"I haven't looked for you yet, but I delivered it to you by myself." Cheng Feng went up and punched him.

Lin Yue didn't know whether it was better to say that this guy was brainless, or that he had the so-called "manly man, sometimes he has to fight hard when he can't beat him".

He grabbed Cheng Feng's wrist and twisted it to the side, only to hear a cold snort, and a painful expression spread across the rich second generation's face.

Just as the kindergarten was leaving school, many parents stepped aside when they saw this scene, so as not to be affected by the conflict between the two.

Tong Tong's father, Qin Huang, was also there, watching Cheng Feng with a blank face. As a star player, although in the eyes of professionals, his skills were no more than "fancy fists and legs", but his eyesight was still good. It was clear that Cheng Feng encountered tough situations. It's a stubble, even if he is added as a star, he is definitely not that person's opponent.

But that's fine too.

Shen Bing declined him two days ago, Qin Huang was naturally happy to see Cheng Feng deflated.

"Lin Yue, let go!"

At this moment, only a soft shout came from the door, and Shen Bing walked out holding Tong Tong's hand.

Qin Huang hurried over and took Tongtong into his arms.

Shen Bing didn't talk to him, and went directly to Lin Yue who let go of Cheng Feng: "I said last time, if you come to the kindergarten to make trouble again, I will call the police."

"First, I'm at the door, I didn't enter the kindergarten. Second, it was Cheng Feng who made the first move. I call it self-defense." Lin Yue looked at her coldly.

Shen Bing walked up to Cheng Feng who kept kneading his wrist because of the pain, and rubbed it for him with his hands: "How is it? Does it hurt?"

Cheng Feng shook his head, did not speak, but stared at Lin Yue with hatred.

Shen Bing said: "Lin Yue, from now on I don't want to see you again."

"Do you know what I want from you? Just say something like this." Lin Yue sneered: "I bet you that one day you will beg to see me."

Shen Bing didn't speak, Cheng Feng rushed to say: "You fart!"

Lin Yue ignored him, took out the small tape recorder and pressed the play button.

"Fat Si, as for me, if I had listened to you before, it would be nice not to go to the Dade Group."

"Xiaomeng, how many times have I told you that people like us go to run errands for Cheng Feng and serve as attendants, so it's better to find something you like to do."

"Fat Si, I'm different from you. I'm a foreigner. It's not easy to stay in Beijing. I'm not afraid of your jokes if I say it. I was forced into the Dade Group."

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you know Hu's advertisement? It's the unit I used to work in. I always take my boss and my fellow villager Hu Rongqiang as my eldest brother. After Shen Bing came here, we wanted him to take care of us like this. We simply invited him to come home. Let's have a meal, although they are all home-cooked dishes in Yunnan, but it can also reflect our sincerity? But, I regard him as a good brother, and he treats me as an idiot... Cheng Shengen found me for his son and asked me to Give up Shen Bing, in exchange, he will arrange for me an executive position in the Daedeok Group, otherwise, the advertising contract will be voided, and I will have to face a claim of 200,000 yuan... I have no choice but to agree to him I proposed to break up with Shen Bing. After all, what kind of background is Cheng Feng? Wake up, my ability has been proven, why are there no women? Then the two of us signed a secret agreement... But I never thought that Cheng Shengen, a bastard, would bring me into the Dade Group, and he would be on guard everywhere and everything , I want to make a suggestion that is beneficial to the company. Either he suppresses it, or he is copied by Hong Demin and takes the credit for himself. The trust, reuse, and support that I said before have all become lies, but I have What can I do? Things have become like this. If it wasn't for the friendship between my buddies, I would have left the company long ago and told Cheng Feng what a despicable person Cheng Shengen is. But they are father and son after all. If Cheng Shengen hadn't Qian, I can't imagine what kind of life a lunatic will live. I endure, endure, endure, do you know how miserable I am? Yesterday was Shen Bing's birthday, and I went to see her secretly. Guess what? She and Cheng Feng... well, stop talking, drink and drink."

"Xiao Meng, I didn't expect you... Your life is so difficult."

"Fat Si, remember, what I said above was drunk, you can't tell anyone about this, otherwise I won't be able to do anything with you, Cheng Feng, or brothers in the future."

"Okay, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this, I will rot it in my stomach, but Xiaomeng... you... oh..."



That's the end of the conversation.

