Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1299 End of Book - Shen Bing

At the same time, Boli invested in the financial company.

Wu Wei looked at Consultant Lin sitting across from him with a grim expression, and threw away the document in his hand: "Are you threatening me?"

"What's wrong with threatening you?"

Lin Yue said: "Not only did I sleep with the woman you want to chase, but I also made you lose so badly that I didn't even dare to fart."

Wu Wei clenched his fists tighter and tighter, staring at the extremely sinister man opposite him.

"You advocate wolf culture and compare yourself to a wolf, but when you come to me, others call me a devil. Do you think you will be my opponent with your IQ and ability?"

Lin Yue pushed the phone on the table over: "Call, if you don't call, it's my turn to call."

Wu Wei knew very well that what Lin Yue asked him to call was the Dade Group's number. If he didn't call, the next number he would dial would be the Procuratorate.

He slowly stretched out his hand, every inch of his face trembling.

Aggrieved, too aggrieved.

He was already very careful, but he didn't expect that Haidong Securities had the evidence of manipulating the stock price. Thinking about what happened at that time, it was like being framed by someone.

"Why? Still not satisfied with the matter?"

"Do you dare to say that Haidong is doing brilliantly?"

Lin Yue smiled: "To use a famous saying of yours, for this kind of thing, if you are caught, you are not clean, if you are not caught, you are clean."

Wu Weixin said when did I say such a thing?

"By the way, do you know who recorded your conversation with Yajian and gave it to Haidong?"


"Just to remind you, in the last two days, who has left?"

"Hua Yong? How is it possible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Lin Yue said: "This is the result of your advocating wolf culture."

What is the basis of wolf culture? The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the advocacy of wolf culture, human nature must be suppressed, such a cold company can only use money to keep the hearts of employees, when one day the temptation from the outside world is greater than what the company can give, what will happen next is obvious .

In the TV series, while praising Wu Wei's patriotism, he showed off his professional skills of cutting leeks, while donating his property after death to show his willfulness, and at the same time, he carried out the wolf culture as his life creed.

To say that this character is torn apart is to say that the screenwriter has no logic.


Wu Wei gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

He remembered the process of scanning goods with Haidong in the secondary market before. With the amount of funds of Boli, it is definitely impossible to be Haidong's opponent. At the critical moment, Yajian came to him and said that he was willing to lend him 100 million yuan of funds to help Boli dragged Haidong down.

In his opinion, this is logical, because the last short-selling behavior against Yajia Company was Haidong’s behind-the-scenes manipulation. If there was no Boli’s intervention, Yajian’s father might have been kicked out. Now the two sides are targeting Dade Huitong Moreover, the Ya family and the Cheng family also have some friendship in private, and they are willing to lend him money to fight this battle, hoping to drag down Haidong's capital chain and revenge, what a normal thing.

It was this conversation that was actually recorded by Hua Yong and handed over to Haidong, making him have to face the current embarrassing situation.

If he didn't follow Lin Yue's instructions, what awaited him would be the same result as Cheng Shengen.

"There's nothing to talk about, winners and losers." Wu Wei didn't want to go to jail, between self-protection and helping Cheng Feng, of course he had to choose the former, so he picked up the phone and dialed the number of Dade Group.


On the other hand, when the secretary of the board was about to announce that Cheng Feng had become the chairman of the board because of the equity advantage, a man broke into the room and whispered something in the secretary's ear.

"I am now announcing that because Mr. Wu Wei, one of the major shareholders of the company and Mr. Cheng Feng's concerted action person, has just issued a statement that he will no longer support Mr. Cheng Feng's candidacy for the chairman of the board of directors from today. Therefore, the chairman of the board of directors of Dade Group, Mr. Liang Junzheng will still be in charge."

Hearing this, Shi Xiaomeng's expression turned ugly.

And Liang Junzheng, with a proud smile, stretched out his hands and patted: "Cheng Feng, your performance is really wonderful, I'm sweating for myself."

Cheng Feng was completely stunned until the shareholders filed out, and Shi Xiaomeng, who was at the back, gave him wild winks, but he didn't realize it. He hurriedly left the room, went to the lobby on the first floor to find Wu Di and Shen Bing, and explained what happened above. speak.

The three of them hurriedly got into the old Geely Panda and rushed to the office building where Wu Wei's company was located. As soon as they entered the lobby, they saw Lin Yue coming out of the elevator.

Cheng Feng was stunned for a moment, and soon realized what happened, and blocked his way without saying a word.

