Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1297 Conquered by You Just Like This (Two in One)

Wu Di said: "What's the matter, Xiao Meng, please speak slowly."

Shi Xiaomeng said: "Wu Di, can you contact the madman? I'll turn off the phone."

"I'll turn off the phone even if I call him." Although Cheng Feng left Beijing to the airport he drove to, but in terms of not answering the phone, he was treated the same as Shi Xiaomeng: "The last time I called him, I learned that my uncle had a heart attack. When the patient was admitted to the hospital, he didn't know what happened between the two, the lunatic just said 'he deserved it' and hung up the phone."

"I'm to blame for this." Shi Xiaomeng said: "Before Lin Xia informed me that Shen Bing was getting married, and that the married partner was not a lunatic, but a star named Qin Huang. He also said that Lin Yue told Fat Si and me while drinking. The recording of the words was found in the kindergarten, and played again in front of the lunatic and Shen Bing, Shen Bing felt humiliated, so he agreed to Qin Huang's marriage proposal in a fit of anger."

"Why can't I understand? What's going on here?"

"Now I don't care about that much anymore." Shi Xiaomeng sighed, and told the story of Cheng Shengen asking him to buy Shen Bing.

Wu Di was furious when he heard this: "How could uncle do this?"

Now he understood why Cheng Feng said that Cheng Shengen "deserved what he deserved".

"Xiao Meng, you are too. How can you agree to such a condition? What is Shen Bing in your eyes? Is it a commodity?"

"Wu Di, you have never experienced this kind of thing, and you will understand when you experience it one day." Shi Xiaomeng didn't want to argue with him on this matter: "Didn't Hong Demin and Cheng Shengen keep suppressing my enthusiasm a while ago? Liang Junzheng So I tried every means to win me over. At that time, I suspected that this guy had no good intentions. On the surface, he was very close to him, and secretly paid close attention to his actions. Did you know that the stock price of Dade Group plummeted this time? Those people from East Securities made it with the purpose of suppressing the confidence of stockholders in order to buy a large number of stocks at a low price, so as to achieve the result of controlling the company's equity and rushing Cheng Shengen out. Yes, I don't like the madman's father, but we are good buddies with the madman Son, if we don't do anything, Liang Junzheng will have the final say in the Dade Group from now on."

When Wu Di heard that the matter was so complicated, his head grew dizzy, but he also knew that the situation was urgent, so he called Cheng Feng immediately, and the result was the same as before, "The phone you dialed has been turned off", which shows that he is genuine. Dejected, do not want to pay attention to things here.

"What should I do? Shut down!"

"You can't just watch the lunatic's family property being destroyed by them." Shi Xiaomeng walked back and forth for a while: "Well, Wu Di, you go find your brother."

"Looking for Wu Wei?"

"He knows everything about the stock market, so you can ask him what to do."

"how about you."

"I'll go find Shen Bing and tell him not to marry Emperor Qin."

Wu Di didn't hesitate: "Okay, let's split up."


Similar to the plot in the TV series, at Qinhuang and Shen Bing's wedding, Shi Xiaomeng made a big fuss, but he didn't ask Shen Bing to come back to him, but asked her to ask herself if she really likes Qinhuang. In line with Lin Yue's wishes?

If you can't get it, destroy it. This is the purpose of that devil.

After speaking, he was invited out by security.

At the same time, Wu Di met his elder brother Wu Wei, and talked about the important things about the Dade Group.

"Brother, I know that you started the company for the purpose of profit, but the lunatic is my brother and your friend. If you can help, please help, even... I beg you."

Wu Wei tapped the table with his index finger: "Who did you say Liang Junzheng is teaming up with?"

"Xiao Meng said it was Haidong Securities."

"Haidong Securities."

Wu Wei narrowed his eyes: "I helped with this."

Wu Di was very surprised. He didn't expect that his eldest brother, who was always wise and calm, and could be described as mercenary, would be moved by him. You must know that Wu Wei had told him more than once before that feelings are very fragile and illusory, and only the sense of security brought by money The most true.

"It's surprising, isn't it?" Wu Wei seemed to understand the question in his heart: "Do you know who the general manager of Haidong Securities is?"


"Shao Huayang."

Wu Di was very unfamiliar with this name, so he didn't know what Wu Wei meant by saying this.

"Lin Yue has a good relationship with him, and he is also a consultant of Haidong Securities. These two people... are both my targets."

After listening to Wu Wei's explanation, Wu Di understood that Wu Wei readily agreed to help, not because of his relationship with the lunatic, but because of his hatred for Lin Yue and Haidong Securities.

"Hua Yong."

Following Wu Wei's shout, Hua Yong walked in from the outside: "Boss, you are looking for me."