Lin Yue shook the tape recorder in his hand, looked at the pale-faced Cheng Feng, and said, "You know, I'm a resident singer in a blues bar, and this thing was originally used to record those original songs that I got by chance or had a flash of inspiration. For the song, I didn’t expect to record such a secret, tsk tsk...it’s really wonderful.”

"Shen Bing, Shen Bing... listen to my explanation, I really don't know about this matter, it's all my father..."

It's okay if Cheng Feng didn't explain it. With this explanation, Shen Bing suddenly came to his senses, pulled out his hand, and walked up to Qin Huang who was holding Tongtong: "Didn't you want me to be Tongtong's mother? agreed."

After saying this, without waiting for Qin Huang to react, he held Tongtong in his arms and opened the door of the rear compartment of the SUV and sat in.

"Shen Bing, Shen Bing..."

Here Cheng Feng was unwilling to give up and rushed over to talk to Shen Bing.

Such a big pie fell from the sky and hit the face with a bang, there was no reason to surrender, Qin Huang stretched out his arms to stop Cheng Feng.

"Shen Bing has already agreed to my marriage proposal. She is my wife now. If you harass her again, don't blame me for doing it to you."

He had experienced the power of Emperor Qin before, so he froze in place for a while.

Qin Huang glanced at the person over there who took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Although he didn't know what exactly happened, there was no doubt that without what happened just now, Shen Bing would never agree to his marriage proposal.

Of course, thank you would not be thankful, because he could tell that Shen Bing hated that person very much.

Qin Huang turned around and entered the driver's cab, started the engine and drove away.

Cheng Feng watched the SUV disappear, turned his head, and looked at Lin Yue angrily.

"Oh, like father, like son."

Lin Yue ignored him, opened the door of the Mercedes-Benz, got in, and drove away.


three days later.

The Cheng family.


The sound of a bowl falling to the ground.


The sound of tableware falling to the floor.

"Shouldn't I force Hong Demin to retreat? Am I naive? I have endured it for a long time. Considering your physical condition, I didn't want to say it, but you forced me. Is it in your heart that everything in this world has One price? All problems can be solved through transactions? I thought that last time you almost died, you would have some changes in your reincarnation, but you didn’t. I don’t know if I should thank you for buying Shen Bing from Xiaomeng. This deal allows me to get close to her, and I will lose her forever, and she will marry someone else in three days, and you can justly fire Xiao Meng, who is not pleasing to the eye, from the company."

thump thump thump~

Footsteps rushing up the stairs.


Footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing?"



"Leave you, leave this home I hate."

"Then when will you be back?"

"have no idea."


The sound of the door closing.

in a minute.

"Chairman, chairman, how are you doing? Don't scare me."


the next day.

Sohu, NetEase, Tencent, Sina... The financial channels of the major portal websites all reported a very explosive news--the father and son of the Cheng family of the Daedeok Group turned against each other, and Cheng Shengen suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital.

The comment section was filled with jubilation.

"I X, yes, it's another cheating story."

"This guy has no brains, let him eat and drink, let him study, and he turned against his father because of a woman."

"It means true love."

"True love? I think it's true two."

"I know about the Cheng family. It is said that the prince is a playboy. In the past few years, none of the women he has engaged in has even a strengthened platoon. If his father dies, he deserves what he deserves."


This news has not dissipated yet, another gossip has spread, about Cheng Shengen's confidant, Hong Demin disregarding the interests of the company's shareholders and all shareholders, using his power to help Yongxin International to make profits, according to the analysis of professionals, Hong Demin The reason why he did this was because he lacked confidence in the Dade Group.

A Cheng Sheng'en who could die at any time, a playful prince who knows how to spend his days and nights without seeing the big picture.

Faced with this situation, no one will have confidence in the company.

These two pieces of news set off a big storm surrounding the Daeduk Group in the stock market. The stock price fell rapidly at the opening, and fell to the limit within an hour.

The limit continued to fall the next day, from around 26 yuan to 21 yuan.

Although the Dade Group released the news in time that the chairman has passed the dangerous period and recovered safely, this cannot change the decline of the Dade Group's stock. 19 pieces.

Just when there were different opinions and no one knew how this farce would end, Wu Di met Shi Xiaomeng.

"Wu Di, only you can save the madman this time."

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Thank you for the 5,000 starting coins rewarded by Moldy Star, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by Garfield Faner, the system is mine, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 9912.

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