"Is it you? Did you do it?"

Lin Yue laughed: "So what if I did it?"

"You bastard." He punched out furiously, was kicked in the stomach by Lin Yue, and took several strides back.

Wu Di over there was also punched, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, Shi Xiaomeng was not spared, he was brought down to the ground, grinning his teeth.


"Is the ham sausage I bought for you in Wuchang delicious?" Lin Yue looked at the pale Shen Bing, blinked and said, "Don't look at me like that, I'll keep the 2% of the shares as promised. Sold it to him not less."

After finishing the matter, he rushed to the surprised rich second generation, and said in an authentic way: "I was a little hungry, so I got out of the car and bought some steamed buns and ham sausages. I... I like to eat this."

Wu Di and Shi Xiaomeng didn't understand why, Cheng Feng's eye sockets were almost cracked, he understood, understood what happened when Shen Bing "returned to Yunnan" at night, and understood the meaning of what she said at that time.

"I really envy you, having a girlfriend who loves you so much."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he beckoned the female assistant to go outside.

Cheng Feng suddenly noticed that person's face, and his brain became hot again, because it was none other than Li Qian, his assistant in the Dade Group.

Lin Xia's first blood was taken by Lin Yue. In order to help him get back the equity, Shen Bing climbed into Lin Yue's bed on the first day of their wedding. Now, this bastard will not let go of his female assistant...

He struggled to get up from the ground, but failed several times.

At this time, Shen Bing stepped back a few strides, and ran outside with red eyes.

"Shen Bing..."

Cheng Feng cried out in pain, but no matter how he shouted, he couldn't call back his wife's figure.

Ten minutes later, Wu Di saw Wu Wei.

"Why? I ask you why?"

"There's no reason, I have to."

"Tell me, what did he do for you?"

Wu Wei remembered what Lin Yue said to him when he left, and suddenly felt very reasonable, and wanted to see if Wu Di was such a person: "Wu Di, I bought the equity, and who I am willing to support is my business. "

Wu Di said: "But he is my brother, you shouldn't betray me for profit."

"This is a shopping mall. What does the shopping mall talk about? It's about benefits, money."

"Money? In your eyes, is our relationship not as good as that little equity?"

Wu Wei was furious: "Don't tell me these great truths. He is your brother and I am your brother. Although we are not related by blood, you forgot that when we were fourteen years old, after our parents had a car accident, we were Who worked hard to earn money to support you, to support you from school to graduation, it was me, your elder brother, and today you asked your brother to make sacrifices for an outsider, do you know what I will face if I do this?"

Wu Di said: "Left and right are just a loss of a little money, no matter how hard you are to be a lunatic? Shen Bing... for him to be elected chairman of the board of directors, he will not hesitate to sleep with that bastard!"

"That's her business, what does it have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you? Okay...then I will let you make a choice now, either, transfer the equity to Cheng Feng, I promise, when he becomes the chairman of the board of directors, he will find a way to pay you back, or, from now on You don't have a brother like me."

"You really want to hurt between us for the madman..."

"This matter has nothing to do with lunatics, it's about fairness and justice."

"Fairness and justice? Huh...fairness and justice?"

In the middle, that guy named Lin Yue is indeed a devil.

Wu Wei gave him a look of pity, then turned and walked outside.

"What are you going to do? You haven't answered my question yet." Wu Di said, looking at his back.


at the same time.

Shen Bing, who came to the train station with a suitcase, was stopped by a man.

She dropped something and rushed over to slap her, but just like before, it had no effect at all.

"You liar, bastard, devil!"

"Yes, I am a liar, a bastard, and a devil, but everything I do is to give you a result that you deserve."

Shen Bing said with red eyes: "You said not to tell him, you said to keep it secret."

Lin Yue said: "You have also heard the recordings of Shi Xiaomeng and Fei Si that I secretly recorded. When Cheng Shengen promised him trust and reliance, his words were equally beautiful, but what happened? What happened to Shi Xiaomeng after he joined the Dade Group? Deception and betrayal! I just returned what Cheng Shengen did to his good son, and let you feel Shi Xiaomeng's grievance and pain."

Shen Bing opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't say anything, choked up for a while, then pulled the suitcase and left.

She did not return to Yunnan.

During the Lunar New Year, the sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the old year.

Shi Xiaomeng, Cheng Feng, Wu Di, Fei Si, and the lawn band gathered at the old place and had a New Year's Eve dinner with different moods.

Turn to the third grade of junior high school.

Wu Di gets good news and bad news.

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