At this time, he suddenly realized a problem, can he get a "perfect" rating after completing the side task "0"?

Is the judging standard only considering the main task? Or... On the other hand, it is very difficult to achieve "0", and the system regards it as a bonus item? Just like the achievement system in some games, it is very good to win all the games, but it is equally rare to lose all the games?

Of course, the system will not answer this question, the cursor continues to blink, and then the reward content is hidden.

"Randomly increase a special title."

Detected title list has only one title.

Confirm the upgrade.

Level up...


Level up is complete.

【Breeding pacesetter】~

Obtained the special title [Breeding Master].

? ? ? ? ?

Lin Yue was sweating profusely, he was very honest in the world of "Beijing Love Story\

,"In this case, the system's hidden reward is actually [Master Breeder].

Yes, it’s talking about randomly promoting a special title, but God knows if it’s nonsense, like e-commerce platforms grabbing mobile phones, Moutai, graphics cards, etc., all have weight, or it depends on what people order, it should be It’s yours, it’s yours if you start more than ten seconds late, it shouldn’t be yours, just say “I’m sorry, there are too many people snapping up at the same time” to send people away.

The fairness of snapping up?

Hehe, what is that? nonexistent.

Otherwise, how can there be a saying that there is no business without evil.

So God knows if the system is doing this on purpose.

Of course, complaining about it is like complaining about it, and being ridiculed is about being ridiculed. The effect of this skill is quite good, 100% pregnant regardless of the menstrual period, +25% chance of twins, most people don't want it yet.

Take the latter as an example. Under natural circumstances, the probability of identical twins is 4/10,000. Here, 25% is added on the basis of 4/10,000. The possibility of 1/4 is already very powerful. up.

After the task rewards are issued, the system unlocks the control right.

Lin Yue pulled down the system menu to the skill bar.

【I am Acting School LV3】.

[Steel Bladder LV2].

[Animal Friends LV3].

[Muay Thai LV3].

【Picture memory LV3】.

[Bargain LV4].

【Teacher Killer LV3】.

【Sneak LV3】.

【Photosynthesis LV2】.

[Left and right hemisphere LV5] - [Compound eyes].

【Taunt LV1】.

[Chameleon LV4].

[Hypnotism LV3].

[Hacker LV3].

【Double Harvest LV2】

【Smell animal LV3】

【Super Sweat Gland LV2】.

Currently unassigned skill reinforcement points: 2.

Special title: [Breeding Master] - Combination 1 (not activated) - Combination 2 (not activated).

He thought about it seriously, but didn't upgrade his skills.

Switch the window to the property bar again.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Strength 38.

Constitution 30.

Agility 24.

Intelligence 23.

Spirit 23.

Currently unassigned attribute points: 9.

Normal difficulty mainline tasks generally reward 3 attribute points, and "Beijing Love Story" branch task 0 is achieved, so the system only rewards the mainline task.

Added 2 points to strength, and added 2 points to intelligence and spirit, and watched the unallocated attribute points fall back to 3.

Lin Yue nodded, ended his return to Sanlian, and turned his attention to the real world.

Now his explosive power should be higher than that of Tyson, right? Intellect affects learning speed, and its improvement cannot get feedback immediately. As for spirit, he squinted his eyes. What kind of improvement the effect of Wang LV3] brings, I have to do some experiments after waking up later.

Relax your body, clear your mind, a burst of tiredness, and soon fall into a dream.

After about an hour, there was a light knock on the door outside. After a few breaths, the door was pushed open from the outside, and then Tan Xiaoguang muttered softly.

"When I go home in the middle of the night every day, I'm not afraid of Su Han thinking too much."

Lin Yue knew what was going on around him, after all [the left and right hemispheres] endowed him with super vigilance, but he didn't get up to say hello, and continued to lie on the bed to sleep until it was high in the sun, and only after nine o'clock did he open his eyes and stretch his eyes. Lazy, get off the bed.

Although he has [Left and Right Hemisphere LV5], he does not need sleep at all, but it is good for his body organs to take a rest, at least he can relax.


Here he wakes up.

Xiahou, who was sitting cross-legged on the computer chair, also opened his eyes, tiptoed up on all fours, yawned fiercely, and then jumped to the ground, rubbing against his feet.

"Are you hungry?"

He glanced at the birdcage, and found that it was empty, and the big villain didn't know where he flew.