"Go and check to see if Haidong is secretly making small moves against the Dade Group. By the way, sort out a list of Dade Group shareholders for me."

In just five minutes, Hua Yong went back and forth, put down the documents and said at the same time: "That's right, Haidong's associated account has secretly bought a lot of Dade Huitong stocks in the past two days."

Wu Wei looked at the K-line chart on the computer screen, and then looked at the documents in his hand, his face was a little ugly.

"The time to do's too late..."

Wu Di leaned forward: "How to say?"

Wu Wei said: "If you had come to me two days earlier, it would have been easy to defeat Shao Huayang and make Haidong and Liang Junzheng's plot fall short, but now... although it is not impossible, it will require massive capital investment."

Wu Di knew nothing about the stock market: "Brother, just tell me, are you still saved?"

"It's difficult, but..." Wu Weimeng raised his head, and pierced Hua Yong with spear-like eyes: "Send the order, and buy as much stock as you can from Dade Huitong."

"Boss... This will quickly push up the stock price of Dade Huitong."

"I can't control that much anymore. If I don't make a move now, I won't have a chance at all."

Hua Yong saw Wu Wei's tough attitude, so he stopped persuading and turned to leave.

"Even if I can't bring down Haidong this time, if I want to win Dade Huitong, I'll have to hurt myself... What if I put all my money in a listed company? Once I'm caught, I'd like to see, Can Haidong's golden signboard be kept?"

By now, Wu Di understood somewhat: "Brother, wouldn't you hurt the enemy one thousand and yourself eight hundred by doing this?"

Wu Wei smiled coldly: "I can afford to lose, but Shao Huayang can't."

When he said this, he looked like a bloodthirsty wolf.

Wu Di was somewhat uneasy: "Brother, is it necessary to do this?"

Wu Wei didn't answer this question, because a headache hit him, and he put his right hand on his forehead, showing pain.

"Brother, didn't I tell you to check it out?"

"It's okay, overuse your brain, just rest for a while."

Wu Wei picked up the medicine bottle on the desk, poured out a painkiller and threw it into his mouth.


The next day, Shi Xiaomeng went to the hospital, found Cheng Shengen, told him about Liang Junzheng and Haidong Securities shorting Dade Huitong stock, and then inhaled at a low level to try to control the board of directors, and told him that Wu Di had already gone to Wu Wei, As for whether Boli can help, I don't know.

Cheng Shengen also knew that the group's stock had fluctuated heavily recently, and he thought it was because of his heart attack and admission to the hospital, but he didn't expect that things were much more complicated than imagined.

After Shi Xiaomeng joined the group, he was in a difficult situation and suppressed him everywhere. Now that the other party has done this, he is already very worthy of his brother, so he said some words of encouragement, ordered the nanny to send him away, and made a phone call to call Hong Demin. After asking, I found out that this confidant general had sold part of his shares to Liang Junzheng, because if he didn't do so, Liang Junzheng would ask the board of directors to cut off his pension... After all, he was kicked out of the position of acting chairman by the shareholders.

Hong Demin was finished, Cheng Feng went away in despair, and Cheng Shengen was in poor health. Seeing that the competition between Haidong Securities and Boli Financial Investment Company for the shares of Daedok Group circulating in the market was heating up, he stomped his heart and found a few securities companies. Friends in the industry made a lot of hype and came to cash out at a high level, reducing their holdings of 13% of the company's stock, and the cash amount was more than 300 million yuan.

Because of these 13% of the stocks, another bloodbath broke out in the market.

After Wu Wei knew that Cheng Shengen was the person who reduced the holdings, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and scolded Wu Di bloody, saying that the old dog of the Cheng family sold himself, a proper pig teammate, a bastard.

Boli has invested so much money in advance. If there is no dispute over the 13% of the shares, once Liang Junzheng controls the board of directors and makes a show with Haidong, the stock price will drop sharply. At that time, Boli will inevitably have deep If you are stuck, if you fight, the company's existing funds have been almost used up, and he even invested a large amount of his own savings.

three months later.

Cheng Feng learned that his father was under criminal detention and returned to Beijing from Qinghai. Accompanied by Shi Xiaomeng and Wu Di, he met Lawyer Ma. Cheng Sheng'en sued. As for the crime, as the chairman of a listed company, he used inside information and channel advantages to manipulate the stock price and reduce his holdings, cashing out more than 300 million yuan.

Afterwards, Attorney Ma gave Cheng Feng a check of 330 million RMB, and told him that there were two reasons why Cheng Shengen did this. Second, Cheng Shengen's health has problems, and after losing Hong Demin, he has no way to fight against the shareholder group headed by Liang Junzheng, so it is better to take the opportunity to cash out and leave a large sum of money for his son.

