Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1300 End of Book - Cheng Feng

In fact, good news and bad news are the same news.

Wu Wei is dead.

The cause was brain cancer.

As a younger brother, he didn't even have a chance to visit the hospital. After all, the two of them had severed their relationship. How could a strong person like Wu Wei put down his face and tell him the news of his illness to win sympathy.

It's kind of sad, so it's bad news.

The good news is that Wu Wei inherited 6% of the Daedeok Group shares in his hands, and donated the remaining real estate, cars, etc. to charity organizations.

Now the 6% of Dade Huitong's shares are his, so how to distribute them is up to him.

Without any hesitation, Wu Di transferred the 6% of the shares to Cheng Feng. In this way, the shares held by Cheng Feng surpassed that of Liang Junzheng. As soon as the shareholders' meeting was held, the chairman of the board of directors could be re-elected.

In the evening, Wu Di, Shi Xiaomeng, Cheng Feng, and Yang Zixi came to the VICS bar to celebrate and have the last laugh. Although Wu Wei's death was a sad thing, Lin Yue would never have thought that such a thing would happen. Wu Wei suddenly died, and the 6% shares fell into Wu Di's hands.

"Have you found Shen Bing?"

Cheng Feng glanced at Yang Zixi and shook his head: "I asked my godmother, but she hasn't returned to Yunnan."

"It seems that he is avoiding you on purpose." Wu Di said, "But don't worry, she will always return to Yunnan, give her some time."

Cheng Feng nodded: "She was bullied by that bastard because of me, I can't just give up on her."

Yang Zixi was silent on the side.

"Hey, are you all there?" At this moment, a strange voice came from the door, and they turned their heads to see Andy leading two people coming from the outside.

He used to come here often, and it was not unusual to meet him.

But because of Yang Zixi's relationship, the relationship between the two parties has long been deadlocked.

Seeing him walking straight to the booth where several people were, Wu Di said coldly, "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here."

"I'm here to find her."

Andy is talking about Yang Zixi.

Cheng Feng gave him a squinting look: "I think you're itchy again, you're looking for a beating."

Yang Zixi also said: "Sub-health, we have nothing to do with each other anymore, don't bother me anymore."


Andy smiled coldly, turned his head and stretched out his right hand, the attendant wearing glasses opened the briefcase that was under his armpit before, took out a document from it and handed it over.

"Wu Di, your brother should have told you before he passed away that my dad's company lent him 100 million yuan to compete with Haidong for the stock of Daedehuitong. I heard that you inherited his inheritance, so the 100 million yuan Renminbi loan, I can only ask you for it.”

While speaking, he showed Wu Di what he had in his hand.

It was an IOU, which was signed by Wu Wei in his own name. Since there was no agreed interest, no matter how you look at it, Wu Wei earned it.

"100 million?" Wu Di stood up and pushed his glasses, "He didn't tell me."

"It doesn't matter if I didn't tell you." Andy said: "The IOU is notarized by the notary office. If you don't believe it, you can go to the relevant department to check."

Several people around the booth looked at each other, unable to accept the scene in front of them for a while.

jingle bell~

At this moment, Wu Di's phone rang, and when he picked it up, it was Wu Wei's lawyer calling. He answered the phone and said a few words, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Lawyer Fan called. I've approached him before." Andy said, "I think what he just told you was about the IOU. I know you inherited the equity of Dade Huitong from your brother. Enough to pay back the money, I will give you three days to prepare the money for me."

Leaving this sentence behind, he didn't care about Cheng Feng's and others' gazes, and turned around and left with his two attendants.

Inherited equity also inherited debt.

Now the creditor came to ask for the debt and asked him to sell the shares to pay back the money, but if he sells part of the shares, at the current stock price...even if he can raise 100 million yuan, the remaining shares are not enough to wrestle with Liang Junzheng on the board of directors , and more importantly, he has already transferred the shares to Cheng Feng.

Is it now that the shares are returned and sold at a low price, and taken away by Liang Junzheng and the others, or should they bear the pressure of Andy's debt collection.

In other words, does he want brotherhood or benefits.

This is the difficult problem Wu Wei gave him with his death, or the biggest mockery.

Aren't you feeling overwhelmed? Don't you treat money like dung? OK, let's make a choice.