There are no raptors and hunters in the city, so naturally there is no need to worry about its safety. Lin Yue bent down to pick up Xiahou and went to the living room outside.

Ba Dun was lying on the blanket that Tan Xiaoguang bought online for him in front of the coffee table. When he heard footsteps coming from the door, he immediately raised his head and patted the ground with his short tail.

Lin Yue scooped up some granules from the pet food bag and put them in Erxiao's food bowl, turned around and went into the bathroom. After washing up, he picked up the note on the coffee table and glanced at it.

"I bought too many steamed buns yesterday, and I didn't finish them. I fried the rest this morning, and left you a few slices in the pan in the kitchen. If you want to eat, take it yourself. The company sent me on a business trip, and the shortest time is a week. It can take half a month, if there is something urgent, call me."

No wonder this guy knocked on his door early in the morning, it turned out he was on a business trip.

Lin Yue crumpled up the note and threw it into the trash can. He pushed open the kitchen door and walked in. The north window was open. Because of the lack of wind, there was still some smell of oily smoke in the room. He lifted the lid of the frying pan and saw There are a few slices of fried steamed buns inside, and the outside is covered with a layer of burnt egg liquid.

I stretched out my fingers to touch it, and found it was still warm, so I didn't heat it up. I picked it up on a plate with chopsticks, opened the refrigerator, took out the unfinished bottle of old godmother, brought it to the living room, and ate it with a mouthful of steamed buns and spicy sauce.

When I was playing tricks in the film and television city, I lent my living expenses to Gu Ying for an emergency. In addition to being able to eat a box lunch of two vegetables and one meat during filming, when I returned home, I had steamed buns and instant noodles to accompany my old godmother. I occasionally bought a bottle of Coke to satisfy my cravings.

Not to mention, I haven't eaten this stuff for a long time, and sometimes I miss it.

He had just finished eating two slices of steamed buns when the mobile phone that was left on the bed in the bedroom rang. Before he could move, Baton kicked his hind legs, opened the door and walked in. Not long after, he came out with his mobile phone in his mouth, claiming credit Put it there and wag its tail.

Lin Yue glared at it fiercely, took the phone and at the same time pulled out a tissue to wipe the saliva stained on the screen.

Baton stopped wagging his tail, slowly lowered his head, walked to the corner of the wall with a dejected look and lay down, looking at his master with grievances in his eyes.

He didn't have the energy to deal with it at all here, because the name of the caller surprised him.

It was Fang Wei who called.

It was the woman who lost her handbag in HK and was reunited with Liu Quanan when she returned to China.

Speaking of which, the two of them have a little relationship. The last time we had breakfast together, we found out through chatting that he got the system more than half a year ago. He got a double eagle gold coin in "Operation Mekong" and was bought by an old man named Xiang Huai. After leaving, he reciprocated later and helped the old man get rid of the entanglement of the old woman dancing in the square.

Fang Wei is the daughter of Xiang Huai's daughter-in-law's eldest sister.


"Lin Yue? It's me, Fang Wei."

"I know."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at home."

"I happened to be passing by Hunan Road today. I remembered that you said you lived nearby. How about it? Do you have time to come down for a cup of coffee? By the way, let's talk about what you asked me last time."


"Alright then, I'll wait for you at the White Bird Cafe diagonally across from CCB."

After hanging up the phone, he sorted out his personal image, told Erxiao to wait at home, took a windbreaker from the closet, put it on, opened the door and went out.

The past two streets was Hunan Road. He didn't drive, but walked directly there, found the White Bird Cafe, and saw the woman sitting in the window at a glance.





After a brief greeting, Fang Wei greeted him to sit down like an old friend.

I don't know if it's because of the small relationship between the two parties, or because of Fang Wei's personality. Lin Yue felt that chatting with her was very speculative and relaxing.

"I ordered you a latte."

He just took off his windbreaker and put it in the empty seat beside him. The waiter in blue overalls came over and put the freshly made latte on the table in front of him.


Saying thank you politely, watching the waiter leave, he smiled at Fang Wei and said, "You are so busy, why are you so interested in visiting the old town today?"

You must know that there are old communities and old alleys on Hunan Road that cannot be demolished. They are better than shanty towns, but they are also very limited. The surrounding environment is full of small livelihood stores, and there are very few commercial institutions of sufficient size.

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