Cheng Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that his running away from home would cause so many troubles. The key is that according to Lawyer Ma, his father's situation is not optimistic. The prosecution has the evidence of Cheng Shengen manipulating the stock price. It is to reduce the sentence as much as possible when going through the judicial process.

After the three sent lawyer Ma away, Shi Xiaomeng also left, saying that he was going to the company to check on the movements of Liang Junzheng and others, and also told Cheng Feng not to show up immediately, only if the other party was paralyzed, they would have enough room to maneuver.

Afterwards, Wu Di told Cheng Feng a piece of news that made Cheng Feng overjoyed——Shen Bing didn't marry Qin Huang because Shi Xiaomeng made a big fuss about the wedding, and also because Shen Bing realized that he couldn't get married out of anger. Wouldn't that suit Lin Yue's mind?

Cheng Feng hurriedly went to see Shen Bing, but they hadn't seen each other for three months, and the two quickly put aside their previous suspicions, anyway, it was just like acting in a TV series, so they saw each other right. As for Shi Xiaomeng... In Shen Bing's words, he shouldn't treat her as a commodity to exchange benefits, so it's impossible for the two of them. Crazy people don't know about Cheng Shengen's deal with Shi Xiaomeng, so they have no responsibility.

In short, in Lin Yue's view, the green tea whore can always find reasons for his empathy and unkindness--Shen Bing treats his old love Shi Xiaomeng like an enemy in the later stage of the TV series, and when Cheng Feng meets Cheng Shengen, he treats her like this When looking at the product, the father-in-law is considerate and kind to each other.

two days later.

In the courtyard where Cheng Feng stayed temporarily.

Shi Xiaomeng handed a list of shareholders to Cheng Feng: "After Liang Junzheng became the chairman of the board of directors, he carried out a big cleansing of the company's management. People who used to have a good relationship with your father were forced to leave, and those who were expelled were basically expelled. They were all replaced by his men."

"Xiao Meng, thank you." Cheng Feng thanked him very sincerely. After all, he stole his girlfriend, and his father still calculated him like this. Help yourself at the risk of being fired by Liang Junzheng after he finds out.

Shi Xiaomeng also said sincerely: "Crazy, it's meaningless for you to say that. No matter how your father treats me, our brotherhood belongs to brotherhood, and it has nothing to do with your father if I help you."

Cheng Feng nodded and said nothing more.

"Madman, are you really going to do this?" Wu Di asked worriedly.

Cheng Feng said: "The Dade Group is my father's lifelong painstaking effort. I can't just sit back and watch it fall into Liang Junzheng's hands, and this incident happened because of me. I have the obligation to make up for the loss."

Wu Di said, "You... are really different from before."

"By the way, how are you and Yang Zixi doing?" For the past two days, he was only interested in kissing me with Shen Bing, forgetting to care about Wu Di's situation.

Wu Di took off his eyes and wiped them: "I originally planned to get a marriage certificate in the next few days, but something happened to Uncle Cheng, let's talk about it later."

"Wu Di, thank you."

"Okay, okay, my buddy, don't be so nasty." Shi Xiaomeng interrupted the brotherly love between the two: "The first task right now is how to get more equity and drive Liang Junzheng from the position of chairman of the board of directors. come down."

Wu Di thought for a while and said, "I'll do my brother's job. He said he holds almost 6% of the group's shares."

Shi Xiaomeng calculated, shook his head and said: "Not enough, not enough, even if Wu Wei supports us, plus the equity controlled by the lunatic, it is only 20%, which is far from the 27% shareholding ratio of Liang Junzheng's special board of directors. difference."

Wu Di said, "Then what should we do?"

Shi Xiaomeng frowned and thought for a moment: "The available method right now is to buy the shares held by natural person shareholders, but in the current situation of Dade, it is not easy for them to sell the shares, requires a lot of money."

Hearing this, Cheng Feng picked up the list and looked at it: "It's okay, my dad left me 300 million yuan before he was arrested."

Wu Di said, "Madman, do you really want to use that money?"

"That's right." Cheng Feng said, "I will do whatever it takes to get back what belongs to my dad."

"Oh!" Wu Di sighed.

At this moment, Shi Xiaomeng glanced out of the window and saw Shen Bing standing at the door. He didn't know whether it was because of embarrassment or because he didn't want to disturb the conversation of the three of them, but he didn't come in anyway.

"Madman, unless you can persuade more than 80% of the natural person shareholders to sell their shares to you, otherwise... now Lin Yue holds more than 2% of the group's shares. If this person knows that you are back, he will compete with Liang Junzheng for control of the board of directors, and then stand If you go to his side, it will be difficult to handle."

