Naturally, Lin Yue didn't care how angry Cheng Feng was, and whether he could still give Shen Bing a happy birthday.

But he understands Cheng Feng's mood very well. If it were another person, Cheng Feng would definitely breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, someone finally wanted Lin Xia, or he was finally willing to let go. The key is... the one who took away Lin Xia's blood It's unbearable for him to be the person.

The next day, he helped Lin Xia and the leaders of the magazine ask for a day off, settled down and went to Wu Di's house.


He knocked on the door.

After a few breaths, the door opened with a bang, and it was not Wu Di who appeared opposite, but Yang Zixi.

She thought it was Wu Di who came back, but when she saw the face of the man opposite, she was stunned.

"What? Why don't you invite me in?"

It's good that Lin Yue didn't speak, but when he spoke, he reminded her, and hurried to close the door.

He directly pressed his hand on the door, and the door couldn't be closed, no matter how hard Yang Zixi tried, it was useless.

"I'm here to help you celebrate."

He shook the red wine bottle in the other hand: "Lafite in 2005, it's such a pleasure to get back together with Wu Di, why don't you have a drink?"

In the TV series, Yang Zixi lost her source of income after breaking up with Andy. In order to help her maintain her life, Wu Di introduced her to work at Junlei Company. Wu Mei was doing it as a favor, and also to recruit a beautiful woman to deal with President Martin from Hong Kong.

Now that Wu Mei has been transferred away, a male vice president has come in. For some reason, he doesn't like Wu Di no matter what, so this right-hand man of President Wu is thrown into limbo at once. It is difficult to introduce Yang Zixi to work in Jun Lei.

When she was with Andy before, she offended all the people in the magazine, what should I do now? Now that the two have reunited, let's live together.

Together here does not mean sleeping in the same room, Yang Zixi lives in the bedroom, and Wu Di sleeps on the sofa in the living room.

If you want to ask why this is the case, in Wu Di's words, he has not completely let go of Wu Mei's matter, sleeping together before that is irresponsible to Yang Zixi.

That's what she said, but she knew very well that although she seized Wu Mei's opportunity to hurt Wu Di and tried her best to save her, when Wu Di bought a wedding ring and was going to propose to her, she turned to Andy's arms, and Wu Di put her in the arms of Andy after that. The ring was lost, and this matter eventually became a thorn between the two of them. Either it was impossible to pull it out, or it was a bit difficult. It was either time to heal the injury or find the ring.

"Lin Yue, let go."

Yang Zixi almost exerted all her strength, but found that the anti-theft door was not moving at all.

"If you do this again, I will call... the police."

She wanted to say that I called someone, but thinking about what this guy said at Lin Xia's house before, she was afraid that the neighbors would know about the two of them going to bed, and then it would reach Wu Di's ears, so she temporarily said "call People" was changed to "call the police."

"Call the police?" Lin Yue smiled: "Yang Zixi, why do you think I came to you this time? You can call the police, just let the police judge and see how many years you will be sentenced for what you did with Andy .”

After hearing this sentence, Yang Zixi's expression changed.

As for him, he took the opportunity to push the door back and walked into the living room, ignoring her flustered, fearful, and angry eyes, came to sit down in front of the coffee table, took out a palm-sized Sony recorder, and pressed the play button.

"Well, I admit that in order to help my father's company through the difficulties, I put an aphrodisiac in your drink."

"Then what?"

"Then put you in the bedroom to have sex with Yang Zixi."

"And then what?"

"Then the next morning, he entered the house to catch the rape, forcing you to call Shao Huayang from Haidong Securities and ask him to help stabilize the company's stock price and prevent Yajia from going bankrupt."

"So, you and Yang Zixi set me up with the trick of 'immortal dance'?"


"Sub-health, you are committing a crime."

"I know...but at that time the arrow was on the string, and I had to do it."


Lin Yue pressed the stop button, and the magnetic head stopped rotating.

He raised his head and found that Yang Zixi's face was so pale that no one could see it, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Why is there no sound? Call the police, report."

Yang Zixi trembled in fright, all the anger had disappeared until now, only panic and fear remained.

It never occurred to her that Andy persuaded her to perform the "immortal jump" on Lin Yue before, and she would call the police? This matter is really going to the police. With the amount involved in Haidong Securities helping Yajia to stabilize the stock price, she and Andy will inevitably be charged with extortion. Even if they are accomplices, they will be sentenced to at least five years in prison. I'm 27, what will happen after I come out?

Not to mention whether Wu Di could accept that she slept with Lin Yue and used it to blackmail her. She would not be able to bear the consequences of going to jail.

Call the police?

She just begged Lin Yue not to call the police.

"You... what do you want?"

Wu Di kept saying that she was stupid, but today she was very smart, knowing that Lin Yue didn't call the police immediately, but came to block her, she must have some ulterior motive.

Lin Yue said: "Because he is hypocritical."

Yang Zixi didn't understand, Wu Di was the most sincere among the group of Cheng Feng, Shi Xiaomeng, and Fei Si, but he actually called Wu Di a hypocrite?

Lin Yue didn't want to explain to her how Wu Di helped Cheng Feng chase Shen Bing, and how he kept saying that everyone was a good brother, but his buttocks were honestly tilted to the side of the rich second generation, and even threatened him with emotion to raise him for more than ten years Wu Wei's.

"I just ask you whether you agree or not. It will only be three months. Only you and I will know about our relationship. After three months, you will take your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge. In the future, the well water will not interfere with the river water. Just go to prison and pay an irreparable price for my original choice."

Yang Zixi remained silent, struggling.

"Is it difficult to make a decision? You have done all the things that you sold your body and heart for the flower shop, but now for freedom, what is it if you just sell your body?" At this time Lin Yue took out a ring from his pocket Put it on the table: "Do you know this ring? That's right, it is the wedding ring that Wu Di threw into the pool where Andy lives. As long as you agree, it is also yours. If you want to go back with Wu Di It must have been needed in the past."

Yang Zixi's complexion changed and changed, the light in her eyes scattered and gathered again.


Lin Yue glanced at his watch: "Wu Di still has 35 minutes to get off work. I'll give you five minutes to think about it. Once the five minutes pass, I will leave immediately. The police will come to talk to you in these two days."

After saying this, there was no sound in the living room.

five minutes later.

Lin Yue shook the dial: "It's time, tell me your answer now."

Yang Zixi raised her head to look at him, then lowered her head and nodded gently.

"Wise choice."

He pushed the ring forward, walked up to her, and met a pair of shocked eyes, wrapped her around the waist, carried it on his shoulder, and walked towards the bedroom.

"You... what are you doing?"

"Abandoned her boyfriend for money, was kicked away by the rich second generation, and came back to get back with her ex-boyfriend. Although whether he is cheap or not is his own business, but let's show it and tell some women to take advantage of it. If you are young and beautiful, you can play whatever you want, as long as you find an honest man to take over at the right time, and you will have a happy life, then fuck it."

Yang Zixi found that she couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

"Don't you understand? It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you cooperate obediently on the bed for a while."

An hour later, Wu Di came back. He found that Yang Zixi's walking posture was not right, and asked her if she was not feeling well.

Her answer was that her aunt might be coming soon, and there was a sign of dysmenorrhea, so Wu Di boiled ginger syrup for her, rubbed her belly before going to work, and told her to take a good rest and not touch cold water.

On the other hand, Cheng Feng never expected that after Lin Yue sent him the MMS message about going to bed with Lin Xia, before he came to settle accounts, he would come to the kindergarten gate to block Shen Bing in a grand manner.

Can you bear such a provocation? Of course not!

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