Cheng Feng stood up and said, "Wu Di, I'll sell the stock tomorrow to help you raise money."

Wu Di shook his head: "No, we have finally come to this point. If you sell the stock now, everything will be over."

Cheng Feng said: "Then what do you do?"

Shi Xiaomeng also said: "Yes, what should you do?"

Wu Di took a deep breath: "Think of a way to procrastinate until the shareholders' meeting is over..."

Before she finished speaking, Yang Zixi's phone rang over there. When she picked it up, her expression turned into winter, and she glanced at the men and women in the surrounding booths, and said dumbly: "Andy said, it's not impossible to delay for a while, but There is one condition."

Wu Di asked, "What conditions?"

Yang Zixi stared into his eyes: "Me."

A fool can understand what it means.

Wu Di froze in place.

Friendship, love, reality, which one should you choose?

The so-called honest gentleman who always stands on the high ground of morality and makes a decision.

Shi Xiaomeng felt that what Shen Bing said was right, that person was a devil, and everything he did was full of the devil's ruthless mockery of those seemingly beautiful things in the world.

Yang Zixi got angry, twisted the handbag on the table, and left quickly.

Shi Xiaomeng quickly winked at Wu Di: "What are you doing in a daze, chase after."

Wu Di suddenly came to his senses, and quickly picked up the scarf to follow Yang Zixi's pace.


Wu Di and Yang Zixi left one after another, Cheng Feng and Shi Xiaomeng naturally didn't need to stay at the bar, the latter went outside after paying the bill.

"Xiao Meng, tell me... Should I return the equity to Wu Di?"

The two walked towards the side of the road while discussing what happened just now.

"Madman, I don't think there's any rush for this matter. It will depend on the situation when Wu Di and Andy meet the day after tomorrow. It's in our interest to delay it by one more day now."

"That's what I said, but..."

"Huh." Shi Xiaomeng suddenly interrupted his chatter: "It's her..."

"What's wrong?"

"Look at that woman."

Shi Xiaomeng pointed to a willow tree on the other side of the flower pond. She seemed to be too drunk to stand still, but she still wanted to make a phone call and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Zhang Xue."

Cheng Feng looked puzzled: "Zhang Xue?"

"Did you forget? It's Lin Yue's girlfriend."

"is her?"

Cheng Feng took a serious look: "Why is she here?"

While the two were talking, the woman who was supporting the willow suddenly dropped her phone, squatted down on the ground, hugged her knees and started crying.

Shi Xiaomeng said: "How do I know why she is here, but she looks quite sad."

Cheng Feng said: "Following that kind of rubbish, what will happen to me?"

Shi Xiaomeng nodded: "Let's go."

He only took half a step here, and suddenly retracted his feet: "Madman, don't you think this is a good opportunity?"

"What a good opportunity?"

"Zhang Xue is Lin Yue's girlfriend, and she must know more about him than we do. Don't you always call yourself a master at picking up girls? This situation doesn't give full play to your strengths. When will you use your strengths?"

"Beauty trick? You are really bad."

"You don't care if it hurts or not, as long as it is good for what we are going to do."

Cheng Feng thought about it seriously, and felt that what Shi Xiaomeng said was right. Now their situation is good or bad, Lin Yue has done so many nasty things, what happened to him using the beauty trick.

Yes, he has obtained the certificate, but Shen Bing left. When he called his godmother before, she said that Shen Bing called home once, and described the relationship between the two as breaking up.

It's all like this, so why bother.

"Okay, I'll check her tone."

Cheng Feng winked at Shi Xiaomeng, and walked towards the big willow tree.

That is to say, during the two months or so since Shen Bing came to Beijing, he has restrained himself and become more honest, but when it comes to picking up girls, his level has not deteriorated.

In less than three to five minutes, he actually helped Zhang Xue to the side of the road, beckoning a taxi to stop.

Shi Xiao rushed to him and stretched out his thumb to compare, and watched the car go away. After a few breaths, the admiration on his face disappeared, and a sneer curved his eyebrows, Lin Yue's girlfriend? joke! That devil, he is the only one who plays with other people's women, and with Cheng Feng's tricks, he wants to steal his house, which is a little tender.

Shi Xiaomeng picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, the fish bit the hook."

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