Hearing what he said, Wu Di took a look at the list of shareholders: "How did he become a shareholder of Dade?"

Shi Xiaomeng said: "I did an investigation when the lunatic was away. This Lin Yue is a consultant of Haidong Securities. As early as when Haidong and several funds joined hands to short Dade, he took advantage of the sharp drop in the stock price, and bought from the group's small shareholders and second The super market continues to absorb shares, and by the time Liang Junzheng held a general meeting of shareholders and re-elected members of the board of directors, his shares were already close to 2%."

Cheng Feng said: "Where did he get so much money to buy equity?"

2% of the shares, even if bought at the lowest point, would cost more than 10 million. It is hard to imagine that a Phoenix man's family can support this expense.

Shi Xiaomeng said: "The money should come from his girlfriend."

Cheng Feng said: "No, Lin Xia can't afford that much money."

Lin Yue sent him such a multimedia message, and he took it for granted that the two had established a relationship.

"As far as I know, his girlfriend is not Lin Xia, but a woman named Zhang Xue, from Shanxi, whose family is a mine owner."

As soon as she heard this, she knew that she was the daughter of a coal boss, a nouveau riche, and she always wanted to prove that she obtained her wealth by virtue of her ability.

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth with hatred: "This bastard."

Taking Lin Xia's first blood and falling in love with another woman, can he not be angry, can he not hate?

Shi Xiaomeng lowered his head and gently rubbed the lacquered surface of the desk with his fingertips. When Shen Bing didn't come, he was the one who hunted all day. Miss Lin, who once said that he would not marry, was hunted by others. ", you are a reasonable person...

"Madman, I think it's better to start with Hong Demin first. I think he will support you. As long as he, the former second shareholder, expresses his opinion, the rest of the people will definitely be touched."

Cheng Feng nodded: "You are right, you have to try to know whether something can be done."

Wu Di said: "Well, anyway, I'm not happy with what I'm doing in Junlei. Tomorrow, I'll find the leader to resign and come to help you fight this battle."

"Wu Di, thank you."

"My brother, don't be so polite."


After drawing up a battle plan, Cheng Feng went to those shareholders one by one, asking for their help to fight against Liang Junzheng.

However, there is a saying that you are afraid of what comes, and Shi Xiaomeng really hit it off. Several shareholders refused to agree to sell the shares to them, so the matter is stuck on Lin Yue's 2% shares. As long as Liang Junzheng can get him support, then there is no chance of re-election of the chairman of the board of directors.

What can be done to make Lin Yue sell the stock to them, or not to intervene in this matter?

All three of them had grudges against him, so naturally they couldn't go out. Cheng Feng went to find Lin Xia, but was told that he didn't want to get involved in the affairs of both parties.

This is good, caught in a dilemma.

Let go, Cheng Feng can't do it, don't let go, and Lin Yue can't be dealt with.

Seeing that her boyfriend didn't think about food and drink, and lost a whole circle of weight in a few days, Shen Bing struggled for a long time, and finally made up her mind one day to find Lin Yue behind Cheng Feng's back.

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Yue looked at the woman standing in front of the door with "surprise".

Shen Bing didn't wait for him to invite him into the room, and strode into the living room, looked at the layout of the room and said, "What's your attitude towards Lin Xia?"

"What kind of attitude?"

"Lin Yue, don't play charades for me, you know what I'm talking about. She gave you such an important thing, and you actually fell in love with another woman."

"She called you here?"

"No, I'm coming by myself."

"So you don't know..."

"what do you know?"

"Do you think a man like me is a man you women can get after sleeping with you? It's too narcissistic. Back then, for Cheng Feng, she could sit back and watch the rich second generation mess around and play tricks. Feelings, you need to be single-minded when you come to me? Regarding this matter, I made an agreement with her."

"What agreement?"

"As long as she can prove that she loves me more than Cheng Feng, I will let her be my girlfriend."

"You." Shen Bing was angry, pointed at Lin Yue and said, "You rascal."

"Get out!" Lin Yue was not polite at all: "Is it sick, what age is it, and you force others to take responsibility when you go to bed? Do you really think that you are good-looking and can do whatever you want? To tell you the truth, I see a lot of beautiful women Yes, there are too many, do you know how the ancient emperors chose their concubines? My standard here is stricter than that of selecting concubines."

"" Shen Bing was so angry that the hand holding the zipper of the handbag couldn't help shaking.

"Aren't you going to get out?" Lin Yue said, "If you're not going to get out, then show me a correct attitude, talk about things if you have something to do, and don't pretend to be innocent in front of me."

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