia raised her head and smiled: "Just now I said I met you to apologize, but there is actually a second reason... Can you do me a favor?"

Lin Yue knowingly asked, "Help? What can I help you with?"

"You don't know, these days my parents are forcing me to go on blind dates, what about Aunt Gong's nephew who works in a bank, the youngest son of the neighborhood committee Uncle Wang who runs a chain store, an elementary school alumni who just returned from studying in Australia... God Hey, they even signed up for me at a blind date meeting, and I went there stupidly, what kind of buck-toothed man, sissy, pseudo-literary youth, big gold chain... Really, now that I think about it, I feel bad, you How did I persevere at that time?"

Lin Yue didn't say a word. He felt that TV dramas are always inseparable from the scene where the heroine meets a strange guy. However, the reality is that there are more women than men participating in the blind date, and the interesting thing is that the more beautiful, the more beautiful they are. If you know how to dress up, there are not many people to strike up a conversation with. On the contrary, women with looks between five and seven are the most sought after.

The market for local girls has long been crowded out by girls from other places, and they are reduced to the point of participating in blind dates. Who will find a match for their courage, and a partner with an interesting soul and good looks?

In order for girls from other places to gain a foothold in the city, fierce competition requires them to be able to dress themselves up, be obedient, well-behaved, gentle, and get along with their in-laws. Will local girls change themselves like this? Can't find the right family, marrying a phoenix man and despising others...

"Aren't you curious about my experience?"

Lin Xia was surprised to see him keep silent, but also a little anxious, because she wanted to follow Lin Yue's words and express her request without embarrassment.

It's a pity that Lin Yue shook his head and said, "I'm not curious."

"..." Lin Xia was deflated, so she could only pouted and said, "I can't find anyone, so I can only ask you to help me deal with my parents. They are urging me to go on a blind date every day, and I'm so annoyed."

Lin Yue pretended to be surprised: "Huh? Let me pretend to be your boyfriend?"

"Aren't we friends?" Lin Xia leaned over and said flatteringly, "You see I apologized so sincerely, and you forgive me too, so just help me this time, okay?"

Lin Yue shook his head.

Lin Xia was puzzled: "It's just such a small favor, why didn't you agree?"

Lin Yue said: "The three biggest fools in the world are real estate speculators who become landlords, stock speculators who become shareholders, and girls who become husbands."

"" Lin Xia grabbed the flesh on his arm: "Do you agree? Do you agree?"

"It hurts..." Lin Yue gasped, "Let go first, and I will agree if you let go."

"That's about the same." Lin Xia raised her eyebrows like a victor, got out of the car and opened the rear compartment door, just about to pick up the things she bought at the cheap supermarket at the door, Lin Yue stopped her.

"You asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend, and just take this to meet your parents?"

Lin Xia said: "Then what?"

Lin Yue glared at her, walked to the rear of the car and pressed it lightly, and the trunk opened.

Lin Xia followed to see that there were three Moutai gift bags, two Wuliangye gift bags, and a pot of orchids that couldn't be named.

Lin Yue picked up the Wuliangye gift bag and handed it to her, then took out the orchid, turned his face and saw the girl was puzzled.

"I will give Moutai for the first time I come to the door, what will I give you later?"


She shook her head: "I mean, how do you know that my dad likes orchids, and he has a pot in the car?"

He robbed this flower from Shao Huayang, and he usually put it in his portable space for emergencies, but he didn't expect to use it. As for the wine... a rich man doesn't have a few bottles of good wine in his trunk.

Lin Yue said: "Didn't you say it before? It was the last time I was drinking."

"Drink last time? Did I tell you?"

She racked her brains and thought for a long time, but she still couldn't remember: "Hey, no... The problem is that my dad likes orchids, but why are you in the trunk..."

"Are you going?" Lin Yue directly interrupted her question: "If you don't go, I will go."

Lin Xia stomped her feet, and could only catch up quickly with doubts.

In the TV series, what did Shao Huayang bring to Lin Xia's house as a guest? The Jiuzi Dahua Cymbidium worth 200,000 yuan, it is true that this thing is given to those who know flowers, but what about the wine? Louis XIII, Beijing is not the side of Guangdong and Fujian, ordinary people who know this? Martell, Remy Martin, and Hennessy who are in their fifties and sixties may not be able to recognize them. Send Louis XIII?

Or the screenwriter's mind was caught by the door, who didn't use the hard currency that the future father-in-law knew to give away cigarettes and alcohol when they came to the door for the first time, and gave Louis XIII to Lin Xia's family? Under normal circumstances, it is the result of pretending to be a fool.

When I went upstairs to meet her parents, they were eating, chatting, and checking household registration. It was obvious that they were quite satisfied. After all, Lin Yue was much younger than Shao Huayang, and the only shortcoming was that she had been divorced. But according to Lin's mother, A divorced man will hurt others when he knows the cold and the hot.

Lin Xiaxin said that he would not hurt others, he would only treat people equally.


a week later.

Lin Xia promised to help her celebrate Shen Bing's birthday, but when she arrived at the small courtyard she rented, she found Cheng Feng and Shen Bing at the door flirting with each other, looking like they were about to achieve a positive result.

Although Lin Xia was already mentally prepared and was not as obsessed with the prince of the Dade Group as before, but seeing this scene was still a bit unacceptable, so she called Lin Yue and asked him out for a drink.

"Is this your first time here?"

She took a sip of beer, put down the glass, looked at the stickers on the message wall and said: "When I was in college, the six of us, me, Madman, Wu Di, Xiao Meng, Yang Zixi, and Fat Si, often came here to eat, you see Each of us has these notes, think about that's great, but now..."

Lin Yue said in a low voice: "It's pretty good now, evil will be rewarded with evil... It's not far away, but... Isn't it a bit ironic to say this from a person who you regard as a devil?"

"What did you say?" Lin Xia drank a little too much and couldn't hear his muttering clearly.

Lin Yue said: "I said... do you really want to get over this hurdle now and completely kick Cheng Feng out of your life?"

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